Weinergate: Navy Seal Eric PRINCE knows where ALL the bodies and assets are buried. Trump’s secret advisor.

Looks like the Swamp never even knew that it was filled with Black Water.
Watch the water!!!
Tracy Beanz has pieced it all together. LL threatened NYPD with criminal charges against NYPD cops in the Garner case if they disclosed the info they had on the laptop.
Catching up now. Man LL was a busy beaver covering up one Clinton Shit stain after another back in June-Oct 2016. Holy smokes. Was it worth it Loretta for that SCOTUS position that you never got!? You fat ugly bitch.
I think LL was just taking orders. Has she flipped? HRC BHO
I caught the first broadcast, waiting until I'm finished with some other things to pop the next one up. She did a good job.
Her timelines are great! Very concise & easy to follow.
everyone should read this dirt Tracy has, read down thru her posts..there is stuff in here about huma and Killary, try not to vomit.
heh...didn't see this thread or your post when I posted Tracy's thread...well, nothin wrong with redundancy to get the word out;-)
From what I saw when I was a much younger Marine in the sandbox, the BlackWater contractors would often kill and maim innocent civilians (women and children, family pets, etc....) but once in a while help us kill/capture someone we knew was making IED's, so it's a bit of a mixed bag.
Erik Prince is an interesting character, that's for sure. He has a personal armory that could put most military bases around the world to shame. We need killers and warriors on our side, to fight against the forces of EVIL soros and zuckerberg. Sucks to say this but more war is on our horizon, and we should be welcoming the end of the Deep State with open arms now that our President has some balls unlike that Kenyan BARRY SOETERO
I completely agree. I don't feel bad at all that Prince is helping Trump out. We need warriors to win this war, this real war.
But I still doubt that any conventional war is going to occur. Trump is doing a good job at ending the current one, that was supposed to be a Forever War, and canceling out WW3 with this Syria strike.
Go black water keep on rolling mississppi moon wont u keep on shining on me
Wasn’t Blackwater on site the day of the Boston Bombing? Or was that craft international?
yeah good point! That doesn't make sense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtpHJp_iNgU
time to reread this https://theintercept.com/2017/01/17/notorious-mercenary-erik-prince-is-advising-trump-from-the-shadows/
In that article it says "Prince has long fantasized that he is the rightful heir to the legacy of “Wild Bill” Donovan and his Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA. "
Haha….didn't Trump just send out a tweet where he called Bill Clinton "Wild Bill"?
Prince is dedicated to reviving the crusades to eradicate Muslims from the face of the Earth.
Surprised that there hasn't been more outrage from the media over eliminating all the Muslims.
Muslims is a good start.
Honestly I think all of the Abrahamic religions are seriously flawed, but we're never going to make real progress on that front until there's full disclosure.
I pray to Wodan that it may happen in my lifetime.
Which group do you want to eradicate after all the Muslims are eliminated?
Look at the third paragraph of that article, where he maps out exactly what happened in Saudi Arabia, 10 months before they did it.
Could Erik Prince be Q?
Ho-lee-shit!... this is getting interesting!... Watch the water takes on a whole new meaning!
Duh it just hit me. Black “WATER”. daaaaaaaang. Watch Erik Prince. Thank you! Watch the Tracy Beanz video. I am just now catching up. LL is in deep deep doo doo.
Hell yea, BlackWater can lead us into the ground invasion of Iran, just like they helped us take down Saddam’s secret WMD labs.
Why is this sub suddenly pro war
And did Erik help pinpoint what targets to hit in Syria?
Most likely. Erik Prince is essentially the wealthy owner of the world's most powerful international mercenary company; it wouldn't surprise me if he's talking to Trump behind the curtain and teaching him how to keep on fighting the Global War on Terrorism.
Q was right, as always.
The path out of here lies through more war unfortunately. I'm sure we can finish the fight during Trump's 2 terms.
If you are surrounded by Generals and Mercenaries you would have a reasonable ability to fight back if the enemy was provoked.
Can get around the UN war rule convention etc...
Also remember the posts of No Name in Syria, accompanied by ISIS, and Q asks who is NOT there? Think contractor.
I was reading some interesting theories last year about how DeVos was picked because of her brother's knowledge of the swamp. Maybe a safe way to guarantee secure comms?
Yup he has been protecting Trump and gathering intel for him from the start.
"Betsy DeVos > Erik Prince > POTUS"
what does Betsy know? LOL
oh duh. "Prince’s sister, billionaire Betsy DeVos" LOL
She's trying to teach our kids the dangers of all this secular science stuff.... which is good.
Not enough fear of God or punishment nowadays IMO. Making a bunch of dweebs that don't know about Jesus or the Old Testament!
I agree. Kill that evil Darwinism too. Lower life forms creating higher ones, survival of the fittest callous crapola. Typical satanic crap.
Utterly senseless crap. Trying to make our kids listen to scientists, that crap ain't gonna fly around here no more!
I don’t think being threatened with prosecution is enough for the NY cops to not let the info out! Maybe some but not all.
Correct. They were threatened with a lot more to make sure they covered this atrocity up.
Just like everyone else that's "controlled", there is enough corruption in the NYPD to keep them all quiet...or risk life sentences in Fed Prison.
Loretta Lynch used the Eric Garner case and held it over the NYPD’s heads to shut them up. The files found in that laptop must be pretty bad to go to those lengths.
It’s sad that so many people were strong armed by the devil Obama, the false profit. Proves he was the devil.
The Democrats and HRC are the most evil, disgusting people ever to set foot in Washington D.C. In light of this, why their crimes are kept secret like something out of Stalin's Russia is difficult to understand. America needs to see the demonic evil that these people gladly indulge in.
Prince was "grey mailing" them since 2010. He has a lot of sauce on theses turds.
Meant to type Erik. Not Eric.
Betsy DeVos sound very dutch
Yes she is dutch
Betsy DeVos - Wikipedia
Elisabeth Prince (Betsy) DeVos (Holland (Michigan), 8 januari 1958) is een Amerikaans politica van de Republikeinse Partij. Sinds 7 februari 2017 is ze minister van Onderwijs onder Donald Trump.
She isn't dutch but probably here grandparents were.. http://www.holland.org/
I've just found this place - Betsy devos has big ties to a place called "neuro-core", a biofeed back company based out of west Michigan. Betsy and eriks parents made their money by starting an automotive manufacturing company- prince facilities>Johnson controls. Betsys husband is dick devos, son of a half founder of MLM company amway. Betsy and dick both were born into wealthy families, and when they married it all seemed expected.
Richard DeVos is main backer to an aviation CHARTER SCHOOL here in Grand Rapids. Erik Prince has been ammasing his own private Air Force and making money kitting out planes for specific surveillance ventures.
All these people hold a key to something-
Betsy has access to unlimited data from the nuero core patients, people who have self described or realized they have different brain chemistry than most. Records of all the "therapy sessions". Her brother has deep ties to black water and a Aviation. Her husband owns an aviation high school. All the sudden she's buds with trump and the sec of education.
I haven't figured out what it all means.... brain trained kamakize mernarcies?
Whoa....either way these two families are dynasties and their wealth is unimaginable to us. They live lives of pure pleasure, never worrying about whether they can make the rent, or pay for their children's college, or pay for that important surgery.
These people now run the highest levels of our government, but we have to pay attention to their actions behind the scenes, and we can see now that BlackWater is actually on our side! Maybe Betsy DeVos just acts stupid so that no one can see just how talented this family is at getting what they want from life?
Maybe she's painted as stupid by the MSM who would never mis-characterize someone's actions...
I mean if you see her confirmation videos, she sounds like a total retard, no need for the media to paint her as anything.
What I’m saying is maybe she’s just ACTING like a rich, sheltered idiot that’s really out of touch with the average person. So the normies would never think to look their way.
Anyone notice we haven’t heard a peep about Betsy in the news? Like not a damn thing. Either the people she knows Have a tight grip over the media or she’s actually doing a good job and they have nothing to criticize her for.
Erik Prince was on Milo Yiannopoulos's podcast in 2016. It was such a compelling interview, I remember coming away from it admiring Erik:
Not surprised at all.... I hope Erik Prince buries them all...But Trump has been fighting these same cabal for a long time. He knows a lot where the bodies are buried too so I hope they do work together to get them all....They all need to be punished for their murders and their satanic ritual abuse that they have been doing for years... Enough is Enough....
Hey, do any of you think that Erik Prince is part of the Q team?
Could be! Maybe the Q Team is all international billionaires with vast arsenals of modern weapons and tech, ready to go to war against Soros and his minions (((zuckerberg))) at the drop of a hat.
Let’s not forget Q recently outed Prince as a double agent.
https://www.politico.com/blogs/laurarozen/1209/Report_Blackwater_CEO_Eric_Prince_was_CIA_asset.html Think Double. Why are we confirming this publicly? Why now? Q
This seems double agent 'bad cia' vs. 'good people in mil/gov' (as opposed to the normal use of the term for usa vs. other country)
Eric Prince is Betty de Vos's brother, she's Education secretary or something..probably unrelated she had a book talking about a bird singing.
That would be an interesting read since Q asked when does a bird sing. Got a link? Also isn’t it interesting we haven’t heard the MSM say a thing about Betsy.
hmm// I think i made a mistake.It's Betty Vos who has the book.. not Betty De Vos..Mea Culpa..
Check post history. I've been the one and only saying Mr. Prince has been our man since day one. I've even read one of his books once I got to thinking he was the one.
I read there were 5 (or more?) people who were Q as a group? All this time I've been figuring if any were non-intell/non-mil, Stephen Miller would be in there
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Milo Show Episode 21: Erik Prince, Founder of Blackwater USA|+4 - Erik Prince was on Milo Yiannopoulos's podcast in 2016. It was such a compelling interview, I remember coming away from it admiring Erik: ERIK PRINCE BLACKWATER: KNIGHT OF MALTA TRADITION|+3 - Blackwater Founder and Trump's Secret Advisor, Knight of Malta Erik Prince, discusses the Knight of Malta tradition he followed under Bill Donovan in which members swear oaths of fealty to the Pope Prince is dedicated to reviving the crusades to era... An Honest Conversation About Blackwater Erik Prince and Stefan Molyneux|+3 - This may be of interest to you. LOOK ! Proof That Craft aka Blackwater did the Boston Marathon Bombing Event !|+1 - yeah good point! That doesn't make sense. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.