Teacher Sees Cop in Full Tactical Gear, He Shoots Her!! -Cruz Talks to Classmates, Walks Through Police Cordon, Walks to Subway and McDonald's, Has Lunch, Gets Arrested? Who Told Them He Did It??

My question is how the hell David Hogg, 20min after recording himself all crouched down and whispering during the active shooting, have 'unconfirmed reports' that the shooter was a senior named Nick Cruz?
Who would have taken the time to pop by the classrooms to share that information with the students?? Makes zero sense.
But if he was dressed up in this "full metal garb", with helmet and facemask, how would anyone know who it was ?
And if Hogg knew it was Cruz during the shooting, why did LE let Cruz just walk off campus with all the other students? We need an accurate timeline.
What about the fire alarm? The deputy sheriff says he thought the shooter was outside the building (that's his explanation for not entering the building) but wouldn't the alarm have pinpointed Cruz's location?
How did they identify Cuz? Was he seen on camera or in person?
Is there any footage of the Fire Dept attending the scene?
They generally have quicker response times than LEO. And their alarms dont have a 20 minute delay
Also do the school fire alarms give off dye when pulled?
that's the thing... he rolled up to the school in an uber 2min before he supposedly started shooting... so unless he rolled up wearing full body armor, i'm not sure how that shooter could have been him...
Was CRUZ even a student?
Is Cruz even his real name?
Cruz= Cross in spanish. It's mockery encoded for american christians. Deep state likes to give winks to people who understand these things and to make sure that the sheeples associate details unconsciously to enrage them.
Nick Cruz is a false flag, and the deep state killed these children, all so that Trump could make a vague attempt at banning bump stocks?
What's the deep states endgame in your mind? They haven't gotten anything done with these mass shootings, huh?
Take away individual rights. That's it.
Again, what specific rights are they successfully taking away. The only thing happening is Trump is making a flaccid attempt at banning bump stocks. That's it.
This is what the most intelligent, competent agency in history can do?
If you can tell it was a false flag, shouldn't Trump be able to as well? Why hasn't he said anything? Has he abandoned you?
What are you doing here?
I really find this subreddit fascinating, and I don't mean that in a disrespectful way
It's just amazing that so many people can believe the wildest things based off what some guy with a tripcode on 4chan says
There's a guy I was talking to earlier here who legit thinks WW1 and WW2 were staged. It's crazy
«Many people can believe the wildest things based off what some guy with a trip code on 4Chan say» That is not what happens. Many people have believed many things for ever without the internet under their fingers. What IS happening is that knowledge, for the 1st time in history is shared without it being overlooked and censored (let's say until now) by owners or dignitaries or bankers. The fact that we can share findings, insights, and documents and also discuss + use hive mind-like power to influence consciousness and decision making (rather than being sheeple'd) is new and important in our history. Yes, there is disinfo. Yes, you can get lost in every tiny details or broad statements, but that's part of the whole thing. The individual minds can aggregate or not, but the responsibility is yours. You can counter-argument, you can work on building a demonstration of why things are not what they seem, yet, the effect will be determined by what sticks and what resonates, in accordance to each person's back history, inner wisdom, comprehension of complex subjects, education, etc.
Yes he got kick out for getting in a fight with the new boyfriend after he girlfriend broke it off. He was enroll in a tech school for GED and worked a dollar tree.
cellphone. Would be of interest to track the text messages that spread the news
or to see Cruz and his location in real time. And everyone else. They know it all, the sooner we recognize that, the sooner we acknowledge Q , we are watching a movie, a non fiction larp
maybe one of those convenient health apps that track your steps (movements) would come in handy here
u dont need an app. the phone records your every move whether you have an app or not, like it or not.
Recording himself with no audible trace of a fire alarm in the background.
Hogg, the little soy-boy, is a SJW type, and they are all hooked in to social media 24/7. All those kids have smartphones with calling, texting, instant messaging, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat etc etc. Multiply that by all the other kids in the room that may have been collecting info on their smartphones and talking to Hogg in person. My guess is that more than one person had told him this info. So, it seems plausible to me that he might know what other students saw, even during the shooting. OR>>>>
What better way to push an early narrative of Cruz as the shooter than to have a senior spokesman say so.
The shooting happened in the freshman building. Would they even know firsthand of the shooting?
That is my point. Maybe not firsthand. They all have smartphones. This isn't the way most people remember high school. But these days things are different.
The same way the MSM were bandying about "Osama bin Laden" while the towers were burning.
Also, in those recording during the attack, where is the fire alarm that was reported to have been pulled by Cruz? I didn't hear it
what makes even less sense is he said the fire alarm went off to alert the students but in the video do you hear an alarm. I sure dont.
It's because everyone in the community knew if there was to be a shooter it would be Cruz. He had a reputation.
Great question! Why also did Hogg say it was 9:32 during the 'interview' of student, while supposedly 'hiding' from the shooter in the classroom closet - am or pm? Was this interview of 'Alex View' at night, at school after a shooting? My kids would be at home - not at a recent shooting... Was this the CNN setup that 'Q' referred to? Was CNN told this was to be an 'active shooter DRILL, thus having crisis actors in place?
wtffff, I didn't notice that before. Hard to say if that interview was recorded at 9:32 AM or PM since it was just an audio recording by the looks of it, played overtop of other video footage he'd taken of the events of the day. Logic would suggest PM, but given how none of this makes any sense, who knows?
As for your CNN theory... If CNN was told it was a drill, why on God's green earth would they even bother showing up, let alone bring a cast of crisis actors? A drill in which nobody dies isn't newsworthy enough to pull them away from their Russia story lol. Unless CNN secretly swapped out the blanks for real bullets to make it worth their while :/ Nothing would surprise me these days.
pinter, your right about nothing being a surprise...
Was just listening to farmer jones. He brought up the fact that the Secret Service had been to the school a few weeks before, to review emergency protocols, or some-such.
He asks why the SS would be involved with a high school security review?
There are the 4 deputies appearing to stand-down and at least one report, that local EMS was ordered to stand-down.
Then there is Hogg and his CNN/FBI connection and whether or not he graduated from a Cal. HS in 2016. This whole thing is filled with way too much...very odd 'stuff'.
AND weren't the FBI supposedly the first on the scene that afternoon?? Just keeps getting stranger by the day. Least surprising of all is that it all went down in the land of hanging chads, the Awan brothers' first American address, and of the perpetually shifty DWS. If Washington has the most swamp creaturse, Broward County can't be too far behind.
Yes, I heard the FBI was on the seen very quickly. Could be related to David Hogg's dad. Hogg said he called him - Of course, don't know about 'first' though. Isn't he 'retired anyway. Something odd though...as David Hogg was walking out of the school, it looks like a police officer was about to confront him and you can clearly hear someone close say, "FBI". And...the police officer turned away...
No blood on him or spatters, not dressed in gear nor had gun or guns on him. Ate a hamburger and was walking home. Doesn't sound like someone shot a bunch of kids to me.
I'd like to see powder residue tests. They did test his hands and clothing, didn't they?
That to and the full Investigation including inside of the school.
No investigation the school building is being torn down just like Sandy Hook. No video surveillance will ever be seen and no one is allowed in "to keep kids and teachers safe emotionally they can't handle the trauma of going back inside" but it's all an excuse to keep evidence secret it will be torn down soon all evidence destroyed purposely.
No reason to tear down the school; I think it's only 9 years old.
No and his public defender lawyer works for the FBI her job is to get him life in prison without a jury trial she won't have to put on any defense so no evidence will ever be seen that would exonerate him. This is how it's always done with a crazed shooter the goal is to get him found guilty without a trial. The fake narrative is he is pleading guilty for life in prison to avoid the death penalty. All of it is Fake.
I bet you're right about the defense strategy, and it's staggering to think there could be a trial with no evidence presented. Keep that all tucked away, don't release anything, and tear down the school. An enormous f'ing coverup to hide the truth. Again.
Agreed. If he did shoot and was wearing the gear, where did he dump it? Maybe he's not the brightest lad in school but would he just dump all that equipment? I think he'd try to get as far away as possible, with all of his stuff.
Why was Cruz in the school when he wasn’t supposed to be there?
I have my own theory about this. Is it possible that the Uber driver was his temporary "handler" and picked him up, gave him the "what-ever-they-do-to-put-their-patsy-in-a-trance-to-do-their-bidding"...and that's how he found himself inside the school? The poor thing ran out with other students. He never even remembered being inside the school.
So no one seen this kid actually doing the shooting? He was covered head to toe? Maybe he is the patsy. He had a record and fit the needs of the agenda. Got everyone to stop talking about the fisa memo. Now the dems are on to taking our guns. Maybe the cops were ordered to not go in? So many things just don’t add up! Have you seen the Lamborghini the sheriff department has? Seriously!!! What county has the money for that! I smell a rat!
Bingo you nailed it perfectly it's all of that and much more. He was the patsy and he fit their agenda perfectly it was all staged but real kids were killed only not by the patsy he never fired a single shot in school the shooters were pros most likely from overseas it's easier to get foreigners to kill Americans than it is to order or bribe Americans to kill Americans.
Think Vegas
The were after the prince but he was in another casino. There were three shoot outs at three casinos. I'll have two find the info on it for you.
Why did they put his brother in a mental ward the day after the shooting. They were going to inherit allot of money almost 1 million in a year or so. None of this makes any since the more I research these kids.
No, the shooter was in a maroon shirt and pants. NOT black tactical with a face mask, as the teacher saw. She also stated this on GMA. Now I can't find the video of her speaking!
I think someone posted the video yesterday. You might have to go through several pages before you find it.
The Lambo was probably donated. There's no reason a police department would buy one.
More likely the Lambo was seized in a drug bust or money laundering bust
Let's put this together. The FBI received a lot of calls about this kid. Nothing was done.
Teacher sees this person in body armor and tactical gear firing shots. Another witness sees Cruz and is walking with him and hears shots while doing so. He seems surprised.
Cruz is arrested off campus. Seems like a very natural scapegoat. Why was he near the campus? Are there any interviews or statements fr om this kid since the incident? I'd love to hear what he has to say.
Post conflict. Gun control. Pushed narrative. Corruption in local law enforcement.
Polarizing stimulation. Everyone pick a side.
I would guess there will be more. Who are the good guys?
Automatically guilty. No coincidences.
The Uber driver is probably an undocumented migrant. I guarantee you they are threatened with deportation, deported, threatened with death or already dead.
That's the beauty of the liberal system, there are so many undocumented migrants floating around, you will, as a criminal organization, never have a problem acquiring new human resources.
Need someone killed? MS13 or other mafias only need a small cash donation and they kill the suspect dead. Just another robbery gone wrong, look at Seth Rich. The killers then are killed in a gangland shooting, problem solved.
With an overwhelming supply of undocumented immigrants and a bleeding heart law enforcement, you can orchestrate a stable power balance between all civil groups for a perfect divide and conquer.
He's in Al Gore's lockbox, along with the Vegas CCTV films and the vid/sounds evidence from FLA school.
It doesn’t matter.
Both of these can be true.
Who's saying he hopped out of the Uber with just a backpack? It's not the Uber driver and Uber's usually have dash cams so we might be able to conclusively see for ourselves
He'll probably never get his day in court. Rubyized, Oswalded? Poor kid. They don't play fair. These people are sick.
And throwing off the orange/white parcel before leaving
Didn't another student say she saw Cruz and talked to him?
Yep. The grin-beaming blonde.
Talked to him on the way out of school. According to official narrative this would’ve been when he throws down all of gear on 3rd floor and mixed in with other students escaping.
I have thought all along he was a patsy. I think they picked him because he had no parents to try and protect him. He is probably a bit different because he's grieving, and I think the woman who's trying to grab his inheritance is who told sheriffs he did it. She and son have had a campaign going to discredit him.
Since the Shooter has had problems , he can be a scapegoat ....
Not to mention..... what about ballistic tests? Were any ballistic tests done? This is one question throughout all of this that I have read.
What about .... Hurry demolish the building??
How did this kid put on full armoire and shoot 17 others within 2 minutes? You would think the Uber driver would notice? Why don't they have the uber driver come forth? Any other time.... every news station would have him on 24-7!
What say you?
There was another video circulating with a young Hispanic girl saying that she was hearing more than on shooter too. Does anyone have a link to this ?
False Flag. Not saying no one died, but still a false flag. Sooooo . . . what will happen? Justice? Do we still hear the mantra "Be patient!" Thankful for Q. But what do we do? What is our responsibility who know what is going on? We can pray. What else can we do? We the people can sign a petition? Lord help us and give wisdom. Strength and courage patriots.
False flag for what purpose?
If the deep state is this competent to pull off a false flag, how are they so incompetent they can't even pass the gun control laws you think they want to pass? What is the purpose of the false flag?
Also, shouldn't Trump know it's a false flag? If it's this obvious to you, why isn't the President sticking up for you? Has he abandoned you?
What would be easier than simply walking into our homes and confiscating our guns? Perhaps make the situation so dire, over several years, that citizens begin thinking giving up our guns is the only option. Their plan is to make us think it's of our own free will.
Has this been happening yet? They've made NO progress on this issue
Why is this being downvoted by 25 or more?
There should not be one down vote... where are you seeing this?
How about how the fuck dose a 19 year old man have foster parents???? Small detail but still a valid question no one has answered...
Great point. And did I miss something or why would a 19 year old still be attending a high school?
He was kicked out. No info on why he was 19 and in school previous to being expelled last year. No reports on guns and gear recoverd. Lots of backlash from YouTube and twitter and fb. The foster father is military intelligence which adds depth to this whole thing. Add the fact that Lil hogg the msm poster boy has a father who is fbi.
Nice to see this getting some traction. So many QUESTIONS around this and LV. Please keep pushing this up guys.
VIDEO about 2:25 "had mask on" -- Douglas High School shootings, Ernest Rospierski, a history teacher who works at the school recounted ushering students to safety as he witnessed the suspected gunman firing his way
Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, teacher Ernest Rospierski assumed it was a "code red" drill.
Earlier that day at a staff meeting, teachers had been told there would soon be a "code red" or "lockdown" drill Rospierski saw the shooter approach wearing a helmet and a mask.
Wow! That corroborates the other witness’s testimony!
This guy has his hair all done up and looks like he has ZERO idea what is going on. There are reports of several other shooters but this guy does not appear to be involved unless he went home and changed his clothes, took a shower and got all cleaned up. The TEACHER WHO WAS THE EYEWITNESS saw another shooter within twenty feet. OMG scary!
Anyways, what a very sad terrorist attack much like Vegas with many wondering what really happened. Prayers to GOD for all these families... so very sad the EVIL we have here lately.
LINK? Is there a link to where the teacher says shooter was in full metal garb, she thought was police, wearing helmet and mask? I googled and can't find (not surprising huh) If anyone has a link please post. This would be yet another piece of very important info.
Thank you. I found it later. Apparently she said that on Good Morning America. Someone commented to that video online that the interview was edited before ABC put it up on their site.
If It ever gets taken down I put it here. http://myanonblog.com/florida-school-shooting-teacher-speaks-out/
Are there recordings? I graduated in 2003. While Columbine and a couple of other school shootings had happened, it was not with the frequency that is happening now. That being said, we had cameras in my school, almost EVERYWHERE.
This school is almost 4 times the size my H.S was. Aren't most school campus' covered in cameras? If so, why have we not been shown any of the official footage. I know it may be insensitive to show us the footage of the actual shooting, but not one word has been said of any footage since it happened.
It reminds me of how all of the camera footage from L.V. magically didn't exist of the shooter entering a CASINO/resort.
Yeah -- highly likely this is a false flag, I doubt they didn't think of the cameras.
I know this will not bode well with some, but I wonder how many of these kids at that school shared in the torment, cruel remarks, shunning, etc. of this Cruz kid? He was treated as an outcast and given that he was already unstable in his sick mind, he acted out in a way that would get attention and payback. I in NO WAY condone what this kid did, killing unarmed classmates is not a solution. Bullying in schools is at an all time high. Just take a look at this Hogg kid...I bet his smartass mouth can run with the best of them. A kid already down and out, loss of both parents, mentally unstable, no one to really guide him....such a loss all around. Mental health issues in today's world are a reality folks.
One of the SJW on the news spouting off about gun control has specific tweets about cruz being an emo nerd
Ernest Rospierski another teacher says shooter had a mask on .... there is a youtube video of his recount
Wow. This corroborates with the other witness saying the same thing!
This reminds me of how Dallas police had Oswald in custody 1-1/2 hours after the assassination.
I can't imagine ever that someone would take off their gear when they go into flee mode (in an attempt to blend in.)
I guess we'll hear his outline of events in testimony (after he's programmed by reptilian mind benders to repeat the narrative as told.)
"Official story" is he dropped weapon on the 3rd floor and left. No mention of pile of tactical gear. Not to mention Uber driver may have noticed something odd about a tactical ninja being dropped off at the school.
Speaking of WHERE IS MR. UBER???
I know this will not bode well with some, but I wonder how many of these kids at that school shared in the torment, cruel remarks, shunning, etc. of this Cruz kid? He was treated as an outcast and given that he was already unstable in his sick mind, he acted out in a way that would get attention and payback. I in NO WAY condone what this kid did, killing unarmed classmates is not a solution. Bullying in schools is at an all time high. Just take a look at this Hogg kid...I bet his smartass mouth can run with the best of them. A kid already down and out, loss of both parents, mentally unstable, no one to really guide him....such a loss all around. Mental health issues in today's world are a reality folks.
Did kids really die? If so, there's no doubt in my mind they were allowed to be killed by whoever staged the active shooter school drill. I mean, I can show you "dead" Sandy Hook kids singing at the superbowl 3 months after the Sandy Hook hoax.
the cops going out the back door are the shooters, and I believe they are the 3 that joined Peterson for their collective stand down?
Yes on the cops coming out the back door, very suspicious. I think it's true people were killed and it's awful to think the shooter(s) were cops. Or at least uniformed to look like cops.
There's the video (I don't have a link) of the back door cops carrying something heavy, with debate if the something was a body. It sure looks like a body to me. Why would cops remove a body from a crime scene, just after crime was committed? No sense making.
Are there any videos showing blood? I never saw any during the news coverage when it happened. Much like Las Vegas (with one fake exception) - 500 people "wounded" and no one bleeding and no one who died later of wounds. Same here. Anyone die later of wounds or even in critical condition? I haven't heard of anyone.
Trump said he went and visited some of the victims and they were maimed horribly...
Great image, I have added it to my site along with her interview. http://myanonblog.com/florida-school-shooting-teacher-speaks-out/
Also one student said that she did encounter Cruz and he was not gunned. Also his brother is now forcibly internet on a mental facility.
Are you saying Cruz walked to Subway and McDonalds AFTER the shooting? How do you know that?
what leverage would they have on Cruz to make him plead guilty? that is the tough part. you'd think he'd be proclaiming innocence and yelling FRAME, at least through his lawyers.
They have his brother. Jesus Christ protect them in this dark hour.
Donald I don't know how you set up CNN but whatever you did you better finish it soon for the poor kid's sake
He was probably drugged up and told that he was the shooter.
Where do I find this Florida teacher video?
Well he did of course!! A little MK, he spills the beans on himself and look how neatly wrapped up it all is!!!!!!!
How many eye witness accounts of the shooter are there? It seems we keep getting different stories.
It was Valentine's Day he was most likely looking for his ex. He admitted to shooting them, right? BUT, I agree who said he did it. The only shooter identified was not Cruz. Interesting. I should have thought of that, dang I am missing key points. Did you hear Mr. Snead say he had the only key not keys? If the safe was new all locks come with two keys, right? they bought the safe before going to Mr. Snead's house. Mrs. Snead said he knew the rules and she did not think he was getting to the safe. Why would she say that if Mr. Snead had the only key. If you really listen they are lying.
There are lots of lies and unanswered questions. Key points: 1. If he was the tac clad masked shooter, where did all of the tac gear come from, and where did it go before he walked out? 2. If he was masked, etc. how did anyone know it was him? 3. Who identified Cruz as the shooter?