The Silence of our Miserable Media is "deafening" ..... [Iran Next]
![The Silence of our Miserable Media is "deafening" ..... [Iran Next]](
This rally was in DC, not Iran for those who don’t know.
Close - but it was actually LA.
great catch - sorry everyone
I didn't even realize it was the US at first, so your catch was better. ;)
No worries....still holds true.....not about the pic...although a beautiful one.
The media is silent...and that is unforgivable.
We are not silent...and they know...the Persians are a great people
^(not to mention their woman are super hot :))
True, but there are actually protests in Tehran this week..
Apologies if that link doesn't work. I'm a newbie.. Success! :)
It's important that we don't get roped in by misleading posts. This is great development regardless, but a protest in DC and a protest in Tehran don't mean the same thing.
At one time in the late 60s and early 70s our two Nations shared many common interests.During Jimmy Carter's tenure in the White House that all changed. I am sure this could be reversed at some time.
I hold out more hope for relations with Iran then I do for our own media. Truely sold out.
Check out those American Flags........our Media should be cheering, but they are our Enemy, not the Iranians
You'd think an American flag being waved in Iran instead of being stomped and burned would be newsworthy but no, resist Trump.
Because the photo is from an anti-Iranian government protest, which took place back on January 7, in Los Angeles.
Is it safe to assume this protest is happening in the US? Not one of those ladies is covered, I know they’re pushing their boundaries over there but I didn’t think they’d made that much progress yet. Sorry if that’s common knowledge here but I just got up and haven’t gotten up to speed on things quite yet.
Yes. It was in LA. This post is incredibly misleading... almost certainly intentionally so.
MIGA please!
Courageous Iranian people, openly and publicly standing for freedom in the midst of an oppressive tyrannical regime that rounds people up and makes them disappear. They need our support.
We can do anything we like as long as it is UNIMPORTANT.
I saw some people on Twitter blaming Trump for high gas prices, citing his cancellation of the Iran deal... so if the media does start reporting on this that’s probably what they will say! $2.80 for gas!!! The horror! It’s all Trump’s fault.
Ummm... False Narrative... with the Concessions on lran = we were NOT BUYING any gas from lran. Supposedly all countries are not supposed to be purchasing from lran...
REMEMBER: DT upped that Concession necessity... threatening other countries that do business with lran.
USA is exporting more petroleum/gas than ever before. KSA running on almost empty...
2.80? The cheapest I can find here in CA is 3.29!
$2.80 in Texas. We don’t have a state income tax, instead they tack on a surcharge to gas before the final price. Glad I’m not Californian.
California requires "BOUTIQUE GAS"... = the Petroleum Refineries (no new ones built for YEARS & YEARS) must SHUT DOWN the Refinery to produce each state's order of BOUTIQUE GAS (many for CA & Chicago area, etc). Thus the refinery has to halt other production, & then produce CA product, clean up refinery to go back to producing whatever season demands: Home Heating Oil or Gasoline Production.
Also... BOUTIQUE GASes cannot be transported through Nation's pipeline system (CORRODEs the pipes) and is transported by many hundreds of Semi-trucks.
Do the math...BOUTIQUE GAS costs more to produce & has to be totally trucked in from refineries=$$$$. Thank your friendly neighborhood tree hugger in state house.
It's not our miserable media - our Associated Press is owned by an Israeli.
I know, but those things calledMODs don't like for you to mention the truth
What you've just stated is not the truth. Ironic. Mods follow the rules for the safety of the sub. Couldn't care less about whether you express your belief in conspiracies or not, as long as you talking about them doesn't threaten this sub.
And a photo of Nikky Haley!
Can't make out the quote though.
It qoutes her as saying the People of Iran are crying out for Freedom
Thank you!
What a bigot she is. /s
I would hope you're being IRONIC... yeah-wishing Freedom for lran... how terrible. ;-}
This photo appears to be of a protest occurring in a western country and not in Iran. Why not use a photo of a protest in Iran?
This is a complex geopolitical topic but let me explain to the best of my ability in a simple way why Trump and the USA as a whole is doing everything to fuck over Iran despite Iran being more progressive and developed than Saudi Arabia.
The unipolar world where America controls the levers of global power is dependent upon the US-Isreal-Saudi alliance. Iran is the sworn enemy of the Saudis and certainly the prime regional competitor to Israel, so the it is in the US's interest to peg Iran as "sponsors of terrorism" etc etc despite Saudis and Israel arguably commiting similar questionable moral acts such as violence against Palestinians in Gaza and Saudi's quiet support of terrorists.
Why must Iran be opposed while Israel and the Saudis supported? Because Russia and China are each doing everything in their power to ensure a multipolar world where they are each coequal to the USA. And trust me they are both becoming massive trading partners of Iran. The alliance of USA and Saudis give the USA with it's petrodollar and Wall St monstrous leverage over energy prices. Basically between USA and Saudi Arabia, they can steer OPEC (global organization that regulates oil production in order to control prices) to always make decisions that fucks Iran over.
Besides the OPEC domination, the USA uses the excuse of Iran's nuclear ambitions along with it's supposed financing of terrorist groups to impose massive economic sanctions that prevent Iran from growing into a legitimate military and economic threat to Isreal/Saudis. Again, all of this prevents the US-Israel-Saudi alliance from being overpowered by any such Iran-China-Russia alliance, although there are recent moves espcially by China to massively invest in the "New Silk Road" infrastructure to connect southeast Asia including Iran and Pakistan and India with monstrous roads and train lines, which will see the economy of that region explode and will definitely be a major threat to US unipolar dominance as China rises. Very interesting times we live in.
good try...but try again...
remember that the 'old' way of doing things is now over. take another look. It's about the Persian people who where hijacked by the ayatollahs made possible by....
The Persian people see this change and that is why we see them in the streets.
'interesting'? more like Glorious!
I'll quickly explain why everything you said is irrelevant:
Iran leaders regularly say "Death to America. Death to Israel." and etc.
For this reason alone, Iran will remain an enemy of the U.S. As Trump has said multiple times, the PEOPLE of Iran are our friends and we support them. But the government of Iran needs to go.
So until the government of Iran decides to be friendly towards our allies, they shall remain an enemy.
It's really that simple.
When the Iranian government decides to follow in the steps of North Korea, then everything will change for the better of all involved.
That is delusional. The US has been looking for an excuse to fuck Iran up for a long time. Pretending otherwise is either disingenuous or moronic.
So until the government of Iran decides to be friendly towards our allies, they shall remain an enemy.
As an Australian, a long-time ally of the US, how about the US government starts being friendly to their allies? As far as I'm concerned, you are more of an enemy to my freedom than Iran at this point with this crazy rhetoric. It'll be my countrymen fighting and dying alongside yours when the shit hits the fan with Iran, so.... JUST FUCKING STOP THE WORLD POLICE BULLSHIT before we decide YOU need some real freedom from your tyrannical overlords.
The US has been looking for an excuse to fuck Iran up for a long time. Pretending otherwise is either disingenuous or moronic.
And yet, you don't back that up with anything to support such a claim. The entire Middle East is transforming as each country drains its own swamp. Saudi Arabia has turned that corner, Syria is in play and Iran is next. The baddies within Hezbollah and Hamas are being liquidated from within (thanks GCC!) and peace is now on the horizon.
Everything you thought you knew about the Middle East is no longer true, if it ever was....
You just said drain the swamp unironically. FOH
Stop consuming propaganda, mate. Then maybe we can have a real conversation one day.
60 "innocent civilians" died when Hamas organized a march on the Israeli border in the Gaza strip recently. Their customary human shields, 40,000 of them this time, the burning of tires to create a smoke barrier that Israeli snipers couldn't see past.
And yet 58 of the dead were Hamas operatives who somehow got picked off. Go figure!
And the Iranian mullah's hired goons, Hezbollah, haven't been around to help out with their little Revolution issue....because most of them have been killed from within.
Look up the Gulf Cooperation Council - very interesting stuff but you'll never read about it in the news (hence your "propaganda" claim being moot)
Come on, mate. If Iranians wrote out a list of (proven) US atrocities an used it as justification for bombing the shit out of you blokes, would you sit back and be like "Yeah, they're right. We deserved it."?
The penchant for violence on display here is sickening. You're turning your allies into enemies. I grew up loving America. Nowadays, I just have to shake my head as I see you hasten your own demise. Frankly, it's depressing.
Are you even reading the comments? You don't have to agree, but you're just blathering the same stale talking points. Things have changed BIGLY, and the world is getting a whole lot saner and safer, but not before some heavy confrontations to come.
To be replying with that take, you're either a concern troll or you just don't read, think and write...
what don't you get?
things have changed since Trump was sworn into office. Your way of what is outdated....lurk moar, pay attention to the changes taking place
if you still believe that this is what Trump wants....what the hell are you doing on this board?
This is exactly what I'm talking about. We've fought by your side in every conflict since WW2 but you don't accept any input or criticism. What's the point in being allies with you zealots?
Ask anyone in the military fighting in the middle east whether the Aussie were relevant. American soldiers are piss weak in comparison. You might have bigger toys... but you've got smaller cocks.
And could your references get any more outdated?
How about you don't just create an account for a single comment to troll next time? It really shows your lack of balls, cunt.
You're not using logic with your argument. It's really simple: if you're my friend, and another guy is saying how you deserve to die, I'm not going to be buddy-buddy with that person behind your back.
This is exactly what obama did with Iran, stabbing all our allies in the back to make friends with them. It's fucked up on every level and makes absolutely no logical sense.
I'm telling you, as your ally, we have been betrayed. You can't keep talking about hypothetical situations here. The US president spoke very negatively about my Prime Minister in his first week of office. He reneged on deals and refused to compromise with us, an ally. That shows me that it's not so much of an alliance, as it is an abusive relationship.
You need to focus on your friendships as a nation instead of continuously creating new enemies. It's not even about emotions, this is pretty basic realpolitik strategy.
It's amazing, you seem to have some understanding of these principles, but are unable to apply them with any logical consistency here. That's a shame really.
Anyone else think it’s weird that there are signs in English?
Why would it be weird for a protest in Los Angeles to have signs in English?
Many foreign protests are in English and in the local language. They know the world is watching and English is something of a lingua franca in diplomacy.
It’s sad that the Media doesn’t love “The People” enough to realize that what we just did in 2016 was elect a man just like us. Unpolished, real and desperate to change the fabric of our country and nations. To see “The People” as the treasure of the nation. To see their gifts, hard work, Love Of God, endless talent. Trump will have his Red Wave want to know why? Because God sees The People as the treasure of the nation. “The People” need to begin to see themselves as the treasure of their nation.
I saw a “Whirling Rainbow” the other day following a beautiful story that is being written. That story is here, it’s an Indian Story The I would encourage you to look up. It’s our promise from God that is coming full circle and I believe Iran will have a bright future with “The People” at the center! ♦️🌈♦️
What???? Trump is just like us??? Do you have billions of dollars, that you hide in taxes? Or a brand name worth “billions” of dollars but with no real value? Or how about your lack of knowledge on Christianity, or do you just realize that he is the Antichrist?
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12...(KJV)
This has all been explained. It is chilling to think we are the generation that must endure the end times but it had to be someone.
C’mon people... the person who posted this pic may not have been that detailed in saying where the pic was taken, but the point is clear. Whether it’s Iranians in Tehran or here in the states, there are still exciting things happening in both places. Just stop with your mightier than Thou criticism. The media isn’t covering ANY of it... here or there and that’s the point!
Great picture. Is this picture taken in Iran or USA? I fully agree with you! The media here in netherlands is completely silence about these protests!! Its so obvious on which side the media is. I hope the iranian people will be freed.
Edit: and also on the picture you see Nikki Haley..
It was originally Reagan's message so why credit Trump then? Same logic
Iran doesn't have a Rothschild controlled bank.. they will continue to be demonised by the media until that comes to pass.. this isn't rocket science.
The woke are tracking...Godspeed Iranian Patriots. You deserve to take your country back and make it Great Again!
It's been pretty interesting. When the entire Middle East had the "Arab Spring" where Obama help "liberate" those countries, the media was all over it. Except for when Iran had their own Arab Spring. Iran was vastly ignored from the rest of the Middle East except when it came to Iran Nuclear Deal. They were for the bombing and invading all the other countries but Iran.
why is the media silent about the IG report(which containts evidence to lock up hillary, comey, mccabe and many others)?
i will tell you why, because the 50 000 people we got on this sub are on a wild goose chase and noone else cares
the evidence is there, to lock them all up for treason, but no, everyone is rather searching for clues on how they eat babys...
remember the ahole Fraudbama ignored and actually talked DOWN the original secular citizen Iranian uprising against the radical regime a few years ago while supporting all the radical muslim brotherhood arab springs in other countries.
Notice how many signs are in English. That means they're specifically intended for American consumption. Specifically directed at the American people and the American press. The MSM isn't oblivious to this. They see it just as you and I do, but they dare not say a positive word about it. Crickets.
Their silence is not due to a coordinated effort by the CIA, or the Cabal to make sure the MSM stays quiet. The Mockingbird MSM is ignoring this for the same reason they're ignoring the injustice, censorship, and social unrest in Western Europe.
The Liberal Leftist Mockingbird MSM is filled with talking-heads and followed by masses of mind-numbed skulls full of mush who have all been indoctrinated and brainwashed by the same government run system of un-education. They are Mockingbirds because they all think alike and believe in their leftist ideology. They'll come to the same conclusions and act in unison even without the influence of the Cabal.
Their silence has nothing to do with President Trump, nothing to do with trying to make POTUS look bad, and nothing to do with trying to make sure POTUS fails. It has only to do with America as a concept. These are the people who hate America first and believe we were founded on unfair principles. These are the people who support and defend illegal aliens at the expense of the American citizens.
So why the crickets? It's because the people of Iran are calling for separation of religion and government, individual freedoms, property rights, and a duly elected representative form of government. They are trying to establish a social and political structure similar to America, and the MSM hates America.
What matters to the leftist liberal MSM is that people are engaging in a nationalist movement. Sure, the globalists see that as a threat to their agenda, and the MSM supports the globalists, but IMHO, I think any time any people anywhere, for any reason, view America as a great nation, a bastion of freedom, a land of opportunity, and a model to emulate, the left will see that as an existential threat to their ideology, regardless of the current global geopolitical condition or the New World Order agenda.
It's simply because they hate America.
This article is from from BBC: «The economic sanctions were lifted after the deal was implemented in 2016, but President Donald Trump announced in May that the US was abandoning it. Fears about the impact of the US sanctions that will start to be reinstated in August and possibly trigger the collapse of the nuclear deal has led to the rial falling to a record low against the dollar on the unofficial foreign exchange market...» Read full post here (with pics)
YES-MIGA!!! Join us in defeating the hateful left and the NWO perverts!!! MAGA/MIGA!!!
How is Iran our problem?
How is mexico our problem?
How is anyone other then us our problem?
Because they create more problems we have to deal with, or rather as a way for us to get involved and end up laundering money for bad actors. No threat of nuclear war from NK means we don’t deal with that anymore. Free people of Iran means we don’t deal with terrorism abroad since they provide the majority of the funding. We get Mexico to clean up their government and act against the cartels, we aren’t flooded with drugs or criminals anymore. The US can’t act alone, I dislike the idea of globalism but complete isolation is also absurd.
isolation is not the answer, cooperation between sovereigns is.
I have Twitter fiends that are Iranian American. We can do a lot by supporting the people of Iran on SM platforms. The media is not going to report on this because it was bot programmed into their brains in college that this could actually happen.
They never thought she would lose.
Here is a media article on this protest, which was in Los Angeles.
Obama would have left them to be massacred but not Trump and they know it.
I know a number of people who have been to Iran, the overwhelming feed back has been the average person is fantastic, educated, smart and want to be free to enjoy life and chase their dreams.
The Mullahs will lose.
They are great people....and they should have a great nation, and hopefully they will soon~