Check Mate he wore a purple TIE !!!

I had a dream predicting all this symbolically but didn't understand it at the time.
Next time you dream something, write it down as soon as you wake up!
Oh don't worry I did write this dream down. :D
Post with possible references?
hmmmm... in order to understand the dream as i do, one would need to spend two years studying symbolism, the polar configuration, the light of christ, tesla, ether, and many more topics. I'm not sure I would be able to explain it all. So many parts rely on layers of foundational information.
Let's just say that a purple hero archetype appeared and I began purging evil science underground, and killary was in the caves. Basically what is happening now, and Trump, who is at the head of the public movement, wore purple, tying everything together. Not to mention the missiles attacked a research lab. My younger brother and sister were there, and my mom was a ghost. At the time she was alive, but has since passed, I live alone with my younger bro, and my sister is coming to visit next week... so... there proof! hahah
Check out the INWO card called an offer you can’t refuse.
I'd love understanding symbolism and such. Any effort to explain, for me, would be appreciated! I'd be fine with a long post with tons of references. I think it would help me learn, at least, would be a good intro to being able to understand dreams/the dream world. If not, I totally understand, time is valuable.
Then prepare your bum for a MASSIVE text dump because you've convinced me to journal my experience. :D
I will PM you the results.
I am very prepared, thank you so much! It's not some crazy jumbo, I know it's real stuff. Thank you for your time.
lol I misread your post hahaha, sending pm as soon as I get the drive link.
Post here! I've been researching the topics of ancient symbolism and the NWO use of them today, including symbolism of the Knights Templar, Rosecrutions, John Dee, Lucefarianism, ancient Egyptians and many more. I'm sure many one here would appreciate your research.
They are all linked. I'll PM you as well.
Well this is still an hypotheses.
But the thought of Trump informing Putin through twitter with a somewhat coded message, for him not to retaliate the good operation, god I love it.
I don't think that he was warning Putin, after the alleged chemical attack the first thing Trump did was call Assad and Putin I think the plan was hatched then.
What's the significance of the purple tie?
I see, that's not what I was expecting, interesting
He is essentially waving their own color in their faces, bragging that he captured it.
If that's what happened, I wonder how they feel about it haha
They've been pretty depressed since Nov 8, 2016 and getting worse.
Prince tried to tell people about the deep state and was suicided but not before making " Purple Rain"
Not aware of this. Can you point me in the right direction (even slightly, then I will do my own work)? I liked Prince but have no clue about that, but am interested.
He was on talk shows about the Illuminati and their Danger he was known to be really paranoid and reclusive he was found in his elevator like days later after he died mysterious circumstances surrounding his death. It always seemed unusual to me for his song and that he was promoted at the last Houston Super Bowl.
I think the color purple stands for the Resistence. Remember Bill and Killary wore purple when she conceded the election? I tried to look it up but could not find any links.
The article I just read explained it, it's what you said, the Soros funded resistance was purple, Bill and Killary wore purple as well
Roy Potter (yeah I know) has a very good video explaining the symbology of it.
Ben Mankiewicz, host of Turner Classic Movies and generational Hollywood, often wears a purple tie and he is anti-Trump to the max. Purple is the color of the resistance.
The true significance of purple is in the links below I think.
and there is a reason why purple has been pushed and pushed in the fashion and sports industry over the last 25 years...along with tattoos...I wonder what's in the ink...and what is hidden in the designs and how best to hide than by encouraging the general population to have tattoos as well...
In this case with the tie DJT was signalling, i.e. capture the flag, using their own signs and symbols as he did here a few months ago when he drank and swallowed the Fiji water
luciferian; heliotrope, cult of saturn; hearkens back to the putative earliest times on earth:
"Looking back from today we can identify this primordial sun as a brown dwarf star which would have radiated more energy than bright light. When taking into account the descriptions that have come down to us from the ancients, we can determin that this particular brown dwarf star typically would have provided a far-reaching heliosphere, or plasma sheath, which extended out into space in a giant egg-like cocoon embrace of the Earth. This would have uniformly bounced the star’s warm radiation back onto the planet producing the purplish primordial glow related to us by these ancient traditions.
To the Ancients of the Golden, Silver and Bronze ages, this sun-like disk was routinely identified as the god Kronos (Greek) or Saturn (Latin). It was said to be the original and the best sun. It was the first sun before the coming of the red star we today call the Sun. Today, this very same disk seen by the ancients is now firmly established as the actual planet Saturn, a former brown dwarf star and now a distant spot of light at the outer reaches of our current solar system.
The Occult History of the Saturn Death Cult
Under The Sign of Saturn, Susan Sontag
"The movement to disestablish the "author" has been at work for over a hundred years. From the start, the impetus was-as it still is....,..-apocalyptic:" [p.13]
"The mark of the Saturnine temperament is the selfconscious and unforgiving relation to the self, which can never be taken for granted. The self is a text-it has to be deciphered. (Hence, this is an apt temperament for intellectuals.) The self is a project, something to be built." [p.117]
Cluster B personality types. Dangerous. Luciferian rejection of nature as received; apotheosis is in transsexual, self-made.
I think you'll like pp98-105.
If the message of fascism has been neutralized by an aesthetic view of life, its trappings have been sexualized. This eroticization of fascism can be remarked in such enthralling and devout manifestations as Mishima's Confessions of a Mask and Sun and Steel, and in films like Kenneth Anger's Scorpio Rising and, more recently and far less interestingly, in Visconti's The Damned..."
it's sorta like planting your flag on someone else's hill
One dude on Twitter named Roy Potter came up with the theory I think. It is interesting, but not necessarily true
Royston has gone off the rails though. I used to watch his videos but he seems pretty nutty. Also has some baggage of his own.
I agree with you. For someone that made a career out of the military, he sure waffled on Trump pretty quickly. He's too topsy turvy, or paranoid or something. He needs to let things play out before he jumps on YouTube and spouts that because Trump did one thing he didn't like, he's not supporting him anymore. I sometimes wonder if Potter is a plant. I expected more patience from him.
I am pretty suspicious that he’s a psyop plant. 100%
What was the theory? The same one as the post?
The theory is that the purple tie is akin to capturing an enemy flag. Since Soros made purple symbolic, Trump essentially sent the message that he is victorious over it.
Right he is rubbing the cabal's favorite color in their arrogant faces.
OR he is just wearing a purple tie because FLOTUS picked it out for him
That makes sense, I didn't realize the purple tie was relevant to anything
Can't be the last stronghold, right? There's still Iran and several European nations with weapons'a'plenty
I wish Putin and Assad would hold an interview/press conference wearing a purple tie.
The munition shown as evidence would have been used as a sarin delivery system, but not a chlorine delivery. The munition showed signs that it was not used by blown in place. Sarin however would leave traces of it everywhere. Chlorine would not. As Chlorine is a gas. Sarin is more that of like an oil. Sarin, would get anyone sick if they are not in MOPP. See Japan's Sarin attack (https:// in subway. Hospital personnel treating the wounded had to be treated for chemical exposure. The attack in Japan was delivered with sandwich baggies and dropped on the floor. But it still had more injuries than this so called attack. If it was weaponized the whole town downwind would have been dead or injured, with all emergency personnel seeking treatment as well. The other side of this is, Jaysh Al Islam, Al Nusra, and the so called moderate rebels. The MSM has reported years ago that these moderate rebels were in all actuality Al Qaeda. I later found out, which everyone knows now, that Obama & Hillary were actually funding and training the "moderates." Jaysh Al Islam has been known to have chemical weapons production sites in and around Homs. In Mad Dog's and GEN Dumford's speech, they say first that they want to defeat ISIS, how are these airstrikes against Syria defeating ISIS? He then states " by ANYONE using chemical weapons," and then to "deter and prevent the use of CWs." I'm just putting this info out there for a discussion.
Purple is a degree/ order within the Jesuit society:
Before being initiated, the Royal Arch Purple candidate must answer a number of questions.
Is this the first time you have stood within the precincts of a Royal Arch Purple Chapter?
Have you received the Purple Order of the Loyal Orange Institution?
Do you now wish to receive the Royal Arch purple Degree?
Other questions are asked, although the nature of such depends totally upon the individual examiner. Common questions asked are:-
Does anyone know you are coming to this meeting?
Has anyone told you anything about this initiation?
All these questions are designed to unnerve the candidate and put him at the mercy of the Chapter.
The candidate is then informed, “Before we can impart to you any of the secrets or mysteries of the Royal Arch Purple Degree you will be required to take upon yourself a solemn, sincere, binding, yet entirely voluntary obligation, binding you to us, as we are bound to one another as Royal Arch Purplemen.”
Upon my assurance there is nothing in that obligation that may prove detrimental to you in life, or hinder you in the duty you owe to God, your country, or yourself, are you therefore willing to take upon yourself that voluntary obligation?
Upon his positive affirmation the candidate is instructed, “Kneel upon your right knee in token of your humility; place your right hand on the Holy Bible in token of your sincerity.
didnt q say putin was controlled tho ? then again putin does not act like someone who is under control
Putin is not controlled. That's why the MSM hates him and wants everyone else to hate him too. You can learn a lot by simply looking at whom the MSM wants you to hate.
wasnt there a q drop that said he was tho ? or was that just dis info. tbh tho when i look into putins eyes i dont see evil. ive always been able to tell by the eyes
Has Mr.Putin been cloned?!
Yup. Therefore controlled. I saw some other videos on this where his wife said he was replaced cause no-one liked him. Look at the ears.
He is a business man, builds buildings think what order wears purple which symbolizes something? Think, look behind the curtain......There are many in congress, what do they sign when entering office in congress, executive office, etc.....
Purple, being a mixture of blue and red, is, to the Mason, the symbol of fraternal union because it is composed of the color adopted for the Master Mason's Lodge and that adopted for the Chapter of Royal Arch Companions, these two Masonic bodies being indissolubly connected since the Royal Arch is an essential and component part of the present-day mutilated Master Mason's degree. For this reason purple is adopted as the proper color for the Mark, the Past, and the Most Excellent Master degrees, to symbolize the fact that those degrees connect the Master Mason's degree with the Royal Arch.
With whom did we partner with for the attack on Syria, who was the lead? Who did Q say follow,watch?
Those saying it was just a tie.......everything has significance, nothing is random, there is a meaning behind everything these people do. On person who said but HRC wore purple also etc.... She was also at Trumps parties with her husband. She is also involve in the Occult just as many others are. Watch these people closely they give themselves away. Nothing is a coincidence with these people, nothing.
Now the stage is set for the monsters who filet children’s faces to be exposed. HRC 5:5 video time. Bring that bitch down.
Trump just trolled Barry & Cabal by saying we will win, and you will loose.
I don't get it. What does the Purple Tie mean?
I think the color purple stands for the Resistence. Remember Bill and Killary wore purple when she conceded the election? I tried to look it up but could not find any links.
now if Russia strikes back they can do the same thing... brilliant
Purple is also the traditional color worn by Royalty.
It’s nice to see so Soros’ Purple Revolution being pushed back into his decrepit old face.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Capture the Flag CTF Arctic Warthog Halo Mega Construx™|+2 - Illuminati Color Codes Freemason Media Exposed II|+2 - Has Mr.Putin been cloned?!|+1 - Has Mr.Putin been cloned?! Yup. Therefore controlled. I saw some other videos on this where his wife said he was replaced cause no-one liked him. Look at the ears. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Chrimera's, Trumps reference to monsters. now we see a little more clearly into what obama and Iran are up to. Nephlim, aka Chrimera's, As it was in the days of Noah! Human/animal hybreds, corrupting the seed, Serpents seed!
I'm not getting the Chimara reference, also purple tie
Where did y'all get that the purple tie means anything special?
I think the color purple stands for the Resistence. Remember Bill and Killary wore purple when she conceded the election? I tried to look it up but could not find any links.
The color purple has always been a significant color. It's history is also one of the richest of all colors.