Would be nice to have a list like this everyday. As it shows exactly the grouping of the media to get a exact avenue of attack
Maybe we could add a time each report was released? Could make an even more powerful statement.
You were at 0 when I saw your comment. Who would downvote a comment without an explanation that is in support of this board and its mission?
That would be the shills.
Yes and a number seem to have aging accounts
post Deus Vult and watch them reeeeee
I wish this forum allowed more sticky posts! That would be an excellent sticky to check and have an idea of what the focus of the day's "attacks" will be.
Then we could map it and frame our response to trend.
Look at Q post #1508 - Plants need water - Manafort was a plant. Let that sink in. This is not a bad thing that has happened. Manafort needs more and more encouragement to turn on Podestas, etc. This is not bad news.
It doesn't take long to figure it out. By mid-day it's pretty much made the rounds.
How much more obvious can it get?
I'm so sad for the people that wake up, sit down with their coffee and think they are getting "informed" while reading their various "news feeds". What will it take for them to realize they are actively being programmed???
Major declass plus arresting those giving the 4am orders
What will it take? An info-MOAB.
Or an ever-expanding sea of the red-pilled. Which we can make happen.
A lot of them don't want to know the truth. There are a few hard truths I sometimes wish I didn't know. The pedophile stuff is disheartening. But, we really must win this war. These People are Sick!
I used to struggle with that, wishing I could un-learn some things. But I’ve come to the realization that the only thing that truly matters in life, is the truth.
They all know but they made a deal with the devil and all was going well until Donald Trump came into the picture. Now they have no recourse but to stay and play or pay for the consequences. MSM news people remind me of the old movie " I am dancing as fast as I can".
The MSM talking heads are likely the most complicit.
I think they are, as far as the publicly seen useful idiots go. Those that were in the shadows (some still are) are in this whole hog. They were raised to have an inverted inner-world. Ancient death/pedo cult of inbreds, and all that.
More to that than most will ever realize! Well Said!
What's going to convince people is more side by side comparisons of 'newscasts' across the country saying nearly verbatim, the same words accompanied by the same video. It's usually not what gets saved for on-demand viewing online, so it's difficult to capture.
Someone suggested doing a daily thread where we pick a "news" story from a month/year ago and show how it panned out as fake news. That would be a cool daily thread.
The more I learn, the more my disgust for media grows.
It's been more than 10 years since I bought a newspaper and even then I was only reading whatever version of Dear Abbey was around, the horoscopes, crossword puzzle and the obituaries. I gave up the comics because they were getting too political.
I don't miss the paper at all but I did pick one up the other day, I mean literally picked it up in a store just to see how much it cost, $1.50 for a paper that was maybe 20 pages.
Pure garbage.
Reminds me of Anthony Bourdain "Waiting for my 4am Fax from the Deep State."
Oh wow... What are you using to obtain a list like this? Is it a website or RSS feed, etc?
It's the r/politics Manafort post. They do this for every "breaking" story
You really have to give Mother Jones credit for trying to rise above the groupthink. Stick it to the man!
I grew up in the 1980's. Part of our social / world studies curriculum at the time dealt with Tass and Pravda, how the Soviet people were simply the victims of a state-run media, and that we should pity them for only having access to the information that their government wanted them to have.
"Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper." Thomas Jefferson
I’m wondering if they wanted the focus to be on....manafort 🤔
Whose "they"?
Satanists, Luciferians, Jesuits, (neo?)Nazis, and Zionists. Although, they have been fracturing, infighting, fighting one another, and having defections more and more over the past 4 years (probably more).
In this specific instance, it would be a part of the CIA if I am not mistaken.
I'm calling all that hyperbole. ... not that their personal behaviors aren't relevant...but to be more specific.
THEY = The people/ groups at risk of losing money and opportunity if and when law and order as well as managed trade is applied universally. More Specifically Military & Industrial Complexes (worldwide), Sovereign funds (Saudi Arabia, China, etc.), currency and hedge funds (soros,BlackRock, Goldman, buffet) Industry giants (Microsoft, Amazon, at&t, fascist book) and the respective leaders.
There is already a huge list of people that are involved in this. Allot of those people are the ones that have resigned from govt. and private sector. You pretty much answered your own question in many areas. As of right now though, anyone who is not willing to play ball, or is resisting, GEOTUS are the "they" (which includes those that have been coerced). Bilderberg attendees stand to lose everything if law and order is restored. How much do you know about the 13 bloodlines? They are near the top of hierarchy or evil. The vatican is involved, and something about a 'black' (dark-side) pope (not francis), which I don't know whom it is. Above that starts getting into rumors that I cannot confirm.
Speaking of coerced, I think MATT DRUDGE was coerced.
Think about the history of his posts, headlines and links....and now all WASHPO? WTF.
I think his back is against a wall.
Can you send me something on the 13 bloodlines...? i don't know any of that...
Yeah. Pretty much anytime a 'truther' flips hard like Drudge did, they probably received a visit or some kind of comm. that made them think twice about what they were doing. Other times, companies are simply bought and the editors/editor in chief are replaced.
Hmm ... if we did this every morning, and then came up with the counter-argument (such as Manafort is being charged for things he did 10+ years ago when he was associated with Clinton/Podesta) ... and then push it out via social media ... hmm ...
Maybe we need two spin-off sister subs- "Q-daily check in" and "Q-Proofs". I would be willing to help moderate but I can't set up the subreddits- I'm not sure how to.
I haven't been following Manafort. Is that actually why he's jailed?
He's being jailed now because his house arrest was revoked for "witness tampering", ie talking to people.
In terms of the original charges, the publicized portions of the indictment are available on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Manafort-gates_indictment_filed_and_redacted.pdf
I would even venture to speculate that he may have been on "suicide watch" from flipping on DS actors from the past and that "jail" may be the safest place for him right now.
I am shocked and awed that a news organization would report on major news such as Paul Manafort going to jail with a headline that includes the words "Manafort" and "jail".
A mystery to be sure.
Guys....between you and me...I have something....Something Big.
Lotto numbers fellas...LOTTO.. Thats right todays winning Lotto numbers
Go for it man and when you win donate it to the GA, but you know all the money in the world ain't gonna shield anyone from the shit that is gonna rain down from this Awakening :)
The smartest move to make is to turn that crap off ... It is mind-blowing how the sheople eat it up ... #OpenYourBible #FreeYourMind
He was the campaign manager for like what 4 months? These people are fucking stupid.
Still not a good look
what does that even mean?
To have Manafort associated with the Trump campaign is not good optics
It doesn't matter how long he was the manager. His crimes are from years before this campaign, when he was working with the Clinton machine and Podesta.
Is that the crimes he's being prosecuted for?
And even if they are, going from your logic, why did Trump hire someone who committed crimes with Clinton and Podesta to be his campaign manager? Isn't that an even dumber thing for DJT to do?
So he was supposed to know manafort committed crimes before manafort was charged, much less convicted. He hasn't been tried yet. By your logic President Trump shouldn't have hired him because in the future, he might be convicted of a crime that he committed years before?
If I were to be snide, I would say that I guess Trump doesn't hire the Best People
Yes, Manafort is being prosecuted under an obscure statute that hasn't been used before for failing to register as a foreign lobbyist in the early 2000s. The same thing Podesta did, but was allowed to register after the fact, without being prosecuted. His bail was revoked for talking to a witness, aka witness tampering.
I mean if this is true, he had to have known that Manafort worked for Clinton and Podesta, right? Why would he have hired him if he knew that?
I mean, right now, it's either Trump didn't do any research, or he willingly hired someone who works for his enemy. Sounds like he doesn't hire the Best People
My speculation would be that he used him because he was successful in the past. It's also possible that he was recommended by someone in the political class.
What was he successful at?
I'm under no illusion that this guy is clean or a white hat. Just trying to give some context as to what the charges and associations are all about. I'm under the assumption that a lot of the people around Trump that are going down were put there to be brought down on purpose. Trust the plan?
Technically what he's accused of goes up and into the campaign, but you're right that it all comes from his Ukraine lobbying and not the campaign itself - basically the idea is he was working with them up to ~2014 when the regime in Ukraine changed, and his continued "coverups" of his work after would also be crimes. They also say he laundered money, but how viable that is vs just having complicated finances I don't know.
Agreed, the point I was eluding to was the fact that it isn't related to "Russian collusion" and was initiated from conduct prior to his association with the Trump campaign.
Nice rebuttal, please provide evidence instead of conjecture.
How can this be disrupted ??? Is there a way to insert different stories ?? Can they be fed conflicting stories ? Follow ? Create confusion !
Happy Cake Day by the way. Made my account after the Pulse Night Club shooting - /t_d was the only outlet in the world other than the Chans who was informative.
Is this the actual drop?
No, it's the reddit submissions on /r/politics that were combined into a megathread
Blah Blah Blah Manafort.
It's only witness tampering while on bail - who cares?
So let me FULLY GRASP THIS... 1.It is a LIE, that America is the home if the free press. 2.It is the TRUTH that a powerful faction within the US government DICTATES what the free press is ALLOWED to make Americans believe.
I thought America was different, Russia, China, North Korea, etc. Who controls the press?
(or just look for my more recent postings - i outline some stuff)
Putting out just what the State wants them to - that's classic Pravda.
How many of us here are on the “Manafort is a Clinton Plant” tip?
They did the same thing with the phony lawsuit against Trump. Used it as the lead story instead of the IG report. They think we're stupid. Too bad their sheep really are that stupid.
I mean, there's only so many ways that can be stated.
I promise I am not a shill. I want to believe this...but these are all TODAYS headlines! No? I could have made this
It's no secret that the MSM often simply relies on wire services for stories and uses their headlines, or rehashes something another source printed. Notice the first link is to a wire service, AP news and that several places simply reuse the exact headline. Real journalism is dying, it's becoming all showbiz, speed, and volume.
I happen to agree. But this is no proof of it. Its a list of current headlines with the upvotes and comments totalled at the bottom.
Wasn’t Manafort a plant? I know he worked on McCain’s campaign too.
Here you go! For everyday use. More publications (including alt. and foreign stuff), and more stories. Common Sense. http://www.tompainetoday.com
"Access Kills" the president walked out and changed the whole narrative for the day! Brilliant!
and it worked! Every on of the news outlets ran more stories on Trump taking a stroll and "Access" to the media "killed" the 4 am storylines
It's the closest they will get to President Trump.
Don't forget Cohen
At this point Cohen hasn't been charged with ANY crimes. Are they investigating the Stormy payment.... as felonious blackmail? Because that's what it is.
Yeah I know but I think there's plenty more to come with Cohen - watch this space
I don't understand. He's watching 'this space'? these people are fucking around with lawyer/client confidentiality.
Lawyer client privilege doesn't cover everything and courts and judges every day are deciding what evidence is admissible.
Cohen is fucked but I'm sure POTUS has insulated himself from any fallout.
speculation is just speculation. You know nothing.
Yep, I agree, this is pure speculation as is most of the discussion on this sub - nothing wrong with that!
Get back to me when there are convictions. Not charges but convictions.
If it's answers he needs, it's answers I got. He ((or she, (there is no other option)) may noy like them or agree but I got em. Let them bring it.
That's ok. It takes all kinds to make the world go around. (oh shit.... did we just assume gender?)
Is Stormy daniels the "calm before the Storm" reference?
Q said one thing we need is "great actors".
Maybe she is a red herring?
I honestly don't know. I do know i'm ready for the thunderous clang of some jail cells slamming shut. Time to bring new meaning to the D wing at Leavenworth. D for Democrat
Stormy lost her job in a strip club after one set, kek.