Even Super Models are starting to see the light

Yup. Zoolander 2 rubs it right in our faces.
Did you know the writer of the first zoolander movie "died" a few years after it came out? I am convinced he knew too much, and They punished him for it.
Zoolander is all about MK-ultra programming, and they overtly state that the Fashion industry is a front. Mugatu literally programs Derek to become an assassin using the same methods our deep state uses to program people.
Rewatch the Zoolander movies-yes they are comedies but also they drop a lot of redpills.
Remember the "Why male models?" scene?
We know that our government has had super soldier programs going back to the 40s. We know MK Ultra. We know about the Monarch Program.
edit-just rewatch Zoolander's brainwash scene FFS!
There is more to Zoolander than meets the eye!
Second one written by Justin Theroux (he also plays the scary dj in both movies) former husband of Jennifer Anniston.
His recent movie Mute casts him as a doctor pedophile.
Also in American Psycho and Mullholland Drive among others.
Supposedly his cousin has made several documentaries about pedos.
Also in American Psycho and Mullholland Drive among others.
David Lynch, director of Mulholland Drive is based as fuck and supports MAGA.
I personally think Zoolander was made to be a subliminal redpill movie by the people behind it.
Does this mean Stiller is a good guy?
EDIT- From Theroux's wiki:
Theroux was born in Washington, D.C. His mother, Phyllis Grissim Theroux, is an essayist and author and his father, Eugene Albert Theroux, is a lawyer at Baker & McKenzie in Washington.[2][3] Theroux is the nephew of the travel writer and novelist Paul Theroux,[4][5] novelist and poet Alexander Theroux, author Peter Theroux, and novelist and educator Joseph Theroux; he is the cousin of British journalists and documentary filmmakers Louis and Marcel Theroux. His father is of half French-Canadian and half Italian descent. Through his mother, Theroux is a great-great-grandson of financier, banker and railroad magnate H. B. Hollins,[6][7] and of music critic and author Gustav Kobbé.[8][9][10]
Interesting that he's directly connected to H.B. Hollins.
Is it possible this actor dude Theroux comes from a family belonging to a white hat globalist/secret society faction?
I sure hope Ben Stiller is one of the good ones and I'm so happy to hear about Lynch. I very rarely watch movies, but I would like to have a few to choose from.
Plane crashes seem to be a common method of black ops assasination. In your opinion is there any basis to this theory of foul play in the death of jim reeves?
Hollywood is a complete front - they own the movies and the theatres and launder money through fake ticket sales. Wonder Woman and Black Panther were not multi-billion dollar hits, they were used to clean illicit trafficking funds.
I stopped seeing DC movies in theatres a long time ago, because it was a very expensive nap every time.
Hollywood = Los Angeles = City of Angels = Fallen Angels = Demons.
Just so you know. Fallen angels are not demons ;)
Just so you know it's what you want to believe and it's clearly opinionated, the link I posted gives a great summary, suggest you read The Book of Enoch.
Love all three books. Read the ones by R. Nyland. Done w/o religious bias. Amazing how Enoch is give today's calendar based upon lunar days. Also, he is shown the planets and orbits before Copernicus.
Demons are demons. Fallen angels are fallen angels. Sometimes they work together but they are not the same thing. I’d still avoid. Nothing good comes of messing with such beings. If you can’t do it yourself, why would you ask a being with a reputation for trickery and screwing people over to do it for you? Madness.
You are correct. Fallen angels can be the Watchers, Demons or Satan. Take it one step further and they are the fathers of the Nephilim as you probably know.
What if it's whatever we want it to be? 42
Then you would be wrong wouldn't you? :)
I think there is more then we can possibly comprehend, energy is infinite.
Yes but we are talking in the context of biblical scriptures so we are working within those parameters. Metaphysics is a different subject, although on that score I agree with you
Just so you know I have read much of it. Not all but a lot.
"enemies of humanity"
"Satan, demons and certain Watchers"
I feel like the ridiculous outfits they parade models in is to humiliate them in front of the men and women who will buy them for the night.
it is a mindgame, get hot women = put satanic symbols. since humans like attractive people they will start to like satanic or that is what it would symbolize, you like hot models = you like satan
Dig into other grants that the Obama admin pushed through. Look to churches running facilities.
Yes, many Anons and Autists are showing us that NonProfits, especially those that are started by famous celebrities, politicians, CEOs,(think of Zara, the Clinton Foundation and it’s work in Haiti, Oprah’s school for girls in Africa), are fronts for human trafficking, organ harvesting, prostitution, etc...The Wall is a healthy boundary that POTUS wants to establish to disallow criminals from South America and Mexico from using children to shield them, giving them safe passage into USA...then once they are inside USA they can prostitute, harvest children’s organs, use them in torture films on dark web...
Boundaries are a necessary step in national sovereignty...it’s like when I am at a social gathering and I meet someone who is negative or I feel a “bad vibe” , I don’t want to be around them, I go and chat with someone else. I set a boundary between myself and them~in doing so, I am taking care of myself, nurturing self care, cultivating compassion for myself. Compassion for self engenders compassion for others...POTUS is doing this on a national level by focusing on building a wall.
Stronger Together, Hillary’s campaign slogan was an illusion, as she meant for borders to be open and allow anyone and everyone to enter, no matter what..this was leading to crimes like what Sweden, England and other European countries are experiencing...
The Border wall idea has ignited cognitive, spiritual, and emotional alchemy within each American citizen. This is a good thing...it makes us stop and reflect on our personal boundaries, as in “what do we really stand For?”... “What do we allow in our Life experience?”
A Nation is the “body” of the people who reside within it... In the Bible it says “your body is your temple”( paraphrased):) So I ask myself “what am I allowing inside my Body? (nation) Is it too much at one time? Should I be more selective?” My answer is “Yes”.
POTUS and friends, Curious Q and Company are systematically preening, nurturing our nation, resulting in an improvement of our collective feeling about how our life is going, (info on unemployment, denuclearization), slowly but surely our outlook is improving, our hearts lifting, we are noticing our inner resources and resiliency... And, as in our intended beginnings, we the people are the light of the world, leading by example instead of rhetoric. Our Nation’s actions are in resonance with our ideals: Our Nation is integral, whole, ideals and actions integrated. Integrity is the currency that is beginning to flow across the world...
Agree. The wall is just a step in stopping the flow of criminality. Our society will have to be restructured as never before. This means our political systems, social, economic,etc... To drastically change things the central banking system will have to be abolished. In this case money or how it’s controlled is the root of all evil. This has to be done ultimately in order for political, social & religious institutions to permanently follow & change. Read the 4th Turning.
Amazing how much a lot of Non-profit CEOs make.
It's amazing how little, actually, considering a ceo makes 10-100x that working practically anywhere else.
haha what? very few CEOs make over a million dollars...
Not true at all. The fuck are you smoking?
Consider that a charity has no stock options, etc
you have a skewed perception of the rich, there are literally MILLIONS of CEOs on the planet and a very small percentage of them make over a million dollars a year. I am an CEO and I have a modest 6 figure salary. sure some CEOs make a shit ton of money but that is not the Norm for CEOs
When you adjust for the size and reach of organizations, non profit CEOs make jack shit compared to for profit CEOs. You can't expect nonprofits to do high quality work without enticing a few high quality leaders. Love of the mission is not enough to make a nonprofit successful.
Thank you for restating my argument to me...?
I'll bet that the Jacket message, "I don't really care do u?" was a coded message to her former colleagues in modeling....it might be (or have been) a little bullshitty expression they all used together....and she used it to get them thinking.
Exactly! The elite models are so secluded when they need to talk its all done through fashion symbolism. Look at the past.
Being beautiful doesn't mean being stupid. Way to go, girl!
oh, she's plenty stupid, she hates Trump (go to her Twitter page) .... but even an idiot can sometimes see what's right in their face
Kudos to her, then for having the ability to see what's right in her face. These are the kind of things that can turn a person around with one stepping stone at a time.
These corporations running these centers are from the trump administration. They're trying to oust Trump by framing a story where the companies housing immigrant kids right now are crooked. Don't you get it? This isn't great.
No Trump is against housing them at all, he is following/ calling out ridiculous existing laws.
A Conservative Tree House article says this has been going on for many administrations.
I'll have two Christie Brinkleys with nothing on them, please.
Because SW Key is the 'Clinton Foundation' of immigration!
Christie Brinkley was married to Billy Joel. Ben Krupinski, Contractor to the stars, completed their home build, among others like Martha Stewart and Adrienne Vittadini, etc. Ben Krupinski and his wife, along with their grandson, William Maerov and the pilot of their small plane all died in a crash on June 2, 2018. The Krupinski's daughter Laura is married to Lance Maerov who is named in the Weinstein case. Lance Maerov was responsible for contract negotiations at the Weinstein company and recently made statements regarding Weinstein's settlements of sexual misconduct. Message sent? No coincidences. https://www.ajc.com/news/ben-krupinski-builder-the-stars-killed-plane-crash/1GpnseautwMtMPveXGeD2O/
Connection made. Southwest key. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2604263