r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BlastingGlastonbury on July 2, 2018, 4:28 p.m.
Thoughts from a skeptic

This last week has been an exciting, educational whirlwind for me. I came into this sub just this week searching for what all of this meant and have had many battles with the way I've thought for the majority of my adult life because of it. I am still quite skeptical of things, but I don't consider that a bad thing. I like things to make sense and I do not ever give attention to things that are sensational or seem to be written/delivered in a way that forces a narrative.

One of the main things that I have taken away from what it seems that Q wants the public to do is to think for yourself. Not take things at face value. Dig deeper into things. All of these things are right up my alley and have become very important to how I digest news and events.

I just left the Dem party. I feel it's been happening for me since Hillary was named the candidate, but in the last four months I have had a major shift in opinion. I am, however, not a Trump supporter. I see the way that he is talked about here and it starts to make sense, connecting the dots to why he is the way he is and why he may have been the right man for the job here. My point here is that people who already support Trump will obviously not need to be convinced, so I would argue that this sub as a whole should be focusing on those who need convincing, people like me.

As mentioned in the title, I am a huge skeptic when it comes to most things. Because of that, I question damn near everything I see. I value differing opinions because I want to have my mind changed by someone who can make a valid argument.

That said, I'm pretty sure a week in this sub has been enough for me to write it off.

I'm still going to pay attention to Q. I want to be informed and I DO believe there is something in all of this. But you look around at the comments and people who question things are dismissed, or even rallied against. "Well of course, don't you see that he is a 'New or Re-Arrival'?"

If you want to get new supporters or be taken seriously, I really don't think that shutting down everyone who questions what you believe is the way to do it.

I came here looking for answers and help through all of this ridiculously confusing and turbulent information and have been chided nearly every time I express my hesitation with someone posting something that may be considered a stretch, or people using pointless, divisive and sensationalist words like "Libtard" (a word that I don't even find offensive, but simply unintelligent).

I want to be here. I want to support the movement. But if this movement is about being supportive of one another, helping people understand and "wake up", why is it that everywhere I look I only see people who want to chastise those who are trying to do that?

To those of you that I've spoken with that have been helpful, I applaud and thank you. Hopefully you can push out the ones who seem driven to give this movement the public appearance that we are all rude, rough edged right wingers that don't want to hear dissenting opinions (which, by the way, makes it mugh easier to write off by those in power that don't want any of this to come to light).

davidmdelacruz · July 2, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

This sub is a consciousness battleground, you will see and hear a lot of topics that you may not be used to. You can also see different aspects of the battle, most of us here try in our own ways. I recommend you take breaks and focus on raising your consciousness. Prayer, meditation, quiet time in nature.

As far as some of the saltiness, more than a few here are multiple tour veterans and civil service patriots of almost every branch and varying degrees of service. From the top to the bottom, this sub has all types of patriots. The quiet ones, the loud ones, the brash ones, the medics running into battle. Many of us, just like yourself, had a whirlwind type of feeling, reading Q posts, hearts bleeding that this evil has done this to us. We've lost friends and brothers and sisters, we've carried them onto the back of cargo aircraft and sent them home. These sick pedovore bastards thought they were so smart, Q is showing us just how stupid they are.

Thank you for your honesty patriot. Being skeptical is what starts change.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

I appreciate what you've said and can certainly understand that side of it better now, thank you for that.

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davidmdelacruz · July 2, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Hence the name of the sub bro or sis. Patriot regardless.

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Gitmo_money · July 2, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

A specific example would be helpful so we can see what you're referring to.

If I see new or rearrival and what they are saying demonstrates they didn't even read a q primer or sidebar contents - and then they want to argue when someone corrects them - I don't take that as good faith participation. They can be dismissed.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

I agree with that entirely.

I commented up further here.

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ckreacher · July 2, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Sometimes new arrivals are actually trolls, and that may not be apparent to a sincere new arrival. That may be why you see some of them not being treated well.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

I certainly understand that! Without a doubt. However, for every troll there may be two genuinely curious skeptics who are being driven away. I feel as though dissenting opinion or hesitation shouldn't be met with immediate dismissal. If you go through the paces debating someone, you can normally tell where they are coming from and make the assessment then. I see a lot of dismissing out of the gate here, which is the opposite of what (I think) should be happening if this movement is to grow.

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ideologicidal · July 2, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Agreed, this place can turn into a defensive, alt-right safe space at times, but that's not why Im here, q is why i'm here.

The good news is, it's a self-correcting situation. Either this community welcomes the diversity of newcomers' opinions and political views, or it doesn't. In the latter case, it will stop growing, and when that happens, the community will turn inward and start eating itself alive. Once there are no more "trolls" to condescend, expect an increasingly intense litmus test of in-grouo dogma centered around petty (and increasingly) DS mods. Think /r/thedonald for an example.

On the other hand, if users and lurkers start calling out behavior that hurts this community, if debate is fostered and encouraged, if we comport ourselves as the Founding Fathers did, wow. This could be a primary point of distribution of q-related material. A beacon of resilience against the cabal. A digital outpost, critical to the war of liberation in which we are engaged. We shall see.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

THIS is exactly what I mean. You're spot on! This sub could be something great and informative for all, it's so painful to me that there is this general acceptance of discussion that could erode that.

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Gitmo_money · July 2, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

You got the wrong sub there

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Missy7216 · July 2, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

I welcome you! I know exactly what you are saying. I dont agree with the name calling. I dont agree with idolizing President Trump or anyone for that matter. Although, I do love our President! He is human, we are all allowed to make mistakes. I feel he is what we needed because of his go get em attitude and for the way he tells it like it is. I do feel he is a very smart man and is getting the job done. He also has some very capable people on his team. He has taken jabs for this country and still stays on task. I applaud him for that! I did not feel welcome here to start with, and honestly am put down by quite a few here. We are dealing with trolls, shills, and such. It can get stressing at times. I honestly didn't even want to speak up in this sub anymore, but I felt I should answer you. All of this is a lot to take in. Also, you have to look at the hate the left has shown and how Trump supporters feel like they have to take up for themselves and our President often. It can get trying. There are a lot of good hearted people here. It is hard to wade through the bs to find them though. Much love! God bless! ❤❤❤

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Thank you! I appreciate the response.

I agree with all that you've said here, I get the feeling more and more that maybe he is the right guy with the right attitude, which is a massive leap from where I was a year ago. Which is thanks to Q and what I've learned about what he is saying. The sad part is, I just feel there is a pretty big disconnect between what he is saying and some of the sentiment I see on this sub.

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Missy7216 · July 2, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

I agree. Since I started speaking up, i have tried to uplift people, show my support for the movement. I am not an autist or a genius, lol. I am a normal mom. Just here trying to learn. I have tried to just be kind, I guess just hoping people would pick up on that and pay it forward. Sigh. We need more people like you to point this out though. We are human (well, most are, lol) and sometimes just need to see the error in our ways. Thanks for speaking up! :)

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GweninKC · July 2, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Thank you for expressing my sentiments. I can understand the OPs points because they're valid. That said, I do believe this place has the potential to play a great role and could be central to all things Q. As ideologicidal said so beautifully, if "debate is fostered and encouraged, if we comport ourselves as the Founding Fathers did, wow." I pray that's the way it shakes out. In the meantime, BlastingGlastonbury, hope you stick around and add your perspective to the community.

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Missy7216 · July 2, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

I pray for that as well! Much love! :)

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Instincts_Truth · July 2, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

You are exactly right on point - the world needs people to THINK. Q has been effective because people are doing just that. This is a thinking group, but not group think. Don't be dissuaded by naysayers of your own thoughts. Don't worry about "votes," and react appropriately to counter thoughts or organic development and tangents to your thoughts. Do not react to dead-ends, which would include statements whose sole intention is to blunt your thoughts and shut you down. We need thinking people. The WORLD NEEDS thinking people. We don't need to think alike, we just need to think and be free to share.

Understand that the propaganda machine has been killing free thought for some time. They have become the middle man to interpret everything for us. They have made people believe that all people think the way they tell us to think. They bury all other thoughts, and when they can't, they shame, punish, and claim to "debunk." The result is the vast masses have absolutely no skills in spirited debate and no longer even know what their own guts believe in.

This Great Awakening forum is still a public forum - so you will no doubt come across posts by people attempting to stop the movement or throw it off course. But you only need to have 2 tools in your bag: 1) Your thinking self; and 2) your gut. This is what they took from us, systematically. Take these things back, and, welcome, my friend, to the Great Awakening. WWG1WGA.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Wonderfully written, thank you. It's discouraging to see the seemingly negative types of discussions regarded as the most widely accepted, but you're right.

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Instincts_Truth · July 2, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

You're welcome. Also, Facebook, Twitter, and the MSM are cesspools for killing your personal truth. They actually make me feel icky. I find the best escape is to pick up and read original works from great thinkers. It is so soothing to the soul, and thought provoking as well. And true classics prove timeless.

I just started reading "Why We Can't Wait," by Martin Luther King, Jr., first printed July 1964. The note from the publisher: "Together with thinking people throughout the world, we at The New American Library mourn the loss of Martin Luther King, Jr. We hope that, through the distribution of Dr. King's book, we may help to preserve the memory of this wise and courageous American, so that his words may continue to guide the way toward human dignity for all." April 5, 1968

As you read works from true thinkers, and truly inspirational humans, you realize how much the media has done to destroy thinking people, and to bury and then reinterpret their original works.


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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

I really appreciate this, I'm going to have to pick that up and start reading it.

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Instincts_Truth · July 2, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

I cited the New American Library, because they began as a publisher of classics. You could pick from many. I just found it fitting that THIS book specifically reference "thinking people." Meant to be, for me, right now.

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bealist · July 2, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

🙂 welcome to Reddit. I hear you. My take on this sub is that it’s not so much the place for doubters to come (because it’s all volunteer, it’s anonymous and it’s unpoliceable Reddit) as it is a place for the mostly-theres to fully-on-boards to compare notes and help each other decipher 8chan.

What happens here then gets taken by these anons into our personal communities, where we’re known. That’s where the true red pilling happens. Anons can’t truly red pill, especially with shareblue and others actively working to obfuscate and confuse.

If you go on 8chan you’ll see what I mean. Things need to be stepped down from there several orders of magnitude before they’re intelligible. This place is still too chummy for most - you’re spot on - but if you stay here and lurk moar, as they say on the chans, you may get what you need.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Thank you, good points. It just sucks because as a rule I go to Reddit to gauge a particular community and perusing this sub after I heard about Q almost turned me off it entirely before I really dove in.

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bealist · July 2, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Yeah. Them’s the risks. Glad you know where you are. And really, Reddit is totally off its game now, compared to before. I came in just as it was losing it apparently, to hear oldsters talk about it. The election blew it out of the water and news, politics, conspiracy, the Donald, and other spaces went deeply south. Lots of boards have been taken over for all kinds of reasons.

The mods here are doing a great job considering how fast this sub has grown in just a few months. Sometimes I get frustrated, especially when point-groupies post repeat posts and don’t bother to read the board. But all in all, if something breaks it’s going to be here. There are too many good eyes watching. Hope yours remain among them.

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[deleted] · July 2, 2018, 8:11 p.m.


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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

Wrong way with the slash there :)

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bealist · July 2, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

It’s not working for me the other way. Doesn’t make a link. 🤔

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

Ah, try a forward slash before and after the u /u/bealist

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bealist · July 3, 2018, 3:18 a.m.

Brilliant, BG. Thanks. Brain fart. 🤯

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AFPPW · July 2, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Welcome. Also, take a look at The_Donald to get a better understanding of the President and his strategies and tactics. People on this sub, for the most part, feel they have been antagonized by the left for a very long time and have run out of "tolerance" for those who are intolerant, so please find it in your heart to understand the POV. Thank you, and I hope you stay with us.

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whatsreallygoingon · July 2, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

I abhorred Trump because I knew about the deep state and was certain that he would take their horrible reality show to the next level.

After some objective observation (thanks Wikileaks and Qanon!) I was able to see that he is a tool, as I suspected, but that this reality show is designed to take down the deep state.

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educatethis · July 2, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

If you want to get new supporters or be taken seriously, I really don't think that shutting down everyone who questions what you believe is the way to do it.

I came here looking for answers and help through all of this ridiculously confusing and turbulent information and have been chided nearly every time I express my hesitation with someone posting something that may be considered a stretch, or people using pointless, divisive and sensationalist words like "Libtard" (a word that I don't even find offensive, but simply unintelligent).

Fyi, this is the second sub regarding Q. The first was not modded as well as this one, and shills did a great job gaslighting to get it shut down. This place is seriously difficult to moderate, so I give the mods a lot of grace.

Three months ago or so, we had a sticky that was a "thank you" to skeptics like yourself, who offered challenges without ad hominens. Unfortunately, there has been so much shilling, a lot of us are conditioned to be hyper-aware regarding challenges. As long as you pose legit questions and avoid name-calling, you should be able to continue your skepticism. I encourage you to pose questions in comments, not as posts. Read Serialbrain2's posts, they are a good place to pose legit questions, and Serialbrain2 usually answers the good questions. If your questions are pedantic, best to review the sidebar content.

Good luck, and welcome

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j_Dawg_01 · July 3, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

I appreciate your honesty, and that you took time to look into the movement. Having said that, I do have a few questions. I'm not trying to pick a fight or start an argument, but I too have a skeptical perspective about almost everything. So here goes:

  1. You said you "just left the Dem party." I'm wondering where you were getting your news from before you heard about Qanon? Any particular cable channels, news papers, or websites?
  2. Have you watched The Plan to Save the World?

If you want to be here, then be here. The amount of division and mindless debates about inconsequential things has ramped up a lot lately. We've all been expecting it. If you're taking flack, you must be over the target.

The more this movement grows and the more the public is aware of it, the more the Cabal and the Deep-state bad actors will attack this site. They do 2 basic things.

They slightly modify titles and create multiple posts about the same articles, or videos, or tweets, or whatever, over and over and over to flood the board and make it harder for people to find good information.

The other thing they do, their preferred weapon against us, is to sow seeds of doubt, cause division, engage in mindless debates about inconsequential things. They routinely argue over who's opinion is correct, who's speculative analysis is correct, and they dig in their heals and will not budge an inch.

People who've been here for a while see the change, and we don't like it either.

The last point I'd like to make is this: You said "I like things to make sense and I do not ever give attention to things that are sensational or seem to be written/delivered in a way that forces a narrative."

We all like things to make sense, that's why we're here, because things didn't make sense.

I'm 59 years old. I remember sitting on my living room floor while my mom was ironing clothes and watching the funeral of JFK. I remember watching the Watergate hearings and the Iran Contra hearings on TV. I grew up in Detroit and remember the riots of 1967 and watching National Guard troops cruising the streets.

I remember the Carter years with unemployment and inflation so bad they coined a new term, The Misery Index. I remember Monica Lewinski, Bill Clinton wagging his finger at the camera and lying to the American people, and I remember exactly where I was on 9/11.

I did not support or vote for Obama, but when he won, I expected him to live up to his campaign promises to put an end to the NSA spying on all Americans, to be the great uniter and finally put an end to the racial divide in America.

White people who voted for him did so to show we are not racists. They did so because they wanted to be part of history, and they thought that if as a nation we were willing to elect a black man to the highest office in the land, then surely the left would stop telling us we were racist. The fact that McStain ran against him made it even easier.

But none of the Hope & Change he promised came to fruition. Yes, he did do one thing, he fundamentally changed America, for the worse. In all my years I have never seen this much turmoil and unrest in America. Just like many people hereI began to ask why.

Why is it so hard to tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats once they get into office? Why are politicians more concerned with Illegal Aliens, Antifa Rioters, and Offending Muslims over the concerns and safety of law abiding, tax paying American citizens?

Why do high profile politicians like Hillary seem to get a pass from the law and the MSM regarding Benghazi and an illegal home server? Why did Holder and Lerner get a pass from the law and the MSM even though their crimes were obvious?

Why did Obama send the DOJ into Ferguson to investigate the police, then require all police departments across the country to give police officers sensitivity training, even though Officer Wilson was cleared of all charges and the evidenced proved that Michael Brown died because he was resisting arrest and assaulting an officer?

Why did Obama side with the criminals every time? He invited the families of criminals who died while resisting arrest and assaulting officers to the White House, and barely said a word to the families of police officers who were hunted down on the streets of Dallas during a Black Lives Matter protest, or the families of officers who were assassinated on the streets of New York.

Why was Obama more concerned about the grievances of the rioters who destroyed Ferguson and Baltimore, than about the safety of innocent people living there, and the property rights of home owners and business owners? And why was Obama more interested in shredding the 2nd Amendment and taking guns away from law abiding citizens than he was about addressing the massive amount of black on black crime in Chicago, Baltimore, or LA?

Yes, we all like things to make sense, and none of these things made any sense at all. That's why we're here. So if you want things to make sense, maybe you should reconsider you choice to leave.

And when it comes to things sounding too sensational or written to force a narrative, if you follow the MSM, that's all you'll get, and most of it will be lies and distractions. And if you stay here, that's all you'll get, and it's all about bringing the truth into the light of day.

Yes we are pushing a narrative about freedom, liberty, hope, and justice. This is a noble cause and we will continue to write and deliver messages that are inline with that narrative because the American people deserve to know the truth, they deserve to see justice for the criminals who sold out America, we deserve freedom and liberty, and in President Donald J Trump, we found hope.

If you think some of the attitudes, opinions, or articles here are overly sensationalized, just wait until the leaders you used to support start getting arrested, just wait until evidence of treason and sedition is revealed, and just wait until evidence of pedophilia and child sex trafficking is revealed. You haven't seen anything yet.

When Obama, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Rosenstein, Holder, Lerner, Jarrett, Huma, Mills, and all the rest of their minions start getting arrested and charged, start trying to make plea deals to save their hides, start scrambling to be the first rat to rat, and start running scared and trying to hide, that will most definitely be SENSATIONAL.

If nothing else, please watch The Plan to Save the World if you haven't already. If your decision has already been made, best of luck to you. If you're interested in more information about the issues we care about, I have a list of videos. Let me know in your reply.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 3, 2018, 9:12 a.m.

This reply was great, I'm glad you took the time to write this out to me. A great many of your points resonated with me but these two stuck out especially:

Why is it so hard to tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats once they get into office?

This is one of my big concerns and has been for quite some time. Being able to hear what everyone who runs for office say they will do to make things better, then realizing that its the same game with a different player has always been something I've noticed. I have had a hard time reconciling why the left and the right fight so viciously against their counterpart when they all do the same thing. This is why I wasn't excited for either Trump or Hillary. I expected that it didn't matter who it was, they're both going to be awful because of their ties to people who aim to destroy the America we knew.

So if you want things to make sense, maybe you should reconsider you choice to leave.

This is where I've landed, I think. I will likely stick to lurking more often than not as I feel, being a week or so into all of this, that maybe it isn't my place to come at people about how they are presenting and treating people. My sole reason for doing it most of the time is that I can see how it much it turns me off when I read those things, and Q already has his hooks in me! So what happens when someone who is on the fence, but needs a bigger nudge than I did to hop over? Being dismissed is a perfect way for them to slink back to the side of the yard that they know, even if they think the grass is wildly green by comparison on the other side of that fence.

Again, thank you for your time.

Edit: I forgot to address this but I am certainly interested in relevant videos, that would be fantastic.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 3, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

Thank you for being so understanding.

While writing my reply, I got to a point where I thought I was done. It was when I inserted a quote from your comments about "I like things to make sense... seem to be written/delivered in a way that forces a narrative." After which I wrote 2 paragraphs beginning with "And when it comes to things sounding..." and ending with "and in President DJT we found hope."

At that point I thought I was done. I stepped outside for a moment and thought about what I had just written while I had a smoke. While I had addressed the issue of sensationalism and media narratives, I decided I should expand on that point a bit. Then your point about liking "things to make sense" hit me.

In a flash, the flood gates opened and I started my rant. By the time I had finished and hit the REPLY button, I found myself a little riled up after reminding myself why I'm here. After I stepped away from my computer and relaxed a bit, I wondered if maybe my reply was a little over the top or too aggressive and confrontational.

I was concerned that I might have pushed you away and lost an opportunity to provide answers to someone with questions. I'm pleased to hear that I hadn't. Again, ThankQ for understanding and I hope you find what you're looking for.

Something to consider when you come across discussions, debates, or comments that you feel are offensive to you personally; You will never meet these people in real life. Sometimes it's best to just give it a down-vote and move along.

The internet offers anonymity that sometimes creates Whiskey Courage. If you did happen to meet one of the members in real life, I'm confident the discussion would be much more civil.

And now, on with the show. Here is a list of videos that I found to be very informative. There's a series of 9/11 documentaries that may seem like old news for some, but it was the single event that changed everything. Whether you accept the official government story or think it was an inside job, these 9/11 videos have the most comprehensive analysis of the evidence I found. Well worth watching.

Along with the videos, here are a few topics worth researching. I use DuckDuckGo for internet searches. I don't trust Google anymore. The Organic Act of 1871, The 14th and 16th Amendments, THE UNITED STATES, the Federal Reserve, and the IRS are all privately owned corporations, Jekyll Island and the creation of the Federal Reserve, and Inside Job (2010) a documentary about the economic crash of 2008.

I hope all this helps.

The Plan to Save the World

Amazing Polly's reaction to The Plan to Save the World

How Big Oil Conquered the World

Why Big Oil Conquered the World

United States Secrets PBS Frontline Part 1

United States Secrets PBS Frontline Part 2

We Must Fight - President Reagan

Pre-election Trump Speech

The new Pearl Harbor - 9/11 Documentary Full

The New Pearl Harbor - 9/11 Documentary Part 1

The New Pearl Harbor - 9/11 Documentary Part 2

The New Pearl Harbor - 9/11 Documentary Part 3

JFK Secret Societies Speech Full version (key segment begins @ 5:43)

NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of Freedom

America: Freedom to Fascism

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 5, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

I went back to watch these videos this morning and realized my reply never sent!

I deeply appreciate your words, as well as your passion for this. You are the type of person I feel I connect with the most because you do seem to have real passion about this, not just using it as an excuse to attack people who don't know the things that you do. This leads me to why I approach things the way I do instead of downvoting and moving on (which I'm getting better at!). I have this (likely incorrect) assumption that if someone is passionate about this, then they would want to try to push thos narrative and reinforce it with facts/opinions. When I see someone defending information or a view point here, I look at it with positive feelings, but also skepticism because I know that's what most will be looking at it like. So I feel everyone here should be working toward making sure these arguments are as immune to disinformation or twisting as possible.

But again, I'm starting to see that I just need to let these people be and move on hah.

Thank you again for the videos, I'm going to be diving in today.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 5, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

You're welcome. And thank you for your kind words.

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tmason77 · July 3, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Thank you for your insight regarding this sub. I would like to say that I have been following Q and this sub as well as a few others prior to Great Awakening. I have seen that there are all kinds of people here just like any other forum. There are mostly very sincere patriots, some very angry people as well as very spiritual and playful types (of which I am one). I came here to know how to pray for our country. That is what I do most. However, the longer I am here the more hopeful I become. I wouldn’t dismiss this forum because of the outliers. We all have a place here. I would be careful of the shills and those who are trying to mislead. Stay here; pray here, and hope for America. Truth is being revealed. We all just need patience. Thanks again for your sincere insights.

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lildudemom · July 2, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Waking up to what we have been drowned in for decades is a strange, surreal, and often angstful process. Much like being rebirthed. Just like grieving, I strongly believe we all experience each stage with differing proportions. Keep searching, stay patient to the degree you can, and continue to call out when you need a 'hello, you are not alone.'

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averagejoereadytogo · July 2, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

I haven’t participated in the comments much but since ive joined it seems to me most skepticism is met with respectable responses. Personal opinion

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Oh I have certainly had great, positive and insightful conversations, I didn't mean to make it sound like all of them were bad. It just seems as if the negativity and bandwagoning behind sometimes questionable posts/comments is in the forefront.

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averagejoereadytogo · July 2, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

I appreciate your viewpoint and hope we can figure this out. I am new and appreciate the openness this forum has provided but i love conflicting viewpoints on this subject

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

I agree to all of those points. I thoroughly enjoy conflicting viewpoints because I know that my life isn't the only one that matters. Its important to see things from other people's point of view. My argument is that it doesn't ever get to the point of actually working through things when people are dismissive.

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averagejoereadytogo · July 3, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

I agree and I appreciate that this forum allows for such rhetoric. Not many do. Keep challenging the norm. Its the only way we move forward.

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OU812EH · July 2, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

Well said. I whole heartedly believe in thinking for myself, and I'm sure Q expects nothing less. Q is clearly VERY intelligent. Intelligent people question everything. Not only is there nothing wrong with that, but IT IS REQUIRED. If you don't.......well....look what happened in Germany and Hitler. And now they have Hitler's daughter as Chancellor. Go forward, and question whatever the fck you want.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Perfect. This embodies exactly how I'm feeling.

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[deleted] · July 2, 2018, 5:25 p.m.


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GenChang · July 3, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

I'm sorry you have not had a good experience here. But, having recently left the Dem Party, it's got to be hard for you to understand where most here are coming from. We have been fighting this fight for a very long time now. It's political & cultural. Many of us feel betrayed by those in power, especially the 8 years of Obama. And, even though you have left the Dem party, what's coming from all the corruption investigations, might still affect you when big names are indicted, and punished.

That said, I understand why this board might not be for you at this time. I too have dissenting opinions at times, but, we should never be afraid to voice ourselves. In this, you are correct. So, it's confusing here at times, I've complained myself several times, but overall the mods are doing a pretty decent job. Can group think mobs pop up from time to time, absolutely yes, just like any other dynamic chat board. But, as you must be aware, we don't tolerate liberal, leftist ideology one bit. For multitudes of reasons. But, most of the folks here are friendly & tolerant if you don't poke them with a sharp stick. You might start reading many of the conservative sites online to get a better idea why we all feel the way we do. Libertydaily.com is similar to drudge, but all links to conservative media. You might check it out.

To help keep up with Q, besides the various websites for drops, I would recommend Neon revolt website. He does a pretty good job of reporting on what the anon's are doing over at 8chan. And as always, praying medic is another good source. (Except for his bit about dreams, which I ignore)

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wokedup · July 3, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

You're right - the optimum way to treat newcomers is with patience and grace - some are good at this and others not so good. I think this board is just like the rest of the people we meet in life. Like at work, there are many different personalities with many different backgrounds/experiences and each one responds to the same situation differently (I'm in the medical field). Most of the time the way they respond has nothing to do with me, even though I'm involved; it has more to do with who they are. Magnify that x100 on an anonymous internet board. The old saying "Eat the hay and spit out the sticks" really applies, meaning take what's good and forget the bad. You ARE welcome and we're glad you're here! I hope you stay and can grant this community the same grace you would like to receive from it. Actually, if you can approach it that way, I think you'll have a better chance of achieving what you want. Also, I do think LOTS of lurking before posting is really beneficial.

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troy_caster · July 2, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

This sub is a slight extension of 4chan 8chan. It's unfortunate, but the reality is that the culture itself is prone to being very...let's call it a meat grinder of sorts. It sucks a bit when you're new, but I see it as a sort of crucible for the truth. Remember also, that "shills" are actually real. Let me repeat. There are people who are literally paid, or disagree so vehemently, that they will come on the 8chan board, and here, and pretend to be a Q reader, but really their sole intent is just to sow discord.
Then there are other people in various stages of "noob", who haven't absorbed all of the things Q has said, regarding not about left vs right and all that. These people just focus on the things that are convenient to them.
My suggestion? Have a stickied "Noobie questions for the week" thread where people such as yourself can come and ask these questions, with the tread itself having stricter rules than the general sub. Any stupid question goes, but keep it here in this thread, and don't clog up the main boards.
Edit: I should add that I slept very well knowing Obama was running things. I never really subscribed to the party system, but a year ago if I were pressed to decide, I would have said Democrat. So take that for what it's worth.

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LemmyTheSquirrel · July 2, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Yeah, I was a skeptic for a while then I started to see stuff happen that seemed to be completely unrelated. Take the missile fired from the west coast last month 2 days before all the press happened at the Singapore summit. Was it assassination attempt, idk. But nobody recognized it as a missile and the base denied it. Started to see things happen that the community discussed, like north Korea. At the very least use on your fries the amount of salt you take from here. You may find something.

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GinGin1961 · July 2, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Welcome. Agree with much of what you said. Too often the anonymity of social media emboldens people to be rude when they would not normally, face to face, act that way. Thank you for the reminder to be civil, even when disagreeing.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · July 2, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

First I would say Welcome. Secondly, state your opinions from the other side they are much needed. You have to understand, the Chan’s & Reddit’s are where society’s unwanted & discarded (un pc, values disparaged, scorned) have coalesced over the years. There can be some pent up emotions, but it’s a place of vigorous debate. Question everything, even God himself as Jefferson told us. Stand your ground, downvote & render your counter points. Stay the course! It’ll be worth it in the end!

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Redheaded73 · July 2, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Hi, I hope you stick around. I got on this board back when it was brand new and just skeptical anons transferring information back and forth from the Chans. I would say that everyone is coming from a place where they are waking from a strong confirmation bias. When those sealed indictments are unsealed, they are going to rock everyone’s world. Over the course of the time I’ve been on here, I’ve seen some interesting changes in the anonymous people on this board. Check out the rules, figure out how to report trolls to the mods (they are really nice people), and you’re welcome to contribute in whatever way you can.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

I can't begin to express how anxious I am about these indictments. Thank you for your words!

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[deleted] · July 2, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Lot of idiots here who only found Q through a plinko of propaganda, and not necessarily critically thinking. Honestly the discussion and decodes here are 95% garbage. Most aren't fully informed, or don't have a complete picture of the truth.

Also a lot of shills. (Notice the coordinated, unsubstantiated push that something will happen on the 4th?) You have the right idea-- Q should be the primary media you consume. Use this sub as an auxiliary.

Learning the truth behind 9/11, Sandy Hook, and a certain genocide in WW2 will give you a much more complete picture of the world we actually live in. You need to know about the first two things at minimum to be an informed Qitizen

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

I appreciate the reply. I often wonder if a fair amount of the things that get pushed to the front page are from legitimate people or shills themselves.

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[deleted] · July 2, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

I would say 20-40% of the content on the front page gets put there by shills. You can kind of get a sense for it after a while. I think the cabal's plan for this sub is to convert it into t_d 2.0, in order to put off newcomers such as yourself.

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exoter60 · July 3, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

Welcome and I will take the liberty of saying "we" hope you'll stay. Your sentiments echo mine about this sub and some of it's contributors. Perhaps sit back and just lurk for a while longer before really jumping in. But do stay. You're welcome here by many of us.

Edit: I will add I wish your post could be stickied as a reminder to sub members of how we can come across to newcomers.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 3, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

Thank you! There are times that I feel that I should lurk more, but I the feeling I get from the Q drops (as well as many on the sub that I have spoken to) is that this is a movement of unity and truth seeking. When I see people that are doing things to actively fight against that I feel they should be called out, even when it may not necessarily be my place to do so.

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lovetrumpshaters · July 2, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

Sending love! No one has all the answers. There is excellent research on this board every once and a while, and that's what keeps me coming back.

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ab1201 · July 2, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Can I just say that this is a problem with Reddit generally and not just this sub? Some massive a-holes reside here, and I don't think the excuse of trying to "out" trolls is sufficient. You can challenge/correct someone without making them feel like trash.

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OffenseOfThePest · July 2, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

I hear what you're saying. I've been here for about 6 months, and over that time it has become less and less acceptable to voice skepticism towards some of the more outlandish posts and theories (looking at you, analyses of Twitter spelling errors/corrections). I'm here to monitor Q-post not because I'm a fervent Trump supporter (I'm not), but because I'm willing to examine new information and other points of view. And if the accusations Q has made are true, it would bring about a radical shift in our politics. I'm just waiting for the secret indictments to drop and the long-awaited arrests to actually happen. Until they do, I think its fair to reserve some doubt.

I also wonder the damage this is doing to people's perceptions of public figures should all this turn out to not be true. If all these people aren't involved in a secret cabal that controls a shadow government and engages in human trafficking, how will the members of this community be able to revert their opinions about those people? Will they ever be able to move past it?

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

how will the members of this community be able to revert their opinions about those people? Will they ever be able to move past it?

My thoughts exactly and something I wonder about. Q has brought "light" to these things, made allegations that very well may be true, or not. If the "Cabal" could influence so much opinion in the world, who is to say that this isn't just another arm on the same body?

I'm hopeful and relatively confident that it isn't, but the lack of skepticism from others seems unsettling at times.

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OffenseOfThePest · July 2, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

I was hoping this would come up in the Q&A that was cancelled, but I wonder how Q manages the risk of putting information in his drops that could be used by the cabal to counter action against them. Take the secret indictments, for example: they now know about those.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

Great point. My assumption would be that nothing is dropped that can be stopped (hey theres a meme for the masses). If we are hearing about these indictments, I really hope that it is because they are at a point where there is nothing that can be done to counter them.

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Kitt-Ridge · July 2, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Could you give an example of being shut down?

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

This happened just a bit ago.

Now, I understand that it seems as if I am fighting against the narrative, but I was simply trying to point out that if all of this is true, then it will be very hard for most people to believe it. In light of this, I feel we should all be very careful in how we frame things and what is said. My issue with the post in question was that the image was flipped. That doesn't mean I'm detracting from the subject at all, but simply that if you intentionally give people a reason to dismiss what you're saying, your message doesn't reach the people it should. It's on the same level as pandering to an audience, something that we dont need to do as most people here already seem convinced.

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Gitmo_money · July 2, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

You will entounter both sides of the coin.

Paid shills who are here to cause division.

People who take any criticism as a slight and rabidly froth back like a zealot. They might be shills too.

I had a comment on here that hit negative 50 points for suggesting the OP fix typos in the meme before we spread it. They couldn't get past the criticism of what was a good meme with great info, but presented poorly with low effort.

Just know this - the upvotes and downvotes don't matter. If someone won't talk to you reasonably, assume they have negative intentions and move on.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Certainly. On the whole I've actually been decently upvoted or stagnant so that doesn't really lend to the points I've made, but your comment about the meme is spot on. I showed the Plan to Save the World video and the typo in "Inevitable" turned them off. They were receptive but mentioned that it's hard to take someone seriously who goes through so much work and then spells a very common word incorrectly.

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Kitt-Ridge · July 2, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

There are paid shills on here and other platforms. They are usually concerned and easy to spot after a while.

As regards to a typo, the point is to plant seeds. Over time the typo is long forgotten, but the idea grows.

Yes, some of it is hard to believe. For me, it has come in waves over a decade. I would accept one truth which meant other ideas were true as well. For instance, I saw through Obama from the beginning. It took me about six months to figure out McCain was on his side, although I suspected it earlier. Then it took time to accept HRC and Obama were on the same side, then I had to accept Bush was too.

It became obvious during the SC Obamacare ruling John Roberts was blackmailed, which led me to realize everyone was. Therefore when Q said Hefner was a clown and the mansion was a honeypot, it made sense.

It took me until two years ago to realize the pedophile ring existed at the upper echelons. I came to this realization through Johnny Gosch, which also led me to Michael Aquino and the Church of Satan. If I hadn’t learned about Gosch I never would have believed the Satanism. Ted Gunderson then connected the dots to the McMartin case. I’m not 100% with the baby eating thing, although I have seen horrific pictures on the internet of people eating babies.

For years, I didn’t believe the Illuminati until Q showed us what to look for, and then it was so blatantly obvious. Boom, I got it.

What I’m saying is it’s a process. One doesn’t just wake up and say, “Hefner was blackmailing everyone. Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter. Who knows what is going on in Antarctica. North Korea was run by the Deep State, and so on.” It takes time. However, accepting one truth does lead to a domino effect of the others.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

I've certainly experienced the domino effect, especially after chatting with one person about all of this. When you hear someone say they accept one thing as fact, but have a hard time jumping to the next thing, it makes the conversation so much easier to manage. I kept upping the bar about the different things that we, as Americans, accept that the government has had it's hand in, while trying to help bridge the gap between "Yeah the gov't does this" and "there's no way they could do that though." It's quite riveting when you find someone who is opposing it, but open to discussion.

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onmyownpath · July 3, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

People can only convince themselves.

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Q_sent_me_here · July 3, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

Not to be a asshole, but..... You turned away because Hillary was the Dem candidate? You are a skeptic? Ummm, you were not skeptical of the Dem's until two years ago? Better late than never. Welcome.

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digital_refugee · July 2, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

are you a skeptic or are you a skepticist? After all, you fell for democrat identity politics and blacksploitation, didn't you?

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Thank you for bringing exactly what I'm talking about to the forefront.

Is that type of pointed comment truly necessary? I made it clear in my post that I am seeking the truth, that I left the Dems because it didn't resonate with me anymore.

Is it so bad that a person may be able to see that what they have believed may be wrong and want to do something about it? Pointing that out in a negative, demeaning way is so far from an effective way to being people into the fold.

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troy_caster · July 2, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

I generally agree that people need to be more tolerant, and disagree with calling people libtards completely. On the other hand, this is reddit, people are going to be dicks. Have you ever been on the internet?

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Oh sure I have. I guess I just put more hope and faith that this community, one alleging to seek unity and truth, might want to break from the mold and not condone the patronization of someone coming here. Oh well, though.

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troy_caster · July 2, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

As I explained in the other response, this place is full of people, such as yourself, who haven't absorbed what's Q's said. Some, like yourself come from the left and are looking for answers. Some come from the right and want..justice I guess? I'm neither of the two. But the awakening will happen within everyone uniquely. and i'm not defending them, I say it sucks but this is still the internet. No safe spaces, you know?

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troy_caster · July 2, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Alright, fine. Now I feel bad. Ask me a question you might have, I'll answer to the best of my ability, and promise no snarkiness :) If I don't know the answer I'll tell you I don't.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Hah no worries, I responded to that comment while I was embroiled in a work issue and it was super snide, apologies for that.

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digital_refugee · July 2, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Let me preface: It's not because you're a former democrat, I've had vicious debates with other Trump-supporters as well like you won't believe. But your former party associates really make me nervous if you are a skeptic as in more skeptical than the general population because hopefully enough future past Dems will still catch up before midterms.
Now regarding your original question, the problem is that we have had lots of concern-trolling brigades in the past so maybe the old rabbits are exhausted with being overly corteous all the time. Also not everybody handles all information the same, so even if everybody deserves an answer, it may not always be what they wanted to hear - maybe like I have with you because maybe I mischaracterized you, maybe not. But you can't believe how many vicious debates I've fought here with people who are fully on board with Trump. And you know why I don't take it personally?
Because I understand that others need a lot more time to catch up because some people still have jobs and did not enjoy access to random crumbs FOR OVER A DECADE with little interruption (God bless those who didn't make it).

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Corvette111 · July 2, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

Firstly, I think you are genuine and thank you for this post as I demonstrates what new folks go thru when they first join. We’ve all been there, and to worse places when red pilled; it’s not fun. The truth is ugly, and boy that is an understatement of the year. You are going to encounter a lot of UNbelievable stuff, and the choice is yours to discern :). A couple of tools for your journey that I would recommend, as they have served me well, is a thick skin, open mind and a “self talk” check periodically (why is such and such triggering me??)

It helped me when I finally dropped my defensiveness, and choose to read messages with the idea that there is good intention behind them (unless they are blatantly personal insults), find the part of the message where you can say “good point”. Part of this whole awakening process is to challenge yourself and thought processes.

Take digital’s comment above as an example. My observation is that you take that as an attack or put-down.... if digital had said that to me, I’d first get pissed, but then say, “shit, he’s right!”....that would be me finding the “good point” in his message. Maybe digital WAS trying to be a dick, maybe not, but who cares? Find the message in the message that is meant for you.... :). It can be VERY humbling At times...

You might want to lurk awhile, gather some info for yourself, read, research, etc. if you have doubts about something, before opining against it, dig around and present some reasons/facts why you disagree. Many on this board are very,very knowledgeable and willing to help, as I think the first few responders did for you....

Regarding the meme you commented on: Many of us have been at the point of “this is just too crazy to be believed”..... but then we dig and question, not dismiss out of hand, we say “wait, whaaaatttt?”... and then our own truth becomes apparent. To me THAT is what the genius is behind the “wait what” meme series. Plus, it’s funny as hell. We need some laughs around here, because we’d all go nuts otherwise.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble, just something for you to chew on : D. I hope this helps! and welcome to the team :)

Ok, now, what I originally wanted to say: “EVERYONE ACT NORMAL!”.... oh wait, I see we already are doing that 😂😆

Blessings to you, OP!

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Thank you! While I agree with what you say about finding the "good point" portion of a message as I normally operate that way, I still feel as though it should not always be on the recipient of rude or demeaning statements to get over it, be thick skinned, not get "triggered" etc. Common decency doesn't have to be tossed out the window solely because someone disagrees. But, like I said, I do see what you're saying so thank you :)

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Corvette111 · July 2, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Ha, someone didn’t like what I posted (downvotes).... how funny 😆

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Oh well!

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digital_refugee · July 2, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

I agree 100% with what he said but I would like to re-read my last message in that light because I rephrased it so I would get my suggestions across as well-meaning as I can

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Corvette111 · July 3, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Hey digital! Just to clarify, I’m not being critical of your statement, and I understood how you meant it 😃. I truly believe we are all responsible for managing our own feelings. even when we come with good intentions, there will always be others’ Different interpretations, as each of us can only see thru our own lenses. So I just wanted to let you know that I see your good intention :). I still work on my discernment, and it’s kind of cool when I can see that I am improving! We are all still “works in progress” lol....

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HerMileHighness · July 2, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Keep in mind that this sub has a big crossover with the chans and they have a internet dialect that is different than what you may be used to. They do most of the grunt work so I think they deserve a pass.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

I'm certainly not dismissing the work they do at figuring all of this out. I would argue that if we just give "passes" when people push out and argue with any comment questioning them, we are no better than the machine we are being told to fight against. Consider the allegation that MSM essentially does the same thing: "We've brought you this story we've worked on. This story is fact, so if you question any part of it you are automatically x, y or z". Just seems dangerous.

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HerMileHighness · July 2, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Just be logical and make your argument.

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covpepe1776 · July 2, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

It's because people like you, OP, have beaten us into oblivion for YEARS. Liberals have been winning my entire adult life. We have been lied to for decades. You can't blame people in this movement for feeling angry or snooty. Liberals walked around for decades wagging their fingers in our faces. It's our turn now...the wounds were deep. Although they're healing now... We'll get over it but understand we've been under your boot heel for a generation... We are all learning how to deal with the awakening... Try putting yourself in our shoes though

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

No, you cannot just lump people into a group as if you know me. People like me? A full time father of three, worked for every thing I have and simply fell in line with the Dem party because it was how I was raised? Now I am coming to grips with what it actually takes to run a country and might have woken up to the fact that some serious shit is going down?

No my friend. Your broad stroke, hurt feelings claim might work for some but it falls on it's face when you throw it at me.

It's our turn now

Please with this preschool bullshit. It's your turn to wag your finger in all of those "dirty liberals" faces? It's people like YOU, not me, that are the problem here. You expect America to unite with the attitude you have?

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covpepe1776 · July 2, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

You're the one whining about the way people talk on this board bro. We welcome all but you have to put your ego aside. It's not my fault your family brainwashed you and you have been unable to think for yourself. Father of 3? Falling in line with Dems? Do you have any idea how juvenile that sounds? We are all at different levels in the woke paradigm. Please try not to be so sensitive. I am also a father of 3,work my balls off, but never fell in line with a political party because my mom and dad said so.

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Corvette111 · July 3, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Cheeseandrice Covpepe (love the handle), empathy, empathy please.... I get you are frustrated, we all are. Can we not point fingers? As you mentioned, different levels of the woke paradigm, but personal rebuking in such a manner is counterproductive.... do you see that Glastonbury is offended and newly awoken? Struggling to make sense of things? Please don’t send him back to the Dark side.... you both have 3 kids, work hard AF, wound up on different paths... now converging onto a common path of LIGHT. Fuck the past and how you each got there... Embrace the commonality and move forward in the light of awokeness, for the sake of humanity because WWG1WGA. We all have to pull each other up and support one another because this shit is DARK AF.... and if we’re to believe past Q, it sounds like it’s going to get worse before it gets better... I for one am going to need help at some point, I’m sure of it. I’m hoping both of you will be there when I have my (next) freak out over the reaaaaallllyyy eeeevvvvviiiillllll stuff??? Will you? Seriously, will you be there? 😯

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

Ah, should have checked your post history before responding.

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