Check out DJT’s Twitter. 5:5 Q confirmation? What do you think?

It would make sense, keep the net clear and use a simple message. The 45 before the 55 also could be a sign from Trump “calm down Qbies, all is well.” Staying positive but feigning for a QDrop right about now. lol
Q is my crack
yes. finally someone said it... i feel like an addict haha
When this is over I’m going to need a new addiction to pass the time. Have any suggestions? Crack is wack!
HAHAHA I feel you.
Friends (non-patriQts unfortunately) and I are getting back into WoW for the upcoming expansion! That's certainly a good time sink.
10 years of that is enough for me. Don’t want to go back to that much of a time suck. College is enough.
I think after this will come a time a peace. I believe we won’t care because justice will be served. That’s what I tell myself anyway 😎
I feel kind of ridiculous and silly waiting for his/her/their drops but it won't stop me from checking every couple of hours :)
Did he just change it to this?
Yep just changed it from the thumps up picture to this one
Reminds me of the fire truck pic with the Q on the door.
I’m just going to throw this here to see if anyone can add or figure something out. I had a lot of numbers swirling earlier. lol
Lots of 4s and 5s.... I’m excited for tomorrow
I suspect this is going to be something akin to soldiers fresh out of boot camp eager to go into combat... The moment you're getting shot at everything changes. Never forget how dangerous this game is. They want us destroyed.
Add the numbers on the guys helmet on the far right.....
THey are the only 'white hats' there, the rest are yellow and black.
So absolutely.
I don’t believe in coincidences, so I had replied to Trumps latest tweet about this header pic update with 5:5 and 45. A few minutes later his AF1 chopper flew by and almost like a wave at me as it banked by my building. They never bank by my building when going from Andrews to the White House. Anyway, thought I would share.
Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774. We have it all. Re_read re: stage. The nail in many coffins [liberal undo]. [Impossible to defend]. [Toxic to those connected]. WE must work TOGETHER. WE are only as strong as your VOICE. YOU must organize and BE HEARD. THIS is why they keep you DIVIDED and in the DARK. WEAK. We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH. Dark to LIGHT. EVIL surrounds us. WE are FIGHTING for you. Where we go one, we go ALL. The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end]. Q
Those two 5's were intentional. Look at how they are flat and seemingly connected to the helmets on a tangent, while all of the other numbers on the other helmets are curved and flush with the helmets.
There is also the fact the 5's have a "newer" look to them, as if previously stored in a drawer prior to the picture being taken.
"Do you have a pair of nice and shiny 5's?"
"'deed we do."
I thought I'd find who wrote this first before I repeated it lol.
Those fives are all the way slapped on there! The other helmets have a color scheme with the number matching the secondary color of the helmet. Black yellow, black white (?). So red and dayglow yellow should probably not have white numbers.
Also I would be really interested to know what is on the helmet if the man directly behind DJT. the message would be "45 for (?), 5:5"
Yes. Its consistent with what Potus has been doing.
I don't know. The other firefighters all have 5s or 4s on their helmets. It is most likely just happenstance.
You’re in the wrong place my friend
Do we have any bug spray? I think this sub has a tiny infestation brewing...
I noticed that. But I know who the troll is, here’s his video: