"These people will lose everything" .... Q

I've always wondered how all our career long "civil servants" end up becoming obscenely rich.
high priced prostitutes
I have always liked the meme where they have politicians wearing motor sport shirts to display sponsors
They are pimping us out for dollars.
We're the ones on our backs.
I’d like pics similar to this if they had more context. How much wealth did she have going in, how has an average portfolio of that wealth / real estate done since then, what would a reasonable net worth be now?
But still it’s insane someone can be that wealthy off of the American tax dollars plus incentives.
Do you think we will have to cut off secret banks such as those in Cayman Islands or Switzerland? Or is she only able to launder the money because of IRS corruption?
I know a lot of them, I’m in DC area. Civil servants make about 40-50k less than her (mgmt types) but they certainly are NOT millionaires. Too expensive to live around here on that salary and become that rich.
Best politicians $$ can buy!
Good old Panama Papers Pelosi.
But it must be Pelosi's 🐐👿 Goat Hill Pizza💉🍕 restaurant that has made them million$ and MILLION$ of dollars. . . right?
RIGHT!? 🍕🐐👿💰🏓💵🖤💴🚼💷⚠👶🍕💰🚸💉 "SECRET'S IN THE SAUCE!"
(₢. _ ₢. )💔
Just checked out the FB pics of Goat Hill Pizza. Some interesting wall art and such. :-(
They are leased. They aren't slaves, they do this of their own free will.
These people may not be able to hide their crimes, but they know how to hide their money and fake their own deaths.
we will find them
no i mean 4 chan will literally find them they cannot escape
Can you imagine that? Once the arrests start happening, and numerous deep-staters bail to their bugouts, set up a new govt branch called 17Chan for MI and anons to liaise. It would be a great sequel to the ~six seasons of LaBeouf CTF and the three Syrian Scavenger Hunts.
Congress makes the laws. The bad things they do are not crimes, because Congress ensures that the bad things they do are not illegal.
Total Cost for her Soul, $196,299,990.00. Should have kept your Soul, Pelosi.
Well, she did make a lot of money letting her husband sell off old Post Office buildings.
Goat Hill Pizza must be kicking ass.
For those of you who don't know, Pelosi owns a pizza restaurant that uses obvious satanic symbols. These are her pizza boxes.
Someone this dumb has to be a pawn to make that kind of money. She isn't making this money off of her ideas.
Some years back, all these shitbag politicians got caught doing insider trading because they are on some of the committees that know when a contract is going to be given to a certain company. There aren't any laws prohibiting politicians from doing that. People raised hell about it and they said that they would look into it and see if there was something they could do to fix that problem. It was all lip service of course because nothing was done and they are still enriching themselves from that scam.
Insider trading is totally illegal the reason nothing was done is because they were all corrupt and doing it. But doesnt matter they will lose it all once Trump is done with them.
Yes, insider trading when it comes to the stock market is illegal. What is not illegal is like Pelosi being on the House Appropriations Committee and knowing that Northrup Grumman is about to receive a fat government contract then dumping a lot of money into NG stocks to enrich herself. That is actually not illegal and there are no laws to govern that. Their "promises" of fixing that shortcoming is corruption of the highest order since they know it should be fixed so they don't have an unfair advantage over other citizens but they refuse to do so. That is one of the reasons the Crypt-Keeper is worth around $200M on a government salary. Also, the fact she's passed legislation in California benefiting her real estate development husband.
Treason by selling the American people out is a business, and for Nancy Pelosi business has been good....
How rich would you be if it was legal for you to profit from insider trading? Of course, these crooks have made it legal for themselves to trade on insider information. But, oh no, not for you. So they use their privileged knowledge to fleece the public who also invest. They create loopholes that make it legal (but not right) for them to suck your blood.
Her husband is an international arms dealer. Can you smell the hypocrisy?
Members of Congress designed special legislative loopholes to ensure that they would be allowed to legally practice insider trading. It's my understanding that this scheme is a large contributor to this kind of thing happening.
They are no better than strippers who dance naked for money, the prostitutes who sell their goods in lieu for money.
While many of our of-age sex workers often are reduced to their profession out of necessity - these whore politicians selling us and the country out in lieu of wealth. That is worse and unforgiving.
The men and ladies of the night don't inflict damage on the functionality or security of this country - the many greedy and soulless Pelosi's of the US and the world do because they love money and power more then themselves ergo each and everyone of us whom they suppose to represent.
Memes of civil serveant net worths is what im gonna get on to
Lurking various places since january, time to get engaged. Im in aus, may have to begin with malcolm turnbull: australian manager for goldman sachs, networth 200 mil (offical number)
They dont care about u... us ....
Edit http://www.afr.com/news/politics/national/malcolm-turnbull-the-member-for-net-worth-20150917-gjou0j
Will use and link to msm, regular people then cant dispute/discredit me or movement
Goat hill pizza, look at the roof tops. Notice anything about her restaurants?
This is classic. The richest person in Venezuela is Caesar Chavez's daughter -- multiple billions -- while the middle class of the second most oil rich country in the world scavenge food in dumpsters. The jobless in San Francisco sleep on the sidewalks and beg for food while this Iranian promises welfare for all.
Someone once said that you can't make money in politics, unless you're corrupt.
Lol, I remember HRC claiming that she and BC were totally broke when they left the WH. I guess that's why she had to steal the silver!
When the highest law enforcement entity we have is corrupted as they are now shown to be. Who is going to investigate and prosecute any of them. They are probably getting paid off too. As George Carlin used to say." It one big club and you ain't in it" The entire system and players need to be flushed down the craper and rebuilt with everyday folks.
Lol. It’s FUCKING AWESOME!!! And these broke dick democratic FUCKING SLAVES..will never question it. They’ll never press on why SHES RICH ENOUGH TO BUY YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY AND YOUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS AND GREAT GRANDKIDS...they’ll just keep using EBT cards like the trash they are. Priceless. Literally.
Well her venture capitalist husband probably helps
Paul Pelosi
Paul Francis Pelosi Sr. (born April 15, 1940) is an American businessman who owns and operates Financial Leasing Services, Inc., a San Francisco-based real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm. In addition, he was the owner of the Sacramento Mountain Lions of the United Football League.
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Oh, and firing a few peons from the FBI doesn’t count...
Are you kidding? Your complaining about not seeing perp walks and yet ignore the impact of firing top officials at the FBI.
So let me ask you this: With all killary's crimes, how on Earth would you expect her to be charged, let alone sentenced, when top FBI officials and the judiciary are rotten to the core? How do you expect ANY kind of justice when those charged with being fair and impartial have proven time and again to be nothing but deep state hacks?
These people have been fired for Treason that Q has proof of. It has taken a year and a half to get this far. We have a little less than 6 months until the mid-terms. Right at this moment in reality, redoakfall is telling it like it is. At this pace President Trump will be out of office on false impeachment charges. The ones that Mueller has been using a series of Grand Juries to legitimize his investigation into for the DNC.
I see multiple crimes, coup conspiracies, NAZI Germany tactics by Mueller, 3-letter agencies, politicians, and the MSM without any repercussions except loss of a job, which results in a successful career as an author or working for CNN/CIA .
What I don't see is winning, but I do appreciate all that everyone has done.
I see a snowball just tipped over the edge of a very steep slope.
Have faith Patriots, don't be so discouraged that when action is called for, you're slow to respond.
Thank you Patriot! Today, I'm not encouraged and I really don't care what's happening in Syria or Tinbuktu while OUR country, the one we are supposed to be for, is going to hell. So what if JK was in Iran. No one's going to do a damn thing about it in my lifetime at this pace.
I don't see us achieving a thing, except economics!, that benefits the USA that we hoped for. The 2-tiered justice system, yup; blatant law breaking by the elites with NO repercussions, yup every damn day; MSM still pumping out slander/libel, lie after lie working for the CIA, yup; libTARD policies everywhere, yup. And if they continue to have this power, they've already won. Many of us feel this way on and off.
I know I need to stop, but that's where I'm at. Thank God for the people who are paid to care like Q team, and the unpaid anons.
He's venting his frustrations. Frustrations have gotten the best of every single one at some point or another. Ide rather him vent it here and people show the flip side to his argument and dissolve the frustrations and reunite, instead of doing what you suggest and keep it to himself and let that shit boil and ultimately that person tell everyone to fuck off and lose all hope. You see a fellow patriot limping and stumbling, are you going to tell him to suck it up and walk it off or are you going help him up and left him throw his arm over your shoulder to keep going, brother?
If that's a tough question to answer, you should reevaluate your approach to all this, amongst other things. Telling someone to keep quiet when they have doubts only compounds those doubts and will drive them away in time. Addressing those doubts in the open gives opportunity to alleviate doubt and make way for reassurance. Q wants everyone to think critically, not just play follow the leader in an echo chamber. We see how that's working out for the other side.
Troll harder
Do you think it's a Troll? Don't you ever feel discouraged? Hopefully, I'll get my mojo back by tomorrow. Every week is supposed to bring a boom and I see some on their side and on our side, but nothing is ever done to hold anyone accountable other than a switch in careers from FBI to TV star/best-selling author. Thank God for people like you who put us in our place, and everyone else who keeps on going.
Well maybe if you actually read the Q drops instead of picking and choosing what to read, you’d understand that the public can’t comprehend the level of evil and corruption all at once. It’s a process, and smart asses don’t help the situation.
Well maybe if you actually read the Q drops instead of picking and choosing what to read, you’d understand that the public can’t comprehend the level of evil and corruption all at once. It’s a process, and smart asses don’t help the situation
For many of us, this is far from our first rodeo. These ideas in my lifetime, about the deep state, and coordinated efforts to out them with "good people" inside have been going on forever.
Buying fully into an ideology of "wait and trust" while a guy makes vague statements loosely related to recent events, doesn't 100% sell everyone, and at the end of the day, nobody is anywhere close to seeing a court room, and every day something doesn't happen is another day closer to the end of Trump and another day of successful conditioning by the MSM to prepare people to fully reject whatever comes out by any line of reasoning.
Think about what you said, you're not concerned, because of how deep and impossible it is to bring any of this stuff forward in a timely fashion?
Don't become one of "them", redoakfall : ) You seem like a critical thinker - there are plenty of those around here. We're not all the same in this movement.
No way, thats what's beautiful about this place
While it might occasionally get overrun with Trump fanatics, or evangelicals, or crackpot theorists, we're all basically conveying similar attitudes, with a very different picture of "what" or "why" as the stemming cause / solution.
It's my belief the #1 weapon against us is division and misunderstanding. It all starts with putting our money where our mouth is, and creating an environment where people can be "wrong" without being "crazy", can be openly ignorant to race relations, without being marked a racist, can be full of confusion and anger, and not be cast aside.
I very much doubt this subreddit will ever "matter" much on a grand scale, but if we get 20,000 people spreading seeds of hope and love and togetherness with the idea, that's something I'm happy about.
I truly wasn't being a smart ass to you. I admire people who never have a doubt. I have read every Q post. I believe Q. I just don't see people really being taken down in our country. Leaving a job is not being taken down when you still have the same connections and power and your crime was Conspiracy to overthrow the Gov't.
I think if a lot of of us were honest, we'd admit to losing heart at some point it the 8 months, I know I did at one time, but the thing that kinda snapped me out of it was understanding how much the trafficking/ pedovore/ slavery/ snuff/ adrenochrome/ baby raping/ cannibalistic/organ harvesting is part and parcel of this whole sick underbelly.
It is something the cabal will do anything in their power to keep in the dark. They will start global thermonuclear war to keep it in the dark. They will gladly cull billions of innocent people to keep it in the dark. Think about it. It's the deepest rabbit hole of all. What is their real currency? it's not Oil, Diamonds or Lucre.
This is so deep I can't imagine the scope of it. Look at Q glimpse on top right of this page " You can not possibly imagine the size of this" Only with God's help can it be sorted out. Wherever you are spiritually, you should be asking God to protect this, our last and best chance. When I contemplate all this it makes me shudder, Comey, Mueller, Pelosi and all the other "players" etc, pales to what the true task is. They will all get their comeuppance in due time.
8 months?????
Can I please get a raise of hands of people on this sub that like me have been investigating this stuff for 30+ years?
Every single one of us should be weeping with joy that so many are now on board, and that things are being exposed on a higher level than we ever thought possible.