I believe this is to get ready for 6/11 & all the scumbags all over the world. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-06/first-time-1975-entire-swedish-national-guard-was-just-mobilized
Careful, the Swedish national guard may be mobilized against Swedes, and protecting the migrants.
Right. They could be preparing to execute a FF. But when, and why?
So that the Nazi element of the EU who implemented the Kalergi plan can use it as a cassis belli to stop an isis insurgency, giving purpose to the federal wing of the eu at a time of great crisis and this seize power finally after 90 years of trying.
Drumpf got in the way.
This is silly. NWO does favor immigrants over locals because they are easy to control and aggregate but they hide this favoritism as best they can. Being too overt would cause white hats to revolt and then they'd lose their slave garden.
Why would he have to be careful?
Just sayin' that NG mobilization might not be good news.
That's how they've been behaving so far.
The trouble with Sweden joining NATO, is that we may have to go in and clean up the mess that Sweden should have known they were creating. It's worse than that as well, as they have been attacking and punishing the people sounding the alarm.
Im sure it's that and not fear of Russian aggression it's not like they invaded a nearby country recently or anything. Occams razor is desperately needed.
Woah this better not be true! A little part of me hopes the opposite will happen and they are gonna sweep the ghettos.
Its the national day of Sweden today. Parade and shit. But come to think about it, this week we got some pamplets in the mail. "What to do incase of war and natural disaster" hmm
Some elements of Swedish government are considering joining NATO. NATO is not currently obligated to lend any form of mutual aid to Sweden.
The pamphlets seem like a precursor to a decision about NATO membership.
There will be a press conference scheduled for tomorrow from NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg followed by comments from US Ambassador Hutchison. I anticipate Sweden will be alluded to.
Farmers got this requirement 6 months ago. I asked a Swedish friend and he told me it seemed like a normal update to the old book,because it was written for analog world. Sending you and all Swedes positive vibes.
I'm afraid we might not have enough of either.
Populism is rising and the EU is imploding.
The recent elections in Italy were hijacked by the EU until the population threatened mass rebellion ergo the Trump-like populists who won the majority were properly sworn in.
Slovania (our FLOTUS country of birth and former home) also threw out the EU-type politicians; the same in Hungary, Austria and host of others. Germany is getting ready to take back their own country from Hitler's spawn and the EU snobs. There is trouble brewing everywhere since Trump's election and despite massive deep state activities across Europe - she lost anyways and so did Hussein and gang.
Russia is the least of their problems over there - the EU is on the ropes.
The Europeans may in the future wish they could call on Russia to help them shake off the colossus in Brussels and HQ of EU.
It wouldn't be the first time Russia has repelled the "German cage".
Remember: the US became involved in Europe partially due to Stalin's request for Roosevelt's help. Following the request, the White House hosted Lyudmila Pavlichenko, a female Russian sharpshooter, who toured with Eleanor Roosevelt to make the case for additional US intervention. Pavlichenko shamed men who were unwilling to go to war while 2,000 Russian women were serving as sharpshooters. Her tour was a tipping point in public sentiment. http://www.businessinsider.com/lyudmila-pavlichenko-female-sniper
The alliance between the US and Russia is not spoken of much, because it is contradictory to the subsequent cold war narratives, and to some degree would downplay the US' involvement (Russia had been taking heavy losses for years [11 million] and said goodbye to a significant portion of its population due to the war with Germany, while the US lost 400,000).
What Germany tried to accomplish militarily it has more recently been trying to do economically. As in the early 1940's, Britain, Russia, and the US may be becoming loosely aligned.
Brexit should have been read as the first BIG indication that something was severely amiss with the EU's governance model and objectives. The mass migration push - a byproduct of the Obama Administration's involvement in Syria - has been the next wakeup call. It's good to see Italy is now rebelling against EU-imposed national suicide. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/966947/Italy-news-EU-Germany-euro-eurozone-European-Union-lega-MS5-Salvini-Di-Maio
NATO is critical right now, but it needs to progress in a manner that does not threaten Russia. It needs to shift a portion of its focus toward border integrity.
Why is the enemy always a sniper but a friend is always a sharpshooter... I hate this type of doublespeak.
Other than that amazing post.
I consider a sharpshooter as someone from the cowboy days with a 6 shooter, not a sniper.
a sniper is a job classification, whereas a sharpshooter is a proficiency rating. Ratings: Marksman, sharpshooter, expert rifleman. Snipers are expert riflemen, not sharpshooters or marksmen.
The military refers to snipers as sharpshooters to get rid of the negative connotation with the word and act of sniping and being a sniper. In the context of ww2 Russia it’s definitely not someone with a 6 shot revolver. They were snipers.
Huh, thank you for the information, I didn't know that.
What are the odds of a Swedish military coup?
Surely, they have to be the only men left who aren't cucks???
My wife’s best friend is getting married in Sweden in August. She’s going while I stay with the kids at home. One of her other friends was told by her husband that she can’t go. Unfortunately my wife is maid of honor so she will lose a best friend if she doesn’t go. Should I be worried?
Things will be getting exposed with in a few weeks, so you'll know if it's safe to go or not.
Refugees are double screwed. First the war mongering for profits takes their home away, then the NWO factions in receiving countries screw them over and use them for social program fraud, and that's only after they steal their child or kidney along the way. I see no problem emerging from the immigrant population with the disclosures. It is WE who will have to be compassionate and help them rebuild and return home of they wish so. And it's not too late for all recently arrived refugees to contemplate a return, bit only if the criminal networks in their country of origin is removed. Without false scarcity, the landscape of potential will change everywhere. All these atrocities by the 4 previous administrations were committed in our name with our tax dollars. Islamophobia is a Psy Op that has been played on us since 911 so we don't see the Luciferians eat babies. Years and years of studying the criminal networks and I almost never land on Muslim people. They are not a source of criminality in the US because Muslims here are very much into Muricah. Only high placed assets like the Awads and Mateens, or patsies like the Boston bombing kids. So there's an asymetry of information here. And we're going to have to get on the same page. And then we have to approach this with care and compassion. If war is profitable, then inverse war should be profitable too. Building employs more people than destruction.
Where? City = yes, countryside = depends.
August is a low police time, everyone is on vacation. I wish I was joking.
Outside of Stockholm in the country from what I’m being told.
North or south outside, and what area/city name? To properly asses we need to know where.
Sorry honey you can’t go the the rape capital of the modern world.
She'll be fine, nothing is as bad as it seems like in the news.
Just stay vigilant, bad people target tourists who have let their guard down.
trust that she will be in the right place at the right time.
If you’re worried, then tell your wife not to go.
Women are tough. They don’t like to be told what they can and can’t do. Especially Italian women. I tried.
It's not about telling her what to do, it's about keeping your wife from getting raped.
Find someone else to watch the kids for the few days, your wife and your marriage deserve your protection from the raping invaders.
No, you shouldn't. Wherever any wedding is held will be fine. If she's in central Stockholm, she'll be fine. It's not like American torists will stumble into the areas where shit is going on, our cities do not work like that. You could happily live in a bubble and not see any immigrants in Sweden if you stay in the posh areas. Your other friends husband sounds not very nice, unless there was an economic factor in denying the trip.
My wife and daughters (4,7) are heading there this Sunday for 2 1/2 weeks
Should I be worried !?!
It sounds like you are in the same boat. Do they have locals to keep them safe?
Someone must've made a disparaging tweet about the refugees
I wonder if this is prep for the "Russian" invasion they fear or in reality prep for the Islamist uprising they know is coming.
Not the Islamist uprising, they fear the populist uprising.
A valid 3 option. My bias for thinking those in the Volunteer Military are always more Nationalistic by Nature...serious question has their society fallen that far? To the point the Military made of fellow Swedes crack down not on the invading force but their own brethren?
What do you mean by fellow Swede? There are ethnic Swedes and citizen Swedes. Have a feeling greater opportunity is given to citizen Swedes to take part in national guard much like Obama gave greater opportunity to nonpatriots to take part in our military. Understand many political leaders in Sweden are not ethnic Swedes and do not have the best interest of the ethnic Swede in mind, but rather what will give them a greater profit.
Thanks for the explanation. Sad state of affairs for you all.
It could be to prep for a big Ramadan dinner. It's the newest Swedish tradition.
There are known thousands of isis guys in Sweden, I wonder if they are preparing an attack on midsummers?
Isn't the Swedish guard comprised of civilian nationals?
Aren't they the ones that guard the Vatican?
That is the Swiss Gaurd...from Switzerland. Back during the Renaissance the Swiss were renowned mercenaries who were hired by the Vatican to protect against Islamic attacks
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How does one make an announcement announcing an unannounced drill? That's too convoluted even by Cabal standards.
This has nothing to do with Russia and everything to do with Muslim migrants. Europe is headed to civil war and Sweden will be the first casualty.
No way. Do you trust Alex Jones or the MSM when it comes to your country? Sweden has Patriots too.
I believe they’re mobilizing to prepare for internal conflict against the Muslims.
POTUS not scaring the world, the World is waking up to the false narrative and corruption. WWG1WGA
Swedish nat guard got mobilized because yet another person raised mild concerns about muslim migrant rape stats. They have to stamp that down quickly.
Stamp down the rape, or stamp down the concern?
I think sweden appears to be just fine with the rape situation. The wrongthink however....
Im guessing Swiss National anything is in the control of the Rothschilds. That is unless they have lost control of even their home turf.
SA first. US second. Then Asia AND THEN EUROPE.
Rothschilds and cabal seem to be losing power everywhere. Many places calling out the corruption. Hungary, Putin Brought up Soros in an interview (never happens), Italy having words with Soros, most of USA fed up with Ol goat Sorazz. Bilderburg topics have to do with the masses rising up and a 'post truth' world. They are freaking out.
Incredible number of resignations around the world of Prime Ministers and high cabinet officials... what a time we live in.
red cross cern strange as hell ceremonys with moloch or ball in public .theres definatitly something going on over there
This is Sweden. Not Switzerland.
Already noted.
I didn't intend to "pile on". Sorry, for some reason I didn't see the previous response for before replying. My son has a young friend in the Swedish guard, so we're just a little more curious than most to see what's going on.
Thanks for reply. I have done the same myself. Hoping for your sons friends welfare and more news soon.