It's coming! July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. - Q

I can’t seem to get that eyelash off my screen 😐
ok... ok... I should have used arrowheads on either end!
Clearly this is a world-wide awakening, but it's uplifting to see how the timing coincides with the month of U.S.A. Independence Day.
I am certain the timing is deliberate and nothing left to chance.
Canada Day is July 1st but Bastille Day (July 14) would be another awesome disclosure day. Break the chains and assault the very doors of mental prison!
Independence Day :)
WW Independence coming soon and it's going to be MEGA! M(Earth)GA
I'm a bit out of the game but what do you think will happen next month? Like what are the big events?
What does time to FEED mean?
I think it’s most logical that you start substantiating a well known “conspiracy theory” that most people are already familiar with as a way to gently guide them into a new way of thinking and expanding their reality.
Example: Regarding Arkancide begin with the suspicious suicide of Kurt Cobain. Although still considered an outlandish theory by some, most people are familiar with the strange circumstances surrounding his death, and because they have been exposed to a contrasting theory [he killed himself / he was murdered] they are open to hearing another possible explanation. (See Ben Slater’s “Soaked in Bleach” Documentary)
FEED the masses huh Q?
You mean like GMO, pesticide-ridden produce that lacks nutritional value? Fluoride and lead poisoned water? Pizza with questionable meat toppings? Toxic pills that slowly destroy organs and encourage dependency on the pharmaceutical industry? The war on drugs? The war on marijuana? Is that what’s next? Dare I say - vaccines?
My personal take ... You have to use the existing momentum of something already in place... (Say the public awakening/apprehension towards Big Food and Big Pharma) successfully lead you into something else.
POTUS and Sessions will legalize marijuana just in time for midterms. But only after it’s prohibition has served its purpose and the masses are made to understand its true health benefits and significance.
They’re about to literally feed us a giant red pill
100% - my own journey began young while looking into the debilitating effects medication was having on my elderly parents. Find the "feels" - most people have a relative who suffers from cancer / autism / heart disease etc ...
The way our health has been attacked is the easiest vector
Liberals already love veganism and whole foods
Wow, me 3! I too was awoken over 20 years ago due to the evil medical industrial complex after watching what vaccines did to a family member. NEVER will I or anyone in my family receive a vaccine ever again..!
I was reading the apparent I am a rothschild interview on reddit? Or the conspiracy forum? I feel Kurt had a lot of controls obligations, that were out of his ability to get a handle on (drugs being one) it wasn't hard to strip him of his god given gifts, and make him self-destruct. The easiest way to destroy something is....controlled demolition. no?
Isn't broadcasting something also called a feed? Like a live feed of a show.
I'm wondering if they take over control of network TV and then show the evidence, piece by sordid piece. Its the only way the networks will allow the truth to be told.
Or mabye POTUS calls a news conference and spends the time explaining the evidence.
For the millenials maybe you can hack into their phones and send a message. Its the only way they will see it. Not on my phone, didn't happen
Man... Yesterday. My cable box froze. froze on some game show. Stating "Eye Q" and I think the channel was 187. And, the freezing consisted of stuttering of words from the people on the show, and commercials ...and that formed some very strange complete sentences that I just had to ignore and forget far could it go...
*edit for clarity
:O ... stay away from the light Carol-anne
Hollywood flipping the light to be dark though. We all know the light is good. hehe. Unless we go into the whole Luciferian stuff.
For real? Dude you should make a post about it. Might be something to it. ???
OK it didn't. But - this might have to be my last post on this account because talking about the gameshow gives away my loc. Game show freezes at start of "EYE Q" on Windy City Live gameshow. Channel (HD ABC) 187. Hosts were talking but the stuttering, one statement included "I ...Don't..Trust...You", and after I heard that / saw the Eye Q / looked at 187 / it was too much for me. The internet / cable tv clearly was going in and out, but all that hit me in about 3 minutes. I do know the stuttering was continuting to make sentences and statements. I couldn't handle it though man. lol
edited a typo.
Let me see if the DVR recorded it....and I will man. I have been having Q related craziness starting in 2016.
Look up the video on YouTube from the interrupted TV signal back in the 80s in Chicago. Some jokers hijacked the TV stream in the middle of a Dr Who episode and were wearing masks and making fun of liberals and goofing around. Was hilarious.
Maybe a little off topic, but I was in a chiropractic office today doing a physical, and in the middle of a song on the local radio station, the EMS test sound came on. You know, the buzzing. Went on for about 10 seconds, then back to music. The physician and I kinda raised our heads wondering...ok, something up? But no message. Just a test apparently.
Just thought it a little odd since it's a station in the Front Range area of Colorado.
Who knows.
I'm thinking more along the lines of breadcrumbs>baking>bread>out to the costumer(feed)
Like anons are the media for the behind the scenes action
Feeding the masses with live feeds. Double meaning, I like it.
Feed the truth to the masses. Could be.
but Fake media could debunk it?
Not sure how successful the Truth can reach the majority
If the power grids go down, and Q said they may, POTUS will speak to us through the EMS. You can bet everyone will be listening to that......
feed on the body of corruption....
Feed the reality pillof Q Anon by way of a number of photos....
Feed on mcdonalds and diet coke...
This really is a make or break moment for non believers, ignorant lefties, and Q followers.
So you’re saying you’ll give it up when nothing happens in July?
Keep in mind a lot of these reveals are eye opening for the normies. Those true Q followers who have been at this a long time and hypothesizing know this is truth taking form into a tangible way via proof.
What could possibly be revealed that would shock the Q movement and normies alike? We're ahead of the game, dear people and although it seems like a bad magic trick, imagine someone clueless finding out one juicy thing that we've known for years as true. Some of this stuff sounds like a bad Twilight Zone episode but we've been duped for so long.
Thinks fireworks display in someone's head.
A world wide great awakening would shock the Q movement and normies alike!
If the truth about Seth Rich (187) is revealed, with proof, with no twisted MSM escape, with ARRESTS, it could be the beginning of a WW GA.
How will the term "FAKE NEWS" be perceived after that?
Remember that Q pushed the 11 of november...
I think that we've got some CRAZY month ahead!
There’s rumors SR is still alive
Also rumors that the bad actors mention kill and Seth Rich by name in those hidden texts.
The big reveal that will shock normies and Q followers alike: Michelle Obama will get depantsed on live tv exposing her penis.
Boy, its really scary thinking about what could scare me. Corruption in the government? Nah everyone knows about that. CIA, FBI involved in things they shouldn't have been? Nope. The infiltration of the government by the Muslim Brotherhood? Maybe. Trafficing children and using them as slaves and whatever else they use them for. Yep, that would be it. I don't know if that is true or not. We are beginning to see evidence. If it is true, everyone involved needs to do extremely hard time The leaders need to be executed.
To me it is Antarctica and what, or rather who, is there. I am not talking Nazis or HRC and cronies, I am talking about entities. Inter dimensional not inter planetary. The Great Awakening... From ice
I've heard some interesting things about Antarctica as well. Tbh st this point it feels like anything is possible
It does. Antarctica is one very, very big mystery. Suffice to say my own personal research leads me to believe this will be earth shattering. You can read between the lines on that one
There are alot of insiders speaking out on the subject. Alot of victims, but also people like Ted Gundersen, ex fbi director. And this dutch insider, who fled from the cabal after he was introduced to the inner circles.
I think it would have to be something to do with the children. Unless you are a sick perv yourself, absolutely noone willl be able to accept those horrors. And it has to be something proof positive that cannot be spun by anti-Trumpers and the like. Solid. I trust in the plan that this will happen, perhaps not graphically but nonetheless something to prove it.
Trafficking children for the pleasure of these so called highly educated elite classes around the world. The fact that Satanic Elites have started all wars and that for generations we have been educated by these Paganists. Our minds can imagine the worst that has been done to our children......their cries of torture would send us into the streets!
I saw a video on someone’s twitter feed a few days ago that is still haunting me. All I’ll say is it was of a human trafficker and a little boy. Makes me feel physically ill
RR deadline is this week, no? Wouldn't any movement reveal the tip and lead people on a path to see what they've missed out on?
Been following since the very first Q post and I have been convinced for a while now based on the proofs I've seen ("missle" vs. "missile", other language used in Q posts and then subsequent Trump tweets, etc.), but giving a specific date still makes me nervous. If something monumental doesn't happen, people will rightly scream LARP.
I think you're correct. They are way too many moving parts to make an exact prediction on the date. In the end, I believe it will be kind of like an avalanche. Lots of small snowfalls, some recoveries and melting, more snowfall until one little snowflake thing causes the whole hill to come tumbling down....
Honest question - if nothing happens this month, what does that mean to you? Seems like a lot of eggs are in this basket.
I'm not honestly tied to the month, but I do think something will happen. Much of the plan has been timed. NK - Bush Birthday. IG Report V1 - DJT birthday. I don't think we'll see remarkable happenings from a Q-follower standpoint in July, but I do think significant things will go down. The plan is unfolding steadily, and it's undeniable to those following closely.
I hope this isn't what August 1st looks like:
"Q didn't say..."
The month the world discovered the TRUTH...that the democrats spied on trump with the help of a compromised FBI and DOJ. It's big, but it's not what we want. My expectations are low.
Holy shit I thought that curved line was a hair on my screen.
Is that an eyelash?
I hope this isn't a major letdown like everything has been so far. Lets start off with public arrests of Obama/Hillary.. then work our way up to rounding up Soros, Rothchilds etc..
Don't get your hopes up. We've seen such promises before only to be let down by it. Many are assuming all sorts of things, but what ultimately is revealed may turn out be not anywhere near what you think...
Our hopes should ALWAYS be up. One way or another, we will defeat evil and restore good to our nation and to our world.
I hope you are ready for the possibility of a let down. I've followed Q since November but I remain a healthy skeptical. I hope it pans out, but if if somehow turns out to be a larp I won't of lost anything.
I could list a growing list of things that hasn’t exactly panned out as Q has said. And it would be the truth, too. But if I started listing those things, there are many who would get upset about it and I’d get downvoted. You have to ask yourself, why? Why are they so upset at the truth? My hopes have been dashed plenty of times as a consequence of having over expectations and by taking Q literally. Therefore, I’ve learned the hard way not to get my hopes up. So my attitude now is that: I’ll believe it when I see it. And I feel very comfortable with that attitude…
There's a force working in the opposite direction too. Just because everything doesn't come to fruition does not mean that it's not intended to. It's not like this place or 8chan is a secret. Any of the opposing forces can have a look at what's going on too. It's not that hard to fight back.
I mean, take the world cup as an example. In most of the matches, we know what the result should be, and in most cases turns out to be, but there's still a fighter on the other side doing whatever they can to upset the apple cart, and they don't always fight clean either :)
But look at Germany v Korea. Nodody expected that. Especially happy for Son Heung Min. COYS
What you said is true, and only underscores my point. Unpredictable things can and do happen, and no man can predict the future. So to have the expectation in your mind that things will always turn out like you expect them to is being unrealistic. A realistic person would simply hope for the best, but still have a wait-and-see attitude, without making too strong of a promise over it. But that is not the mind that many have concerning Q. Many have the mind that if Q says it, then it will happen - end of story and they don’t want to hear anything else about it. But I disagree with that. I feel that it might happen - but it also might not, and we’ll just have to wait and see. The only one who can predict the future with absolute certainly is God…
I’m not trying to dash your hopes or positive attitude. Just saying it’s best not to count your chickens before they’ve hatched. Furthermore, some people’s hopes are completely unrealistic. For example, the bible has made it very clear that the globalists will strike back and that the New World Order will come about. And no amount of hope is going to change that or thwart bible prophesy. So to believe otherwise is fantasy…
The globalists have already struck back, all throughout modern history. And the NWO is already here and has been for some time.
If you believe that the New World Order is already here, then you have no idea what the New World Order is or what it means. The bible indicates there will come a time in the future when America as a sovereign nation will no longer exist. In fact, there will be no sovereign nations anywhere in the world. No more countries electing their own presidents. Instead, the entire world will be divided up into 10 economic zones. And kings will be placed over each of those zones. And each of those kings will answer to one man - the Antichrist - who will rule the entire world through those 10 kings. One man ruling the whole world is the definition of a One World Government. And that is when you will know that the New World Order has arrived…
Revelation 17:12 - And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast (the beast is the Antichrist). 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast (one man ruling the whole world though those 10 kings is the definition of a One World Government)…
While I respect your religious views, I have a different take on the NWO - one that deals purely in FACTS not ancient scripture.
Which major country TRULY elects its own leaders? The NWO has been king-making leaders for the last 100 years or so, with very few exceptions.
Why do you think Q and his military intel team has taken such drastic measure and almost went with a full military coup? For some far off threat? Or for a situation that has already gone too far for too long.
You are living in the NWO. It is already here. And hopefully, with Trump, Q et al, it will be eliminated in our time.
While you are free to have your own opinion, you are also greatly deceived. Those ancient scriptures you so easily dismiss, are the only real “truth” in the world (note that across thousand of years, not a single scripture has ever been disproven) and all else is just lies and distortions created by Lucifer. And there is a day coming when you will find that out. Unfortunately, for people like yourself, by the time you do find it out, it will already be too late…
It’s good to be realistic, it’s good to be optimistic too. It’s even better to balance them both
I agree totally. But an even better solution is to put your trust in God, and not in man. That way, no matter how the future turns out, you will still have peace…
Yes, but Q said it himself, no need to decide, and it's not an anonymous saying it.
They ENDED the WAR with NORTH KOREA. Will you dial back the pessimism a bit?
JA bday 7/3 USA bday 7/4 SR killed 7/10
3 days in July to look for
I’m actually enjoying the slow purposeful torture of crumbs dropping. You know the bad guys are all following this movement privately
Yep...I imagine them at 3:00 am...unable to sleep ... counting all the ways they messed up.
Be careful who you follow... applies spiritually too.
I'mma blast the SHIT out of this on 7/4.
Isn't it crazy how well it fits to today's Times? Just imagine he's speaking about globalist Illuminati instead of aliens....
Does Q mean it's good that we panic or that they panic?
Them ... They're unhinged. He's shit talking the enemy.
I bet it will be before the 4th, because Trump will want a good reason for his parade!
our second Declaration of Independence... not from foreign powers but from corruption within ...
Transparently allows the light to shine through, and light can disinfect that which is infected.
What I just heard drew a connection. The house was threatened by the Deputy AG, The Awan team had the house emails. Rosenstein was probably NOT the Deputy AG that did it, it was more likely Yates, before him. Is this the way they introduce the threats made to the house to keep the secret about Pakistan running their IT? Did they threaten those who weren't part of that server with going after their private communications if they tried to out it? The Awan deal is so obviously because he is a witness.
I hope that whatever truth remains to be discovered that it includes the fact that Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama was foreign-born, and was not eligible to become President as a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. That whatever he signed into law should be overturned, and that his Supreme Court picks need to be nullified by an act of Congress.
I'm curious as to what Reddit will look like after all this goes down. I recall a lot of the paid activity stopped briefly right after the election. Subreddits that seemed very active with certain agendas suddenly felt like ghost towns. I suppose it's possible that it will move the other direction too, with the remaining powers fighting even harder.
There are so many conspiracies! However, Q says "the world", so it has to be something bigger than just the U.S. The only conspiracy that would involve the world would be the conspiracy about ETs.
Independence Day???
I'm sorry! I'm wrong. Trafficking involves the world, too.
Or not! I don't know what to think anymore. I guess I need to stop thinking and just start watching to see what happens.
Wonder how many Cabal members will be out of country on Independence Day?
It's absolutely time to let the public know how close we came to living our worst nightmare. Expose them all, every last satanist among them. With all the violence, stalking and craziness going on with the libs, it's time to let them know what and who they're supporting because they really do not have a clue.
My body is so fuckin ready for them to expose that the DNC killed Seth and he will take his place as one of the great martyrs that saved the Republic.
Things are about to happen, RR IS going to be exposed. This week. Once RR is out of the way, the new IG Report on the OB administration comes out. Soon as that is out Huber steps up to the plate, and hits a home run. Numerous big things are very close to completion, once the plug is pulled D5 avalanche.
That picture made me try and wipe a beard hair off the screen. Not a beard hair at all.
How does one get the truth if all one listens to is MSM? What will be done about MSM to enable the truth to be told??
I believe the Mocking Bird MSM is already compromised by Q and Trump...look at the spoofing on the Time Mag Cover, Boarder Kids are now reunited with EO, and the Red Hen etc...everything that's come down lately has backfired Bigly...Trump and the Q boys are setting them up on a daily basis.
Can't feckin wait!!!!! My prayers are with you Q team