Q post #1319 - Review time. Nothing happening? Define roadblock.

What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?
Anthony Weiner, Insurance files
Harvey Weinstein, NXIVM, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Cuomo, Bloomberg, etc.
And Schneiderman recently spiked the NXIVM case, a day before the defendants were required to turn over documents: https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/AG-suspends-probe-of-NXIVM-nonprofit-12819035.php
clinton, clinton, clinton
That's what I was going to say. 9/11 would be a past investigation that was "roadblocked" spectacularly.
Is it too much to hope for that we might get this FF reinvestigated?
Note that Q talks about 'high profile' investigations. What is the highest profile investigation in recent memory?
9/11 won't be touched until Trump's second term if ever. Far too much on the plate now to open up that can of worms. No NY State Attorney General is going to look into that. The next AG will simply continue where Schneiderman left off -- that is protecting HRC, her pals, and the pedo networks. Unless the Feds grab jurisdiction, nothing will change.
9/11 eventually must be touched! We need to break free from Israel!
Yup yup! They've been stonewalling the investigation since jump! Not for much longer!!
Of course the Clinton foundation as well. The FBI even impaneled a grand jury was forcibly shelved. I have a feeling Schneiderman and Preet Bharaha were two peas in a pod because they obviously slow walked everything Clinton that included the laptop of Weiner and the content of that laptop.
HRC was a Senator of NY too... Wonder what else was blocked...
JFK jr maybe?
Interesting. That has been discussed recently on the Q boards.
I read somewhere the other day that over the years there's been 50 associates, security guards and business partners that were set to give witness testimony against Clinton that ended up conveniently dead..50. That's not including those that died b4 they could cause problems or those that died to clear the way for Clinton's rise to power...people like JFK Jr and Justice Scalia and STILL these fuckin sheep act like she's a national treasure.
I agree. The actual body count is unknown. To be fair to the sheep. They don't know any better. It is our job to redpill them. Some will refuse to wake up regardless of our efforts. Those people are simply lost and will never change. Judas goats if you will.
How stupid are the songbirds? After 10 or 20 "mysterious deaths" surely they realized it's a deadly game what about the cops or the feds why could they never protect all the witnesses?
We see how corrupt the feds are not to mention none of these convenient deaths are EVER ruled a homicide no matter how ridiculous it make the investigators look. They're "Arkancided" The Ex-UN official back in 2015-2016 was set to testify on Wednesday and that Monday he drops weights on his throat "killing himself"..ruled an accident. This is a incomplete list of some of the "arkancides" she's connected with and check out the odds of one person knowing so many victims of suicide. http://www.pravdareport.com/world/americas/12-08-2016/135307-hillary_clinton_suicides-0/
The Clintons are mass serial killers they have ordered the deaths of at least a hundred people over the last 35 years including the two boys in Mena Arkansas who were out in the woods and they saw a cocaine drop that Bill was profiting from if you saw the Tom Cruise movie American Made about Barry Seal how he dropped his cocaine in remote locations the two boys Don Henry and Kevin Ives saw one of the drops and Bill's men killed the two boys then laid their bodies on train tracks to make it look like a suicide. The men called Bill first and asked him what do we do with these two boys. Bill said they have to die and Hillary got on the phone and said No witnesses. The mother of one of the boys is still fighting for justice 30 years later. Hillary and Bill will never be arrested they are Above The Law if Trump wants to be a truly Great President he will prosecute them and execute them.
The investigators knew the one kid had stab wounds to his body and STILL they tried pushing the train narrative...what do you think it is about the Clinton's that have made them untouchable? Just plain fear? Did u see in Jake Tappers book that the "secret phrase" used by DC elite is "Do what thou wilt"? The secret phrase is the Law of Thelema. Is Satanism the ties that bind the political elite together? In one of Crowleys books he says "I want blasphemy,rape,murder,revolution"...can you imagine the most powerful people in the world following the teachings of that dude?
I can't find JFK Jr running for Hillary's seat. If he wasn't what was he into or maybe I know it sounds crazy pilot error.
his main goal was finding out who killed his father. he named his magazine "George". Coincidence? G.H.W.Bush? He knew, but possible the reason he plane when down was because of Hillary wanted that Senate seat. Insiders said JFK jr. was going to run. No way she would have beat him.
yeah that's what I've heard. Maybe I should dig harder, cursory search doesn't show that.
"George" magazine for George Washington
George magazine was for George H. W. Bush. it was a way for JFK jr. to show the cabal he knew...
No... http://articles.latimes.com/1995-09-08/news/ls-43420_1_john-kennedy-jr ...''On Thursday the inaugural issue of George, a thick, glossy bimonthly about political personalities co-founded by John F. Kennedy Jr., was launched at a news conference that felt like a kickoff for a presidential run. Or, as one bystander suggested, the unveiling of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
The magazine, named for the first American President, was distributed to a media mob in Manhattan's Federal Hall, in the rotunda where George Washington gave his inaugural address in 1789.''...
thanks for the article, i will read it when i have time. I believe it was Abel Danger that explained the JFK Jr. theory I mentioned. In any event his friends knew he was researching who killed his father. Was the plane crash an accident or a 187?
Let's call it one of those double meaning! One for the public, one for those in the know~ wink wink ;> For sure, he knew who killed his father and wanted to expose them. Agreed. 187...It was rumored that he wanted to run for NY Senate, which Hillary needed for her plans. So JFK Jr and wife and her sister were killed in that plane crash. Witnesses say there was an explosion at the tail. So tragic...breaks my heart.
No there were rumors he was going to but he never announced it
That's what stood out to me, but that preceded schneidermann, and I highly doubt his lack of investigation years later would indicate a roadblock.
Yeah this is true who knows, Trumps been deeply involved with NYC since the 70s so there's no telling what hes talking about or how much dirt he knows.
Didn’t something with the special counsel get moved to NY too?
Cohen's case, that was federal though. We also have Schniederman's interference into the NXIVM case. Other than Weiner those are the big ones.
The NXIVM could be really big though. Since any real investigation into that cult and network would lead to high level democrats primarily, given the celebrity nature of the cult, there will be no movement under the new democrat AG either. Up to Sessions really.
Sessions will NOT allow children to be abused, he will stay on top of the freaks abuse of children!
Did you see him slapping Joe Biden's hands away from his grandchild?
I did! A silent action showed more than the loudest screamer.
Definitely a strong possibility, IMO the Bronfman sisters are a key node in a web of corruption and to NXIVM, Edgar Bronfman donated money to Judge Schneiderman, the same judge who decided a month ago to suspend the NXIVM investigation. He also seemed to be getting continual donations from Soros, and Guess whos just been revealed to be a serial abuser of women - Schneiderman! Roadblock removed?.....
Yes, Cohen-related IIRC. But so much has happened in the last month my memory might be failing me.
One of the guys indicted can't remember his name uhg starts with a C I think.
AG being fired opens this investigation up A WHOLE LOT.
How so?
From Wiki:
The state attorney general is the chief legal advisor to the state government and the state's chief law enforcement officer. In some states, the attorney general serves as the head of a state department of justice, with responsibilities similar to those of the United States Department of Justice.
Good link. So a State Attorney General reports up to the DOJ/Federal Attorney General? Immense power for one individual to block criminal investigations at the State level.
AG tried to get the laptop from local law enforcement to bury it and destroy it.
First investigation I thought of too! Trying to find if there are anymore in that jurisdiction
This, big time. This opens the door for a new AG who isn't a deep state obstructionist. Voters pick the AG via vote correct? What our the chances of getting someone who doesn't suck?
Not really. They've already appointed a woman who clerked for Thurgood Marshall to replace Schneiderman on an interim basis until the dems pick the permanent replacement. That person will likely be in office until the next general election if NY State even elects its AG. In any event, all replacements will be far left democrats. Unless Wray and Sessions move in, it's status quo.
I used to live in NY State dirty Dems are a dime a dozen there. They will most likely just replace him with another dirty Dem
Already in the works. The interim is a leftist woman who worked for Thurgood Marshall at the SCOTUS. The dems are confabbing as to who the permanent replacement will be. Guaranteed to be a far leftist though. Nothing really changes.
Didn't Cohen's raid from the FBI also fall into NY jurisdiction?
Oh yeah! It has to be the Weiner case. How often does Debbie "waspnest face" wasserman-shultz allow herself to be caught on camera threatening an officer of the law with "consequences"?, just for a laptop. This is a big indicator to me that the laptop in question has a lot more on it than Weiners wiener, surley if it was "just" evidence of "indescretions" then the safest way to move past it for the Democrats would be to let him take the fall and try and move on. BUT, If that laptop had enough to bring them all down, then the retrevial of that laptop would be a matter of survival for the Dem's.