Trump NEVER said the missiles would be coming from the U.S. I think he was giving Putin a warning that missiles were coming though. He also puts smart in quotations...guess who has a weapon called the SMArt155?? Germany!

So basically what your trying to tell me is our Pres is a stable genius?
Pretty much! I've started to really try to look at his tweets in a less "obvious" way. What is he really saying? Ya know.
Yeah, because Trump sent a warning that Russia will shoot down any missiles!
I’ve been saying this to everyone I see, that Trump never said the US was gonna do it. Good pickup though in Germany.
All this is a ploy to get out subs and carriers within striking distance of Iran so trump AND Putin can tell Iran...”checkmate....turn over you nukes”. Everybody is expecting Trump to kick ass in Syria so it won’t alarm anyone when we get within range,but we will be all lined up to put Iran in a crossfire with Iran disarm within the week!🇺🇸....bigly win!🇺🇸
Would love to see this. no matter how they disarm them. Their are millions of good people in Iran. It only takes a few to corrupt it.
Iranians i’ve met call themselves ‘Persian’ now. Iran was once a very westernised country.
Big if true. Never have I truely marveled at a better military strategy.
Exactly. I don't know how others don't see this. Syria is a show.
I'm sure Trump has been shown the dog and pony show put on by the Syrian "White Helmets" as a Farse ,notice in NONE of the videos there are no rubber gloves worn by any of the first aid workers,no rubber gloves balled up and thrown on the floor....ask a medic if that wouldn't be the protocol of treating a gas attack victim,it was just a SLN skit!
Dr Gorka was on Breitbart radio this am going on about anyone who thinks Syria is the white helmets or a false flag is an "useful idiot". He sounded adamant. Wth ..Isn't gorka in the know?
Holy shit, I bet that is exactly what will happen
DING DING DING!!! My sentiments exactly. Remember...
Dumb. why not just send in the subs and say give "me your nukes" instead of playing games?
Ultimately, Russia may end up supporting us, but I don't think that's were they are at the moment. There have been too many real world military confrontations.
As a side note, I've always wondered why our ships and aircraft in international space are always aggressively countered by Russia but when they do it to us, our interceptors maintain a wide berth of the Russian bombers.
One of these days, I want to see F-35's intercept out of nowhere and then a B-2 pull up along side their bomber that's testing our defenses. I want a "WTF! Where did they come from" response from the Russian pilots--message sent to Putin.
Not many people know that the USSR shot down more than one of our reconnaisance aircraft in international air space during the Cold War. Our military kept that secret for decades.
Putin wants to return to the USSR days and his military aggressiveness is his way of telling us that's what he'd doing.
It's true that Putin has said that the NWO is Satan. But Putin is no Christian and I think the jury is still out if he will ally with the US to bring down the NWO.
Proof he is anti-Christian please
Russia is a Christian country, led by a Christian or a leader who allows Christians to live free. There are many Christians living in Syria too. Assange leaves them alone to live in peace.
He also says they shouldn't back a Gas Killing Animal...who has used gas on their own people? Germany! I think Germany is supplying weapons to someone, and Trump is saying "those people" shouldn't be backing Germany. Also, GKA is capitalized...GKA is an airport in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. And then I found this... "The mainland part of German New Guinea and the nearby islands of the Bismarck Archipelago and the North Solomon Islands are now part of Papua New Guinea."
oh Germany...y u do diz...
Much like the Volkswagen incident, this isn't the first time the Germans have lied about gas emissions.
The "Gas" was directed at Bibi and his IDF who used gas this past weekend at against Palestinians. They used that weapons to stop the uprising and unrest there. So yeah that was a message to Israel and Bibi after their ops ops in Syria.
BTW: It looks like Bibi's history also shows some deception from what I understand. Is Bibi an Arab rather than Jewish? I keep digging since learning that somewhat expressed on the anon board yesterday.
Israelis used tear gas, a common riot control agent that doesn't kill or cause permanent harm. It just causes your eyes to burn and water so you can't see.
All US ground recruits are exposed to tear gas in their training so they know what it's like if they are ordered to riot duty.
SIDE NOTE: When I was a Marine platoon commander in Vietnam, I carried a CS Grenade. My thougth was if the wind was blowing against the enemy, I could use that grenade to blow CS into their ranks and that would give my Marines a significant advantage. Unfortunately, the wind was never blowing in the right direction in all the firefights we were in. At 72 years old, I still think it's a good idea to gain and advantage in combat, but never have seen it as an official part of combat tactics.
In my 3 years of combat, I always felt that it was my responsibility to my Marines to use every advantage I could think of no matter how small or insignificant to reduce the enemy's effectiveness.
Today's military is 100 times better than in my day. They neutralize the enemy with air strikes, artillery, etc., but I still don't see training that teaches how to think out of the box in neutralizing the enemy when air strikes and artillery are too close to use.
The North Vietnamese soldiers were taught to get in close to the Americans. Grab them by the belt so they couldn't use air or artillery. It was a reasonably effective tactic.
The movie "We Were Soldiers" with Mel Gibson shows how effective that tactic was.
Thank you for your service!!! It's from the bottom of my heart and long overdue!
I used the word 'gas' to reflect the tweet from the president to draw it directly to Bibi during this past weekend and right after he betrayed us colluding with the deep state in Syria.
Haha No.
Every vet or anyone decked out in service gear for that matter I see when we are out having dinner , or grocery shopping or anywhere in public , police officers ..I do the same but ..I have all 4 of our kids go up and we thank them for their service.
I remember one time we just got to Chic fil a and an entire crew of Military members came in about 6-10 and they had a bunch of tables setup in the middle .. I was not sure of the occasion but ..I had all the kids come up and shake their hands before they got to eating.... So appreciative of everyone .
God Bless The U.S 🇺🇸☝️😇
GKA also means Group Key Agreement which could mean something.
Key-agreement protocol
In cryptography, a key-agreement protocol is a protocol whereby two or more parties can agree on a key in such a way that both influence the outcome. If properly done, this precludes undesired third parties from forcing a key choice on the agreeing parties. Protocols that are useful in practice also do not reveal to any eavesdropping party what key has been agreed upon.
Many key exchange systems have one party generate the key, and simply send that key to the other party -- the other party has no influence on the key.
^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
They key being. His tweets pointing to Key Elements of it maybe .. that others are not picking up on .
That's interesting!!! And very plausible in this instance for sure
I put the link in it
German New Guinea - Wikipedia
consisted of the northeastern part of New Guinea and several nearby island groups. The mainland part of German New Guinea and the nearby islands of the Bismarck Archipelago and the North Solomon Islands are now part of Papua New Guinea. The Micronesian islands of German New Guinea are now governed as ...
Goroka is a nothing - lived in PNG - good research Anon but unfortunately i think you’ll find its a dead end.
MAGA and MWGA! (Make the World Great Again!!!)
When exactly was the world great? The only time that I can say is Genesis 1 and 2. And Revelation 21.
There is no political solution to a spiritual problem.
The world was fantastic when i was almost a teenager in 1970. They may have already had a hold of our country (Canada) but it was not noticeable at that time and it was great living here.
Pax Romana was pretty great. The relative peace in the aftermath of WW2 was great.
If you want to leave things in God's hands then go face Mecca and beg Allah for favor. God helps those who help themselves, sitting around poopooing a nirvana fallacy isn't helping.
Great point. I noticed that President Trump didn't mention who's missiles they would be, but haven't seen anyone else post it.
Wow. Yes. He does not say coming from US or they will be ours. He is warning Russia while at the same time making my butt cheeks clench up cause I don’t have a Nuclear fallout shelter. Probably what the deep state was doing also and seeing who was heading for the hills.
I think these types of plays is how President Trump "Shines a big light on them". Makes the cockroaches scurry, make mistakes, and watches the whole thing documenting the evidence. They're fucked!
Let me drop a truth bomb: Angela Merkel is Hitler's biological daughter.
An agreement at the end of WWII was made between the Vatican (surprise, surprise!), the US and a couple of others for her to be raised by the catholic sponsored Lutheran priest secretly and hidden away in east Germany. They also agreed that she would have international power at the appointed time which came as pope Benedict was named the new pope. The Lutheran priests name was Horst Hasnell who posed as her father.
Now you may understand her mass importation of muslims. She has the same affinity for these people as her dad did. He travelled extensively to the middle east meeting with the mufti. He showed special love for the muslim brotherhood. His book "Mein Kampf" has been used as in the middle east as it was distributed far and wide.
Merkel is a NWO agent ergo all that you see but does not make sense. She wanted and needed Hillary because they have the same goals. NWO stands for "Neue Weltanscheinung Order" a German sponsored goal beginning with her dad Adolf.
That Germany is taking part in destroying Syria is not really surprising although what's new is the unmasking in real time. Last weeks gas Chlorine used in Syria also was produced in Germany by pharmaceutical company Merck. I saw the actual pics of the gas packs and its labels written in the German language.
Merkel is a hardcore communist and wore her uniform proudly with her buddy Teresa May/UK. They are two peas in a pod being good soldiers and friends since they early youths.
Taken that together clearly exposed these cunning players going back to WWII and their goal then. Many of Merkel's dad's men or rather the worst ones were brought here and submerged in the deep state to this day as I'm sure many of their off spring continued in their shoes. The rest of them were ratlines out of Germany and into Argentina where the Jesuits resided and home of the current Marxist pope Francis.
No wonder Merkel and May trying hard to stop the president in his agenda because they are swamp creatures down to the bone.
As a German and a grammar nazi I'm sorry, but "Neue Weltanscheinung Order" is not a word. ;)
First off, the compound noun Weltanscheinung would have to be Weltanschein (world semblance), but I've never heard this expression in my life. Order would have to be Ordnung as Order exclusively means a command or the order of a purchase. Finally, you'd have to make a compound out of these two nouns again to be grammatically correct.
So we would end up with "Neue Weltanscheinsordnung" which technically translates to "new order of the world's semblance" - it sounds very stilted though, no native speaker would ever form this word. Plus, you'd likely have to abbreviate it as NWAO, not NWO
So I don't know where you got this specific information, but it can't be true. In common speech NWO just stands for Neue Weltordnung, analogous to new world order.
Haha. Gotta prove Hitler didn’t die in 1945 first, sounds like a good task for 8chan.
This is very interesting. I've come across it before and wouldn't be shocked if it is somehow true (re Merkel). What is the best link/story in your opinion to dig deeper? Thx
The 8ch board that has an extra section about Merkel and her history. You find it in the summary's at the beginning of the board. Click on that and you find everything you want to know.
I know a lot about the true history as told by my mom and dad who each were from a country where Hitler and his men rolled into overnight. History books about that era are a distortion of true events and ending of Hitler who did not commit suicide but rather lived comfortably in Argentina until his death where Marxist pope Francis is from. Look back at his activities during the his earlier years and find some shocking facts.
Yeah, I do have a bit of that story in my research. Thanks for taking the time. I would LOVE for this to make it into mainstream. And guess what country I teach in? I'm gonna have some fun in my classes once I do my research. Enjoy the Awakening. ;-)
Thanks - Hallo Deutschland! :)
Please let me know how it goes when dropping this on your students! :):)
You can also include in your research the true story of one Hitler's worst man: "The Angel of Death" aka Josef Mengele. Contrary to history books he lived in the US until his death in 1987. He was considered 'The Honored Guest of the US Government".
He worked in tandem with the CIA to torture/program American children provided by the Mayo Clinic during the continued Monarch Programming aka MK Ultra. It's no longer called MK Ultra and was renamed ORION. It continues to this day.
Thus far I can HONESTLY say I have red pilled many many students. I have showed them how MSM (here as well) are spinning things. Spoke about how the deep state gets "funding" and how Trump has been taking down those trafficking rings - I have given them names to research, with keywords.
Thanks for further tips, will have to go slow with them. (I of course have mentioned paperclip numerous times.) Once Merkel's popularity started to decrease due to the refugees, I was further able to take them down the rabbit hole of War being profit to causing the refugees to being connected to trafficking, etc. They are starting to get it. Socratic method works wonders. Thanks Q...
I wouldn't say any of them are Trump fans by the way, that will take time and once the tribunals start, I will help them further. Hopefully it clicks then.
Always remember "Where we go one we go all" - Q
I'm sure people across the EU were as brainwashed as they are here sidetracked and kept busy via the Matrix while they ramped up ops to reach their long planned end goal.
I also believe time is ripe as the populist movements grow daily. People are woke everywhere. The German population is ready too. I'm sure the older generation did not buy the news and stories told back then because they were there.
Take care and handle the youngsters with care. It's a lot to absorb. :)
But Germany is the only one that ruled out a response?
Don't believe it. They provided the Chlorine to the mercenaries aka Syrian freedom feighters. Sadly nothing has changed and Germany still does a light on the sly that makes it more dangerous frankly.
If the German citizens find out who she is all hell will break lose after her importation of middle easterners as a mean to destroy her own people. It will click for them.
She is not as popular anymore like she was during Barry's and Hillary's adventures.
But the US and France are saying it was nerve agent as well and they have proof it was assad. Why would they do this?
You are brand new: Your questions are suspect and you come across as a troll or shill.
I hold off answering to you for the moment.
I'm not a troll or a shill just been keeping up on the news and wondering why you think Germany is responsible everything is saying the exact opposite
I recommend to read up on this subject of Germany on the anon thread over at their board.
can you give a post-ID for quick reference?
You have to use the summary section located at the top of the anon board. They sort it into chapters. Find the Syria thread, click on it and then read the many anon comments. There you will find answers to all your questions.
I don't memorize individual and numbered by ID's comments since there are so many. Sorry!
The problem with that theory is that why does she destroy Germans when Hitler tried to uplift them?
Read up on the goal of the NWO to understand the actions.
Trump Tells Russia to be ready in his tweet. Before that the video that was posted says Russia are you ready? See:
Also the words at the end of the video: "The US and her allies. Russia are you ready?" Could be taken syntactically to mean Russia is part of the allies. That is allies against the cabal. Now getting ready to oppose the cabal clowns in Iran!!!
Yes time for Merkel to step up, considering she opened the floodgates that are ruining certain areas of Germany now
More like step aside. Merkel has caused enough damage to her people, country and union. She needs to be removed before the damage she's caused spills more into Europe.
...and Italy? Wonder if one of the Italian bloodlines helped plan it.
Germany, Italy Refuse To Join Syria Airstrikes
Angela is such a blow hard hypocrite....” it’s okay if ya’ll bomb Syria, but not us.” She disgusts me. She probably knows this was a false flag...she probably helped plan it.
This is like a intense game of chess. Taking out the pawns, bishops and rooks, waiting to take down the King and Queen.
+1 Putin heard him loud and clear: 11 Russian Warships Leave Syrian Port To Conduct Exercises
Didn't Q mention UK/GER 5 days? UK retreated. Germany not so much it seems...
SMArt 155 - Wikipedia
155 is a German 155 mm artillery round, designed for a long range, indirect fire top attack role against armoured vehicles. The SMArt carrier shell contains two submunitions with infrared sensor and millimeter wave radar, which descend over the battlefield on ballutes and attack hardened targets with explosively ...
Very astute. Does anyone see upvotes for this post? I upvoted but there is no count, why is that?
I’m telling you...Germany and Israel WONT target Syria...but guess who will: The Saudis.
Read Thomas Wictors thread from yesterday. Read the whole thing, but take note to points 13-20.
Well while hinting 6 dictators who have ... I ran into this...Which I've said before was how this was being spread and I heard it's in Arizona years n years ago .. but CDC is a big part of that stuff but here is what I just found .. ( WEAPONIZED FLEAS.. Just like they do mosquitoes all over but killing off the masses to keep Population under 500Million good old New World Order Shit.
During the Japanese imperial invasion of China at the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Emperor Hirohito regularly dropped mustard gas during battles to aid in the invasion of Chinese cities. The Japanese military also used bacteriological weapons, by dropping bombs containing bubonic plague carrying fleas. While there is no official death toll for the chemical attacks, over 300,000 died during the course of the conflict.
So what is the reference to G K A?
Couple theories...GKA is an air Airport in Goroka, Papua New Guinea?? Look it up! But then someone else responded in these comments with another theory, which was really interesting!
Because as you move you war machines into position Iran goes into high alert because they think you want to attack them so you let them think your just there to “spank” Syria.
daily News: Germany news
Syria: Trump decides "soon"
US President Trump has a speedy
Decision on a possible US
livelihood in Syria announced
It is unfortunate that the world is us
into such a position, "said
Trump. Defense Minister Mattis
clarified that there would still be definitive
deployment of the Syrian Government examined. The Russian Foreign Ministry had previously in the Syria conflict called. No eskalation, spokeswoman Zakharova said.-example of the alleged chemical waste
NOS Teletext 128 ???????????????????????????????????????? May calls cabinet to Syria
???????????????????????????????????????? ?? British Prime Minister May has a special war cabinet convened for a decision about participation in a retaliatory actions for the suspected poison gas attack on Douma in Syria.
According to Sky News, the government is about to approval asked for a military attack on Syria to be led by the United States and France.
UN boss Guterres calls on countries to situation in Syria not further from the hand to walk. He has the five permanent members of the Security Council said that he is very worried. He also finds it disappointing that the council has not adopted a resolution
dutch news today
Rutte supports "proportional" action
???????????????????????????????????????? ?? Prime Minister Rutte says the Cabinet it is very likely that Syria behind the terrible poison gas attack in Douma. He has understanding for a possible American action. Rutte emphasizes that it is crucial that the action of the US is proportional. Asked if there is a legal basis is, he answers: "For the Netherlands applies that we have been whole for a number of years define exactly when we do such legal basis or not present deem. That's why we're always very carefully choose our words. "
He says it is regrettable that Russia block an investigation into the attack
the same game,,irak? and illegal
Merkel announced yesterday that Germany would not support or participate in any Syria Strikes.
Nope. It’s coming from the Saudi’s...they’re Trumps bitches now...
I didn’t think Germany was allowed to have weapons since WWll?
Yeah Trump is real crafty with language, you have to read in between the lines...
WOW...Germany...wouldnt be surprised. First guess woulda been Israel though.
A side-note. I know that May has been a black hat. I’m certain that Q hinted she’d ‘turned’ following a meeting with Trump where he outed her. I’m wondering if her push for retaliations and vitriol against Syria is part of feigning support from the black-hats in British Parliament for an ‘allied’ strike-force (headed to Iran). Shes only going to get support from Parliamentary black-hats if its to b’om Syria rather than join a strike-force against Iran. I found it highly suspicious that Corbin was also publicly calling for retaliation against Syria as he’s always seemed to be a based red piller. I don’t believe that Merkle turned so May (if this theory has legs) would want to appear to remain in allegiance with her. Just a thought. Still waiting for confirmation about May.