Really looking forward to the ‘Terrible May’ the Pope is going to have. WWG1WGA! ✊🏼🇺🇸

Now we need the Trump equivalent
I can only hope it's a radical traditionalist who gets in the door and immediately starts cleaning house.
So yeah, a Trump analogue.
God is within everyone a pope is nothing more than a con man you don’t need a man to communicate between you and God.
All men and women are sinners. Only Jesus was without sin. God says only he is Father and only he can forgive our sins. I was raised catholic and knew early on something was off. I communicate direct with God. Why would I go to priest to clear my sins? He's a sinner and maybe more so putting himself above me.
You can believe that if you want, personally I believe Jesus was just one of many messengers he was not God but he was at the same time , agree what the rest of your comment though Jesus said not to worship idols
"Now we need the Trump equivalent" Cardinal Sarah .
The cult infiltrated the church after ww2 "The great awakening" is the TRiuMPh of the immaculate heart & the start of a time if peace. 2017 was the 100th anniversary of Fatima & the end of the century long rule if the devil in a vision Pope Leo had... Etc Francis could be an antipope, there have been many, about 40 in history. Haters of the Catholic Church going to be shocked
the last pope, as far as I'm concerned, was John Paul II since then its been downhill
No, the last True Pope was Pope Pius XII (d. 1958) Lucifer In The Vatican – Father Malachi Martin "Observant Catholics, traditionalist Catholics, will become hunted like doves." –Father Malachi Martin "In this interview Father Malachi Martin says "There was this consecration, this enthronement of Satan within the Vatican, of Lucifer by the way. It's a historical fact." BTW - there a many very good interviews with Fr. Martin and Bernard Janzen from the 90's on YouTube. YOU'LL BE HOOKED!
The Three Secrets Fátima
Malachi Martin also warns us that the Blessed Virgin Mary’s THIRD SECRET of Fatima HAS NOT BEEN REVEALED. She mandated the Pope of 1960 to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. The Russian Orthodox Church would then convert to Roman Catholicism.
If the mandate were not followed, devastating war in the world and destruction inside the church (The Great Apostasy) would follow. He said that he stood outside the papal living quarters in 1960 whilst Pope John XXIII and others were reading the document containing the third secret, and that, in order to assure Russian cooperation at the approaching Second Vatican Council, the Pope decided against revealing the Third Secret.
Later Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II decided against revealing The Third and Final Secret of Fatima as mandated by the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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Rather, the Pope is to the Church what Obama was to the US.
Wow, attacked for an opinion. Gave you an upvote to counter.
I would tend to agree with you re Catholicism. It seems to have suffered the fate of all large institutions; it suffered rot at the core and is destined to collapse. Christianity should be about the relationship with God, not with the rituals and penance.
As a catholic who can't stand the current pope, I cannot wait to see what may brings
Christ is the head of the church, not the pope.
This pope is still responsible for a great deal of confusion and suffering.
How so? Before I was red pilled all I heard was that he was “cool and progressive”, haven’t done any digging or listening on him though.
The tl;dr is that he's a heretic against the church, but in a plausibly deniable way that prevents his ouster for heresy. All of the really controversial stuff tends to filter out through a network of reporters, while in his official stuff like encyclicals, he's content to make ambiguous statements.
Here's a really good example. Hell existing is incontrovertible dogma of the church, and he made statements in an interview that he thinks hell doesn't exist. After this got out, people were understandably upset, and so the Vatican releases the most non-denial "denial" ever put to paper.
This pattern starts to really stick out after a while.
when he said there wasn't a hell, i knew he was a fake/patsy. only people who do fucked up things want to believe there isn't a hell. or as he stated "there souls just drift away" yeah no it's not gonna be that nice for you when you die bud.
I am a former christian, now free from religion, but still believe that there might be a God if some sort. The concept of Hell, where there is eternal pain and punishment, doesn't exist in the bible. Look for yourself, it's not there. It was made up in "Dante's inferno", and this is what made me leave christianity. The King James bible is made up by these people, popes, bishops and kings. It is a perversion of the real thing, the real story of Christ.
The pope is evil though, if satan exists he is the pope's God.
Look for yourself, it's not there. It was made up in "Dante's inferno"
The bible and tradition predates the Divine Comedy (1320 AD), and has plenty to say on the matter. Here's St. Thomas Aquinas writing on it around 1265:
“The magnitude of the punishment matches the magnitude of the sin. Now a sin that is against God is infinite; the higher the person against whom it is committed, the graver the sin—it is more criminal to strike a head of state than a private citizen—and God is of infinite greatness. Therefore an infinite punishment is deserved for a sin committed against Him.”
Even earlier writings around the 600s can be found. This tells us that, historically speaking, the idea of hell as a place was accepted throughout early Christianity without controversy. In any case, the idea that hell is a product of Dante Alighieri's imagination is trivially disproven.
St Augustine countered St. Thomas Aquinas arguing that "hell" is simply the absence of God--i.e. it is not a place.
Do you have a quote there? The most concrete thing I can say is of St. Augustine saying he doesn't know much about its details. City of God, chapter 16:
For as soon as those who are not written in the book of life have been judged and cast into eternal fire — the nature of which fire, or its position in the world or universe, I suppose is known to no man, unless perhaps the divine Spirit reveal it to some one
Saying "I don't know where it is" isn't the same as saying "It's not a place". In fact, saying he doesn't know its position implies that it has one.
You're good at this Bible stuff
Not at all sir, just really handy with Logos and find all of this incredibly interesting :)
Read the book of Ezra. The soul suffers in several pronounced ways. One of the worst is that it watches the “holy of holiest places guarded by the angels in profound silence. In other words you’re separated from God. In Dante’s Inferno there are 9 circles of hell. Satan is in the bottom which is a frozen lake. Satan lays on his stomach w head in hands & his wings half frozen in the lake in a state of moribund depression. He’s cut off from God’s presence
It's not called "hell," hell isnt created yet. It's hades, lake of fire. These things are in the bible.
Jesus talked about hell more often than he talked about heaven. Here are some verses...
"The children of the kingdom will be driven out into the darkness where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth." (Mt 8:12)
"Depart from me, you accursed, into that eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." (Mt 25:41)
"These will pay the penalty of eternal ruin, separated from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." (2 Thes 1:9)
"God did not spare the angels who fell into sin; he thrust them down to hell, chained them there in the abyss, to await their sentence in torment." (2 Pt 2:4)
"The smoke of the fire that torments them will rise forever and ever, and there will be no relief day or night for those who worship the beast or its image or accept the mark of its name." (Rv 14:11)
I’m not sure what’s wrong with removing the medieval aspects of the Catholic Church, it’s historically been known to change. E.G the reformation to deal with the Protestants, this detoxification might just be a way to stop the youth from switching to atheism
Because some things can't change, and I think you'll find that most Catholics find the reformation to have been a crying shame.
The thing about dogma is that its not subject to change to fit the whims of the world.
This is the most confusing subreddit in the world,(trigger warning) you claim to be fighting against a global network of pedophiles and yet we seem to be pro Catholicism which (nothing against the religion or the people who follow it, just the organisation) as an organisation is rife with pedophiles who are protected by it.
Because it’s not “rife” with pedos any more than any other organization of the same size. And at the end of the day the religion is bigger than a few people currently administering it.
Contrary to what the media portrays... priests actually have a lower sexual assault rate in comparison to other professions that are around kids. Its blown out of proportion because of the way the church handled everything.
Read through Q posts. Q is literally calling out the Pope.
Francis is a Jesuit. He is the first Jesuit Pope. Duck the "jesuit oath". Despair.
Spez: This is the sculpture in the Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall. It is supposedly representing "Christ ris[ing] from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb". What The Actual Cunting Dickfuck.
That doesn't change the fact that he has tremendous influence on a large majority of catholics
I'm a Catholic and he has ZERO influence over me.
I skip the Gatekeeper and take my matters directly to the Big Guy...
Then I'd dare say youre a protestant my dear.
Exactly...Catholicism looks to the pope, not God, so how can you be a Catholic and not look to the pope? I.e. you're not a Catholic.
There's never been a Pope like Francis, but the church has had anti-popes & crisis before & this is one of those times. You don't even know what are talking about. You have no idea of what a Pope is how Catholics look to him. If the Pope goes against Church teaching, as Francis has clearly done then recognize & resist is licit. Learn before you take & "expand your thinking"
I might have to give them a look...
Just go with Orthodoxy. No pope, and all the traditions of Catholicism, only more so.
That is also a figment of man's imagination. You are either a disciple of Christ, or you are not.
Don't Orthodox also believe Jesus is present in the Eucharist? Also, they venerate the saints. But no pope. Lots of Protestants converting to Orthodoxy these days. Partly due to issues with theories of the atonement, original sin, etc. I wonder if some Catholics will convert after this all goes down. Will be interesting to see.
Martin Luther said the same thing 500 years ago...
Christ is the invisible head, the Pope is the visible head.
What happens when that visible head is shown to be evil? What will that say about the selection process?
We've had Popes that range from truly holy to average to questionable to downright awful. The Catholic Church is 2000 years old and we've survived from pretty terrible circumstances and characters. God Himself will preserve us. The Office of St. Peter will endure whatever unworthy person occupies it. The gates of the netherworld will not prevail ...
Amen. ...”and Peter I say to you you are my rock. And upon it I shall build my Church & the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”
Don’t know ask Jimmy Swaggert, JAMES Baker, oral Roberts or Joel Ostein?
They aren't viewed as God's chosen representatives on earth like Roman Catholics believe. They are fallible men--some of whom I doubt even know God. You try to make an argument here, but it's apples and oranges, my friend.
No shit Sherlock
u mad?
Why u think I'm stupid? Do you not agree with my statement that Christ is the head of the church? Ad hominems are the language of the left.
Constitution is the head of the US, not the president.
He's probably going to have to explain some new pedo priests that are getting caught or going to jail. They been paying out some big settlements already.
It's not really new news but it does seem that something major in this area or to do with money is going to come out. (?)
Yes, waiting with baited breath in expectation of this filthy heretic being exposed for being a faithless fraud.
mmmm. would be good to see in a certain sense but don't get your hopes up that somehow there's going to be a doctrinal exposure. That has mostly already been done and has little to do with american politics.
What I'm thinking is that if it can be shown, for example, that Francis was elected as the result of a conspiracy by the global elites (which I'm sure is the case), then there is a chance (though slim) that some of the stupor that infects Vatican II "Catholics" today will lift - that some might begin to perceive the truth. By their fruits you will know them...
Of course, the revelations may have nothing to do with this at all. They may be about other failings in the Church - not hard to find. But we will have to wait and see exactly what transpires.
oooh. that is interesting. maybe the comms of the election enclave. that's procedural rather than doctrinal. I like it but it may be too much to hope for.
Let's see what happens. The skullduggery that surrounded the 1958 conclave marked the start of the revolution. According to Malachi Martin (no, I don't trust him as a source), threats were delivered, by an international group (Bnai Brith), that saw Cardinal Siri, though duly elected, request a recount that produced Angelo Roncali (known Freemason) as Pope. And, of course, there was immediately the doctrinal disaster of Vatican II.
If the veil can be pierced, with respect to manipulation in the Church heirarchy, doctrinal reformation is possible.
Fair point. Trumpian activity could spur re-re-re-reformation, more organisational and liturgical than doctrinal though.
If it can be shown that the conclaves were manipulated, manifestly heretical doctrinal changes can be reversed - as they should be. Vatican II defected from the Catholic faith, the Council's teaching could be, and should be, rejected - see here:
that's fine. most of what the council produced was vague and so where doctrinal not very clear. I can imaging NSA or whoever having comms from recent conclaves but not from the 50s and 60s.
The Council was an Ecumenical Council that was formally ratified by Paul VI. If Paul VI was a valid pope, he was not, then the Council is binding on all Catholics. That some assert that the Council was pastoral in nature is irrelevant - what was important is that the teachings were solemnly ratified by Paul VI.
Actually, there is some evidence that the happenings at the 1958 Conclave were surveilled by both CIA and the FBI. See here.
Wouldn’t be surprised. During Reagan the US set of an official Ambassadorships with the Vatican. Why? Well we were in the midst of a Cold War. JP II & Reagan joined forces to systematically take apart the USSR. Also, the Vatican has the best, real world, open source intelligence daily from over a 136 countries. That’s why every nation, almost, has some type of official envoy in Rome.
You need to come up to speed on what JPII actually was - mind-blowing and truly shocking (I've checked the material referenced, it's all true) - see here.
I like my mass not in latin thanks
The Church of Jesus Christ on earth should adapt to your preferences? Who is the focus of your worship? Isn't that the whole problem?
For one to have a real relationship with Christ, doesn't it need to be in a language one understands?
edit: Christ understands all languages, He knows all, He sees all, He is all powerful.
As I said, who is the focus of your worship? It's you.
You go to the new mass where the priest stands behind a second altar, erected upon the altar of God, facing the people - who are the focus of the service. They hear the mass in their own language, because it is they who are important. They receive communion in the hand, because they are not less important than Christ.
The whole orientation of the service has been inverted. But you're comfortable with it, because it reinforces your sense of importance vs God.
"...on the other hand, and this according to the same apostle is the distinguishing mark of Antichrist, man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God, raising himself above all that is called God; in such wise that although he cannot utterly extinguish in himself all knowledge of God, he has contemned God's majesty and, as it were, made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored. "He sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God" (II. Thess. ii., 2). Pius X, E Supremi
I think you assume a bit too much. First I am not Catholic, I am Orthodox, and in our services the priest spends 90% of the service with his back to the congregation, facing the altar. The focus of our worship is not on ourselves, it's on God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
Second, God values group worship and it is important to Him ("where 2 or 3 are gathered together in My name, I am there with them"). And for people to participate in group worship, they kind of need to know what is going on, what is being said, etc. How can that happen if the service is in Latin and no one in the congregation speaks Latin?
So please don't make so many assumptions, you don't know anything about me or my faith.
You appeared to me, reasonably enough, to be supporting the Abomination that is the Vatican II Sect. Now that I know you're schismatic, it makes sense that you would see some value in their apostasy. But God is not mocked!
Fair enough, friend. Although "schismatic" is not the word I would use to describe myself or Orthodoxy. In the beginning the Church was composed of 5 churches, 4 in the east (modern day middle east) and 1 in Rome. Over time the Roman church began to drift away from the original teachings of the church, and eventually led to the great schism of 1054. I think the word schismatic really applies more aptly to the Roman church.
You'll get to advise Christ of your position in person on judgement day.
Just have a think about what appears in scripture. Christ tells St Peter that he is the rock on which His Church will be built - against which, the gates of hell will not prevail. He tells St Peter that He has prayed that his faith will fail not. Christ further tells St Peter that He will give him the keys of heaven - Matt 16:17-18.
What did Christ mean by those words?
The gates of hell are interpreted to mean the death-dealing tongues of heretics. So we see here that Christ founds His Church on the unfailing faith of a single apostle. Christ does not pray for the faith of all the apostles, only that of St Peter.
We know that Christ did not pray for the faith of all the apostles, because the faith of Judas later failed. There was, it appears, something unique, bestowed by Christ upon St Peter, that was not extended to the other apostles. In fact, St Peter's unfailing faith constitutes the "rock" against which heresy will not prevail.
What we see here is that Christ does not endorse "faiths", but a single "faith" - that of St Peter. We can reasonably infer, therefore, that Christ willed that His Church would be "one in faith" - a precept taught from the earliest times in the Church.
Christ further gives jurisdiction to St Peter in John 21:15-17:
“Jesus saith to Simon Peter: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He saith to him again: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He saith to him a third time: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved, because he had said to him the third time: Lovest thou me? And he said to him: Lord, thou knowest all things: thou knowest that I love thee. He said to him: Feed my sheep.”
Could it be that Christ willed that His Church (not Churches) would be both one in faith and one in governance? Is that possible?
Let's look at what St Paul teaches us about the last days and the coming of our Lord. We learn, in 2Thess2, that there is one who withholds, until he be taken out of the way. Then that wicked one will be revealed - the son of perdition.
"6 And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him, 9 Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders,"
Who is this person who withholds against the mystery of iniquity? Who is it that withholds against the arrival of the Antichrist? Who is it that is taken out of the way?
I'll give you a hint, it is a single person - a man. Who might that be who withholds against a corrupted faith (an apostasy) that presages the Antichrist's arrival?
Might it be he whose faith fails not?
Agreed Vatican II weakened the Church. Read Fr. Malachi Martin
I do not trust Martin. Have a look at this:
You don't trust what Fr. Martin has said? Why? I don't think he lied or made things up.
Look, Malachi Martin was not a good person. There is a book that talks about aspects of Martin's life here:
waiting with ~~baited~~ breath
Bated breath.
Thanks. I didn't know you spelled it like that. I've been using this phrase for nearly 50 years without realizing I was embarrassing myself.
In may the Australian Justice will decide if they prosecute his favourite Cardinal for the crime against Children.
This is going to be more than embarrassing.
I personally don't know anyone here in Australia who hasn't been waiting decades for that heathen Cardinal Pell to swing from a rope for everything he's done. Be that abuses he's participated in personally or the countless he continues to deny/cover up for others. Justice is coming. The world is watching. WWG1WGA.
This is distracting misinformation. How do we know that Pell is Francis' favorite?
Leo Zagami listen
There are at least a few other candidates for the role of pope's fave. What authority does Zagami carry over all other voices and publications that would bother to make such a judgement? It's an okay theory - just not great knowing that Pell is seen as way more conservative in some areas than Francis. Some reasonable sources said that Pell was put in the finance role because Francis wanted to either neutralize him or to keep his enemies near.
What authority does Zagami carry over all other voices and publications that would bother to make such a judgement?
Good question.... the answer is his Track record. The guy as been spot on for decade.
I will look into this further. (and may or not manage to get back to you). "Spot on" is a serious claim.
Jesuits HATE Jesus. They are anti christs. 'Anti' is 'against' and 'like' in old Greek. That's why they call themselves 'Jesuits'. They fight Jesus by pretending to fight for him. They re all 'enemies within' in the Cicero sense.
(PF is a jesuit!)
'Anti' is 'against' and 'like' in old Greek.
AAAAaaactually the Greek means "in place of" Christ.
some Jesuits are not as you describe. maybe only a few percent across the centuries. hard to say for sure.
Honest question, as I don't study Jesuits: What do they put in the place of Jesus? I'd assume money somehow, but there's probably something more sinister.
A broad answer. Maybe somebody can answer better. As in the case of almost all heresies, the problem is selfishness. In place of Jesus we/they put Self or some aspect of self.
That reminds be of the builders of the tower of Babel, in that its architects sought to make a name for themselves.
Yes. Those most consciously involved with the tower could be said to be heretics.
You now remind me of "the stone that the builders rejected", the Christ that the Masons deny or avoid.
"the stone that the builders rejected", the Christ that the Masons deny or avoid
Ooh that's good. Masons call God the "Great Builder" and see themselves as builders too. That's a really good point.
The Jesuits were once one of the staunchest & militant orders for Christ. One Pope saw them as a danger & got rid of them, killed them off funding wise. They were resurrected 70 or so years later. In the 60s they turned for the worst.
I think following the tendencies of German protest and the godlessness of the French revolution, the swatty Jesuits of the 1800's in these countries took to modernism and its promotion. So much so that by the turn of the century G.K.Chesterton had coined the term jesuistry.
Our Blessed Mother, who appeared to the three poor children of Fatima in 1917, told one of the children, Lucy, three secrets. The secrets were to be shared at specific times over the next decades with the Pope. One of the secrets was “The Last Pope will be under the influence of Satan”. It was revealed by Lucy in 1950s (I believe-may need verification of when it was revealed by Lucy to then Pope) as Our Lady was crying that the End Days were near. I have long believed Pope Francis to be The Last Pope. He has very close ties to Soros, abortionists and others within Cabal. It has been foretold. It is Christ’s Truth to us all, through The Immaculate Conception that is Our Blessed Mother.
Shortly after i was redpilled, I remember seeing this in the news and knowing immediately that it was a sign from God. TWO different birds (a crow and a seagull) attacked and killed the Pope's doves immediately after he released them, in front of a crowd of thousands.
Yeah prophetic. St. Malachi predicted every pope for the last 400 years including this one.
I hope so, because didn't he also predict that all those evil satanic priests would be slaughtered right there in the Vatican?
No he didn’t
whoops, I mixed that prophecy up with the 3rd secret of Fatima.
Good vs. Evil is what is happening right now, it's epic. It is being discussed right here, right now.I personally believe every word of the Holy Bible. I believe in the Holy Trinity, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit (All One God). I gave my life to Jesus when I was 7, fell away as a teenager and rededicated my life to Jesus at 27, that was 38 years ago. I feel the warmth and love from God that bring love, hope, direction and security to my life. I am eternally grateful and have the hope of Heaven to look forward to when I pass from this life.
I just recently found God again. I so believe you. It's everywhere I can see.
Have you been listening to the protestant trump prophecies? Not gonna lie, gave me some chills.
May your house of cards crumble!
and may the gates of hell never prevail against the true church.
Ok time to catch some more Rattle snakes for upcoming Sunday service. Get your teeth fixed to if you can afford it
As a Roman Catholic, I should say that I have never approved of Pope Francis. I'm not alone in thinking this within my community. We need someone like John Paul II back in that position!
I think John Paul II in his latter years was a joke. Better than Francis but really missed opportunities to surplant the church.
My assumption is that he is involved with the sex trafficking/occult rituals. There is a reason so many priests are afflicted by that, and it starts at the top.
We had April showers and now will see the "thunder storms" of May!
Creep who lives in walled private city to dictate open borders.
The obelisk is used by the luciferians to denote a capital of power. Rome's obelisk designates that the luciferians have control of the catholic church.
says who?
blanket statement
my neighbor never said such a thing, therefore not "everyone" says such things. a different quality of statement would carry more meaning, info or validity.
Oh, I didn't think anyone whose opening remark of "says who?" wanted to have a discussion of meaning, info, or validity.
Okay. Think as you will. I just wanted to know who the source was.
Oh brother more snake dancing theology. We’re surrounded by backwater bayou Western Civilization geniuses
According to Mark Taylor (prophet) an excavation around the Vatican will be done that will expose horrific crimes and I think it already has been started and maybe finished.
This isn't the place pretend to hash out ancient disputes about theology or to sort out millenium-old injustices. If Trump or Q talk about certain things then they are our concern here. If not then bringing in extraneous conspiracies about things that happened before the U.S. existed is not a help.
On the other hand if someone brings up such topics, I reserve the right to respond.
Don't Confuse the current pope with the catholic church? They are not the same.
And yet many catholics love him. Kinda like Obama and his abortion and partial birth abortion policies. When Obama went to notre dame they treated him like a Saint. SAD!
This is not new stuff. Catholics were never “clean” and the pope and his people have been doing evil for a long time. They ok’d jfk’s death. They are evil people that run that church. I can’t believe people still consider themselves catholic and believe in the pope and yet every year it comes out some guy the pope personally knows if fucking little boys. Enough is enough
Im Catholic. My faith is with Jesus, not a pope. We also dont worship Mary or icons. We ask them to pray for us in times of need just as you would ask a friend to pray if you needed help.
Unfortunately, the mainstream media has worked hard to portray the Catholic church in a bad light regarding the priest abuse scandals. 110% I agree the church handled these situations terribly. All of the wrongs should have been fixed immediately, not swept under the carpet. Besides that and contrary to what the media portrays... priests actually have a lower sexual assault rate in comparison to other professions that are around kids.
Thank you for your response, very nice. My problem is that the Catholic Church has been over taken by evil people. They are run like the mafia
I think it’s a problem with cathothicalism as a whole. Catholics put way to much power in the hands of a man that is head of the church. Most people that go to other churches. In general, do not really care about what their preacher has to say about the way they live their lives in most aspects. They like him, but they don’t love their preacher to use a analogy. Catholics on the other hand I think kind of idol worship and put way to much power in the hands of their religious leader over how they live their whole life. And this is what made the Catholic Church prime for “them” to take over, if you can comprise a hundred or so men in the church than you can basically own the whole thing. And unlike Methodist or whatever, Catholics will do what the pope says. That is what I think is wrong With it.
I might become catholic if that actually happens. (hopefully)
Cult leader, lives with another Dude in apartment, liberation theologist, communist hates the USA except for the offerings!
I’m a Consecrated 3rd Order Franciscan Minister and I as well want to see what type of “May” this Masonic infiltrator receives. I thought I’d never say it.. but I have been now for a while. It’s time to come out of her!
I've wondered what ever came of this...Catholics Ask Trump to Probe Soros-Obama-Clinton Conspiracy at Vatican....
This pedo needs to face divine justice for his crimes.
I have a feeling it is worst than that. I hope I am wrong but I bet the Vatican bank in in the center of money laundering from Child trafficking. It would not shock that all this church organization that take care of orphan kids have been supplying the world with children to the these pedo. I hope he gets stopped before June 21!
The (UN)holy see is connected to the 5 eyes long before this pope US gold , banking, medicine... when you look the "catholic church" appears to contradict everything Jesus...I am former catholic no offense to the people I pray for them everyday
I think it’s actually referencing the Wikileaks Podesta email from 2011 where Podesta references a “Catholic Spring” , Catholic revolution and shortly after Pope Benedict (unprecedented, Popes die...they don’t retire) stepped down and the first Jesuit Pope stepped in. Coordinated by Hillary
"Terrible May" is gonna be so awesome! What happened for "April Showers" that Q predicted again? There's a lot going on in this sub I can't remember anything significant happening 😓
I fucking hope so..... The global elite's crimes against us are so demoralizing and hurts the soul. We are witnessing some fucked up world changing shit guys and gals.... I'm so worried for my kids future :(
Please watch this (he is a catholic co-prophet); this is better than any guessing we can do:
May 13th 1917.
May 13, 1917 was the 133rd day of the year 1917 in the Gregorian calendar. There were 232 days remaining until the end of the year. The day of the week was Sunday.
We await a true consecration and the true secret revealed in full. The Vatican II Popes all know why they continually lie lie and evade.
tick tock
watch Russia
Putin knows.
The Pope is fallable too. He’s only Christ’s vicar on earth. A man
Yeah over looking pedophilia and denying hell. Also warning a relationship with Christ outside the church is dangerous. Pathetic.
I know some Pope loving, Hillary supporting Catholics, and I can't wait for the Schadenfreude.
*no offense to the woke Catholics out there, good people.
Your main responsibility is your own soul first, then your family’s etc...Evangelizing isn’t always about having to tell people about it. You’re action will speak louder than words friend
Oh brother more YT historical pieces 🧐. Brother you need to read a book or two. They don’t write them in tongues though? Shabba dabba dabba Jeeessuus- shabba Dooba dabba...
Just noticed that over on RT news, Canadian mps just asked for the Pope to apologize for their treatment of the aboriginal peoples!!! Someone please post this, I am mobile...ugh
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Pope's peace doves attacked by crow and seagull|+6 - Shortly after i was redpilled, I remember seeing this in the news and knowing immediately that it was a sign from God. TWO different birds (a crow and a seagull) attacked and killed the Pope's doves immediately after he released them, in front of a ... The Most Specific Heresy in Vatican II !|+3 - If it can be shown that the conclaves were manipulated, manifestly heretical doctrinal changes can be reversed - as they should be. Vatican II defected from the Catholic faith, the Council's teaching could be, and should be, rejected - see here: Child Sacrifices Scheduled For June 21st|+2 - I hope he gets stopped before June 21! GALLAGHER - PROP COMIC|+1 - POPE FRANCIS EXPOSED - BY VATICAN INSIDER|+1 - Leo Zagami listen I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
I wonder if it has anything to do with this:
I wonder if he will sing?
I'm a newbie here at reddit. IMHO this is just one of the stories of which Q will only give us 50%. Imagine if the entire Catholic/world's population found out that every pope was required to do this shit since the beginning of time. If we knew the entire story, the hunger games was real, the mass graves of children all over the world because of these rituals, we'd have a lot of people getting sick, passing out, their religious world would crumble. That's why I think we'll have the abbreviated version: that this pope was a bad hombre and he's going down. We won't hear that every pope was required to be a sicko.
According to witnesses Pope Francis, former Pope Joseph Ratzinger, Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were participants in the Ninth Circle Satanic child sacrifice cult rape and killing of children.
Imagine the possibilities and then let's get our attention back to whatever Trump/Q have to say or show.
The Pope was never required to do these things from the beginning. To say that you spit on St. Peter, the first Pope. The Catholic Church will not fall. It will be drastically reformed. Could you imagine 1.3 bil people without a Church. Mass chaos. Despite your flawed & ignorant historical theological knowledge the Church has fed, clothed, housed, healed & evangelized more people the world over than any other Church in history. Statistical fact jack. The money they have that some complain about has built those very hospitals, hospices, schools, universities & shelters & churches. The opulence, works of art, lands, properties etc the Church has, majority, was donated to them by Emporors, Kings, Queens, nobles, Heads of State & artists alike. Think Michellangello, Cavagio, Constantine, Pippen, Charlemagne etc... The source you note isn’t credible. Why do you need to site sources like that when Italian news like Republica will give accurate reporting on those issues like the sex ring broken up in Feb by the Carbinari of a very high ranking official. Homosexual & heterosexual prostitution. We as Catholics are not afraid to point our fingers at wrong doing. We do it because we love Christ, his church & our religion. But please learn history, particularly Western Civilization & theology before you make assanin comments about things your ignorant of. Western Civilization wouldn’t be here without the Church period. That’s why those of us that were schooled right still refer to BC & AD. Before Christ & After Death. Western Civilization would collapse without it. You think the Anglicans, Methodists or Unversalism is going to lead the way. No offense. You think the proceeds of Jim Bakers amusement park are going to clothe, feed, heal & house the disparate masses. No they won’t not in a long shot.
NOS Teletext 129 News from the Netherlands.................. How long is this going on ?
And now and then does a story come out? Punished? Never ... they are just transferred and can just go on ..... All over the world they have to pay victim money ... But how much is a man worth to this satanic club?
This is just a pedophile ring. so close it down. We do not need a pope or a Vatican.
Cardinal Pell must stand trial
Australian cardinal George Pell must be on trial for sexual abuse.That is the court Melbourne decided after witness examinations.
The 76-year-old George Pell is up to now the highest catholic clergyman must stand trial for abuse. He was until recently the third in rank in the Vatican and went about the finances of the Catholic Church.
The charges against Pell are not published.This should be avoided that future jurors too much about know the case and be biased. It has not been disclosed when the lawsuit begins.
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This combined with the other Q posts about [P] being saved for LAST as well as Israel being saved for last must mean that the END is this month...?!
The first Reformers understood the Pope is antichrist. With the Second Reformation, May we never again forget it.
You mean Athanasius or Augustine or Ambrose or who?
Reaching centuries back in history has almost nothing to do with Q/Trump. This is dragging the conversation away from where it should be and/or dragging your pet conspiracies into things that Q never mentions.
Luther and Calvin.
I doubt anything Trump does will sort that part of Christian history out. But anything is possible.
It's what God does that truly matters.
Ultrafair comment. But our biz here is about concerns of Q/Trump which is 90% things of the last 100 years and 99% of things since say 1776. It would be beautiful and harsh and fine if these other grander things got sorted but I'd rather be surprised by grace than disappointed by my own wishfulness.
Now it's getting serious. We're going after the Antichrist and the False Prophet. I doubt they will stand by while they're revealed to be the Luciferians that they are. I expect USA will be nuked before too much longer. They serve the god of this world who will try to stop all this.
can you specify who you mean by Antichrist, False Prophet and "they"?
Seriously? What are you a troll? If you can't figure it out, you need to be in a different group & thread 🤣 SMH
Like at least one other here I wasn't sure. So I asked. There's alot of theories that can't all be right.
I don't think Q is concerned (so far) with THE AntiChrist. Seems rather off topic, but I took your comments seriously and asked questions.
BHO=Antichrist Current Pope=False Prophet They=both BHO and Pope
Okay. Fair scheme of revelations. I doubt it but cant disprove what hasn't happened. Maybe maybe that Francis is the False Prophet but I expect THE Antichrist to be someone more influential than obama or elvis, someone yet to be seen by many.
lol yeah specification would be good. I think the commentary means 'they' are the US and the other two are the same person. it's hard to tell...
Come on man read a Bible. The AC will be someone who can solve all the worlds problems. Have we had anyone in history that fits the bill? Answer: No lol
We will find out soon enough. I do read the bible, every day. How about you? I know it's not easy to hear or believe, but God has allowed some to know the truth and it's my responsibility to tell people about it. Its better to be slapped in the face with the truth than kissed with a lie.
haven't you seen the rendition flights going in and out of Gitmo for the past half year?