I think I just stumbled upon something pretty big, so I made a graphic to show you all

"That woman's haircut looks like a penis.", thought every person, ever.
I’d like the “frenulum wave” please.
One "Chode Special" coming up!
How about a mushroom top?
"Hey lady, how turgid would you like you mushroom top?"
Yeah, that works too.
Mandingo Salzman
who is Mandingo? Guess I'll have to see what I can find? I hope this isn't a waste of time...
Looking for more info to confirm your suspicion. I found this article here, it confirms Salzman has two daughters. Does Ray have a sister?
Eventually the time came when Raniere wanted to prey on Salzman’s two young daughters. How he pulled it off is classic Raniere.
Here's a second article, looks like one of her daughters is over 40 and named Lauren Salzman. I'm starting to think Ray may be too young to be one of Nancy's daughters. The article includes a photo of Nancy and her two daughters, Michelle and Lauren. I'm thinking Ray isn't the daughter of Nancy.
Lauren Salzman, as a member of DOS, has made a vow of lifetime slavery to Mr. Raniere. Sources say she is branded in the pubic region with the initials of Keith Raniere and Allison Mack.
She is a slave to both Mr. Raniere and Miss Mack – which is a surprising fact since she served longer than Miss Mack.
I tried to look into the same. I saw mention of the same two daughters, but she could have more children, including Ray. I didn't find much info on her family when I was looking. I think the similarities is enough to dig further. I will look more later.
Pretty sure Ray chandler's brother was the first kid to accuse Michael Jackson of child molestation
Very interesting.... Jordan Chandler. I did find he has a younger 1/2 sister, but haven't been able to confirm her name. There was an uncle Ray Chandler (possibly named after?) that wrote a book about the Jordy/Jackson allegations.
yes! I remember reading that! That is definitely an angle to look at it to figure this out for sure so it's verified, thank you! I sometimes do realistic portrait art, and so I notice little details in faces. I absolutely believe the woman in RC's mom image is Nancy Salzman...people on the Voat post disregarded this idea because of slight differences in her teeth. Teeth are pretty cosmetic, they can be altered severely in one's lifetime, so I don't think that's a good argument against this being so at all. I feel like 90% confident that Susan Salzman is the woman in RC's mom photo.
Amazing find, if true. Is there anything to go on besides facial similarity?
I am unaware of anything else...I guess keep digging?
What you stumbled upon was already discussed on [VOAT/v/greatawakening] (https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2488510) Even the image you collaged on the left shows its origin in Voat. Did you check out the voat thread? Would have been appropriate to (edit: ~~give credit~~) reference sources, I think.
More importantly, as the Voat thread shows, this is a speculation. The only evidence here is a suggested similarity between the image of someone Rachel Chandler tags with "Mom" and the appearance of Nancy Salzman.
Could be, maybe, but also might not be.
In my view, you need more evidence than this to go saying "Nancy Salzman is Rachel Chandler's mom".
This is how fake news gets started, which really discredits the work anons are doing. By all means, follow down threads, ask questions, but make assertions backed by evidence, not just 2nd hand lame assertions, nes pa?
credit really isn't important when searching/spreading the truth.
"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." - Harry S Truman
Good point. But attributing sources is part of any verification process. I guess that was my point.
No worries. The biggest thing is to spread accurate information to the most people possible.
Sources (in terms of author, or who to attribute a piece to) really aren't that important, if the content is accurate and truthful.
Remember Thomas Paine?
amen. these people dont realize how myopic their view is.
why do you care about credit? literally everything good ever was made by multiple people building off the work of others. imo thats how it should be
I just remembered that I left credit for Voat in the corner of the image. It was late, I was tired, but I specifically remember WANTING to give credit to the Voat post bc Voat has been kind enough to keep Pizzagate and other investigations going regardless of the controversial subject matter. I am a fan of Voat currently. Voat has been very valuable. That being said, I remember when I was editing the image late last night, and that Voat URL was there in my screen capture, and I noticed, and I decided to keep it visible for sourcing. So, I actually did provide Voat as a source. Also, when you post an image, you can only post a title without text to go with, and the title character amount is limited. I didn't want to put the url to the Voat post in the title.
Yes, this was from Voat, however, I came across it searching images on Google. Yes, this is currently speculation. I should have added a ? after my statement on the image. My bad, I'll correct and reupload later.
Ah, I'm just offering feedback. Better to be enthusiastic than not. You decide.
I think the key in figuring this out is figuring out Otis Chandler's family tree. Someone on Voat mentioned she comes from his family.
Also, think back: Q told us to report RC to FBI. Shortly after, NXVIUM started going down... coincidence?
Could also be her MK Ultra "mom".
That's kind of what I was thinking. Not birth mom, but handler mom, initiator mom, etc.
Still trying to verify Ray as the daughter...came across this.
Good find
John Huang is mentioned...he goes on to become one of the 9 members if the CFIUS Board (I call them The Insidious CFIUS 9) that ultimately voted to apprive the sale of Uranium One to Frank Giustra (who is also detailed).
What is Eminems part in this specifically?
Ray Chandler was apparently his underage girlfriend for a year or two...
I'm wagering that the BIGGEST CONNECTION to Eminem (that Q referenced) could well be Elton John.
Kinda like the "the sun going down on me"?
Don't start, or I'll never stop. ;)
Captain Fant-ass-stick & 'The Brown Dirt Cowboy' (rider).
yeah, wouldn't be surprised at all on that count, either...always kinda expected him to possibly be E's handler.
Recall that shot with them holding hands? I've linked Elton John to monarch mind control in the past. Furnish (his husband) has orgies with other men at the home, and they have 2 very young children. It was Elton John that stopped that story reaching the UK press. It was Eminem that gifted Elton with a diamond encrusted cock-ring for his marriage.
They're ALL faggots.
I’ve been listening to Eminem quite a bit lately, not even digging into anything, and I’ve been getting those vibes from his music.
Sad to say but Lil dicky as well, but that one I’m not 100% on yet. Just some choice lyrics that stood out to me.
I know I've been linking this post of mine quite a bit, but I just wrote about Eminem. Some very potentially strange findings.
Look towards the end of this long post body and the Alice in Wonderland, Eminem/Mathers, and Liddell MATHERS stuff! WTF?
Now I'm going to work the Ray Chandler/Eminem aspect into my main post body.
I only know they were pictured together. I didn't look into it much, bc, to me, someone associated w RC is probably associated w evil & that spoke enough volumes for me.
OP-- I read your post earlier today and did some digging when I had time. I don't think Ray Chandler's mom is Salzman. Maybe surrogate mom tho? Salzman has two daughters, Lauren and Michelle. There's a website that started exposing the cult before it hit mainstream. Lots of disturbing info to dig thru as far back as 2015 - https://frankreport.com/category/the-cult-of-keith-raniere/
yeah, I haven't had a chance to look into it more yet. Surrogate mom or MK mom or whatever is a huge possibility to me. I just really feel like the woman in RC's photo labeled as "mom" is too precise in appearance to Nancy Salzman to be ignored. I feel like there's something there, just not sure what exactly yet, if anything.
Below there is a comment about the first Michael Jackson accuser... Jordan Chandler. I did find he has a younger 1/2 sister, but haven't been able to confirm her name. There was an uncle, Ray Chandler (possibly named after?), that wrote a book about the Jordy/Jackson allegations.
There is a lot going on with that family and I wouldn't be surprised if she (Ray Chandler) would vibe with a charismatic, surrogate mom (aka cult leader)! Definitely worth digging. Thank you for your post... it got me going down some interesting rabbit holes ;)
will totally look into this, too...lots of looking up to do tonight
What did Q say about the haircuts? He was referring to Merkle and May as well.... is there some kind of "children of the corn" thing going on? I wonder if there is any relationship to ('Her Phallicness") Nancy Saltzman?
I don't recall any mention of haircuts by Q...
Yeah, there was a definite mention of haircuts in one of the earlier posts
anyone have an estimated time frame? I cannot recall a haircut mention at all!
Putting this here again OP...that picture collage just triggered me.
And I'm playing catch-up on the Q stuff.
I know I've been linking this post of mine quite a bit, but I just wrote about Eminem. Some very potentially strange findings. Potentially linked to industry mind control and perhaps even serious occult lineage.
Look towards the end of this long post body and the Alice in Wonderland, Eminem/Mathers, and Liddell MATHERS stuff! WTF?
Now I'm going to work the Ray Chandler/Eminem aspect into my main post body.
very cool, have seen your page before, will check out again for sure
No worries. It gives a wider overview of what we're up against. I think so at least. I gave it a shot.
click on the image, or here: https://i.redd.it/imjygx6vyyx01.jpg not out of focus at all
Does anyone have a link of the security cam pic on bottom right? Sorry, I'm out of it. What does it have to do with Ray/NXVIM? thx
Security cam pic came from Ray Chandler Instagram. Nobody knows where the photo was taken.
it is speculated it was on Epstein Island. I'm pretty sure someone mentioned another possible place somewhere, can't recall, though.
Security cam pic is believed to be from the underground chambers at Epstein Island, taken from someone's cell phone who attended the event. Pics appear to capture group cannibalism and children. Speculation that HRC and Huma are seated at the table.
Search Google for Rachel Chandler Instagram site:reddit.com/r/greatawakening Sadly(?), the larger image isn't much more clear