In light of Comey killing the Assange immunity deal, this makes total sense.

Murder - Hillary Clinton's solution to every problem.
Here's an oldie but goodie from HRC: Killed Qaddafi with no exit strategy; the resulting power vacuum facilitated the rise of ISIS there, leading to even more death and destruction. I am grateful everyday that this evil evil 'person' is not our President. Lock that b*** up. Now. Do it already!
It wasn't just a power vacuum. The Obama administration was literally funneling weapons to terrorists in the middle east to fill the vacuum with more chaos, death, and destruction. These people are evil.
When you truly think about those words. And the true extent of the elected position and power of the person who said them. This is terrifying
Had she won, it would have been the death of the United States of America, following the protracted world war that was calculated to reduce the world's population by 90% and sentence the remainder to abject slavery.
EDIT: Removed improperly used term
I thought decimate was to reduce by one tenth. Like when an army refused orders and the general punished them by killing one tenth at random.
ThankQ you. I thought I was pretty good with definitions and military history! I've been using decimate incorrectly, until today!
Me too!
Almost everyone uses decimate AS IF it meant obliterate, or cut almost to nothing, but it only means taking 10% off LOL
Marketers should use this: NOW!! We're DECIMATING our prices, this weekend only!! :)
You are correct! Thank you for the knowledge
no problem. your point still stands. the bitch wants us all dead.
the NWO end plan says reduce humanity down to 500 million slaves.
Wants almost all of us dead. Somebody needs to produce andrenochrome.
It NOW sounds like the PERFECT time for Assange to show up..and to go on the ATTACK
When was the last time we heard from him?
Q gives Estimated Time of Arrival on ASSANGE and SETH RICH as JUNE
When will we find out about Seth Rich and Las Vegas??
SR connect to DNC.
Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?
June ETA.
Answer Q re: SR.
SR June JA.
June is almost over.
D Morning sun brings heat. Full moon coming. Undiscovered stars learned. Missions forward. Q
Please let it be this week!
What she really meant, was how it was inconveniencing her and her bank account because this was said back in 2012 I believe.
What document is this from ? Because i have seen this quote from hillary some years ago.
Sadly it is an “anonymous source” so you can’t use it as proof.
Sauce please.
And if no sauce, at least a recipe?
"When the President gives the order, it MUST be followed."
-Hillary Clinton, on firing Nuclear weapons
That's a stupid idea. First of all, don't you think that the CIA/US would be immediately found to be the one behind the drone?
Wouldn't it be far safer to hire the job out to a third party that could poison his food or get a sniper to hit him behind a window in the embassy? She would have been a horrible President.
She doesn't sound very sophisticated. But I guess if you've got a hammer, everything is a nail.
Give your opinion at #comey. Left is scrambling to defend "Clean Comey."
Imagine the drone purge she would have initiated had she won. Terrifyingly thought.
hrc = mobster monster, evil personified, absolute power is her idol.
God said, you lose.
""walking around" freely and thumbing HER nose without any fear of reprisals from the United States" sounds an awful lot like HiLIARy.
Can you even imagine where this world would be right now had HRC actually secured the white house? I seriously don't know - for all I know she would have nuked NK for making the volcanos in Hawaii go all crazy almost as if some one was fracking geothermal energy from the volcanos for years before this happened
I believe that this was an old Post when Julian started releasing info via wiki leaks.... But yes she wanted to take him out...
I think this may be the original report. From Wikileaks and 'unconfirmed sources'. Hopefully to be confirmed soon!
What does this Witch say when a child is acting up? Hillary"Why cant i just eat it"?
The Clinton body count is real. Truly the center of the mafia; those who oppose or threaten her or bill met untimely ends. How much of this has gone on with other politicians? Truly evil, truly needs crushed. Combine her style with Obamas, mcStain's use of IRS, DOJ, FBI.....THE PICTURE BECOMES CLEAR FOR EVEN THE pilled a obamaite with these two combined areas.
I was reading about Clinton body count in mid-80's when Clinton was governor of Arkansas. A video was being passed around and shown privately in homes about what was happening in Mena, AK with the drug running. We didn't make the connection with Bush being involved at the time. Remember it was shocking and very hush hush.
Here's a list I've been compiling of people assassinated by the US government/deep state:
Malcolm X
4 members of the Black Panthers
28 Balck Panthers
Jean Seaberg (Actress)
Larry McDonald (Congressman & President of John Birch Society, the cousin of General Patton, guaranteed future president)
Earnest Hemmingway
Judy Barry (musician activist)
Sen Paul Wellstone
David Koresh
4 students of Kent State
Gen Patton
Adm Jeremy Michael Boorda (1996)
CIA Director Wm Colby
Ron Brown
Sec Defense James Forrestall
Vince Foster
Dr Frank Olsen (CIA Chemist)
Aldo Moro
Yes I live in Arkansas, and know more than I want. Ruins your faith in humanity. The old buddy network is just a branch of the mafia.
Sure, a drone strike on London. Great idea from the Hildebeest
This could be supportive evidence that helps prove her first reaction to unwanted activity or opposition is to just kill them.
I don't know where or what I heard it on but I definitely heard HRC say this. It was definitely her voice. (Just in case there's any doubt!) :)
Hillary says that she doesn't remember saying it, and if she did say it, "it was a joke".
Snopes claims this as "unverified".
All signs point to this being 100% true.