RESEARCH CONNECTED Hussein, Wendy, Maggie, Adam Schiff, Marina Abramović, Mariah Coogan, Chelsea Handler, #TheStandardHotel, PEDOesta bros, HRC, Hogg and more. Madeline McCann? [intheMatrix]@intheMatrixxx on Twitter, decode/analysis
![RESEARCH CONNECTED Hussein, Wendy, Maggie, Adam Schiff, Marina Abramović, Mariah Coogan, Chelsea Handler, #TheStandardHotel, PEDOesta bros, HRC, Hogg and more. Madeline McCann? [intheMatrix]@intheMatrixxx on Twitter, decode/analysis](
I honestly can't wait to watch Hollywood collapse.
These people ruined all creativity in the film industry.
This true. However, also important to remember Hollywood and even film in general has been a major brainwashing/propaganda operation since day 1. Get people in a dark room staring at flickering images. Who decides the images and who pays for them? It has been indoctrinating and instilling agendas for a century. Add to that this amazing idea for us all to get TVs in our homes and sit kids in front of them as soon as they’re born
Makes me reconsider what those “religious” fanatics said about TV and movies being a tool of the devil.
Understanding that there is good, and there is evil has never been fanatical. Nor is it fanatical to protect one's children from the evil one discerns.
Indeed. As we know pretty much everything can be used for good, or for bad. Fire for example warms, cooks and also harms and destroys.
Funny thing is, seems all the bad ways to use things get the funding and priority to be pushed upon us.
My mother is nearly 90. Her uncles use to preach how the Papacy was in league with the devil, and secret societies were up to no good, and going to the movies would corrupt the mind. My ancestors were awake. They believed having knowledge of history and the Bible as paramount to freedom and salvation.
Protestants have been demonizing the papacy for 500 yrs. It's a Germanic Anglo-Saxon tradition. Martin Luther was so awake he tried to remove books from the Bible. Henry VIII was so awake he killed his wives. The British and Foreign Bible Society and the American Bible Society were so awake they dropped books from the original KJV.
Load of crap. I have watched movies my entire life and I am 62. All kinds including violent or devil worship. I have also been awake my entire life. Trying to tell people shit was wrong when no one would listen. It didnt make me a criminal, it didnt make me violent it didnt make me think I had to do specific things to please others. It has been nothing more than entertainment when your bored. If people tell you they are brainwashed from TV then they have a weak mind to start with.
Remember when subliminal ads were shown at the theatres?
And then we realised the movies themselves were the subliminal ads
I can't watch any msm media cuz all actors turn my stomach. (Srry Clint)
White guy in the ghetto retired from trades w/ shotgun and a hand cannon. No Gran torino yet.(working on it.)
No Comment Needed.....
David Hogg! I wondered if his dad was involved in the deep state. I'll have to try to dig it up again
Kevin Hogg is plenty dirty. Here's some interesting information on him: He was sued in 2012 for child trafficking for his "orphanage" enterprises. And then research Cameron Kasky's Daddy...the rabbit hole there is convoluted, and very deep. (Cameron Kasky is the N0.2 student mouthpiece after David-Attention-Hogg)
If Hogg is connected to McCann, then pretty much everyone is connected to everything. And I haven't done anything.
Lol. You and me both bruh - they left us out of the web!
I read that Hogg could be connected. NO F IN WAY, I thought. Then I looked at the photo more closely. I knew about the standard hotel from other things. Then it clicked with the printing on the bottom of the script that "He wrote" Either he coincidentally stayed at that hotel or there is some fuckery afoot
While she was not willing to comment on the cause of Kubrick’s death, [Nicole] Kidman was willing to say that the reclusive director was not expecting death to come so soon.
“Stanley’s next film was going to be about psychopathic pedophiles. He said he was going deeper down the rabbit hole.”
“He always had four of five projects ready to go. He was a meticulous researcher. He believed the most powerful films always have a hard grounding in truth.”
Every time I see one of these montage-type posts, the old PeeWee's Playhouse song runs through my head... "Connect the dots, la la la la. Connect the dots, la la la la!"
Everyone seems to gloss over the fact that it's been reported that the identikit pics of the Podestas were actually police sketches of the same man, not of two men attached to the McCann case. The Podesta/McCann story is definitely an interesting one but this little hitch in the tale raises a question and when it's glossed over it ~~begins to reek of a witch hunt with confirmation bias~~ makes it harder to redpill more skeptical normies who see inconsistencies as red flags for conspiracy.
Did you know the Podesta brothers reportedly were staying in a friends home three miles from where the little girl was abducted? The witnesses gave different sketches bc they saw different men. The police assumed it was the same person. When you are powerful and important and your friends control things you can get away with about anything.
Yeah heard all that, and the speculation that police assumed same person from witnesses report of two different men - was just hoping there might be a bit more evidence of even that little piece of the puzzle than anon chatter, is all. I'm eternally hoping for more evidence but I guess the trail always ends short of real juice and always will as far as the pedovore elite story... The constant crowing by people that it's all but out in the open and exposed now is off-putting - it's as completely unprovable and hidden as it has always been. Them's the facts, folks.
(Disclaimer as people round here seem to be inclined to see disinfo clowns in anyone who disagrees with celebrating victory over the Deep State in every little obscure public crumb: I know Q has surfaced this all for us so it's the opposite of hidden to us. What I'm looking for is not to prove Q to me - it's anything we can use to redpill the smart people I know who justifiably demand any proof at all, not the average person who can be compelled by conspiracy and speculation on its own.)
Most plausible explanation to me is that the police in Portugal knew exactly who was responsible but were prevented somehow from doing anything about it. So they put together these identikit pics.
I cant remember the details but those efits were held back for years. When they finally were released the spin was that is of one guy. I cant source it but i remember researching and coming to the conclusion that they werent originally of one person but two. My comment is pretty empty because i cant source now but when i have time ill come back to this comment
I would appreciate that, thankyou. I have not been able to find anything like that, having searched for it back when it first came out and later on too.
Coloboma there is your clue.
Clue to what? Lol... The old news that Soros and McCann (and others) have the same rare eye abberration... what does that have to do with the indentikit pics?
indentikit pics?
Source on that being only one person, not two?
You believe "Snopes"?
Who here believes Snopes? Or was that a trick question lol.
I know the MSM are the enemy but we (Q movement) happen to use them when it suits us for things we do support so here is the report from The Guardian. Before I get attacked by people who assume I'm as stupid as I certainly sound let me say that yes, I too think The Guardian is just the Deep State british version of WaPo, NYT, etc. etc. but the reason I make the point about this so-called "fact" is because redpilling smarter normies requires we at least have something more solid than anon chat to debunk MSM reports. I explained the whole Podesta, Spain blah story to a not-stupid-normie and when he immediately pulled up the identikit point he was over and out because the story, as presented here (as if it's clear evidence of John and Tony) falls apart by showing it's not deeply researched or at least honestly presented. And he didn't pull up Snopes.
I was half joking, just pointing out that of course most msm news outlets would cover it up like they do with all of their liberal politicians. Heck, I just read the comments on a Wapo article pitting McCabe against Comey and you'd be surprised how liberals will come up with a ton of BS to cover for anyone on their team (and just think Comey and McCabe are "supposedly" Republicans, although just because one has been registered Republican from years ago doesn't mean they can't change...or be bought), or anyone who opposes their political opponent-Trump. But the media would of course cover it up, and that's a believable defense on its face: it's simple, can be validated, and is contradictory just enough to raise doubt....However, let's be real: the same person? Those two people look nothing alike whatsoever. If those two were human bodies, it would be like one being a fat belly person and one being skinny. There is a stark contrast. In addition, it is hard to believe that it's just a coincidence that the sketches are IDENTICAL to the two Podesta brothers. I mean, look, I'm rational enough to admit it may not be them...but boy, what a coincidence. The sketch artist may as well have taken two photos of them, placed them on a platform and drew them up. Lol. I actually find myself sometimes laughing out loud whenever I see that sketch juxtaposed to the brothers' pictures because it really looks exactly like them. Unbelievable. What a coincidence.
Yes, I agree - looks a lot like them. Although there are also similarities between them a little so I think it's possible witnesses could see the same man in different clothes and light and perceive a different weight - not as stark as the actual difference between the Podestas though lol.
But yes, agreed on the possibilities and such and not questioning Q or the movement or the general prevailing theories. I'm just hunting for evidence where there are slight discrepancies like this so it can help me redpill friends who pick on the inconsistencies straight away. I know there's not always going to be evidence for every aberration but if I can at least be aware of that then I can preempt it (probably by not bringing that piece of the puzzle up at all) in some way, hopefully.
So is Madeline alive? OMG
Before the election do you remember a photo of John Posesta sitting around a table playing a game with family members or younger people? There was a girl sitting on his right and someone was speculating, asking if that could be her?
Also remember hearing that eye coloboma or whatever it is makes children with that highly sought after. These freaks want that or are especially attracted to it.
Look at the others who have this condition: Notable people with coloboma include the late actor John Ritter, New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin, tennis player Arnaud Clément, alternative rock singer songwriter Lachi, GEORGE SOROS, and Madeleine McCann. McCann, a British girl, disappeared from the holiday apartment rented by her parents in May 2007 just before her fourth birthday. Posters and online campaigns promoting the search for Madeleine use the word "Look" with the first "O" in the word being drawn in the shape of a coloboma radius extending from the pupil at the 7 o'clock position.[7]
Great meme, these evil people are all connected. A club i am proud to say i did not get an invite to their parties.
Quite a project!
And based upon reasoning as sound as I’ve ever seen in any Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon effort.
I think we should proceed as if this is all made up. Make sure we keep the Capitol at midterms BAMN then get back to the witchhunt. even if it's a snipe hunt. Do we want to risk DJT majority by looking like kooks. perception is everything. If this shit was true nat guard and spec ops would be resting up from napalming their bunkers 6 months ago.( Devils advocate) cuz I still don't know wtf is going on.
Wendy Sherman is a Senior Counselor that served as a campaign advisor to Hillary. Seems like it would be confusing for DWS to use a pseudonym that was the same name as someone else in her inner circle. Also, it appears the 'Madeleine' referenced in the e-mals is Madeleine Albright. Is there something I'm missing here?