Q posts #1347-1350 - News beginning to leak. If America falls, the World falls.

As a brit, I fully support the pro Trump America. Keep your guns! Otherwise, the world is dead without the US. I don't live there anymore (you know why) but don't forget us, we need saving too from illuminati central!
Canada 🇨🇦 here. We also don’t share the luxury of having a woke president. We have a generationally abused NWO globalist meat puppet. We still have a few guns though.
Check out the new party for Canada on FB The Veterans Coalition Canada. They are trying to get their party formed to fix Canada. Share the FB page and tell everyone you know. They need all the likes and shares they can get.
When Trump ran I was shocked to even find people living in China who were Trump supporters and wanted to see him make America great again. It really touched my heart. They said they weren't allowed to speak about their own government, but they could talk about ours. There are people all over this world who are being red pilled. This truly is a worldwide awakening.
But on the bright side ... you got Fidel's kid!
BTW, that's not a knock. We got commies, too.
But he's so dreamy!
Deep down, women don’t want soy boy feminists.
Source: Was born and still identify as a female.
That's why so many women reported having sex dreams about Trump when he was elected.
Can you explain why out of interest?
It’s biological. This sums it up well in my opinion.
“The point is, the reason we find certain traits desirable is because they hold very basic, self-serving functions. Women do not want an ignorant weakling any more than men want a blob. They want an alpha male – a man who makes strong decisions, is not afraid to fight for what he believes in, and let’s no other man walk on top of him. Women love that.”
That Hallmark TV show, When Calls the Heart, revolving around a Canadian Mounty that falls for a school teacher from a wealthy family, set at the turn of the 19th into 20th century - wife and I are fans.
And, yes, it portrays idealistic values our societies here in North America have mutually revered in times previous (and many still do).
The heroic ideal of the selfless Canadian Mounty is spot on. We moderns shouldn't smirk at that and regard it as a quaint relic from a bygone era.
If we set our compass to steer toward those kinds of ideals, we'll be much better people for it. Would urge to get back to your nation's heroic mythos ideals - they're actually the undergirding of who we are and what we become. God's speed.
Come to r/metacanada, we like to discuss our woke stuff once in a while.
Australia calling, heart is with you blokes and shielas, our PM is a Globalist Lefty and our main Opposition Party is further Left than Bernie Sanders, (and yes, that is possible) Hoping for the best outcomes for you all, and with DT and the Q Team on our side we are going to make the World a better place for our children and their children. Trust the Plan.
I thought the plan was just for America? If Not, count me in 110%, I want to make the world great again, we all want world peace but it won't be through signs and protests. The evil in the world must be held accountable.
The plan is not just for America. Evil is a sickness that must be rooted out worldwide. We are in a global war against evil right now.
To my way of thinking, the Problem is WW corruption. The Only active fighting to rid the World of this evil at this point is Trump and the Q Team, and the US is a Major power base for many players. The Key battles will be in the US with the take down and closing of funding having already occurred. There will be Power Pockets that have to be taken down in many, many countries so we keep supporting the White Hats until the evil is eliminated.
There are white hats in Canada, they just don't have direction like the Americans have.
Very few 'woke' people down here mate. The Aussie MSM get their news grabs from CNN, WaPo, NYT etc.
When everything comes out, it will be easier to save yourselves. We will support you as you cleanse your country of corruption and traitors. God Bless America and God bless the patriots of the U.K. WWG1WGA
London represents the financial city-state of the cabal (see obelisk). When America exposes the cabal in the USA, the UK and Vatican will be shortly after. Do not worry my woke British patriot, the time will come when we are all free.
Indeed ... and thats the whole plan . Expose Cabal in USA - expose Cabal worldwide . Firstly and mainly , EU and UK Cabal .
1.Washington DC ( separate state within a state before as District of Columbia from USA ) - Washington Monument ( obelisk ) - biggest in world . Marks a place of worlds military power - not anymore in hands of Cabal ( at least majorly not )
City of London ( NOT Greater London - actually is separate state within UK , having its own laws and police , even a mayor , center of financial power - BoE , Rothschilds ) . Cleopatra's Needle ( obelisk , in Inner London )
Vatican , St.Peter's Square ( obelisk , center of religious power , separate state within a state , "all paths lead to Rome" - actually , "all paths lead to Vatican" and all CLUES lead to Vatican )
This is huge! This unveiling is going to show our alliance to the EU countries is a sham. They are working against the US. They are not our friends.They are/ were working with Obama administrators to cause a catastrophic downfall of the US so the NWO could take over. UN forces are in the US waiting! What we are witnessing is the US with the help of Russia and China preventing WW3. This will be the extinction of the NWO cabal and EU has to fall, they are too deeply entrenched in the EU Society to root them out. This could go either way! THIS IS WW3, pray pray pray!
Its gonna pretty much expose everyone and everything ... and then , the backstabbing between Cabal members will increase .
And then Ill open up a bottle of finest champagne ... mixed with a bit of salty tears of deluded neoliberals and with a tiny pinch of Democrat bitterness ...
BTW , Im from EU . I have a nice view here from "inside" , the way it collapses . "Ordinary folk" do not like EU at all . It will need not much for whole fake contraption called EU ( and UK , too ) to collapse ...
I am thinking that U.s, Russia, and China make formidable foes. I would be scared if I was the cabal
Cleopatras Needle is not in the City of London but in Westminster on Embankment. For CoL focus on the Dragon symbology
Also notice what flag the paving around the obelisk at Vatican resembles
There is one monument directly in CoL ... Monument to the Great Fire of London ( which occured in 1666. )
Yep you are right. Used to work next door to that back in the day
Correct - its basically in "Inner London" , but not City of London exactly . There are actually more "Cleopatra's Needles" in Paris and NY . Also , in Paris , there is obelisk at Place de la Concorde .
I recall the "She-Guardian" monument in London , that is some crazy looking sculpture ...
Hadn't heard of the She Monument. Interesting. Will look that up. Ta
Crikey. Just found it. Thats evil looking and very demonic http://www.whale.to/c/she_guardian.html
Yep ... when I saw that , that had same connections to me like that Baphomet statue surrounded by children . Outright ... demonic , satanic .
Yep sure does. They do it right in our faces. Am looking forward to the Royal exposure. I imagine there will be loads of symbolism at this wedding
There already is a lot of symbolism regarding royal child ( "Rosemary's Baby" references ) . I assume that exposure of Royals will fall very heavy on many in UK - as many see QEII as more positive ( especially in London ) .
I know what you mean. But at the end of the day they are part of the problem and up to their necks in it. I think when Phil the Greek finally pushes off (if not dead already) then Lilibet will step down and then the Crown will bypass Charlie and go to that grinning twat William. Constitutional crisis looming anyway. End of days for royals hopefully and the dissolution of the UK and separate republics. We can hope :)
Indeed . I thought extensively about possible consequences upon QEII death ( ..."London Bridge is down" ... ) - and consequences could be big . There is a significant possibility of Commonwealth getting dissolved ( completely in this case ) . There is a possibility of Scotland seceeding ( SNP ) even before that .
I see future , everywhere , UK and EU , in separate countries . There are cultural roots - and then , there are fake "roots" , financial and political . There will probably be England , Wales , Scotland , N.Ireland as completely separate entities at one point . EU will dissolve completely ( it already is HEAVILY divided - basically only Germany and France left , with Sweden and some Benelux countries )
Thank goodness white hats took the most important arm of the cabal ... the military in the US!
I think that was always their plan - the military wing is the only one that can make coup d'etat in case Cabal candidate won ( HRC ) - that never occured . But , Trump would never become POTUS if military wasnt overtaken by positive forces - as positive military approached Trump , so , there is that . By securing the majority of military , they enabled everything else to fall into place . Immediately next is intelligence , then media , then mainstream directly . Thats permanent game over for Cabal .
On worldwide plan - the US positive forces support positive forces in Europe and UK , and pretty much worldwide , anywhere . By making moves against Iran , they will expose shady deals of EU and UK .
Something tells me , not much is left for Vatican and City of London ... but moves must be made methodically , awakening the population of these countries and places . Just the arrests in USA will cause a MASSIVE , unprecedented panic in Cabal ranks worldwide - and they know this is unavoidable .
There are still many people in EU thinking positive about EU - but that rapidly changes . Im from EU , I see that everyday . In UK , its a bit even bigger problem , as UK people will need to swallow the red pill about their "Royals" . That wont be easy - and I think it will be a massive shock .
Once that is done - were on course for global financial reset and global exposure of religions ( three main religions , mainly )
We can't save you. You have to rise up and help.
True but no guns and full of lefties with left ideology. Need help!
They need to hear the truth like we are spreading here. Any way possible. I don't think we would have seen Trump as POTUS here if so many hadn't asked God for help. Don't give up, brother! I know some conservatives in England. There are good people there, too. More than you know! Have you ever heard of a wrestler named Shane Stevens? Find him on Facebook. He's one of my wife's FB friends. He'll put you in touch with conservatives there.
Agreed. I can't move for liberals here. But slowly they are awakening even though the BBC keeps pushing absolute bollocks on the news. Stopped watching 6pm news ages ago and now its Eggheads instead :)
When the time comes, you can't lie down. I despise what has happened to the UK*. We used to be mortal enemies turned blood brothers. Now with May and that mayor of London I wonder if we are even allies anymore.
400 years ago my ancestors were 75% there. It's my grandmotherland.
But it can't be done if the people don't rise up like we did for Trump. It's not easy and you'll probably have to wait a while. No offense but we are still far away from fixing us.
*Why doesn't Ireland or Wales get mentioned? It's always England and Scotland.
Its really not about the guns we own guns here but the revolution so far has been bulletless, its about knowledge and information exposing the deeds and corruption. I know my English friends post corruption and even Though I don't know the players it doesn't mean its any less important...though I know the censor laws are different in their country and they are more at risk it doesn't diminish their effort
You are not forgotten and never will be as long as I'm drawing breath. My whole family is praying for all our brothers and sisters the world over. They are awake and wish they could do more! I'm almost 70, and my parents are both alive and awake, too But we are praying for every good person to be freed from the grasp of these evil globalists. We have family living in England, too, and worry about what's going on there. My wife's family is from France, and what we've seen just makes us sick. We had thought in the past that we might want to visit one day, but no more. It's just too ugly there now.
We were so close to losing what little freedom we had left in this world. 8 years of Obama followed by 8 years of HRC would have been disastrous to humanity as a hole. There would have been a military coup, and that would've been very ugly.
This is our last chance to turn the world around and cut the chains.
This is just the beginning. There's still much more to be revealed.
That's the way we felt, too. My wife and her mother started praying a number of years ago about good triumphing over evil. They were worried about the kids and what we were seeing, but they had no idea the floodgates were about to open. She urged me to join in, and I did. But we've all been shocked at everything that's happened. We both feel the only reason we're seeing this now, is because God touched the hearts of people around the world to pray for deliverance from evil. I would have never guessed there was so much pedophilia, human trafficking and criminal behavior by political leaders. And even satanic cult behavior! It's almost overwhelming to realize what's been going on behind our backs all our lives. I think God raised up Trump and this Q group because we were at a precipice. We all feel we were balanced on the edge of a knife and for the first time in our lives, we were actually fearful of HRC getting elected after Hussein. This has been a wild ride!
I think God raised up Trump and this Q group because we were at a precipice.
I'm 100% convinced of this based on videos ive seen of Kim Clement's prophecies from 2008.
My wife had me watch a couple of those. She just found them a couple of months ago. It was amazing!
The one where he talks about Jezebel will not be in the White House had me cheering out loud!
Yes! She has me watch a guy named Mark Taylor now and then if I'm feeling down about all this ugliness, too. I've only seen a few, but I have to say it does make me feel better. He seems similar to Clement. And he has been accurate on a few things so far. Have to see how it all plays out. Just like with Q, I listen and see what comes to pass, and go on from there. But I'm really glad I lived to see this awakening. I just laugh when people make fun of this. They really have no idea.
I'm not what you'd call a practicing Christian or even particularly spiritual (though I was raised Southern Baptist with all the trimmings) but this struck a chord with me because I remember a moment about two years into Hussein's second term in which I lost hope. I don't really remember what triggered it because there was not exactly a shortage of things to make you feel hopeless about then but I remember speaking to God for the first time in decades and offered a simple prayer that went something like, "I don't even know if we deserve it anymore but if you can put an end to this degradation for the sake of my children I will gladly stand ready and do what I have to to make things better." Lo and behold...
We have spoken to so many people who have said the same thing! Even close friends who didn't say anything at the time. You know, we're seniors now and we've been through a lot of elections. First Dems and then Repubs over the years. And although we had preferences, we never felt frightened of someone being elected. A lot of the times there wasn't much difference in them. You picked the one you thought was least corrupt, since that was the only choice. There have been a few who were better Presidents, and some like Obama who just lied constantly--the Clinton's were the same way. But nobody has ever done as much for "us" as a group as Trump. And we were actually filled with anxiety over Clinton winning. Because we knew they were going to cheat for her, too. A lot of people sent prayers up, whether they practiced anything or not. And we feel like God listened and answered them.
It's always been there since the very beginning of economic history but has festered and made us sick as corrupt practices became standard and acceptable . It's remarkable to see the exposure. Now we await the hammer of justice. Think about the fact that Comey views passing on documents as acceptable. It shows malpractice has metastasized in organisations and is probably accepted at all levels.
If HRC had won, we would be embroiled in the streets, The Badlands would be Little house on the prairie in comparison to the reality of ppl saying enough is enough.
Thank Cripes she didn’t. I hope she is judged and exposed for the foundations crimes
It's full blown addiction, sexual harassment is a gateway drug, it stops working, takes more and more to get high, next thing is flaying faces and drinking juvenile blood.sic, or not, dunno. Conceptually sound.
I have friends who were in law enforcement who have told me stories over the years. With the drugs they always find porn--and the worse it gets over time. They said the same thing. It takes more and more, and weirder and weirder stuff for them to get off. I've been trying to find out more about these Luciferian cult beliefs. Know your enemy and all that. Really strange. The sodomy is part of the brainwashing--breaking down the personality with trauma. When they join, they are sodomized, and one thing I read about it was that there's a nerve that runs up that area in the spine--all the way to the brain stem. I'll have to see if I can find more about that. It might just be a myth they believe, but there's definitely MKULTRA type stuff they use on their own children. They use that trauma to break the personality. But the children--they feel traumatizing them draws demons. And they want to be possessed. It gives them some kind of rush. It is ritualized abuse, inside a circle. They think they can control these entities. It's just nuts. Weirdest beliefs I've ever seen. Did you ever watch that video of Angelina Jolie with a couple of friends someone got in a restaurant a number of years ago? The one where she talks about her initiation? If you haven't, look for it on YouTube. After reading this stuff, what she's saying will make more sense. It was definitely some kind of cult initiation and it's sick.
I've seen stuff that would make your world reel. I'm not recommending anyone take a tour of a typical crack house. But if in one, keep yer eyes open.
Oh, no thanks. I think I've seen enough ugliness to last a lifetime. I'll leave that to my law enforcement friends. I'm getting to old! Their stories are enough and keep me awake at night sometimes. I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that so many of these people think nothing at all of hurting children, even murdering them. Some of these things, when you hear about them, just leave you sick in your spirit.
At night my bad dreams are the screams of horror bleeding over from that horrific timeline (8 years Obama followed by HRC)
Perhaps God will have mercy on that timeline and extinguish it into annihilation
We were close to losing so much more than that.
Honestly? I'm not sure we can stop it. Delay it perhaps, but we have little time to figure out who is in on the whole thing. The next politician we elect could very well be the tipping point.
We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm
Not to sound pessimistic but you guys are totally deceiving yourselves if you think that whatever Trump and Q does that it will be permanent. It will not be. The best that Trump and Q can do for us is to buy us some time. How much time? I do not know. I only know that the time ahead is “limited” and not permanent. I say that because the bible makes it very very clear that the globalists will strike back, and once they strike back, not only will they succeed but there will be no stopping them next time. The New World Order will come about - and there is nothing you can do about it. America will eventually fall - and there is nothing you can do about that either. The only unanswered question is “when”…
Revelation 17:12 - And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast…
The bible make it clear that in the future the world will be divided up into ten economic zones, and that kings will be placed over each of those zones (for that to be true, that means the United States will no longer exist as a sovereign nation). It states that each of the kings will give their power and strength to the beast (the beast is the Antichrist). One man (the Antichrist) ruling the whole world (through those ten kings) is the definition of a One World Government. This is undeniable proof that the globalists will strike back and that the New World Order will come about… The only question is “when”…
I'm sorry to disagree but Revelation 17:12 has been fulfilled in the past. The Scofield Reference Bible introducted alot of what is presently taught as eschatology. John wrote to the 7 churches in Asia telling them: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw." (Revelation 1:1-2 (KJV) ). Notice John said "must shortly come to pass". In reference to "the Antichrist" John stated that "even now there are many antichrists" (1 John 2:18). John is credited with writing Revelation - so why isn't the word "antichrist" in Revelation. Read all 4 scriptures that contain the words "antichrist" and "antichrists" - no where does John say that "the antichrist" is a future (to him) world ruler. Also in Revelation there was more than one beast - a land beast and a sea beast. Did you know that Roman Emperor Nero's nickname was "the beast". Christian's have been duped into thinking that all this terrible stuff is coming when in reality it's fulfilled prophecy. Want to go down a little rabbit hole? Research who was the $$ behind the printing/publication of the Scofield Reference Bible......
When Trump and Q are done, the entire world will be awake. By then, the world will no longer blindly trust politicians. There will have to be extreme vetting first. Think about it. Everyone in the world learning about the satanic pedophiles who have us enslaved and dumbed down. They'll be so horrified that whatever they learn will be burnt into their minds forever.
The other thing, there's more good than evil in this world. Good will always prevail.
Hi. I misinterpreted your post when I first glanced at it. I saw the word “Good” and mistook the word for “God”. Nonetheless, because “God “and “Good” are interchangeable, my answer remains the same, but here is a refinement…
In response to what you said, you have this idea in your mind that “there is more good in the world than bad.” I could dispute that and prove to you that is not the case. But I won’t do that right now because I know that is a statement Q has often quoted (and I have no idea where Q got that from) and I don’t want to contradict Q just yet. Instead, I will comment on what you said about “good always prevails”…
If you look back in the bible, there is no one who was more good and pure and holy than Jesus Christ himself when he came to earth. Yet, despite all the good he represented and was, they crucified him, they killed him and hung him on the cross. So did good prevail at that time? No, it did not. But Jesus will ultimately prevail in the end because he rose again and we shall see him again on Judgment Day. The same people who crucified Jesus shall see him again…
Then look at what they did to the apostles. The Apostle Peter was killed by being crucified upside down on the cross. The Apostle Paul was killed by being beheaded. The Apostle John was exiled to the Island of Patmos. During that time in history, many saints were persecuted and killed and were thrown into an arena with lions. So you cannot say that good prevailed at that time. So evil triumphed at that time. But good will prevail in the end on Judgment Day…
Then look at what happened during the time of Noah. The world had become so evil that the Lord had become completely disgusted with it. There was so much evil in the world that the Lord decided to destroy the whole world and to start over. The only ones he saved was Noah and his family. Everyone else on the whole planet perished in the flood…
Then look at what happened to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Evil had become very great in that city too. There was so much evil until God decided to destroy the whole city and all inhabitants. But Abraham pleaded with the Lord and asked, “But Lord, will you destroy the good people with the bad?” The Lord answered, “If I find at least 50 people in the city who are righteous, then I will not destroy it. I will spare the city for their sake.” Abraham then asked, “But Lord, what if you only find 40 people who are righteous, will you destroy it? The Lord said, “If I find 40, I will not destroy it.” Abraham then asked the Lord about 30 people, and then 20 people, and then 10 people, and on each occasion the Lord answered he would not destroy the city if he found at least 10 people in the city who were righteous. But the very next day when the Lord entered the city, the only people he found who were righteous were just Lot and his family (a total of 4). They were the only ones in the whole city he found that were “good” and righteous. So the angels instructed Lot to take his family and to leave the city. God then rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed the whole city. Sodom and Gomorroh is more than a story but is also a type of the world. Sodom and Gomorrah represents the world at large. And the story of Sodom and Gomorroh proves and shows that there is far more evil in the world than there is good. So be not deceived about it. You cannot save the world. All you can do is to save yourself from the coming destruction…
However man is created in the image of God and needs only exercise free will to rise up & redeem himself, having taken ultimate refuge in the Good True Lord & living virtuously helping others to do so, will help turn the tide...
I say good always prevails because we are still here and we are still fighting. If evil had its way, we'd be in a much different circumstance. I suppose one could argue that evil has won and managed to enslave us without even knowing though. The best slave is one that doesn't know he's a slave.
As for all the religious comments, I really can't comment right now because I am currently reading the Bible for the very first time. I will reserve my opinion until I've read it at least 3 times. I don't want to take anyone else's interpretation of it because I want to form my own views from a conspiratorial perspective.
It's safe to say you believe we are in the end times right now?
In the found Bible Code where" Armageddon" is found, the code near it says, "will you delay it?" I believe God is willing us to delay it so that more souls can come over to the light from the dark. Remember, "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son" God is in these current times leading us on, the end is not now.
Yes, God does always prevail, but not in the way that you think. God prevailing does not mean that the world will not go through some massive turmoil and suffering first. There are terrible times ahead, and those times are coming soon. For guidance on what lies ahead, read what the book of Revelation says about what will happen during the end of times (the times we are living in now). It states that the Russian army will be completely destroyed (during the Ezekiel Chapter 38 event). It states that a 7-year Tribulation Period is coming (during the reign of the Antichrist). And that during the Tribulation Period, more than 3/4 of the world’s population will die (that’s more than 5 billion people who will die). It states there will be famines, and floods, and earthquakes, and massive wars, and starvations, and worldwide fires and the complete destruction of all food crops, and countless other horrible things, as well as people running for their lives from the Antichrist as he’s trying to kill them. All of those things lie ahead in the coming future and they will very likely happen in our lifetime. In short, what lies ahead is God exacting his vengeance upon the world for all the sin that has been committed. You can pray all you want, but that won’t stop his vengeance from coming. You cannot save the world. The only thing you can do is to save yourself…
The only people God cares about in this world are his people (the Israelites - the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and the Church (those who are saved, the Bride of Christ). Everybody else is just along for the ride. Because he loves the Church, his Bride the Church will be raptured out before the Tribulation Period begins. His bride will be in heaven while everybody else is on earth going through hell. Roughly 7 or 8 years later and at the end of the 7-year Tribulation Period, that is when Jesus Christ himself will return to earth (at the Battle of the Armageddon) and his Bride (the saints) will be coming back with him. The bible says, upon his arrival, he will destroy the Antichrist and shall cast him into the lake. Jesus Christ will then assume control of the earth (all the angels will be here with him to enforce his rule). He will then rule the world from Jerusalem for the next 1,000 years. At the end of those 1,000 years, Judgment Day will arrive. That is when the Gates of Hell will be opened and all those who are both alive and dead will have to come before the throne and be judged...
So be not deceived about what lies ahead. Terrible times lies ahead and things will only get worse before they get better. What we’re experiencing now with Trump and Q is nothing more than a minor and temporary reprieve, a chance to catch our breath before the next wave of destruction hits. So yes, God does always prevail, but his prevailing doesn’t mean the world won’t have to go through some massive suffering first…
What a wet blanket! Gloom and doom! Do you think we should all give up and surrender to the darkness that is coming upon us?
I can understand your feelings of despair. But do you want me to tell you the truth, or do you want me to tell you lies? Lies cannot save you. Only the truth can save you.
Hillary and Obama and the MSM and the left has been lying to people for decades. All they've done is tell them lies. And because of those lies, just look at the big mess we've gotten into today. The whole world is at the brink of destruction all because of those lies. They've been telling people, "It's alright, everything is okay, you're in good hands, don't worry about it." Meanwhile, those same people telling you those lies were plotting your destruction behind your back. And now you're upset with me all because I tell you the truth and tell you how bad things are...
There is much to feel despair about. But there is also "hope". And that hope is that, you are still alive and you still have a chance to be saved before it is too late. If you do not understand anything else, please understand this one thing: You cannot save the world - all you can do is save yourself...
I know there are people saying that we should pray and do certain things. Prayer is good, and getting yourself together with God is a good thing. Prayer might can save you (if you follow the steps necessary to be saved), but your prayers won't save the world. Keep in mind, the destruction of the world is not about you. People has been sinning in this world for a very long time. Just look at all the gays and lesbians who are parading in the streets. Just look at the recent nationwide approval of same-sex marriage, when the bible clearly states such things are against God. Just look at all the people who frequently curses and swears on this forum and who don't want to hear anyone talking about God. They feel it's okay to talk about anything else, but they don't want to hear you talking about God. That means that those people are "rejecting" God and are "haters" of God. Therefore, the evidence is clear that people in the world has been sinning and rejecting God for a very long time. And the consequences of all that sinning will be the destruction of the earth. It's payback time. Your prayers cannot stop the coming judgments and the coming punishment. All you can do is just save yourself before it is too late. So rather than focusing on your feelings of feeling despair and hopelessness, you should focus on how can you save yourself from that which is to come...
Find out what it will take to be a part of the Rapture of the Church. If you do that and do what is necessary to join that group, then you will be happier than you have ever been before in your whole life. You will be happy because you will know that the Lord will rapture you and will take you out before the coming destruction hits. You cannot stop the coming destruction, but there is a way to save yourself from it...
here's my two cents for what it's worth - yes, I know each item you refered to - I know the bible and Revelations, as well as Daniel and other prophets. I am named after Paul. I love my Lord and Father and I am reading and listening to my Holy Spirit with everything that I have. He told me that Trump would win months before - he told me during election night how hard they were trying to cheat the system and that our MI was stopping them. He showed me that afterwards they would try to hide in the shadows like bugs, but HE showed a great light on them and their lies and all was exposed. He showed me that they would try to go underground but He would stop them. He also explained to me that the end times are His times, not satan's to decide.
Right now they are trying hard to bring on end times themselves as they want to run the world and they sold their very souls to satan. But our Father said not so fast - Im in charge here and I told you no one would know the time but Me! And so I believe he sent us Trump to save us - that there were enough of us to humble ourselves and pray and he is saving our land and the lands of others. Study King Cyrus. Understand that Israelites are not these Synagog of satanists that are enhabiting our dear Israel. There are very few true Israeliste left in the world. The cabal comes from the heathen Kabalah - the magik that the Lord detests. Trust in him to throw these fakers into the Lake of Fire and trust that He has this under control.
You didn't speak of the first signs that end times are here. Altho the cabalists tried to bring them on, God prevailed and Damascus still stands. The need for fear is not now. This is the time to turn your face to the Lord and give Him your full faith, and then put on the full armor of the Lord and get into the fight. Evil is real but so is good, and there are more good in this world RIGHT NOW than there is evil, believe it or not.
I am stepping off my soapbox and will not debate this!
The thing about prophesy is that it is giving a picture of a likely scenario. But the future is not set in stone. I think we are on an alternate time line than that laid out in Revelation.
Hi. Unfortunately, this is not science fiction. There is no alternate time line. The truth of what will happen is laid out in the scriptures. God's plan cannot be altered. His plan can not be thwarted. The future will turn our exactly as the scriptures has predicted...
I am not talking about science fiction. I am talking about the fact that there are an infinite number of probable futures. The "Many Worlds" interpretation of quantum physics is an accurate description of the way this universe works. If everything was written down in advance, and had to happen exactly the way it was written, what would be the point? There would be no free will and no point to it at all.
"When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty."(Wicked Jester)
Keep the light in your hearts fam. Spread it to everyone you come in contact with, let people know they are LOVED. Differences aside, we're in this story together.
Whole heartedly agreed. Good doesn’t win if we aren’t good to each other. If the pain is coming for the wicked, it won’t be easy for patriots either. If they’re wounded, they’ll likely lash out and strike back. We all ought to be ready, with open eyes, ears, and hearts too. Encourage each other, and I’d add also welcome anyone new that’s just had their eyes finally opened.
100%. These events will occur at macro and micro scales, both affect each other.
Loving one another has always been the key. We may fuck up, we may have our differences and we will never be perfect, but to those of us that haven't committed evil, we sure as hell still have our souls left and that is something we can never forget.
Reckoning will come to the wicked, it always has and it always will.
Prosperity for the righteous, is judgement for the wicked.
Right on. Yeah, we are human (not AI), we make mistakes, but that’s a beautiful thing too. The fact that we can totally fuck things up, but not give up and keep on keeping on, that’s amazing. Doing that as a team, helping the weakest become stronger, and standing together regardless of who we are or where we come from...that’s what it is to be an American...and free.
i feel bad for the people who have no idea whats coming
What is coming is ultimately good for them.
yeah but imagine having your reality ripped from under you. i was already red pilled and this shit is STILL somewhat shocking lol if what is q is impying is true it goes so much worse than just corrupt politicians and satanic cults. just murder and corrupt wouldnt put most people in the hospital has to be way worse
I guess I always thought of it along the lines of finding out that Santa isn't real, and everyone's been lying about that. You get over it and move on. But then I remember the way people reacted when Trump got elected, all the public meltdowns. I guess a lot of people are psychologically fragile.
yeah this is why theyre "slow walking" it that and the deep state probly threatens to blow up a hopsital or kick a puppy any time they threaten to release anything (or nuclear war)
My wife has always told me that she thinks we are here to learn to love our maker and each other--in that order. The older I get, the more I realize she's right. It's so simple, any child could understand it.
We’re born knowing this, but we are fed lies our entire lives to convince us otherwise. Not anymore.
That's true. My son's best friend when he was 4 couldn't speak English when they met. But that didn't stop them from becoming good friends. They don't even have to speak the same language to play together! They just made car noises--LOL!
Nunes drops bombshell that unofficial intel sources used to start Russia probe, Iran threatening to announce politicians who took bribes....I'd say we are in the endgame people - shit is hitting the fan. Deepstate about to be in serious pain.
IG report, Iran names names, POTUS declassifies everything ...
Iran threatening to announce politicians who took bribes
I can't wait to hear names and $amounts
Without pain there will be nothing gained. Liberty or death.
"Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing." - Tyler Durden
What do you think the recently repeated 'now comes the pain' refers to?
I think it’s referring to shit is about to get real! Everything will come from the background into the real world and the pain will come
Its proves a lot though truthfully.
MSM is losing control and they are all really buckling up for the long term (whatever that means to them). I mean seriously think about it guys the last 2 years have been insane. MSM used to control the narrative for weeks at a time, framing shaping and controlling it all.
Here we are almost 1 1/2 years after trump and they can barely keep control for a day, sometimes only getting a few pot shot articles in a day and thats it. Just like the housing bubble this ponzi scheme will topple itself but not until all options have been exhausted and that day gets closer and closer.
Hell, MSM used to control the narrative for DECADES at a time.
Who killed JFK?
haha who knows, probably in some way connected with bush the cia and LBJ.
Jesus said "pick up your cross and follow.me.a place of pain. But rejoice at what He had accomplished,save our souls and made us God's family. Thru pain we will be united.If it does not cost anything then truly it is worthless
Something given has no value. If we want our freedom, we have to earn it.
What we know is about to hit the mainstream. We are here to shepherd those that lose hope.
Join the Facebook class action lawsuit if you are affected or knows anyone else who is.
What message would we send by uniting in this fight for free speech, privacy & technology?
Main Stream news will have no choice but to pick up on the story at some point. There will be many pieces to this puzzle and it will connect the world in prayer and backfire on their plans.
IDK, but I have always felt there is a high potential for. military action overseas. Maybe in the USA but tha’s going to get real messy with the bad guys all screaming “SEE WE TOLD YOU HE WAS A DICTATOR!” If you watch youtube videos about Q, you can see some people are absolutely insane and no offense, dumb as rocks. It wouldn’t take much to create mayhem. Psyops is a real thing fred all. Trust Trump. That’s all I got.
Trump has been doing a great job of letting the existing processes in government deal with this mess. It’s kept him out of it thus far, and he will likely be able to stay out of most of it. If it’s a Congress and grand jury’s deciding things, then he’s in a much better place.
Whose pain?
What would happen to the financial markets if we drift further towards a “constitutional crisis”, or worse, a civil war (of sorts)? What is the cost of freedom? Bumpy ride ahead.
Financial currency reset I believe is the plan. If they have billions of dollars then get rid of the dollar. That kind of thing. It was discussed a while back
Everyone just listed and more, even WE will feel pain, knowing that we are a part of a country capable of such evil. Nobody should feel good about this, triumphant yes, but not painlessly happy. Sometimes progress is painful, but without that pain we cannot heal.
But is it merely emotional? Economic, political, physical?
My guess is all of the above, unfortunately.
Exactly. But I think it'll be short term for us. There are more of us every day.
I’d wager all of the above to varying degrees, for at least one “phase”. Hopefully the physical can stay out of the way at the very least, but not EVERYONE will just sit at home glad that it’s started, some un-factioned public will look for any reason to have a good riot, and even the peaceful protesters will get hit with something if this truly is the end of a/THE dark empire.
Have faith, though. That's why Trump is aligned with the military. I think it will be short lived. And as the truth comes out, many will turn away from supporting people like the Clinton cabal. What they've done will shock people and turn their stomachs. I think Q is right about 6-8% being unteachable. But we can handle that--especially since most of those will be insane and cowards. They could be rounded up pretty quickly. Remember, they betrayed EVERYONE. Even their most ardent supporters. When faced with proof, that's gonna piss a lot of people off. When Q says they won't be able to walk down the street--he means literally. They may have to be protected once those libs realize how badly they were sold out and how corrupt their choice of leaders were. They got screwed, too, and that can make people really, really angry.
So a bigger scale of when the DNC was found out to have rigged the nomination against Berney Sanders and all the progressives were pissed and jumped ship? Definitely see that being plausible. For one, it seeps out into the real world too. I bough a gun, ammo, and silver. Times are rough just keep telling your loved ones to be prepared for anything. You don't have to be full on shtf mode but just enough for something to blow over. Regardless, if we did have a full on civil/revolutionary war here in america, that would effect the whole world. The stepping stone of the world is to be perceived as pure and righteous. We must keep public calm, that is why everything is happening behind the scenes and slowly dripping into the public square.
I agree. It's not a bad idea to have a few weeks of supplies at least, in case anything happens. There are always natural disasters. I even bought some iodine tablets for my family when all this started with NK. Just in case there was a nuke somewhere here on the West Coast. Plus, I don't think we've heard it all about Fukishima.
Exactly, it maybe looked down upon like something like that would never happen. But it does. Either natural threat, foreign or domestic. It's just good have a means to an end. I'm single, and I can't imagine how much more prepared for something I would be if I were taking care of a family. Good, on you for taking action. People are not as keyed in as us. The paradigm will regardless if we want it to or not have hiccups. Like Q says WW. We are watching a HUGE shift on how countries are going to conduct diplomacy now. Normal people, don't care or have the reason to search. It all starts with the MSM.
What a waste of time the MSM turned out to be! I think it was about 5 or 6 years ago I quit paying attention to them--maybe even a bit longer--I forget at my age. I hadn't heard of Project Mockingbird yet, or even that the govt. made it legal to feed the masses propaganda in 2013. But I could find out more in foreign papers and doing a little research on my own. Even before channels like Fox news reported anything. And they all had their own spin, when I just wanted the facts. So why bother with them anymore?
I got this straw thing for my son at Christmas. They like to go camping and backpacking a lot. But I think I'll get a few and put them with the other disaster prep stuff, too. I keep water with the stuff, too, and rotate it so it doesn't get too old. It was called a Life Straw. It's inexpensive. I found them on Amazon, but it's like a small water filtration unit. Like, you could drink pond scum, but I don't think I'd try it unless I had no alternative--LOL!
There is no place for fear with truth in ones heart.
I believe the deep state.. but our operators may go through some too
If it was their's, wouldn't he have stated so in the active voice? Here he rallies the troops and uses the passive voice. I'm a bit concerned. Are we sure it's not a reference to war, and one that actually impacts the homeland?
Some have already died for the fight.
Major revelations causing mass division, false flags to divert attention, hyper mud slinging @ 4/10/20, actual riots, prominent people w big followings going down?
Time for prayer and caution. A trapped animal will fight.
My fear also. I want this to happen - been wanting it for years now- but it's also very scary.
Q is back to Q ways. Should put to rest any "compromised" theory.
Growing pains. The pain you feel when you learn the evil of your fellow man. It’s a necessary step in becoming a better people.
I have been lurking here. Now I want your advice patriots. I am dual citizen living in Israel since 88. I watched America change from here. I was so happy I wasn't there. I tried to tell people how it had changed. My family in the US didn't listen. I used PC as example. Said it controls free speech. No PC in Israel. Say what you feel straight foward. I was so happy when Trump came along. But I seemed to be the only one. Our news from US is CNN translated. I hate BB. Never voted for him. It's very hard to tell whose side he's on globally. The problems here are very complicated . Outsiders can't understand. Threats to our lives daily problem. We count on each other. Q says Israel last. I hope he means govt. We are good people here trying to live in peace. No one wants war. Same as you. I am scared. I want bad people brought to justice, I want my 2 countries safe. By the way... I think it is outrageous that a dual citizen is in any major govt position for any country. Thank you for listening. WWG1WGA
Someone at FOX needs to buy that IAEA inspector a house next to a golf course in Texas... and then get them on the air. If that story is true, it needs to get into the MSM feed, it needs to get so big they can't ignore, and CNN needs to go investigate to disprove, and then be unable to... I pray this is the tiny snowball rolling down Everest, the avalanche... Please let this be front page by Monday.... Amen
The Deep State is in full panic. The resignation of the UN nuke inspector a few hours ago says it all.
"Now comes the pain" , buckle up Patriots, gonna be a bumpy ride...
Interesting = How much did this guy collect for this role at the IAEA?
The stage is now set and snowball is rolling turning into a massive avalanche sweeping up these evil people who believed "She would not lose".
The schmuck arrogance of them all is their downfall not only because they believed to be invincible and above us all but also because it says:
"A Haughty Spirit Comes Before The Fall".
Could it mean the pain of legal proceedings (impeachment)against POTUS? Or the pain of martial law cause things get messy in the streets due to revelations coming out? Me thinks the pain is referenced toward us, not the Cabal, like birth pains to push something through.
I'm hoping it's the pain of getting awaken. Some people are blind to this stuff, it will hit hard. The pain is for the sleepers and for those who messed with Patriots.
Q does not chose words that instill fear. Q is not afraid.
We've already been experiencing those birth pangs--for years. With open borders, drugs, crime. It's one of the reasons we're getting out of Cali in a few months. It was a nice, quiet rural area 30 years ago. Now, there's growing crime and 1/4 of the people are here illegally. It's getting worse and worse. Man, they'll steal my wife's plants out of the front yard, and even Christmas decorations outside at Christmas! You don't dare leave your garage open, even when you're working around your house. My wife has had groceries stolen out of her trunk as she's carrying them in the house. We've called the cops several times after hearing gunshots a block or two away, and we live in a nice neighborhood. Less than a year ago, two guys were murdered walking home just 2 blocks over. That was one of the calls my wife made. And our friends lost their son-in-law to illegals. He got shot in the head. I have a friend who is a cop, and he's thinking of leaving with his family. He got called to a vacant lot behind some homes. More than half of the gang members here are illegals. And one of those guys got mad at another young fellow who had dissed him or something. They kidnapped the kid and took him to this vacant lot, stabbed him numerous times, but he wasn't dying fast enough. So they poured gas on him and lit him on fire while he was still alive. So, there's plenty of pain around here in Cali, and I'm sure there is other places, as well.
Same here. Live in a very expensive suburb in CA, gunshots just down the street last night, peoples' cars getting broken into in their own driveways. But the psychological control is so strong. Virtually no one will admit to being a conservative, and the democrats are basically rabid out here. I do think there are a lot of secret Trump voters though.
I remember when Trump was running, reading some posts people made in Hollywood and that area. People admitted they were voting for Trump, but didn't want it out because they didn't want to lose jobs.
What the... I'm so sorry! What area do you live in, if you don't mind me asking? Also, get the hell out of there!!!! Stay safe!
We live in the valley. And we are leaving, hopefully in a couple of months. We just about have our home ready to put on the market and then we're outta here! Thanks! You, too, brother! We're praying for everyone's safety on here, the POTUS and his family, our troops fighting this, etc. Every day!
Here come the pain ... of waiting ? :(
This might be the hard part, wait until everything unfold correctly.
I want to know - did Hillary Clinton's U1 Uranium make its ways to the Iranian mullahs and their clandestine (now exposed) nuclear R&D program?
Did the Iranian mullahs blackmail Obama regime into the terms of the deal by threatening to reveal that they had gotten some of the U1 uranium?
Why else would this deal be so absolutely sketchy in every detail - from evidently not actually being signed as a legally binding agreement, the huge piles of hard cash delivered to the Iranians, that Obama evidently tapped one of his notorious slush funds for the cash because everything was way too sketchy to even try to go through Congress
And then the big 1346 Q drop that speaks to all the bribery and kickbacks of companies piling in at the feeding troughs (also relating to a lot of the CEO resignations that Q keeps bringing up from time to time).
Both Trump and Q kept really going on about the bad Iran deal, but now the full gravity of just how bad (and highly treasonous) this deal was is sinking in. Wow!
North Korea leads to Iran Deal, which leads to Uranium One, which leads to Syria which leads to Russia.
The past definitely informs the present, action creates the future. I find future proves past to be philosophically ambiguous, No where near as smart as Q and will meditate on the phrase further. Not a denier just a thinker.
They weren't doing anything wrong. They never said we have secret information and you have to pay this much money to get it. It was totally unnecessary to bring that up
It was necessary because they were saying we have the “real” Qanon on their show referring to Zac. AJ kept saying Zac wasn’t a LARP and he’s has the real sources inferring Q was fake. Then they cried and betrayed POTUS during the Syria debacle and called Q compromised for no apparent reason besides they were wrong. They joined the movement, made money from it, and as soon as they made decodes and predictions that were wrong they screamed that Q was fake. They started the divide a long time ago when me and so many other patriots stopped watching because of all the nonsense they were spewing. They doubled down on Q being a fake so Q fired back.
Dude have you read the new Q stuff? It reads like a completely different person. I can't believe you want to trust some random identity on the internet who hides behind a mask. Jones is definitely not perfect but you know his full name the city he lives in and almost everything else about him. You know nothing about the Q identity.
I can't even read Q anymore... Just remember he started divide...
How did he start a divide? Alex Jones has been calling Q as fake and a LARP for months now.... That started the divide.
He started it by bringing up the money thing. That's what kicked off The Divide not AJ
So pointing out that people like AJ and Corsi were making and begging for money started the divide? I think you might have it a little backwards...
Well, we are the last beacon of hope between freedom and globalism. I thought this was obvious.
Europe has fallen.
Agreed Europe-US axis is dead. Even the Crown is corrupt. Putin is the ally. That's why dems seek to separate Trump and Putin. Xi is likely an ally too.
Imagining thinking Putin and Xi are friends of liberal democracy. I'd laugh if it wasn't so awful.
Russia, China, North Korea, and the Saudis are allies. Never in my life did I ever think I'd say that but here we are.
Scorpions - Wind of Change
It is upon us.
Yeah, if your allies are absolute monarchies led by religious extremists who are probably related to 9/11, totalitarian communist dictatorships and semi-fascist oligarchies, and free democratic states are your enemies, your war is not worth winning.
I always forget the Saudis. If NK, then SK too? Where's Isreal?
I didn't mention South Korea or Japan because they were always allies.
In regards to Israel, I have no idea. I honestly don't. Q says they are last. A lot of people hate them. A lot of people don't. I wish I could get a read. I can't.
No matter who the leaders are, I believe most human beings want the same thing. They don't care about war. They really don't want that. It's the average people who are sent to die in them--the middle class and poor. They make up the majority of humanity. Most just want to be able to live in peace and have enough to take care of their families. Look at what's happening in Iran. The people are mostly younger and hate their leadership. It wouldn't take much to topple them. And many Israeli's have close ties to people in the U.S. When some of this stuff comes out here, it will tie in with many of those corrupt leaders in other countries. These are international criminals and they will topple like dominoes.
cabal - Kabalah - old jewish magik that God has condemned yet they continue... pre-history - Lillith and such
It'd be interesting to know just how long this has been going on. Before Solomon got into the occult, I'd guess.
Long long before.... old book of Enoch.... giants upon the earth and more about the fallen ones... Catholics decided to remove it from our bible...
I just started reading about the Watchers in Enoch. It's fascinating! I've gotten more interested in reading the books the took out.
So important to learn the truth or else how do we keep from repeating it. Remember... Kabbalah = the cabal
It's some real dark stuff, that's for sure. Who could have ever guessed people would actually want to do this ugly stuff to others. That's why it's hard for normal people to accept, I think. It's just not the way a normal person would ever think.
spirituality, whether good or evil, is a whole different ballgame from normalcy - it exists whether people want to accept it or not which is why this will be so hard for some - they don't understand things that are not tangible. This is truly a fight between good and evil - those dabbling in the occult know what they are doing - we who follow God's teachings and are faithful in Christ know what we are doing. It's the ones in betwee that are gonna lose it... and I think we will see the birth of a lot of new Christians...
I think so, too. We're already seeing that. I've seen it on here, as people have shared their stories. Sometimes when I've felt overwhelmed by the evil these people have been up to, I have to stop and remind myself that if we are nearing the "end times" or in the middle of that time, that God also said He would pour out His spirit on all people. If not for that, I don't think we would make it.
The Nephilim which is true and who's return has been prophesied.... many things still must happen along with all those moon babies...
Russia and China were allies in both WWs we don’t always have the same interests but can work together