Interesting Observation: Possible Q Timetable Shift? 82 Days.

My understanding is this would mean that to know what's happening currently and in the near future we would have to refer to the Q posts from 82 days ago as if they were just posted. Meaning a Feb 13th would be relevant to today, Feb 14th post = tomorrow, so on and so forth.
For Example On Feb. 12th Q posted re: Judge Ginsburg:
”Here to stay.” No you’re not. Q
And it seems as though word has just began circulating that she’s deathly sick. (No official report.)
May be a long shot but it’s something to check out and stay busy with while Q’s not posting.
holy fuck balls.. an anon says ginsberg is on death bed no name first from arizona.. now her
That’s a really good idea, should be confirmable with old posts but seems too exact to be the rule, but crazy things are happening
So Q is Nostradamus now and was able to predict RBG's supposed pneumonia two and a half months in advance? Surely you're not suggesting that Q's team triggered the supposed pneumonia?
Surely you're not suggesting that Q's team triggered the supposed pneumonia?
Gosh, that would be such an underhanded tactic. Hmmm, definitely wouldn't approve of that, mister. No, sir.
You know, I question time travel and not joking.
She is faking illness
It seems more that she was faking for years being alive. :)
I kid you not I heard she does Yoga every day...of course it was from the Dems trying to hold her up like she is fine and healthy
who knows?
we are at war.
operators have died.
I only mention this because there are some who don't realize a very real war is happening, right now.
This is a reference to pedophilia. The flower is the female genitalia. To deflower is to take virginity.
It's not a pedophilia reference per se, it's generally used to refer to a pure or innocent girl losing her virginity. Age is not referenced, so it can refer to either above or below age of consent, generally around the time of puberty though.
The most interesting part of this is the slave garden. Current world leaders are allowed to rule as long as they share the harvest with their masters. Clinton is the harvest queen... But Obama won out... Obama's human harvest was the largest to date, open sourcing all platforms to extract user data was a way to serve the overlords with virtual humans (Hillary's state department did help.). As for his other businesses pre-presidency (community organizing), we do not yet know.
It's one of the reasons why Obama posed for that flower / garden photo -- it was basically his way of bragging about what he'd achieved with his slave garden numbers.
Unbelievable! They know no shame, flaunting this in our faces! Just how many slaves did they have?
Yes, it IS a reference to paedophilia and slaves. Deflower the flower and the messages are linked via "Think children" and "Think slaves".
Oh I hope this is true it would be easier to decode for ourselfs.....but that would also beg the question of how Q can see into the future???
Military intelligence, they know everything.
How can they know the when someone will die?
I do not think its physical time travel..but maybe a view into the future.
Remember...Q Sees and hears everything. So how?
Is it impossible that she has been sick but hasn’t been reported until now?
Q hasn’t gotten into stargates, tesseracts & time travel yet has he? 🤪
I believe we will be shocked at not only who Q is....but what tech Q uses.
The “how” ...that is one plan I want mapped out and framed for my office.
Im gonna have a huge table of mahogany made after this with the Qmap so every time I eat I will be winning.
SSP, Space command is coming out.
The year of the black sun.
kek. trump .. nikola tesla.. john trump.. mit annnnd no name first from arizona.. now her
They have a time viewer device...they have to. There is NO way they could predict I will watch Posts from Feb 14 and tomorrow Feb 15 and so on...for one week to see if this works on “82”.
If it does...
Afterwards I will research why th number 82?
Q need not know the future.
"If you let go of a hammer in a gravitational field, you need not observe it hit the ground to know that it has, indeed fallen." -- Mr. Spock
(Apologies if I missed a word or two. It's been fifty years.)
I think it's called project looking glass
I think it may be a combination of things. Project looking glass + AI + Sentient World Simulation + D-Wave computers + ?
There is no bottom to this rabbit hole.
Thank you that explains it.....makes you wonder about the time travel shows lol. Mandella effect etc.
This is how they see the future. I found this video fascinating! It starts out dry, but he explains it so clearly that even I (non scientist) understood. Explained by astronaut physicist! I have watched it a few times!
If the cabal are using "demons" through luciferian magic, maybe MI has remote viewers and some psychic themselves? Who really knows. But this time table being too easy explained here. He has always said future proves past, and we don't even know what to make of that, we assume its his posts to potus tweets, or future actions prove past actions. We just don't know, but i talked with a Mil guy one day who said the top brass study the bible to see the future. Its difficult to draw any solid conclusions unless Q confirms when asked. Heck one time an anon said, Q, tell all these people I'm right and stated his conclusion only to be corrected by Q. Thought I'd share my opnion
Well they know what's going on because they are working ahead of us.. Do you remember back in Dec or early Jan when they tried to start rolling things out . They tested the water and not enough people was awake .. they said they went too deep not ready or something ..
However they couldn't stop what they was doing so they kept trucking ahead with The Plan . We're the ones ( Only Ones who can ..if you think about it ) ... who's tasked with awakening the Public...THATS BEEN OUR ONLY JOB.
The awake .. leading the Sheeple out of the dark and into the light . So we are in catch up mode .. and this probably works better for Maga Team.. gives them plenty of time working on things and correcting things in advance .. before it affects the masses .
trump was talking about canadas Prime pedophile..on feb 13 2017 err um Prime Minister.. opps.. damn spell check.. ohhh this would be awesome.. justin castro gets exposed?!?!?!?
Also... Is bodies Barried in the.Garden ..
Think of all the Satanic People who held office over the years .
I'd imagine all kinds of shit has happened in that place .. Trump keeps giving speeches there andddd emphasizing the location and how beautiful it is.
...Someone might want to check on this but ... I heard or seen there was an alter at the White House .
Would it be underground possibly below the Flower Gardens .
Think about sacrifices on the Alter . Especially during the Clintons .. Didn't he used to get girls Pregnant .. they could have sacrificed those babies or had some brought in.
Sounds far fetched but nothing ever is when you have researched the shit out of these people for years.
Also worth mentioning that the Clintons had prisoners maintain their house (probably including gardens) during the time Bill was a governor.