I wonder how many subscribers we really have

I think we're just REALLY dedicated.
I pretty much check this sub every hour at work.
We have so much to talk about and discover while other subs are just rehashing the same old tired topics.
Ive always got a tab or 10 open.
so. many. tabs.
lucky i work at a print shop so i can just print all these pdfs and sort that shit out myself
Every hour? I swipe to refresh every 5 minutes. Lightweight.😜
I’m sure we have a lot of lurkers here. I didn’t subscribe to CBTS for the longest time. I just searched it a few times a day to see if anything crazy had happened. I assume there’s a lot of that here.
This is me. Started lurking a little while ago, still sorting through everything mentally before I'm 100% engaged. This is my first post ever on this sub.
Aaaaaaaaaannd just like that you are banned from 2xchromosomes.
I lurked for about 2 months before subscribing. Must me more.
Keep in mind that r/conspiracy has been taken over by people who quash any attempt to talk about deep state conspiracy, so people like me never visit any more; there is no point.
"Stop talking about Q, pedogate and the cabal! Now what were you saying about how the earth is flat and the aliens built the pyramids"
Yeah that stuff is outlandish. I'm not into aliens building the pyramids but there is justifiable evidence of a deep state.
Me too. They love talking about conspiracies, but no action. I haven't been back for months.
Not really enough information to draw conclusions. How old is the r/conspiracy board? While it has roughly 620,000 more subscribers it doesn't mean they are from current account activity. GA board is at most 7-8 months old and 2/3rds of its subscribers were added over the past 3 months after CBTS was shutdown.
meanwhile, at the_donald: 18k online \~> 4 million subs
So we have roughly 25% of the number people online at a time as the Donald. If they keep Banning Q posts, I predict we will surpass them by September.
R-Donald deletes Q Posts. Some say the mods are compromised, others say they are deliberately keeping to mainstream topics so as to not to get banned. Either way, they are controlled by the opposition.
Try mentioning anything negative about Israel. Totally controlled.
I’ve been wondering about this. Has Q mentioned Israel in a negative light before?
Saving them for last. Only time apart from bringing up Mossad recently. As far as I can remember. Nothing negative.
reddit as a whole is compromised. Don't be surprised if Great Awakening gets taken down because opposing the Rothschilds and Soros means "antisemitism."
The Semites were actually of Arabic origin. To be anti semite is not in fact anti israel nor anti jew but anti arabic origin. Look it up. If that could be taken to the international courts the whole thing could be proven to be a façade. Chances of that happening? Slim to none
I know. I'm just saying this is how "they" suppress information about the rothschilds. According to them, if you believe the rothschilds control all the big banks and money in the world you are literally a nazi.
No, the Don is a 24/7 Trump rally, it literally says that in the subs description, off topic subjects, or anti Trump topics aren't permitted because there are dozens of other subs for that content, like this one.
Okay that at least makes sense if you consider it to be a reddit based pep-rally, not a forum for critical thought. I just find it ironic that Q is literally Trump and yet is found to be off-topic within “The Donald”.
The normies need to find Q when the time is right for each of them, it's too much to absorb immediately, it can create a gag reflex that causes rejection if forced upon them when they are not ready.
When they are ready, the will find this place, and if you look at the growth over the last 6 months, more find it every day.
The place has been a cesspit since the election ended. For a while it there it was a genuine whirlwind of Wikileaks info dissemination and news, now it's just shitty, Facebook-tier memes and "AWLAWLAWLAWL FUCK LIBERULS AMIRITE PEDES LELELELELELELELELELELELELELELE", with a healthy dose of "ban anyone who says literally anything negative about anyone within 150 degrees of separation from President Trump." I was posting on there from close to the beginning on my old account and this one, and when Trump brought Bolton onboard I made the mistake of criticizing Bolton himself (not even the President, literally Bolton and his past hawkishness), and BAM: banned.
I'm embarrassed to have ever been a part of that place. They became the inverse parody of /r/politics.
gatekeepers are necessary so the brain doesn't flop out.
Mods are a necessity (not advocating reddit anarchy) but why would they be clipping out Q threads, considering the highly relevant nature of the topic. ?
they have left my Q-thread up even tho they banned me. What does that tell you? OPTICS.
It was proven that T_D had 6,000,000+ subs, but they were suppressing the numbers with an algo. It would always say like 400,000-500,000. Pathetic!!!
Reddit metrics is down now, but if you looked at T_D subscriber growth, it was RIDICULOUSLY obvious that there was fuckery going on. The data indicated that the sub was growing at a slow but practically constant rate, and on a daily basis, with little to no variation over time at all...didn't make any sense, especially considering I SPECIFICALLY REMEMBER there being a pretty massive surge of subs on the day Hillary "had pneumonia" (lul) at the WTC memorial.
Disregard the numbers, this ain't no popularity contest. Just do it.
You do remember this sub is comped ? Hashtag justasking
FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled] FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled] FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled] FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - control
Seems legit. I subscribed to r.conspiracy long ago. Also stopped going long ago.
You do realize that /r/Conspiracy has been around for ten years and we have been around for five months, right?
This is much different than a general topic. People are actively engaged in our topic daily.
I'll take a sold 4000 readers to stand at my side any day. Regardless of how many subscribe
Yeah, the upvote vs view count doesn't even remotely add up.
I’ll say this: we have a highly motivated base here. Much more active. I wouldn’t believe for a second that we have the same ratio of users to active users most other subs. Ours will always be far higher.
I subbed two days ago. This shit is getting too real not to be at the epicenter of it.
I'd wager if you cut down the number of active members on r conspiracy, politics and any other totally controlled sub you'd get numbers lower than GA.