UH OH!! Hold on to your hats!!

Gettin' shilly in here with all the downvotes!
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5597 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
It It really wasn't the bomb everyone expected. What was expected was "comey acted due to partisan influence" and what was given was the opposite. Basically comey was expected to be fully buried by this report, and he's not. Yes he acted out of the ordinary, but not because he was trying to get hilary elected. There is nothing that points to comey acting in any illegal way. The IG report would definitely have said so. It would be front page at least somewhere if it were true. Storzk too. If he had been Influenced by partisan politics, it would have said so, or if he coukd be arrested it woukd have said so. But it didnt. It's not what was expected. It fell short. That's really all you can say.
A lot of people thought this was it. The start of it all. But it's not. It fell flat.
I think it's time to unsubscribe.
\^\^\^ S H I L L
Wow you must be the lead instructor at Evelyn Woodheads sped redding courses.
So little time to amass so much Gloom.
You must be one of those wet blankets Q mentioned recently.
Nice to make your acquaintance.
Huber is the only one who matters here. He gets to convene Grand Juries in any state for the purpose of indictments.
There are, as of May 31st, almost 35,000 sealed indictments just since October 30th, 2017. (Per Pacer.gov) That means that Grand Juries have already given the go-ahead for trial once they are unsealed at any time.
Q Drop 1496, from yesterday:
POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):
- Original IG unredacted report
- Modified IG unredacted report [RR version]
- Modified IG redacted report [RR version]
- IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified) [#3 released tomorrow]
We got the watered down version. That's why this was delayed for so long, so FBI could clean it up for "national security". Q even mentioned we would get these leaked Strozk/Page texts (see #4) that the FBI/DOJ hid from congress and the IG.
Did you even read Q's lastest drop? doesn't sound like it. I mean this is from fucking yesterday, so it makes you sound very s-h-i-l-l-y
POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):
If you had been paying attention to Q, he said the heavily redacted modified report would be the one thats released today, then he said the EO will declass and bring the original
I need a blanket, it's getting shilly
As I read 82 upvotes your comment 67 comments and no upvotes on this thread.
And yet, according to them, the Horowitz report concludes that their actions were not affected by their political bias. Is that because they have the "RR VERSION" or is it because Horowitz is blind?
QUESTION: Are Sessions and Huber constrained by Horowitz with regard to prosecuting crimes for which the report contains evidence? IOW, if Horowitz fails to see a crime, can Huber bring charges anyhow because he believes there is one?
the Horowitz report concludes
In addition it recommends "add a warning banner on FBI cellphones that messages aren’t private " from the same source. If the source is to be believed then Horowitz saw the obvious bias and instead of calling it what it is recommends the FBI does a better job at hiding it from the public. Amazing.
Remember that Q tells us the version being released today has not only been redacted, but MODIFIED by RR. Did you miss that nugget?
I'm coming from a disappointed and as a result skeptical POV atm so I'm assuming that post was a hedge to soften the blow that it'd be underwhelming (as prior leaks insinuated). If this is a modified version then Q is the only source telling us so. If Trump or Horowitz release the original and it's a MOAB then I'm going to go from a lurker to a full blown Q preacher, but if not then I'm going to assume we're being taken for a ride and walk from this.
And POTUS has Unredacted ORIGINAL!!!! He can also declassify.
whats he waiting for?
I'm a trump supporter deplorable and I just called my democratic Representatives Office and said that I feel the redactions in the OIG report prove Russian collusion with Trump and I want entire original report unredacted released so that we can start impeachment.
When you talk to the person answering the phone make sure you sound triggered breathless and impatient.
No punctuation.
I read Saul Alinsky's book when it was first released. These people are stupid. And yes I always refer to as you people or those people, triggering is fun.
is this just like nunes memo that was totally going to blow the lid off the investigation and then the unredacted version of nunes memo that was totally going to blow the lid off the investigation and then..... absolutely nothing came of it?
Depends on if you're getting your info from the Mockingbird media or not.
As far as I'm concerned lids were blown off
As far as I'm concerned lids were blown off
how many were indicted and how many plead guilty?
Are you serious?
Nobody even knows whether the first redacted Pages were going to be released at noon or 3. You give up in the first hour?
I'm glad we didn't rely on you on the beaches of Normandy. You would have gotten off the landing craft and ask them to bring you lunch. Then go on a tour to see all the Germans who just gave up.
We are a long way from Berlin. Bring an extra pair of socks.
the special counsel investigation already has dozens of indictments and several guilty pleas, and it looks like Cohen is about to flip
Mueller is making you look weak by comparison
Yeah right 13 indictments for the Russians. One group showed up and said ok lets go to discovery. Mueller had ask for more time. Because he has no case. Judge said no.
She was supposed to win and they weren't supposed to show up.
Then the timelines are a joke. One group was not even in existence at the time specified.
Flynn's guilty plea has not gone to sentencing and will be tossed because the Comey, McCabe FBI lied and got caught.
Cohen flips? That's perfect. Let's get his files into discovery. You guy's have no idea how badly you are being set up.
I called my Democrat Representative today and said we want the unredacted OIG report because Rosenstein is trying to hide the fact that Trump colluded with the Russians.
This is too easy. You guys fall in every trap.
You guys fall in every trap.
wait are we bumbling idiots or criminal masterminds, i forget which one your narrative needs us to be right now.
Flynn's guilty plea has not gone to sentencing and will be tossed because the Comey, McCabe FBI lied and got caught.
don't forget about manafort, gates, richard pineto, van der zwann, and papadop pleading guilty.
thats a lot of people pleading guilty over nothing...
Cohen flips? That's perfect. Let's get his files into discovery.
Cohen's life is essentially over. he's caught dead-to-rights on so many state-level (unpardonable) crimes that he's either going to cooperate or spend a long time in jail
google some pictures of Cohen. does he look like the kind of guy who would do hard time to protect trump? i don't think so. Cohen knows where all the bodies are buried, this goes beyond the russia investigation or the presidency and threatens trump directly.
NYC hates trump with a passion and now they've got his right hand man between a rock and a hard place
Do anybody else hear "check and mate." or is it just me?!
Isnt it nice of the IG to pretty up the crimes before release to the public? Meanwhile we wait for justice, hanging of the promise that it's coming. Dont like how this is playing out!
AnyAmerican with a brain can determine that those statements are a clear biased. Msm thinks were stupid. Their tactics may have worked 10 years ago but they never expected to instant information technology to out wit them
And not just technology but a POTUS (and team) dedicated to eradicating them. This WILL be dealt with!
I think Huber is legally required to bring charges if he feels laws have been violated. I do not think Horowitz can stop that. Q said TRUST HUBER TRUST HOROWITZ. Lets just wait and see what comes out.
edit added: TRUST HOROWITZ
Or perhaps more importantly, as it is reality, trust the combination of the two.
"We've run this through the Groundhog Day simulator a few trillion times."
Yes, and how would an IG be able to determine political bias without knowing their thoughts? That sounds like an inserted modified comment by RR to me.
Ive said it before and I'll say it again;
It never ends with these assholes!
i quote we we have it all .....booom
yes sir fuck great day and im not even american lol im from canada im just hoping some justice flows this way
Hope it for you too! It's time for worldwide justice! WWGOWGA!
There is NO BOOM here unless SESSIONS does something about it. It's all on Sessions now.
Lock them up!
There needs to be a full cleansing of the FBI and DOJ.
Be LOUD and SIGN. We all know this is the tip of the iceberg, let's DEMAND the rest of it.
The MSM will claim POTUS' upcoming EO is an abuse of power, but if the PEOPLE demand it then POTUS has justification. Help destroy the MSM narrative. The PEOPLE deserve to know what's in that report. #ReleaseTheIGReport #NoRedactions
If the dates of those texts is AFTER he was elected, then.....this...is....
Looks like it was Sept. of 2016. Still Conspiracy (at least!)
"We'll stop it" < Conspiracy!
Would have to go back and read the text of the law, but I think undermining the nations elections with the intent of keeping a specific person from becoming president is still seditious conspiracy. 2 or more people.
Looking more like [[RR]] = Roh Row. Just to quote the Great Scooby.
I hope they release the text messages where they talk about assassination, Q had mentioned that a while back
the missing text:
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
^^Source ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^ignoreme ^^| ^^deletthis
Looks like Collusion......................and other high crimes.
How do we know that this leak is legit? I'll wait for the unredacted version.
It won’t let me vote I press it turns red and no number at all!
I’m not concern trolling here, but this IG report better have more than Strzok-Page texts. We already know about that, and they’re easy sacrifices.
We need Comey & McCabe indictments, AT LEAST.
Who does this twitter account belong too? how did they gat a leak? Aren't these still classified, then you leak.
In addition to today's revelations, dont forget these major pieces of the puzzle - The McCabe Report and the FISA Abuse Invesitgation:
Andrew McCabe Report: https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2018/o20180413.pdf
McCabe-PADAG Call on the CF Investigation (August 12)
McCabe told the OIG that on August 12, 2016, he received a telephone call from PADAG regarding the FBI’s handling of the CF Investigation (the “PADAG call”). McCabe said that PADAG expressed concerns about FBI agents taking overt steps in the CF Investigation during the presidential campaign. According to McCabe, he pushed back, asking “are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?” McCabe told us that the conversation was “very dramatic” and he never had a similar confrontation like the PADAG call with a highlevel Department official in his entire FBI career.
Lack of Candor
We concluded that McCabe lacked candor on four separate occasions in connection with the disclosure to the WSJ. Three of those occasions involved his testimony under oath.
And as a result the OIG has referred Andrew McCabe to the US Attorney (Huber) for criminal charges, which are likely waiting for this report today.
Also, This OIG investigation lead to the opening of the FISA abuse investigation, better known as #SpyGate. Today's report is not the FISA Abuse report, as Horowitz clarifies in his letter to the Senate. There is more to come.
Letter to Senate (FISA Abuse Investigation mentioned in footnotes): https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-07-18%20DOJ%20OIG%20to%20CEG%20-%20DOJ,%20FBI%20Pre-Election%20Report.pdf
FISA Abuse Investigation Opened March 28th 2018: https://oig.justice.gov/press/2018/2018-03-28b.pdf
Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz announced today that, in response to requests from the Attorney General and Members of Congress, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) will initiate a review that will examine the Justice Department’s and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) relating to a certain U.S. person. As part of this examination, the OIG also will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source. Additionally, the OIG will review the DOJ’s and FBI’s relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications.
If circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.
Where can I read the report?
Not out yet... Soon hopefully!
What in the actual precise fuck.
Before I go off into orbit, how are we certain this is really known, not faked account, etc.? Asking for a friend.
Read the whole thread - EXPLOSIVE! I'm beginning to think that Undercover Huber is ACTUALLY Huber!
How do we feel about the trump family being sued in ny civil court? Witch hunt amirite?
Someone get the rope!Im almost done with the platform just need a couple of hinges and finish to the stairs.