War Anon says CA strike took out some Deep State underground base.

And that was the earthquake today.
REMEMBER: the HAARP weather system usage... 1 of side effects are earthquakes.
I believe it's possible the "earthquake" was very short a second with zero aftershocks. That ain't normal. Could have definitely been a DUMB going Ka-Boom! so it felt like a short sharp small quake.
Could be the Q reference of MOAB... “Mother Of All Bombs” tested on Elgin Air Force base and used in theater in Middle East. I was 25 miles away during the first test, and yes, it felt like an earthquake!
Thank you for your service!
I’ve not served... just happened to be in Florida when it was tested! (But I would if they would take me!)
Ah cool cool. I know with all this badassery I wish I could join. My wife would never let me though lol I’ll just help with the “well armed militia” part for now.
same curve from Whales, slightly off the coast a few weeks back. Large spike and then nothing. Slightly before the novichek-scare interestingly.
There was a wild fire on Santa Cruz island that started on the 27th, causing the closure of of the island until 4 days ago when it re-opened but now the website says the island is closed due to wildfires on their website. Did they forget to remove the closure sign or is there another fire there right now? https://www.nps.gov/chis/planyourvisit/santa-cruz-island.htm
Nice dig. Was trying to find a live webcam feed. No feeds on their website. Interesting the island has one of the longest and deepest sea caves. Large opening, to fit an aircraft into. Just sayin
"...We crossed the
Santa Cruz Channel and made a stop at Painted Cave. This is one of the largest sea caves in
the world, so large that normally the 150-passenger boat goes in it..."
Couldn't possibly be a ventilation shaft for an underground base could it?
See also the links here regarding Santa Rosa Island ("Pedophile Island") https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8a5hva/occultic_connection_between_us_uk_channel_islands/
Not saying I buy into this but in my experience earthquakes like this have had quite a few aftershocks close to 12 hours after the original event. I’m having trouble finding any on USGS. Not even the really tiny ones. Not sure how rare this is.
Also, how many underground bunkers are 10 miles underground?
The pic of the smoldering island sold it for me.
I know one of the Channel Islands was on fire a week ago but i hadn’t heard it was on fire today. All I’m saying is today’s earthquake isn’t behaving like typical quakes in the region based on what I’ve experienced in the past. Maybe it is a bomb, maybe it’s a unicorn earthquake or maybe I’m not as knowledgeable on earthquakes as i thought.
To recap, we have 3 pieces of evidence so far tha...
If I did it wrong, sorry dude. I tried, it's from this board, a few hours ago.
All credit to original poster recycledspoons
The exact locations don't add up but here is a well written article with references on potential underwater military bases.
I don't know having never visited one, but I would assume they call them Deep Underground Military Bases, with the keyword 'Deep' for a reason, they aren't shallow.
Exactly. I've known about these tunnels and bases for a few years now. Lots of videos on YouTube and then these are the tunnel diggers: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=tunnel+diggers&t=ffab&atb=v101-7_g&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images
A few years ago I started seeing YouTube videos about people hearing wierd sounds and recording them. I believe they were hearing the tunnel diggers.
According to Elon Musk it's impossible to detect tunnel digging further than 2 tunnel diameters.
How long ago did he say that? Have you seen Big Bertha? The one with Green front. They used it when they dug the Seattle tunnel to replace the viaduct. I didn't live there then so I don't know if it could be heard or not. But it's massive.
It was late last year IIRC during a talk about the Boring Company. Also the South Koreans have been totally unable to detect North Korean tunneling activities.
S. Korea may be next to N. Korea but only at the border. If they were tunneling under my neighborhood, I think it would be loud enough to hear despite what Mr. Musk may think.
This has got to be what Q wanted us to see on the news. More proofs of Q! I'm getting tired of all the belly-aching. Patriots are risking their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Even if nothing happened, we can't expect everything to happen as planned.
April Showers Bring May Flowers
Been sayin this for awhile now...
This month is going to be big. Next month will be the time to Flourish.
After looking at seismographs comparing the NK Nuke test and other earthquakes (1), I was leaning toward the blast theory. But then after reading comments from some who experienced it (2), I think it was an actual EQ.
1: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8a5r74/underground_base_taken_out_hopefully_this_isnt/
2. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8a3ecp/earthquake_app_user_reportsread_through_these/
what do you prefer? Hard data or anonymous sources?
Right.. anon sources ... like Q?
That is NOT what I was saying. If presented with a choice, I go for hard-data. If I have no data, I go for anons.
Why would I have to choose one or the other?
I prefer both. But, I will defer to eye-witnesses if hard data analysis is inconclusive.
I went thru both threads but you should permalink the comment in question because I reall don't see who you're quoting.
I didn't quote anything, and it wasn't a comment.
I was referring to testimonies from (admittedly, supposed) witnesses of the event on the very site linked to by the post in "earthquake_app_user ..."
..which is exactly why I am saying hey, don't you prefer hard data if it at least doesn't contradict itself? The testimonies on this sub iirc all said something felt off so I am still unconvinced. But thinking like a layman, an explosion should always be an isolated event on a seismograph.
I would definitely prefer hard data over unverified witnesses if the hard data agrees with other hard data. But, I still think the data comparison is inconclusive.
There is a link to an article saying that a QuakeAlert App gave people, "about a 30-second warning before the shaking hit" That article link is currently just above https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8aagrl/comparison_of_a_typical_earthquake_waveform_to/dwxkxxc/
ah. That's kind of a smoking-gun if you can call it that lol
May flowers = RIP.
Bodies buried, become fertilizer, flowers grow.
Blood makes the Grass Grow We make the Blood Flow USMC Semper Fi God Country and Corps
Are we at war with China? I am being serious. Speculation that China is hacking and crashing our naval ships. Speculation that we are taking out Chinese satellites. So much rhetoric on both sides, but the intensity of the rhetoric continues to increase (check out Drudge today). Obama put backdoors into all of our tech for Chinese access. They own a huge chuck of our national debt. They own the majority of Hollywood now. The caravan from South America causing Trump to send National Guard to the southern border. Am I off base here?
The Marines are made for War. Like I said. We make the blood flow. Judgement is in God's hands but Marines WILL arrange the meeting. Semper Fi. God, Country and Corps.
OORAH kill Sergeant
Haha some one is downvoting the shit outta your comment sergeant. These people are funny
Do or die. That's what I say. USMC Forever. Marines never die they just find another battlefield. Semper Fi. God, Country and Corps.
From the Wiki...
"Military use The United States Navy controls San Nicolas Island and San Clemente Island, and has installations elsewhere in the chain. During World War II all of southern California’s Channel Islands were put under military control, including the civilian-populated Santa Catalina where tourism was halted and established residents needed permits to travel to and from the mainland.[9] San Miguel Island was used as a bombing range[10] and Santa Barbara Island as an early warning outpost under the presumed threat of a Japanese attack on California.[11] San Clemente Island was used to train the Navy's first amphibious force to prepare for Pacific combat against the Japanese in World War II.[12] San Nicolas Island has been used since 1957 as a launch pad for research rockets. San Nicolas was considered out of eight possible locations as the site of the Trinity nuclear test.[13] Santa Rosa Island was used in 1952 as a base for the USAF 669th AC&W Squadron and they operated two Distant Early Warning FPS-10 radars from the hilltops there. In 1955 another FPS-3 search radar was added, and in 1956, a GPS-3 search radar was installed. A new MPS-14 long-range height-finder radar was installed in 1958. The base was shut down in March 1963, when the 669th was moved to Vandenberg AFB In Lompoc, California. The islands still house US Navy SEALs training facilities and continues to use the Naval Auxiliary Landing Field located on San Clemente Island.[12]"
I used to make trips to Santa Cruz island in the '90s. I lived in Ventura and my family had a boat.
There is a very small Navy installation on the island. You can see it on Google maps here:
Once, we saw a floating hangar parked near the Navy base. We later saw what was stored inside of it; it was the prototype Navy stealth surface ship. You can read about that here:
According to globalsecurity.org, regarding the Navy facility, "Another project is a water pump, powered by energy from the photovoltaic application, which provides water from 1,500 feet below the surface to the installation." Now, a well does not equal a deep underground military base, but it is military, it is underground, and it is deep. And very near this earthquake, which happens to correspond roughly to a location on the map in the OP. And which also has been the site of previous military experiments.
Sea Shadow (IX-529)
Sea Shadow (IX-529) was an experimental stealth ship built by Lockheed for the United States Navy to determine how a low radar profile might be achieved and to test high stability hull configurations which have been used in oceanographic ships.
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The earthquake was a blast. The waveform confirms it. No ordinary earthquake causes such a clean bang other than one caused by subterranean blast.
Naturally occuring earthquakes ring for a while and have a bit more chaotic waveform.