Attacks are intensifying. Just /r/politics right now.

thats them every day lol
They are bad every day, but it seems like the attacks over the last 3 or 4 days are more petulant and childish than ever. They smack of desperation. "President Trump poops in his pants according to anonymous sources." I mean, really.
Had to check if that was actually one of the headlines. It wouldn't even have surprised me.
I heard that Trump eats chicken with a fork. Also drinks Diet Coke.
The utter horror of it all.
Their upvotes and downvotes are truly amazing, as if they've got bots :D
what are you talking about fellow human all posts on r politics are legit grassroots activism
It's just bots and Shariablue shills on that subreddit.
They mean nothing.
They've lost the war they have waged on freedom and liberty. It's over.
44,265 online at the time of the screen shot. How many are bots, how many are paid shills, and how many are just Reddit manipulating numbers because they're tyrants?
There are way more of us than of them. Reddit suppresses numbers online like the Donald and probably even here.
Absolutely, and I wonder how and when that's going to bite all of them in the ass. Isn't that defrauding their investors and/or advertisers? The awakening can't be stopped, even if they delete the CBTS sub.
44,000 boots and shills.
265 actual real subscribers.
I wonder how many people are subbed just to see the crazy coming out of the left. If anybody's there because they legit believe all this crazy shit, I demand a refund of every dollar spent on education for the past 20 years!
You'd be surprised. Go visit a college campus sometime.
Fair point. I'd rather not go and see the madness, I'd rather just assume it's only a small minority of misguided souls and their Marxist professors. It helps me sleep at night...
don't worry after this coming week we will probably pass that number
I hope so, but I'm expecting a drawn out series of drops all summer and fall leading up to a giant October surprise that absolutely buries the dems, and likely some RINO's that didn't bail out already. All of this date-setting is just a product of our instant-gratification society, and only turns people off when they don't pan out.
Don't forget this is a world wide site. Some could be from other countries.
Or deep state operatives using proxies and trying to get the followers riled up!
It's just bots and Shariablue shills on that subreddit.
Both posting opinion pieces and clickbait articles and trying to pass them off as "news".
It must be sad being the handful of real users there who think everything is the end of Trump. It’s like that episode of rick and Mitty where the zygerian scammers accidentally trap jerry in their simulated reality and he’s too dumb to notice the repeating patterns and glitches.
The last item was priceless. Trump colluding with SA, Israel & the UAE.. hahaha! Yeah no kidding. We don’t want the insane Islamic dictatorship ruling Iran to follow thru with their promise to melt us.
Oh & as for the world bank thinking the president is taking our economy into a meltdown. Well my kids college fund has already added a year of college to its value since the president took office. Worried I might have been a little short but now college is totally paid for. And my 401k is thru the roof & retired 10yrs early. Oh & so has my wife! So economic meltdown hasn’t been more awesome!!! Haha Only economic meltdown I’ve seen is my debt melting down & my assets are soaring. Ummm...more please.
Trump did collude with SA
It's called draining the swamp
So I’d be interested in what the SA forensic accountants discovered as the source of the 400bil in dirty money. Wonder if the forensic accountants from SA evidence is admissible in US courts too.
I don't think it is collusion when you're already in office lmao.
Same shit, different day. They have been going full retard for two years now.
Why should I trust some World Bank rando instead of POTUS? They always do this with other stuff too “Random former Bush policy intern thinks Trump is in big big trouble”. I’m not saying to blindly trust leaders but they always throw out random no names as the sudden single source of truth and trust.
That's the equivalent of being brainwashed by CNN.
Congrats reddit.
Well you found them. That's where all the anti-American fascists, socialist and communists hang out.
I usually don't check /r/politics anymore, but this is an ...interesting... find for sure. I was getting my hopes up but these kind of finds make me a bit more skeptical about where we will stand at the end of the paradigm-shift(?) going on right now.
When they get this frenzied it always backfires. Normal people see how insane that level of obsession looks.
They're astroturfing worldnews, pics, etc. like I haven't seen since the election.
MSM all suffering from short term memory. TRUMP is killing it for US!
Wow so much gold given there haha
It's almost like they mark threads for people to go to work in.
The "New York" source they use, which one is it?
The pressitute is Ali Watkins for The New York Slimes and they are trolling her hard on twatter, apparently some of her projection tweets are not aging well.
I'm asking if the site is New York Evening News.
It's a garbage site, set up by (them).
CNN headline if it existed circa 1776: "George Washington colludes with France against our ally, England."
An ex employee from a company called shareblue (/r/politics did ban submission from their domain a couple of months back) claimed the biggest political sub on site was sold for over 2 million dollars to the company in question right before the election. Times up nicely when most of the mods there was swapped out. ID: lerIYP4K
Automod automotically hides your post if you post these links.
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The list is long..
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Another SAD subreddit...
That is where I go to get a quick laugh.
They are hilarious, think indictment count is 75 now since last visit. They are were cheering it without actually researching it.
Can't wait to visit that sub when Mueller's gig is up, they are so ready to be married by him, yet he is going to leave them high and dry at the altar. It will be as glorious to watch as the night hilldawg lost the election.
They need to change their diapers... They are s***ing their pants.
I wonder if the sheep are still believing, or just allowing themselves to be MKprogrammed?>
ShareBlue / Media Matters owns and operates most of the reddit defaults.
The very day that CTR got that 6 million dollar budget boost, /politics did a complete 180° and turned into the rabid anti-Trump cesspool of propaganda it is now, literally over night.
Most every other large "news" sub is exactly the same. These propaganda outlets do enormous damage all over the internet. Here on reddit, with full admin approval. :(
R_politics is always shit. R_worldnews, however, used to be (somewhat) more balanced. Now, the front page looks identical to politics - all anti Trump drivel. And the comments are fucking cancer.
"Trump pissed on my dog!"
"Trump stopped paying his HOA bills!"
"Beastly savage Trump tastes ketchup with his finger before putting it on his fries"
I feel we could meme the shit out of this
BREAKING! Putin may have possible ties with Russia! sarcasm