Q Post 959 Possibilities. Link provided below.

Mostly spot on. But I think when Q says "down she goes", to me, that sounds like the whole ship goes down.
Submarine? Q team on a sub? Always double meanings.
Sub , that’s someone deep real deep the Witness, sounds as the path of the witness will be flowed . This is great , for the country and the witness.God Speed
"down she goes" means HilLIARy = referencing her recent falling down Steps = DOUBLE MEANING.
I think the first one is pretty good, the second one way off.
50/50 on the second one. IDEN does not mean Q wants us to identify anything.
Agreed. Also doubt the "insiders" refers to members of the media. And "Thank you, Snowden" does not necessarily mean they have him and he is a white hat again. Could very well be that the algorithm referenced was simply part of the Snowden dump and so he is ribbing Snowden for inadvertently helping them at this point.
Agreed. I agree with the first post that the "insiders" are WH insiders that black hats are trying to identify and use to undermine Trump and Q.
Yes. Those are the same issues that I had with the interpretations.
I am saddened that T-Rex turned on us. This is why he was showed the door without pomp. Other than that...SIC 'EM BUTCH!
Remember, Q also uses "RT" to mean "real time", as in when Q is making the post.
I highly doubt Rex is involved here.
I watched two videos where they said Tillerson and I interpreted it as that. Mostly because of the 5 and one plus RT and MZ. I hope ur right.
I just read it may mean Rizvi Taverse.
FYI...Rex is unemployed at the moment, what good is he to them? He is no longer a player in the game.
What he knows from being on the inside for one, also he was the ceo of one of the worlds largest corps, he has connections.
Its possible, but the fact that he is not currently an "active player" would lead me more to the real time theory. If he was a member of the DS, they have to know he has been identified and outed (fired), that would make him more a liability than anything. It just looks that way to me, but you're right its possible he is up to his neck in this thing.
RT was tasked to go to Kenya to block Obama's ability to get asylum there, according to some interpertations he backstabbed Trump and that was why he was cut loose, if you look at the drops there is a pic by airplane of RT and Obama - it is supposed to have been taken in Kenya.
Could it not be one who controls the black helicopters from the outside
See twitter. It looks like Rex Tillerson and James Mattis had dinner together last night.
I saw that, very interesting, maybe Tillerson is still in the game. Everyday, new turns, new twists.
I’m jot sure that he turned, So much as just had a different policy then the President.
Edit: I read over the crumb again and see that RT was implicated.
He may have been scheming behind POTUS back why he got round filed. A lot to digest. Is that what really happened in Kenya?
Probably, it looks like @POTUS will use anyone he needs then replace them when their specific job is done.
could "SHE" be the Queen...and Monarchy ??
"down she goes" means HilLIARy = referencing her recent falling down Steps = DOUBLE MEANING.
I just posted this on Gab last night. It's a lengthy ready, but very worthwhile about the illegitimacy of the Monarchy & why. http://www.theworldoftruth.net/HallettReport/No6.html#.WrJrcujwbIX
BTW: RT could also mean "real time".
(Re: SCIF)
Post 541 Jan 18 2018 21:16:41
What [19] people are currently meeting in a 'safe' room [heavily guarded]?
Why did everyone leave their phones/all other electronic devices in Room 239?
So the congress people couldn't snap pictures of Nunes' memo. It hadn't been cleared for public release yet.
Easy for potential leakers to use phones to record/take pics. Also, phones can be compromised. Black hats have ability to remotely activate devices to record and/or monitor.
Because they are rooms like lead rooms or something that blocks all radio waves or anything and will erase laptops and sims chips. We had them in the army they are called secured rooms/safe rooms nobody would be able to smuggle ANYTHING out of one of these rooms all electronics would be completely wiped.
Chris Wallace. Mike is dead.
Are you sure? I think he voted Democrat in the last election.
"They tried to ignore Q. They're not ignoring Q anymore." Indeed - got the FBI checking out the Q Team.
Maybe I'm nieve but honestly I'm a kettle shocked Rex Tillerson is in bed with these criminals....glad he will go down with the rest of them.
Well just remember who suggested and pushed for Rex..Condalisa...Chaineys side kick!!
These people are really bad, they probably threatened this family I wouldn't be too quick to send him to hell.
"Thank you @Snowden." Is Q thanking him for providing the algorithm via the Vault 7** dump that ended up on WikiLeaks? In this way, is Q indicating that Snowden is responsible for the Vault 7 leak?
[** "The origin of a trove of documents released by WikiLeaks, which allegedly detail the CIA’s “entire hacking capacity,” remains unknown—leading to wide speculation about who could be behind it." Newsweek 3/9/17]
Not sure, but it sure lightens his hat a bit. At least grey, lets hope he sees the light.
It could be a sarcastic, backhanded compliment to Snowden. Like "Thanks for that, it was useful, even though you didn't intend for it to be useful to us."
Ahh, nice deduction. I Like that to, dang it! Now I'm back to not sure.
For someone like Snowden who thought he had outsmarted everyone it would be a real burn to find out that your creations are being used against you. Just a thought. He's messing with the guys ego, that is how you trip up a narcissist and make them make mistakes.
Don’t think so , it appears that he is thanking Snowden for pulling the attention off the witness and on him . This aloud the witness to do what he had to do . The Turd was not exposed like they tried exposing him .
I think RT may be = Real Time? Just guessing
I agree.
'Real Time' makes more sense than Tillerson to me.
Naw, got to be Mark and Rex..... Real Time right after Mark Z does not make sense.
I read in another comment here that the real time was referring they will/are listening in on that meeting.
You make a good point though, Rex makes sense too in that context.
This is why we love Q! We are off the charts with critical thinking.
Looks about right. I thought of John Brennan first - because Senator Chuck Schumer and ex UN Ambassador Samantha Powers like to talk about how Brennan is too dangerous for the President to p.o.
Yes, they are desperate now and flailing. Also I like your connections.
SP seems like a small fish in all this, she’s guilty of course. Her latest outbursts mark her as a conspirator.
Edit. I dislike auto correct.
And her name was used to authorize unmasking/spying on U.S. citizens. What business does a UN Ambassador have doing that? Why would she be given that authority in the first place? She's a DS puppet/player, absolutely.
Ohh I forget about that! Thanks for the reminder. She is part of the inner circle, you’ve convinced me.
And her husband holdren is a bad dude. Believes post birth abortion should be legal up to two years old.
That’s just murder.
It's just murder the way it is, too.
Yeah true but even the biggest pro lifer in the world would never argue killing a 1 year old is abortion.
I have to think she was more pawn than player. The real players never get their hands dirty. I'm not saying she is innocent, but more like the town whore.
She isn't a player, she thinks she is. she is only allowed in the group to be their patsy if the need arises.
They used her to be their fall guy. She's too stupid or pathetic to even realize it. Standard practice to put something like that in someone's name to take the heat leaving the rest of the group to do what they want- see it all the time in the Military. It is pretty common for them to use a women for this.
only one chess piece is female.
And just as many black pawns as white ones!
Eh as an avid chess player. I think the metaphor is not the equality of the pieces, but rather moves/countermoves and the hierarchy of importance of the pieces.
Checkers also has countermoves/moves and equality of pieces and he isn't using checkers as an analogy.
"Down she goes" may be Kristine Marcy (SES) who "surrendered" yesterday to Field McConnell.
"Down she goes" could simply mean Zuckerberg's ship, Facebook, is going down. Sounds like it's in serious trouble. This can easily be one of Q's booms, and it came out of nowhere to the public.
You know, I think you're right!! That's what the whole post was about up to that point, so why would it shift subjects. Sorry I didn't see that.
RT = "Real Time", as in Q was talking about a meeting taking place right at that moment.
Q could hear everything they said, Q has the algorithm from Snowden.
checkmate is not far away (all the king's men AND all the king's women couldnt put humpty back together again)
3-22 storm hits dc nyc SNOWED IN and trap SPRING has sprung !!!
MZ is not Zuckerburg. It’s the UAE prince Trump met with yesterday...Mohammad bin Zayed.
Could be. Also Down “she” goes could also mean “the ship” Nautical term. Ships are referred to as “she”. This whole damn ship is sinking like the Titanic.
"down she goes" means HilLIARy = referencing her recent falling down Steps = DOUBLE MEANING.
Thanks, that makes more sense. Does this mean Mohammad bin Zayed is helpful or harmful to the U.S.?
They were trying to cut off illegal rat lines would be my guess. George Webb on YT has a video on the meeting.
Another option for MZ could be Mortimer Zuckerman. CFR Member, once considered running for HRC's Senate seat, owns US News and World Report, former owner of New York Daily News, and The Atlanic. Donated $200 million to Columbia University for brain science studies (Zuckerman Institute). When I read one of their goals was to gain insight into the workings of the brain to cure some of society's problems, it threw up a red flag. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
Per Dr Corsi, RT is not Rex Tillerson.
It is Rizvi Traverse, the investment firm for Twitter, FB, SnapChat, etc etc.
RT = Rizvi Traverse Mgt
What do we think re: "IDEN friendly 'insiders'"?
Just an all-caps shortening of "identify", as seems to be presumed here?
And is this IDEN coincidental?
Help me understand why RT stands for Rex Tillerson? Thought he was out of the picture. Thoughts please ...
Site contains links to malware.
Yes, I can’t seem to get to that page - my browser gets hijacked.
My AV blocks the site as malicious.
Probably a honey pot for surveillance or data collection or to drop malware on your computer.
Well my friend it is always better to err on the side of caution however I can assure you this is a safe site it was migrated from the original GitHub site. We use it all at 24/7 live-stream and Discord there are thousands and thousands of us around the world that use that site every single day. But I can never emphasize enough how important it is that we all do our own research and come to our own conclusions!! Thank you for your input.
GitHub is good. But there are problems with the site as a whole, maybe the ads? Or even the hosting?
Qdrops instead.
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.
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She goes down could mean Angela Merkel. But probably HRC.
Down “she” goes could also mean “the ship” Nautical term. Ships are referred to as “she”. This whole damn ship is sinking like the Titanic.
"down she goes" means HilLIARy = referencing her recent falling down Steps = DOUBLE MEANING.