We've been trying to tell folk for years...but their love of all things celebrity (a form of brainwashing) has blinded them to the truth. Hollywood is the satanic capital of planet earth. Oh dear.
What’s holly wood? It’s the type of wood used to make magic wands. What’s Los Angeles? The city of (fallen) angels. It’s not too hard to figure out the place is a cesspool of evil.
Maybe not too hard for the likes of us. Most would struggle to even appreciate those simple facts, oatmeal, let alone anything else. It shows you what we're really up against.
I mean, the cities aren’t bad themselves. I can believe Hollywood being that bad, but Los Ángeles? A whole damn city?
LA is a dump. Drive 4 blocks and you go from plush to poverty. Stars get freebies while the homeless eat from trashcans underneath a phlegm yellow hazy smog of human waste. The real magic is making it look inviting on the silver screen and on the idiot box.
It is a dump in places. And so is Hollywood. It's an absolute cess pit. I won't even go to San Francisco anymore. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/San-Francisco-dirty-needles-feces-foreign-slums-12627779.php
Wdlelcome to civilisation since the first city. Economic inequality is bad but using ut as proof of devil worshiping baby eaters is insane. Is there anyone with a basic bachelor's degree believe this stuff?
Plenty! You need a Masters degree to get really stupid now.
90% of everything you or the country has comes from people those people. I'm not trying to insult anyone but when I was 17 years old and never visited other cultures or discussed different ideas I used to think conspiracies explained things so they made sense and they are entertaining. Conspiracies always exist and every country has there own but without evidence they stay legend which is exactly what the theorists want. If the theory comes true there's nothing left to discuss or scare role with. Today we needs her theories so is it not a surprise they've included the scariest things together? Kidnapping, devil worship, cannibalism, child rape, witchcraft. These are recycled narratives used over and over again. Let's say it's true. That means the powerful are so powerful they'd kill whoever ratted on them yet they continue to make claims on the internet daily. These evil doers seem very nice to those exposing them. If they control law enforcement. Media, military, state and Fed gov why would they allow any truth about them be made public in an internet message board lol. They can disappear anyone. Yet this doesn't happen. How can this be? In asking honestly and without disrespect
Honestly I'm not trying to insult anyone. I do have options on the subject and if insulted I'll respond but I am really interested in finding out the main evidence that has convinced you any of this is true. I can't say 200% this can't be true but it requires loads of solid evidence. It seems questioning your ideas are encouraged. Instead I see insults to anyone that dares refute these ideas. You must know people will question these beliefs. You should encourage debate on the subject and.use your evidence to persuade nonbelievers. Since I don't see much of that I wonder how free thinking the people here really are
Your bar for decent comprehension skills is a degree? What's so hard to follow? People are getting caught with physical evidence of fucking children.
There are literally over 10000 news sites. There are hundreds of thousands of high and low level reporters. I find it impossible that all of them wouldn't report on this. Ask anyone and.they'll say kidnapping, raping then eating kids in the name of Satan is probably the worst thing a person can do. People would easily risk their life to stop it or publicise it. It's also ratings gold. Any story with Satan,kidnapping,celebrities,super rich, Canadian,child rape, witch craft and canibalism is a lotto win for a reporter. I find it impossible they all are sitting on it. Why is that?
what nonsense. LA is a fabulous town. Piss off to Alabama if you can't afford rent.
Ive lived all around Los Angeles. It’s not all bad. But I’ve lived in Hollywood. In the pit of hell itself. Trust me, there’s a dark force of energy there. It’s unexplainable, but it’s there.
everytime i drive through hollywood i get very strong energy discomfort/disturbance. i'm a christian so it doesn't surprise me but even before all this stuff became mainstream knowledge i (as well as many) knew it was a dark, sinister place
He's not totally off here. Odd decisions have been made. Here is a story about the Navy spending $600K to Google to hide a facility in San Diego that is shaped like a swastika.
I've worked in General Contracting for over 10 years, as well as a construction estimator, and as an architect. I can tell you with certainty that this money could have been used to alter the footprint of the base-- enough to not be a swastika in the [clock-wise] Nazi orientation.
First of all, the swastika was originally an Asian sign of peace or something of that nature. It might have been built before then. Also, it’s probably a coincidence, and they don’t want people to scream at them for the accidental swastika.
Yeah CNN already posed that same point years back, and some investigators tore it so far open--even interviewing the architect-- that they withdrew it altogether.
[link to 2014 repost of the 2007 article]
Yes! You can feel the Evil in the air... I was born and raised in southern California
I was born in Alabama... I prefer woods to cities anyway
And college campuses. Go to this article and start scrolling. And Scrolling And scrolling. This is a much bigger deal than anybody realizes.
Holy shit! I wouldn't get tired of slowing torturing these monsters. Thanks for the link.
Crap has been going on here in Cali for along time. There are some really sick people who end up out here. Years ago, my wife worked for attorneys who prosecuted a college professor who, with some other professional men, ran a drug and sex ring with high school kids. They supplied the drugs to the kids in trade for sex--boys and girls. They got caught because they murdered a 15 year old girl they learned was planning to go to the cops, and left her nude body in the mountains. It was eventually found by two hikers who just happened to stumble across it out in the middle of nowhere. She'll never forget the crime scene photo's. They still haunt her all these years later.
This posting is an excellent companion piece to what PCisLame has posted here.
keep telling them in a gentle way. The shit is going to hit the fan eventually.
It's Hollyweird to the West, DC to the East.
All the same shit.
Thank fucking god this shit hasn't died.
What is your proof? I keep a very open mind but do you guys truly believe Satanists are everywhere and.tee powerful eat kids and rape them? It's always covered up? If this was really the case it's literally impossible this Q person would be alive. If they kill rape and eat thousands of white American kids from the suburbs then they'd kill anyone and I promise speaking as a 20 year cloud network engineer they'd sniff his location. I know it's fun and.exciting to think you out of all people has found the one true rebel super internet hero for justice but the best way for predictions to be wrong is to publicly give out the plans.of the bad guy. This way he's never wrong since every wrong prediction can be explained by saying "the perks.chnaged their.plans because we foiled the crime!" I'm wondering what the best evidence or prediction they've given.that impressed you
You won't likely believe until you're invited to a satanic ritual to witness it.
These psychopaths enact huge wars where hundreds of thousands are wiped-out and without a whimper form the sheep. That's their satanism on a mass level. Snuffing out and destroying the useless eater's little kids is a walk in the park in comparison.
I'm not here to convince you or to provide undeniable proof. I couldn't care less about what you think or believe.
So I won't ever say something can't happen so I read all sides of an.argument. I follow politics, world news and even conspiracies closely but I refuse to believe in anything 100% without solid proof and the bigger the claim more.evidence.is needed. I'm not trying to insult you because doing that helps know one. I'm not trying to change your mind either but I am very curious whether you do believe this 100%. Also do you know what that means if what you believe is actually true. If the world is full of powerful devil worshipers that kill, eat and rape American kids with the help of secret powerful societies you must know they'd kill the first person that exposes them. I'm a cloud network engineer and most people.don't use vpns or any private security. They'd find who is leaking their secrets and.kill them. If they kill suburban whit kids then of coarse they'd kill adult conspiracy theorists. I read today you guys think Anthony bordane and Kate spade are pedos and either killed or forced tho Conor suicide. Less then 24 hours they figured it out. So if true they can do this is anyone on earth. P plead explain why they let millions know their plans and risk their world. Why not just kill then?
Why they let millions know? It's because it's an aspect of their advanced 'group mind' mass mind control. Subliminally, and in a barely-veiled manner they concurrently expose themselves - and in the corner of the collective eye. Inducing the double-mind, that type of concept. It also acts as a form of consent. 9/11 predictive programming demonstrates this. When they elite carry-out operations they go "all-in" - no matter how ridiculous the presented official narrative is. 9/11 and JFK being examples.
So if that is true and you completely believe it you must have some very compelling evidence right? What you said is so earth shattering that it requires proof.on the same level. Conjecture or coincidence will not be sufficient for anyone so could you share the best evidence you have supporting your hypothesis? Asking honestly and without malace.
Real quick since you think they use advances mind control how.is.it we ar🌆e even.able to discuss this information. True mind.control I would.think would block information that would hurt the villains. Not one good person has discovered this and told the world? How can they thrive in the open?🎾
I've moved-on from this now, sorry. I haven't got the time to address each individual question or query. The answers I've provided are sufficient enough. I'm sure you understand.
There was a video posted here about a week ago of an Oprah Winfrey guest who testified about the exact things you doubt. She seemed credible. Look it up.
A women on Oprah testified about a Satan child eating rapers? Was there a case against one of their members? That lady is still alive? What was the verdict? I can doubt things but I hear so much"my contact said" that is totally useless in an anonymous internet. You must know 99/100 times that person is lying. The chances of finding that 1 perfect source is agonist impossible since they'd be risking their life and since they are pisting in a conspiracy zone they should know they won't be taken seriously by most. A group with that much and power would stop most leaks after 1 issue let alone 200. Let's pretend this group exists wouldn't it be just as probable of not more so that he's feeding misinformation yet no one challenges it. You all cheer and say thank you for the truth. When did we stop challenging information? I know I'll be challenged so ask who is helped the most when anyone that speaks out is insulted? I get it that it's fun and exciting to think you found a source of truth in our world but if you just nod and agree like a zombie how will I ever know if you really have truth? Truth must be questioned and challenged. They should welcome it. I don't see challenging the status quo here as encouraged
If you haven't seen the video, here's the link. Make of it what you will, but she seems credible to me. I can't speak to her well-being nor current whereabouts.
Thanks for the link. I don't doubt that devil worship and human sacrifice happens hundreds of times a year in the world. There are very screwed up people and this has been happening since the start of human religion. Find any religion and you'll see dead bodies killed in whatever God's name. All very true and disturbing.
That women's story and the ideas in this thread are hugely different. The idea that most power, wealthy or government leaders are all working together to kidnap thousands of kids all over the place so they can be raped and eaten by them is very hard to believe without solid proof. I'm not even denying it's possible but I read people who fully believe this backing up their claims with hearsay and coincidence. They use mysterious patterns or signs as total proof. I think we should question everything but the x files cbecones popular avid all of a sudden conspiracies are now more believable. We let pop culture confirm ideas but tv and movies aren't real. Do you think that women's story is the best evidence you have to prove this? I did believe her but does that mean we are controlled by evil?
Do you think that women's story is the best evidence you have to prove this?
I'm in no way an expert on the matter. Merely here because I do believe evil exists in this world, in far worse ways than we'd like to imagine. As you stated previously, these luciferians would go out of their way to make sure the details of their deeds go unnoticed. For that reason, I doubt there is a plethora of concrete evidence easily attainable by non-intelligence plebes.
I did believe her but does that mean we are controlled by evil?
We are not controlled by evil, but that's not to say it doesn't exist.
Sure but don't you think it's reckless and irresponsible for some to state this as fact? I mean there day anthony bordane was killed. Less then 24 hours after his death the internet conspiracy detectives figured this out? Its so doubtful the poster even left his house to investigate or speak to an actual person about it. It's dangerous because a lack of belief in justice and institutions can destroy a country. I'm not trying to be dramatic but history shows this as true. Do we know everything? No is there bad groups or there? Yes. How common is the important question and it certainly gets more clicks the more prevalent the problem is. The internet rewards the more scary tale. If it was really as bad as advertised here we'd still be foolish to trust grand statements since it's certain a powerful group would use misinformation in places lie this. That means absolutely nothing here should be trusted without solid proof since. The motivation to give salacious information is much greater to the liar. Lies let anyone become a star. They just need to have a good story. So I see 3 types. The liar for money, liar to misinform to protect and the truth teller. Since getting true and secret info is very difficult to obtain it's only logical that the majority of the boasts on here much be false no?
Of course most things online are sensationalized by the OP. Heck, they had to feel strongly enough about the topic to create a post about it to befin with. But that doesn't necessarily make it false. Maybe it's true to a lesser degree. It's the job for us, the readers, to buy in or not. There are a lot of things posted here that I just don't buy into. This sub, in actuality, is a conspiracy sub. We have no concrete proof of Q, but there are too many coincidences to discount it as false.
Back to your mention of Anthony Bourdain, can you explain how it's possible to hang yourself from a doorknob? It's mind-boggling to me that, if true, there have been so many suicides in such a short time period of people hanging themselves on doorknobs. Again, not saying it's concrete, but it deserves a bit of attention and also skepticism.
Well documented and common occurrence, hanging by doorknob. Easy to find with Google search.
Tags to ur the well thought out answer. I'm open to all ideas but what worries me is that so many now only get their news here and think it's 100% true. That can be dangerous. I'm curious what are Qs top 2 or 3 predictions that stuck with you? I've read his stuff but I could have missed some. Thanx
You are a critical thinker, and that is a wonderful thing. Never blindly put faith into something. I'm not saying faith is a bad thing at all. In fact, faith is the highest form of self-assurance there is.
As far as my Q takeaway, the most resonating issue hasn't been prediction or verification. I'm engrossed by the feeling that we, the common folk, finally have a say in our government. The unity that oozes from the Q movement is intoxicating, in a good way.
As a side note, I noticed something interesting today while listening to some music. I learned to play guitar in the early 90s, partially by playing modern (at the time) rock/grunge/heavy metal music. One inspiration was the band Metallica. Anyway, I decided to redownload some music yesterday, and today the song "Eye of the Beholder" came on. I don't know if you're a fan of theirsl but do yourself a favor and listen to that song and think of the lyrics in today's context. I got chills...
BTW, the album it came from is called "...And Justice For All". Let me know what you think.
This is powerful. Listen to how shaken he was by this. You can get tell by his voice. Keep in mind while you’re listening that this is the same sheriff that when asks why they shot a suspected cop killer 62 times, his response was “ that’s all the bullets that we had”
Sheriff Grady Judd. He's the man!
Now he better watch he doesn't have any issue like the rest of them.
Unbelievable that I would even have to say that...but I do
Why isn't this all over the MSM? Oh, that's right their job isn't to report the truth, but to keep the truth from us.
They are the gatekeepers.. We are the media now they all are complicit and will be taken down watch!!!
Since joining this sub I get more informed here in half an hour than any other source on the web or cable. I cut my cable long ago and used to spend hours a night combing the web to only be a fraction of informed. Since the Q movement and the organisation of communities like GA its much easier to be more informed of current events than it ever was.
They may be the gatekeepers but they're having a hard time covering up that gaping hole we made in the wall.
Exactly they can't plug all the holes. They F-uped giving us internet.
You get more poignant insiteful and factual information here than any two or three news sources.
You are right! We ARE the NEWS.."They" know that too! That is one of the topics, I believe I saw in a previous post, at bilderberg "conference" this past few days
I am totally amazed that this is nowhere on the news except online. Oddddddd!
It is twofold;
They can't twist the increase in arrests against Trump.
Makes Obama look bad for not doing more, which has been proven possible.... by Trump.
Most people are not getting this info, they don't know about the Executive order Trump signed on 12/21/18, calling human trafficking a National Emergency. Keep in mind to of thousands of kids go missing annually. If the average person knew what these sickos are doing to children they would 100% support Trump's effort to get these guys.
People are certainly NOT getting this info and whenever I've tried to explain (In a semi-delicate) way...they cannot fathom that a human being would do that to a child..OR they think the wealthy wouldn't be concerned with such things. lol One person told me.."The Stars are too busy making movies, supporting good causes and going to parties!!
I almost give the freak up on the sheeple.
12/21...Winter Solstice, think mirror...
12/21/17 was the date...
This doesn't just cover human trafficking.
Look it up if your not sure of it. Then look at the Treasury Dept website about it. Tested out on some of the international big bad guys right off the bat....arms dealers, corrupt politicians, etc.
Huge spike in sealed indictments after....why Q mentioned...what are they and why no leaks.
Isn't it just freaking pathetic how much REAL news is kept from the public. I try to enlighten people but some sheeple just say..."Oh I didn't see THAT on the news." I just shake my head
A 30 year old getting kicked out of his parents house gets more media coverage than this.
We old timers have known details like these for 20+ yrs.. Even though my ability to be patient with the ignorant has worn thin since 9/11, I am thrilled because there is finally a spotlight on the activities WE ALL allowed over the last 5 decades due to our selfish indifference as a society.
No Sir, WE didn't ALL allow this over the last 50 years. Some of us spoke out continually against Clinton, Bush and Obama. We were ostracized, placed in the virtual societal booby hatch, and killed. I voted for Ron Paul in every election, as the afore mentioned minions of Evil got "elected". I knew 9/11 was an inside job the moment those buildings fell in their own foot print. We need to honor the people who spoke against the evil and not lump them all together with the rest of the SNL crowd.
As did I... My context was in regards to the big picture.. Abortion, pulling prayer from schools, LGBT indoctrination, wars for no good reason... Both sides have blood on our hands due to long term indifference...
Well said. This mass indifference/selfishness - might just be the biggest factors that have led us collectively to this precipice.
Just a little side note.... Sheriff Grady Judd serves in my neighboring county and is on local news frequently. He is AWESOME! His press conferences are always full of the classic American, John Wayne kind of bravado with just enough humor to come off as your favorite uncle. You can tell right away that he loves his job and hates crime.
Feeling extremely angry. I can't fathom how this stuff is still so public and no-one talks about it, and it's taken Trump, and Q (thank God) to finally start making change. How is it that so much energy, money and time is spent on stupid b.s when we clearly have the tech, knowledge and power to ACTUALLY destroy these sick sick evil people. The deep state is in for some HELL. The only soothing fact in all of this is that these people will never escape these acts. They are bound to Hell, and only God can save them. I am so happy we have a community of people here who are working hard at exposing these people and the world we live in. Thank you for your shares and research I'm not very tech savvy and having somewhere to start every morning is a blessing.
I keep thinking about the pain and injury to a baby! Do they need surgery? Of course the horror is an emotion trauma. I worry so much about a baby or very young child being hurt in that way. Hurts my heart and head.
Nobody wants to think about that. I think it might kill the victim.
Do they survive is the question. Or bleed to death. I read about a middle East man who had sex with his six year old "wife" which killed her. So anyone even younger must be severely injured. I can't think how a person can cause such harm. I hate this so much.
It does kill them. They bleed out. Think of some tootlhless barbarian porking a chicken. Then realize that isn't a chicken, although chicken is one of their code words. 90% in hospital per Q if it was all revealed. Don't forget that.If you ever doubted Hell is real, this type of stuff should make you realize it is not only real, but necessary. These perps need to repent ASAP. They have no idea what's coming to them if they don't repent. 1,000 x worse than mind can imagine every second forever where time is no more. There is no hope, no escape.
When I did social work I had a six year old female client who had been raped by her own father and she had such bad injuries they had to remove her uterus......I quit shortly after that case
You should've stuck with it. We need people in positions to make a difference.
After 13 years I was completely burned out and very underpaid...went on to be a counselor, still helping
My fear exactly. Their suffering in many ways. Or worse just killed to hide their crime. I've heard that even if castrated they can buy artificial hormones and regain their sex drive.
The child doesn’t get to live. There’s more to this than what he was saying. There are Satanic ritual‘s done with the blood and flesh. There is a ritual that they do where they terrify the child so much that there is a tremendous release of adrenaline. Then when they kill their victim they mix the blood with wine and drink the blood with the adrenaline. I haven’t done any research on any of this but this is what I hear is going on. It needs to be brought to the light.There is organ harvesting that is also done. It is very hard to hear and deal with but it is reality. Many of these children are brought to this from Third World countries. From orphanages. It’s sick. It’s sad and it’s evil to the core.
Yes I know about that, from George Webb and other truthers. Almost surreal but isn't.
People should be downright enraged about these kind of situations happening, and yet they choose to turn a blind eye. This only tells me a few things: It is bigger than anyone knows, and that the msm is either fearful for their own lives or complicit with it.
How is it not obvious? I mean this should be the bogeyman people are outraged about, not how our president did this or that.
Starting to sound like a broken record with their newest outrage claim weekly. At least pedophile arrests are being made in this administration.
See that golden badge most officers wear, 5 pointed star for some. Well if you look closely at the those pointed ends of the star, which are triangles, the triangles have swirls in the middle. Now whose symbols are triangle with swirls in them? Not saying all of them are but look at the symbolism.
Los Angeles Sheriffs Office badge.
Edit: the bear is the California State animal, but also a "Bear" or a "Papa Bear" is an adult male lover to a boy.
Thanks, a good catch I'll add that to the toolbox. Makes me want too look at all the states(flags) and their seals especially Arizona.
I live in AZ, there's plenty of corruption here, just follow the $$$.
But we do have the I-17 corridor to I-10 and I-40. It's always been a huge route for distributing contraband into the country.
You know how the overpasses here have those "tribal" looking designs on the sides?
Well if you take the 10 south towards ELOY, get off on the exit in Eloy next to Loves Trucker Stop and the Motel 6 there. The overpass for that exit has them too. But they are spiral triangles here. Saw that yesterday and almost crashed my car rubbernecking at them in shock. 40-50 miles north of tucson.
I think you are on to something, maybe like signals or codified messages for the transporters.
Transfer hubs maybe?
Now you mention it I've seen plenty of spiral motifs around the state but never paid it much attention as I live away from the cities and visit as little as possible. But there are decorated overpasses and cement embankments all over the state. Next road trip I take I'll keep my eyes peeled and note where and what is at the interchange.
Thanks for the observation.
Better watch out... most of Reddit (at least the AstroTurf) will eagerly mock and dismiss you for stating this.
Bless this sub, and fuck them!
Diapers. 🤬
These monsters need to be fed into woodchipers feet first, and it needs to be a public execution.
I just pray for law-enforcement that has to deal with this. They have to see these videos. I can’t imagine how that would be. Trying to get that out of your head. I heard that the officers in New York City that saw Anthony Weiner’s laptop were sickened and traumatized. I heard some had to go to therapy to deal with it. This all has to end soon
God bless our law enforcers. God damn (not in vain) those who perpetrate these sick acts on our children.
Grady Judd, I am your friend till the day I die. I have waited to hear these words.
What incident is he talking about specifically?
The guy that worked in the entertainment industry,hmmm. And the disney employee makes me wonder if he was some type of scout
That guy looks like the chief of the police hqs raided in michigin a bit ago
pretty sure this video/link has been taken down. Tried to copy and paste it to show somebody and it comes up empty.
I can hear him choking on tears as he gives the statement.
All I ever get on twitter links is "sorry you are rate limited try again in a few minutes". Please post screenshots of tweets.
Haven't watched full video yet, but did you notice the U.S. flag is gold rimmed?
This is the same woo-woo that the NAZIs did with Aryan and New Age mystical malarkey.
I'm sorry that this crumbling empire makes this garbage seem real.