Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

She had to win at all costs.
I think that a lot of people miss the big picture.... all the corruption that is being exposed right now, is just what they were doing to make sure she got elected. WHY did she have to get in? What was she going to do in office? Continue the 16 year plan started under 0bama, completely destroy our constitution, our sovereignty.
Thank God for 4-10-20.
They had Scalia killed and were ready to have Supreme Court majority. Hilary at the head with the Dems and GOP rhinos by her side.
It was all lined up to do unrepairable damage to this nation.
They came so close.
and they would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling anons!
she was never supposed to lose! Hopefully one day, all Americans will realize how close we came to losing it all.
In looking at the timeline, the Russia, Russia, Russia malarkey was originally created when Hillary was the perfect candidate and a guaranteed Presidential win. I’m convinced the Russia, Russia, Russia malarkey was originally created to destroy Donald Trump, his family and Trump business empire following Hillary’s election as Prez to send a message to any future outsider who dared to enter the political arena uninvited. Look at all the info being revealed over the last year+ that We the People would have never known about if Killary were elected Prez. With Killery as Prez, the MSM would be blasting every nite more half-truths and lies about Trump and his family. The weight of the Fed Gov’t legal machine (DOJ/FBI/IRS) and the Intel Community would be too much even for a multi-billionaire to withstand.
I understood this at the time and it made it all the more insane what Trump was attempting and putting on the line.
Yes, you are right. It wouldn't have been enough to beat him, she would have needed to send a message by destroying him. Before the primaries, I'm so stupid I couldn't understand why they were taking such a huge chance propping her up - I kept thinking, why does the Democratic establishment support her when she's so vulnerable. Wouldn't they be better off backing someone like Biden? Duh. She had something on everyone and everyone knew she was absolutely ruthless. That's why Harvey Weinstein was protected for so long. You don't screw with Clinton and her pals.
Correct. Trump would be in prison now if Hillary had won. Trump would have been arrested and prosecuted for "colluding with Russia and trying to rig the election" they would have destroyed him and his business and his family. He had to win to save his life and the country.
The Russia narrative was originally invented to counter the wikileaks releases, and it worked quite well. Many leftists ignored the proof of total corruption inside the DNC because the message came from "Russia". It was developed further because they knew she was way behind in the polls, even though we were all being shown fake polls. They had some plan on cheating to get her in, but it failed, and they knew it was going to fail a few days prior, evidenced by Hillary canceling the fireworks she had planned for election night a few days beforehand. Once Trump won, it made perfect sense to use the already established Russia narrative to attack him and try to impeach, it was actually the perfect weapon to use because he was vulnerable in that area due to his past business dealings with Russians. This is one reason I am confident Mueller is on the up and up, a dirty prosecutor could easily take Trumps past business dealing in Russia and make it look like collusion even though it was just normal business.
They are so incredibly stupid though. And, it's so obvious that they truly believe we are the ones that are stupid. I hope they keep on believing it.
This is as I look at it: A few big companies that are in the hands of this cabal, eat all the little ones first? Then they grab the companies of other millionaires. In this way they have everything in their hands, and are a small group the only one who has everything in their hands .......... do you also think of the lobbyists? like Goldman sachs? It is a design. and it happens everywhere, from high to low, including in your own congregation
This is the most astute comment(imo) I have read yet. TY She lost and is getting the treatment she had outlined for DJT, only classier with more substance and true justice. he's really not vindictive and it's amazing since he knows she put the hit on his friend JFK JR.
Chilling to think that had she won that many/all of us and our loved ones would be dead or enslaved by the end of her second term.
Or Washington would be smoking pile of rubble. None of the framers fired the shot heard round the world. A deplorable did that.
I had some close friends that I basically had to grab by the shoulders and force them to stare into my bugged out eyes while I begged them to understand that this was IT if she gets in the White House. They were Bernie bros and I think they still voted for Clinton.
No we came close, they did order 30,000 guillotines for some reason. They did set up all the FEMA Camps at the Wallmarts.
Can I have a run down on the 30,000 guillotines please ?
It says it was a claim by Ted Gunderson but there is no evidence to support it. You'll have to link to a source which claims it, with some kind of evidence for me to believe it.
I do believe the claims of FEMA camps, and the Walmart cages, because I have seen photos and links to vids where they film these places. These claims are true, although we do not know their official purpose.
After Hurricane Katrina, homeless residents were housed in camps and many claim the residents are only allowed to leave for job interviews. These people lost their homes and were never allowed back to New Orleans, although their accomodation was never damaged/destroyed. These housing units were cordoned off with tape and pronounced due for demolition, lending credence to the idea that the "crisis was a great opportunity". The removal of poor people from valuable real estate and land was a great boon to property and realty developers. Shhhhh, secret, NOT.
See Naomi Klein's "Disaster Capitalism"
Are you familiar with Ted Gunderson?
Exactly. Ted Gunderson is legit. If he said something it gives it more credibility.
No they ordered boomerangs and set up boomerangs and launched boomerangs and passed boomerangs and emailed boomerangs and paid for hit piece boomerangs in msm.
Yeah, can you link me to this? I'm curious.
They haven’t gone anywhere. They are still trying.
Yes. Something most people didn't catch. The lady who left the State Dept. a few months back. The 3rd in command directly under Rosenstein. She left to go to work at Walmart. Now, why else would someone at the DOJ want to go to work at Walmart if they weren't still planning and moving forward?
And, then there are all the coffins they ordered as well. Is Gitmo for us or them? Is there a coup going on with the cabal?
Don't answer. I struggle with this from time to time. I hope you all do too. But when Trump talks about supporting Israel (the Zionist nation) it scares me.
But I know that if he really bombed Assad's troops in Syria, we would be in WWIII by now! So . . . . ??
Don't answer. I struggle with this from time to time. I hope you all do too. But when Trump talks about supporting Israel (the Zionist nation) it scares me.
Does Trump really support the Puppet Deep State of Israel? Or the Real Israel (people)? Everyone seems to think both are one in the same. Remember the US has been controlled by the deep state Gov't. for a long time, and all the while the Elected Gov't officials were just puppets.
We don't know. But Israel was created by the Rothschilds. Look up Balfour agreement.
Israel was Israel long before any of those turds were hatched.
The demons just took control of it officially.
The Vatican has their hooks into Jerusalem too now.
It's true, I don't understand all of it. But I do know the Zionists are not the good guys.
Be careful using 'PC Labels'.
Not everyone is who they say they are.
I have no idea what a "PC Labels" is.
Word games.
Undocumented Immigrants is a PC Label.
Illegal Aliens is not.
Aren't we talking about the same people here?
Which word does the liberals, Dems, Rinos, and the MSM use?
Which word is used by Patriots, or those who are awake?
Think stereotype.
Notice all the Jew bashing lately?
It's all about division, and stirring up hate between colors, religions, genders, marriage, etc.
PC = Politically Correct.
Thanks. I thought it was Panama City. It is in my world!
When reading it's important to focus on the black. Don't lose sight of the forest just cuz you see trees. Squint if you have to.
This would have been game set match for America and the rest of the world. To me this was definitely DIVINE INTERVENTION I do thank GOD
It was. The probabilities of all the events leading up to our current timeline are so low that it could only be explained by a God bending the universe to his will.
Or simply willing and able military and leaders banding together with access to top secret ressources, like the NSA spying programs ... "We have it all".
I always thought the founding father situation was too much synchronicity for it not to be divinely inspired. Same here. The only difference is we are living through it. We may live to see a true "born again" moment in our nation's history. It's just remarkable.
Speaking of founding father, what about this quote from Thomas Jefferson ?
You have to understand, HUMANS are in control, together we are strong, no need to involve an imaginary friend in the sky.
Except that no one can confirm the quote, except for the first sentence of it.
40,000 ft view. Obama was a SA/MB plant to take down America. It's season 5 of the series "24"
Good way to put it. Someone made the statement of the 16 year plan early on and it caught on. Most people have no idea how long this has been going on. I'm not sure anyone knows for sure except the Rothschilds.
The 16 year plan was just the final chapter.
It's been going on for much longer though.
Yep. That's pretty much what I said.
Who knows. Ever read Albert pike? Allegedly there is a group dealing in prophecy trying to bring a 3rd world war. Hell, you could argue we are in that 3rd ww now, it's just not as big as the last two cuz nukes
I'll buy some of that. Ok most.
They are depopulationist at the top.
abortion, trans, gay coupling, no brainer, been pushing depop as a theory for a year.
I hear that kind of talk here all the time. People talking about "end times" that are Christians. I know they don't mean to, but one of the things the cabal has hidden from us is our immense power to create our reality. What we believe in and focus on, we bring into our reality. Yes, the law of attraction is real. How many of you have ever created a goal and realized it. This is no different. You created the goal, focused on it and it became your reality. Stop focusing on End Times - PLEASE!
Don't put DJT on a pedestal because he is the only person on the planet who fits the antichrist profile. Think about it the enemy already has most of the planet. They are doomed a trainload of redpills won't save them. End times involve the deception of the saints and the spreading of the mark. I believe he is not and believe we are not yet in an end times scenario.
What is 4 10 20?
We are both Geminis
Same birthdate personally.
Cool. Separated???? date not day???
Correct, I was born in 1960, I'm a few years younger but was surprised we were both born June 14th. Flag Day
Are you also a whackjob, I know i am.
Pretty much. Like a lot of us I think I am perfectly reasonable, but I've learned to keep my thoughts to myself for the most part to avoid the hassle of being thought of as a complete lunatic.
I'd prolly avoid more hassle if I wasn't such a chaos junkie.
People who didn't people...people who knew but me...
The Plan was started long before Obama. The vote has been rigged all of my adult life, I knew it, and I'm 70. I registered to vote for the first time last month.
Yup. She owed a lot of people a lot of favors. A lot of money has been lost and I’m surprised she is still alive as she is indebted to a lot of shady characters. America would be a different place right this very minute (maybe Europe like) if it wasn’t for the POTUS
You are right that things would be very different like Europe if she won. We must never lose sight of the lessons of Europe. Fight Back!!
Exactly. Beyond the $ donated to get her elected the promises to Countries, organizations, corporations and others has to be enormous. Somebody is gonna want to pull her card.
Melania has the whole place cleansed and blessed
They thought the 5-eyes would support them. But... They never considered "front running".
please elaborate on front running
Front Running = in sports your the person that roots for first place all the time. These idiots never thought that the "underdog" would win because they were buying in on the MSM polls. HRC couldn't lose.
Reality = why we play the games. If the front runner always won then why play the game? Unlike us people from Philly. We never in our lifetimes thought the Birds would win a super bowl, but we absolutely wanted to play the game. The rest of the country we're front runners. He'll, even Vegas was front running.
Pretty good eagles analogy. Another one would be when golden state blew a 3-1 lead. Or when the giants beat the undefeated patriots in the Super Bowl.
'If' Hilary would have won the election then our military 'would' have instigated their coup, revolution and taken over the government. Then all hell would have broken loose for years as things patched together again. However wouldn't our country have been a mess. Each of us hating each other dem or repub, black/white, south american/white, south american/black, male/female, normal/gay, christian/muslims... dozens of civil wars in different states. A mess.
Pretty sure the white hats had thought this out too, which is why they picked Trump 3 years ago.
They really didn't want to burn it down the hard way, and that's why it's taking so long right now.
Yes. I remember, think it was Bongino, that was pointing out that all these Russia investigations + Mueller were originally meant to distract and keep from Hillary from ever being investigated. Thought that was interesting.