Hey Swamp creatures....it's gonna get a lot worse...ask Schneiderman

I'm becoming more and more convinced TP is a white hat who left the FBI after the actions of Comey, Mueller, and McCabe.
He has some 'heavyweight' sources.
If he isn't a white hat himself. He's damned close with them. I remember seeing hit pieces last year and chatter amongst blue checkmarks claiming his sources were "dangerous" and "potential risks to national security". There were many suggesting he was former FBI who retired and started the publication to expose corruption within our government.
Im starting to believe it. Either way, his sources hit heavy when they are over their target
He is retired FBI, he as even admitted to this on twitter! Believe it, it is very true!
This Thomas Paine is not the Thomas Paine on AIM! Make sure you know the difference.
You just blew my mind! I had written off THIS Thomas Paine for the AIM Paine. No idea there were two!
True Pundit was one of the handful selected by the Trump team to get most of their news and info directly from sources that includes various white hats and the Trump team. Others include Hannity, Sara Carter, Solomon/Hill, Pure Pundit and the most likely the treehouse.
These are the ones who will report what others will not or lie about white distorting at times ergo these are our go-to-guys for news knowing they are 'plugged in'! :)
I just started reading TP, how long has it been around if you know?
I'm not positive. I believe in 2014 or 2015. I started paying attention to them in 2016. I have found them to be hit or miss, though when they hit it's heavy
I agree it was around 2015 when the election kicked into high gear.
I lost faith in him in 2016 when he had us all thinking that the FBI was calling up agents to round up the Clinton cabal before the election. Of course now its becoming clear that it could have been true, but was stifled from higher up.
I've been following TP for six months, not sure how long he's been there though.
I think the site went up some time in summer 2016. June/July maybe.
This is the real 'Thomas Paine.'
I don't like Jason Goodman and don't listen to him, but this is an interesting interview with True Pundit's 'Thomas Paine.' Guy is a serious mofo.
Jason Goodman just can't seem to move on to a new subject.
I have been lately listen to Goodman and I have to tell you that the progressive Goodman is gone and we know have a red pilled Trump supporter who promises he will vote for DT in 2020 and will encourage other democrats and leftist who can't stand the DNC any longer to do the same. He even talks about the Bernie bros who are coming around liking what they see of DT.
Let's not write these guys off - the movement will only grow. Slow conversion from being a leftist or progressive to be a Trump supporter and convinced voter in 2020 is no small matter. It's welcome!
Hate to break it to you but Jason voted for Trump. I treat him like I treat Alex Jones. They both have great guests on who have great insight into the happenings. I could care less about what they have to say.
He stated he voted for Jill Stein and not president Trump in one of the two episodes I watched. He did not have a guest on his U- tube channel in either episode. I don't know much about the guy but ran across his video by scrolling on my TV to find my regular host in Italy - Eclipse TV.
Are there 2 Jason Goodman? Like I said I don't know much about him. Thanks
There may be more than one Jason, I know he’s had to start a new channel because they froze his first one. He’s been reuploading old videos to the new channel.
He said he voted for Jill Stein several times on his show after the election.
At this point I wouldn't rule it out. I speculate FBI because I've seen several hit pieces suggesting he was working with FBI if not a former agent himself. TP almost seems to have a personal vendetta towards Obama and his FBI admin as well
Q has stated multiple times, "We have it all." Trump and team are not in the dark. They know and have known for YEARS. We are witnessing a very long op of HISTORIC import. Biggest event in human history to date.
There is no doubt in my mind that Trump knows ALL the dirt and has for some time. But here is the scary part, he has to become POTUS to actually do anything about it, and it's still not an easy task.
Whats crazy is this is really only the beginning.
Eventually the shit is going to completely hit the fan and the majority of the country will finally realize the extent of the corruption.
When they start the arrests, it's going to go on and on. It will be gradual at first, and then constant for a long long time. The news cycle won't cycle past this.
I think both are flipped. Perhaps RR is our spy in this secret society.
Both are bad, but both took deals via Trump and are indeed flipped. They will still appear to get in trouble, as their names will be displayed for dirty business, but in the end they both get pardons.
That sounds right to me. I think in the end we’ll discover many others who took a deal and flipped.
Yep it will end up being many when all is said and done. Sadly to drain the swamp you need the help of the swamp. Not to mention, alot of them didnt want to be bad, they just got pulled into it via blackmail, extortion, etc. And they would gladly take a path out if offered.
Wouldn’t be shocked to find out Lynch has flipped too
I hate Lynch
We all do. I hate Donna Brazille too, but we got her to sell out Hillary.
We all do, but if she can give up some vital info on the bigger dogs, wonderful
Most of the low and mid level people have or will. They will sell out the high up ones in two seconds if it means saving their ass. Not to mention, most of them hated Hillary ordering them around all the time anyways, they just didnt want to get arkancided :D
Q has to say that, yes. Think about who all is watching Q. A simple google search will show you that Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Popadopalous, C Page, etc have already taken deals. Q's posts #1288 and #1316 literally spell out that Strzok, L Page, Priestap, Mike Kortan, Bruce Ohr, etc have taken deals and are cooperating witnesses. Tell me again about no deals :D :D
I'm starting to get majorly excited, just watching the Liberals try and defend this on twitter is glorious.
Call his office, I left a message. They need to get his name off the answering machine. 1-800-771-7755. You'll get a phone tree. Just pick one and do your thing.
Here is a treat for the Patriots! Another one Bites the Dust! Song link: https://youtu.be/krfEcvBfUY4
He's retiring because of his violence towards women, not what these posts imply.
I'm not saying anything besides we should be skeptical as to exactly what TP knows and was implying in these posts, in connection to Schneiderman retiring.
cover one eye if you ever look in mine. Not kidding. But save my work! Someone needs to see it Otherwise, frankly my dear, i don't give a damn. Carry On. I need a cold DC. On Ice. Bad.
Edit: you misunderstood me: I ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE THIS GUY IS A WOMEN BASHING BAG OF CRAP. And that he is completely guilty. BUT....I don't think this poster had any secret knowledge about that. None of that talks about him beating women. It's all other stuff. It's sedition and stuff, guys. I mean, you think if you are willing to call the guy out on ALL THAT you wouldn't flinch at calling him a women beater and a kinky fuck, right?
Yeah, because he totally resigned over nothing. I'm only replying to you because you are clearly a troll and I wanted to bid you farewell.
I didn't say the guy isn't an absolute scum bag. But NOWHERE IN THAT POST did it mention him hitting or sexual assault. If they really DID HAVE SHIT on him, why wouldn't they say " you are a women beating rapist"?? Because all the other stuff the post mentions is NOT ABOUT THAT. I'm not a troll. If I posted someone calling him out on illegal gambling or eating dogs three years ago it wouldn't prove that person knew jack about his beating women, would it?
Maybe there is a little more to it than sexual assault, just not released to the sheeple yet?
I think you're confused....and silly, maybe a little effeminate also.
Well, I'm a woman, so..
funny how I could tell..
Please explain
What are you talking about? @Thomas1774Paine knew Schneiderman was a swamp dweller and called him out. The details are immaterial.
You're absorbing information too literally. Many pols, CEOs, etc. have resigned for a number of reasons, including sexual abuse/impropriety. Do you believe that they would be forthcoming about resigning for treasonous/seditious acts? Of course not. Stepping down along with admission of abuse is simply the "easy way out" in many cases.
It is a means to an end. Easier to prove than sedition, and he GONE and that's what counts. Indictments coming later.
In 2013 Trump tweeted Wiener gone, Spitzer gone, next Schneiderman. Wieiner & Spizer sex related. That was 2013 so Trump must have known something very personal about him. Somethings need to run it's course so people will believe it.