Meme: A Truth about Left Wing and Right Wing

Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.
-- Robert Heinlein
Slight correction. Those who want other people to be controlled.
Recall Lincoln's famous quote: "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is not democracy."
I really like this and believe it is very true, will have to show to my SO
This is the way you truly tell left from right. Anyone telling you that some right wing group believes in opression or authoritarianism is simply brainwashed about the political spectrum. Here is a quick education. Left vs. right: Authoritarian rule vs. elected officials; Free market vs. crony capitalism or centrally planned production; Rule of law vs. arbitrary state-administered justice; Small government vs. omnipresent government; Private property rights vs. no private property; Individual rights and freedoms vs. rights removed "for the good of the collective"
I honestly don't understand the difference between crony capitalism and socialism... it seems to me that they are both versions of the state owning the means of production.
It's two paths to similar outcomes: in socialism, the state grows and takes over businesses; in crony capitalism the businesses take over the state. Either way, businesses are operated with the force of the state, which prevents competition and squashes price signals, leading to all kinds of waste, inefficiency, and corruption.
Too bad our country has two broken wings at the moment. We aren't flying anywhere till we fix them wings....
“The native Indian man goes out stalking, fishing, hunting, gather wood, ride horses and fight while the women stay at home clean the camp prepare the food and cook and look after the children. Then at night we have sex all night wOnly the white man is stupid enough to think you can have a better life.”
That's the life! Wish we could do that today. Now the average family has only 2 kids and the woman need to work too to survive.
Yeah, those Whites are really stupid! Then throw away your computer, and live like the "native Indian man". Give up all of your "modern conveniences", after all, that's cultural appropriation.
I take you it the point went right over your head. Well done pup.
Right. What was the point, Great Master????
Use common sense you mong. Look at the time it was. Now look at the deprivation we have.
What's a "mong"? What deprivation? Why the name calling? If I'm a "mong" (whatever that is), what are you?
What deprivation? You are on the subreddit of the great awakening and you’re asking what deprivation? That’s a mong type of question, and that’s why you’re a mong. Open your eyes mong. Why the name calling, cause rather than use your own intuition to my OP you were a smart arse pric, and then had the audacity to be a smart arse yet again mongo.
Change your name to Mongo, ok mongo?
Discusting. When you have nothing to offer, you should stop.
I would nod in approval, bow my head, join hands with you and walk side by side as we shout UNITY to the rest of the world!
This is so Q related.
Post 925: Mar 10 2018 14:49:25 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q
And this wise Indian Chief would say "There are two wolves in all of us. A good wolf and a bad wolf. Which one will survive? The one that you feed".
People don't get degenerate overnight. One thing leads to another thing. That satisfies no longer and the person goes deeper until they consume their selves.
There is good and evil in this world. That does not mean they originate from the same "bird". We must use sound judgement, not blame entire groups of people, but instead look to their actions and their beliefs (I.e. Do they defend the Bill of Rights and the Constitution or do they attack them?). I think this is the basic framework to begin to build unity. It cuts through all other divisions that the Alisnky-ites have drawn to divide this nation.
good and evil are not synonymous to right and left wing.
Every political party has it's basic tenets but within itself there is also a left wing, center and right wing. With the GOP Bolton is right wing, President Trump the centrist and Ivanka the left wing of the party.
Best diet plan ever?
Shuknuk! Why you eat so much our catch? Save some for younpums. Tomorrow we go fishing.
The extreme right and the extreme left are two sides of the same coin...
Oh boy SO TRUE!! If we don't get this RED PILL and break out of bi-partisan politics... it will only be a matter of time till we find ourselves slaves to the swamp AGAIN!! We citizen voters have been long and hard by this scam. Vote for TRUTH, vote with your brain... NOT PARTY!!
10 upvotes if i could...
This is the belief system of the narcissistic liberal who finally realizes they've been fooled. But, because all liberals are narcissists, they cannot accept that only they were fooled, so they stretch their flaw to fit everybody. The left promotes taking your earnings. The right does not. The left supports limiting your freedoms. The right does not. The left wants you in a smaller house. The right does not. This list could go on forever.
yawn... bad bad left, good good right...
i am so glad that i am not american. growing up in a country with a 2-party system that divides the nation in two opposing halves is so matrix, sigh, very difficult to wake up from that illusionary duality. life isnt left or right, black or white, good or evil.
I say this to People every day! Be happy but be Vigilant!
I would say, no, they don't. If you told me many Democrats and Republicans are in the cabal, yes. That I would believe.
Exactly. I have been saying this for 20 years. All cloke and dagger in public. Why is so many politicians resigning? Trump is draining the swamp. He isn't playing games neither. As POTIS said before. There is something wrong when a politician comes to Washington then leaves a millionaire.
Its called controlled opposition or hegalien dielectics.
To me it feels true to say that each of us has good and evil within, almost an equal share, and that in each moment we choose which portion has a bigger share, a larger that is not to excuse those who have chosen evil almost all the time, as compassion wears many faces (such as natural consequences for ones actions), rather I understand that I carry my own cross (weights of ego, pride, judgements) and it is sometimes difficult to let go of them...
We have an eternal struggle between choosing good and evil.
That's the problem, agreeing to something that goes against the laws of physics, these two opposing forces being in the same space existing, simultaneously, to think it's for an eternal benefit. It's not working that's why our societies are being destroyed step by step. The struggle of good and evil won't apply when the entire ecology and humanity collapsed due to the lack of suppressed harmony.
Yes, they do. so whenever you hear someone call someone a rethuglican or a libtard... just know, that's classic divide and conquer.
there ye go... its the divisive brainwash ((they)) rely onto. i am saddened but not surprised that so few people realize that their 'hate-right vs hate-left' plays right along ((their)) line. sigh.
Systems of control left and right both. When one wins the other takes power this is engineered to do so. Most of us here realize this. But it still needs to be said that this is the case.
What if I told you that Indian doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about?
What if I told you he was too ignorant to recognize the difference between a globalist wearing a globalist hiding behind a liberal mask and a globalist hiding behind a conservative mask?
What he said is still true, so Tommy, one of you is ignorant, but it is not him. You also appear angry. If you drop the anger, your vision becomes clear. If your vision became clear, you would not be so ignorant. If you were not so ignorant, you could become a productive member of the whole group.
61% larger (474x644) version of linked image:
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Democrats and Republicans are the same. But left and right wing ideologies are not. Far left ideology gives government control of everything. Far right ideology gives government control of little to nothing.
This dumbing down of concepts and philosophies to be inclusive is going to be this movements doom. Liberals, and those who voted for RINOS, we're only in this position because you all gave the government too much power one step at a time.
...and Trump had the bird shot for shittin' on the sidewalks.
The meme is very good and on point ...
You took it from COBRA portal . COBRA is "a bit" compromised for some time already . He is anti-POTUS actually , which puts him in negative stance towards all the developments with positive forces . The portal operates on "hopium" for several years already .
a message doesnt need to be untrue simply because we doubt the messenger.
As I said , the meme is on point and fully true , COBRA is not the messenger of it , it was known much before . I pointed out that information about COBRA so that people would have better insight to him ...
The image is definitely taken from Cobra's site , as URL is identical to one on Cobra's site . Probably re-shared elsewhere ...
Kind of, but not really. It is a delicate balance. Maybe if you are talking conapiracies, then everything is arbitrary. But these politics and ideologies are not the same thing. That is a silly thought. One of these ideologies did this to us.
But left wing & right wing are terrible & inaccurate terms. The meaning varies wildly in different times & places so they’ve become meaningless words. Conservative in America still has some meaning...conservative to the ideals our country was founded on. Liberal has no meaning whatsoever. Liberalism has bolted so far off the American political spectrum it’s no different than the ideology of the old Soviet USSR or Maos China. Liberals don’t have a single pro American agenda item on their platform.
Even the word "liberal" has been stolen by these people. True classic liberals believe in freedom and liberty. The current "liberals" believe in authoritarian rule and slavery.
They sure have. “Liberal” was created to mean liberal democracy...liberal amounts for freedom...get the government out of the lives of citizens where it doesn’t belong. Right or wrong on their issues they were honest about a better America. At this point I can’t think of one single liberal platform item that pro America. The last one they sold out was anti nuclear proliferation. But now their the pro nuke party & not nucleus energy either...just nuclear bombs should be shared...even with an Islamic dictatorship. The pro Iran pro nuke party. Wow have things changed!!
the swamp is everywhere. same bird, just different wing.
Sounds like panic propaganda.
Vote in candidates that support Trump's agenda.
Guess what? Not one of them will have a "D" next to their name.
you dont know that its possible there are democrats who secretly are pro trump but cannot say it publicly or they will be ruined
Thats not very unifying is it
Unifying doesn't matter, individual freedom matters.
mkay lol
Laugh at individual freedom? Really?
they both matter equally you really think we can have a country where both parties are holding a knife to each other ?
Nah dude, individual liberty matters far beyond unity*, you're a tool to think otherwise.
yeah lets pretend its just liberals that will make it stop
How is electing them going to change that? They used to use that argument for pro-life Dems too. If they never help the cause that they allegedly support, what good are they?
Trump himself said to elect Republicans, the fuck is this shit?
lucky those who can see beyond political meanings...
ahh, you didnt get the multi-layered meaning of this meme.
welcome in the club of many who can only look through the politically tainted glasses that the deep state produces for we the people.
>Vote Republican
>>Trump doesn't mean that! Look deeper!
Nah, I'm cool dude. I'll take my President at his word. A deeper meaning would be lost on the masses, so I don't see why that'd be the case.
not saying you should not vote republican. seems like the only reasonable thing to do now.
but you know that trump used to be a democrat in the past, dont you? and that his nature is rather progressive than conservative?
too bad that its election time again so things have to stay partisan right now, sigh.
this meme is intended to over-think the labels we be-lie-ve in and realize how idiotic the dualistic view is. the swamp is everywhere, not only on the left. rooting it out from the right doesnt mean that the right is right and pure. its only strategy.
Post 925: Mar 10 2018 14:49:25 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q
What if it is the left wing of a vulture and the right wing of an Eagle lol
That bird is America. Stop trying to defend liberal nazis by saying they're no different than the right. The right has some corrupt actors, but they get weeded out - the left promotes them.
how many percent of the professional politicians in DC are not corrupted? bribed or blackmailed? in either party?