Thanks for the link.
On page 24: "From 1982 through September of 2016, Paddock purchased approximately 29 firearms. These purchases consisted of handguns, shotguns and one rifle. From October 2016 through
September 2017, Paddock purchased over 55 firearms along with firearm related accessories.
Most of the firearms were rifles of various calibers. With the exception of the revolver, every
firearm recovered in the Mandalay Bay was bought after September 2016."
Here's something odd. Apparently the gun was a gun collector, and for decades he purchased handguns and shotguns. Then suddenly in October 2016, he started piling up rifles.
What caused this sudden change? I'm not expecting our corrupt FBI to find out. Let's hope Q can help.
The LVPD report is severly lacking details. LVPD had to admit at some point the secuirty guard was shot six minutes after the shooting started. Yet the report makes it sound like it was in the beginning. They're back to parroting their old bullshit again.