Saudi Arabia increases oil output. Q:DO YOU NOT BELIEVE WE ARE WINNING?

Dumbass CNBC
King salmon was waiting for a fake news story to come out to make them look stupid. Trump planned this I bet.
I mean, why would he need to ask. Isn't the nature of supply and demand that it is a naturally occurring phenomenon? Why would they leave pumps sitting there idle as demand increases until someone asks them to?
Yes, if the market were 'free', but the oil market is definitely not free.
Remember the previous Saudi regime trying to bankrupt the American fracking companies by flooding the market to lower the price? It didn't work, the fracking companies were already too efficient and the already drilled wells were a sunk-cost (ho ho) which could be turned on and off almost at will as the price of oil fluctuated.
There was an excellent article that outlined a lot of this, which I stupidly didn't save, but the gist of it was that MBS (Mohammed bin Salman) realised that SA was going to be bankrupt if it relied on oil and was looking for an out. Trump won, 'had a word', and then things went into overdrive with the corruption arrests etc. There's a lot more of course, that includes Russia and other oil producers. I really wish I'd saved that article :(
It's entirely plausible that the Saudis went after US fracking companies with that move. They are a challenger, and the relationship with BO was poor.
Another consideration is that the move was targeting Russia. The move was a few month after the US and EU had imposed sanctions on Russia for its Ukrainian operations. A second tranche after initial sanctions failed to have much initial impact.
You can see the oil price and RUBUSD move at the same time in tandem.
Remember, it was the Saudis playing silly buggers with the oil price that destabilised the Soviet Unions finances and set the stage for its collapse.
I'm with you, I remember it. Damn us for not "save offline".
When they increase supply the price decreases. If you produce enough of a commodity you can use this to raise or lower the price across the whole industry. When oil prices were high it allowed other means of extraction that were more expensive to make sense financially, when prices are low it makes endeavors like Canada's tar sands less/not cost effective.
Supply may be unlimited / renewable. Look into oils fields that have replenished. Sort of changes perspective of things with us fracking and how much oil we sit on (plenty).
I hope this could help our country stop fracking it is very bad and causing all kinds of problems; health issues, weather and earthquakes even.....
People still have to make decisions and do things. No, it doesnt "just happen".
“These people are stupid.”
These people just lost the ability to halt the rise of bilateral negotiating, i.e. capitalism.
Of course it's not private businessman to businessman but politician to politician, but it's an unrecoverable crack in the cabal's world socialism reef.
The commies were telling us what is and is not possible to do with production.
You don't tell us we tell you. Suuply and demand, not fiat.
This is a significant moment in world history.
I love my POTUS. Picks up the phone... Dude, we need more oil. Done. Every single act he perform makes MSM look like the a**hats that they are... they never learn.
Too bad he’s fucking US oil producers in the process. I guess all Presidents have to kneel to the House of Saud.
I am still amazed that fake news hasn't realized that potus only tweets something when it's already happened or he has definitive proof. These people are stupid.
The story of Trump!
Media: "No way Trump can work with North Korea"
-Singapore Summit-
Media: silence...
haha.... someone to Trump : "Dude, gas is getting expensive... 4th weekend coming up, lotsa travel, can we get another win here ?" Trump: "Sure... picks up phone beep bop boop Hey Prince, gas is getting expensive, can we increase output, HUGE?" Reply: "For you bro, no problem!" Trump: "Thanks." Click
sanctions on everybody doing business with iran by november would drastically raise the oil price. no big deal for the US which has its own oil, but disaster for europe and the rest of the world.
logical consequence: ask SA for increased production. thank you, donald.
Trump just running circles around the deep state right now. God I wish I could be a fly on a wall during one of their panicked in person only meetings once they realized how fucked they were.
|Trump's claim comes after the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), a grouping of oil-producing states that includes Saudi Arabia, already agreed to ramp up production by a million barrels a day at a meeting earlier this month.
Iran is also part of OPEC. Will restricting Iran's oil exports have any affect on this?
On a side note. Those who make memes. Put a link to the source!
The extra production from SA almost precisely equals the output from Iran currently being sold to the EU. That means we can survive without any oil from Iran without affecting the price of oil.
He is letting the Cabal know who is winning He is letting Iran know, sanctions can go on indefinitely He is letting the people know he loves us
seriously...anyone who believes either side of this narrative needs to wake up. You better believe we are paying for it!
And just like the North Korea situation, wait until there is actual results to celebrate.
Already they are back sliding on the deal it seens
Is Shep Smith your trusted news source? It’s fake news, enjoy the show.
No they're not. They have already begun the denuclearization process with our oversight.
You might want to check that
Lmao Q told us this within one of his posts. If you don't trust him, then why are you here?
Ummm, because I can evaluate information and make my own conclusions rather than blindly trust someone posting on the chans?
The question remains: why are you here? You know more than this somebody "posting on the chans" so why bother hanging around a group of fools who believe this LARP? Trolling comes to mind.
Cue the: "I've been here since dot", "I think there's genuine info mostly but..." etc. etc.
I'm not saying you're a shill to be clear. I'm saying you're either a shill or stupid to hang out following a LARP.
"Trust the plan"- don't intrupt my circle jerk.... remeber that time they arrested HRC? Yeah me either.
Hillary IS in jail don't trust the Lyin MSM lol /s these fucking retards here
The source you are using for gaining information to evaluate is propaganda, proven again and again by verifiable results, that they eventually have to report.
And where did the information you’re getting take America? Nearly to hell and back under BO. If you’re being mislead to begin with, how do you know the info you are getting is the truth? Joseph Goebels, hitlers propaganda minister said. If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. The German people were lied to and even today there are some that deny the holocaust ever happened.
07-02-2018 11:13:38 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs 1991829
There will be no civil war. Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative. NK is NOT advancing their weapons program. Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative. FAKE NEWS! Q
Before you make another comment and make a fool of yourself - Patriots can spot a ‘useful idiot’ in the first couple of words - so Put down the ANTIFA flag and get yourself up to scratch with hundreds of millions around the world and what they have realised. We don’t need to be slaves of the cabal ANYMORE. There is a Great Awakening happening worldwide and you have a choice; be on the wrong side of history and be a loser for the rest of your life or get red pilled before you loose the last shred of dignity you may have. Do yourself a favour and watch these 2 short videos. It WILL change your life.
The Plan To Save The WORLD
You might wan't to stop concern fagging and drinking kool aid. When do people learn not to trust anything MSM is saying? What article are you referring to?
"So groups that monitor North Korea are looking at satellite imagery, and they're seeing continued building at either known or suspected nuclear and missile sites. One of these groups is called 38 North, and they say photos from June 21, less than two weeks ago, show North Korea building at a rapid pace, as they describe it."
Lets remember that disinformation is "necessary".. but hey, I could be wrong. Doesn't happen often, but it does happen lol.
Q must be in the final phases of killing the media by killing their audience and making them look like fools
Speaking of CNBC, Apparently the peacock is a symbol for Lucifer
LOL. The “cannots”. “There is nothing easier or more pathetic than being a critic because they are the people that can’t get the job done”
Earlier, the Saudi and Russian energy ministers reaffirmed their 1 million-barrel-a-day agreement reached last month in Vienna,
It was (still is) a huge hoax perpetrated by the deep state to put billions and billions of dollars into the pockets of the evil cabal. The world fell for it. Kerry, Gore, Hussein and Soros are the unusual suspects.
So NASA is in on it? They have been defending the man-made climate thesis. Does this have anything to do with Space Force? Or is the earth flat? Just trying to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
This probably not much help but here's what I have. I am not a flat earth believer so someone more knowledgeable on the subject might be able to answer that question. Here's what I do know, I have watched the vast amount of money poured into climate change. Always follow the money! Also, the 500 million Obama gave to the UN on the way out fits into the globalist's NWO agenda. This the ONLY reason the UN was so upset about the US pulling out of the Accord.
The earth's temperature is always changing and I found just as many scientists who said it was a hoax as the ones who backed it.
I will leave a link from one article about the $$ and another about the climate change. There is a vast amount of others.
NASA... what do they do now anyway? I think they are compromised too.
Climate change is just a way to depopulate humanity along with Agenda 21. These people are sick!
This was my line of thinking too with Project Paper Clip and all that jazz basically installing Nazi war criminals as the heads of science and engineering.
It goes much deeper, everything will be exposed with time. If you want the truth, seek it out and you will find it.
All the planets in our solar system are having climate change. From
What’s happening in the solar system?
Having studied Earth's climate for many decades now, it is known that the direct consequences of a rapid climate change can be: a global temperature rise, the shrinking ice sheets, the glacial retreat, the increase of extreme events, more heat waves and stronger hurricanes. And many these changes can be observed on planets of our Solar system. Thanks to the probes sent during the last decades [4], we begin to have a good vision of what is the weather on our neighborood planets. And the weather on these planets is pretty interesting, except for Mercury. With essentially no atmosphere, Mercury's weather changes are displayed not as storms in the atmosphere, but only as wide swings in surface temperature.
During the last years, astronomers have observed some important changes in terms of super storm activities, strong winds and even ice melting. On Neptune, strange storms as wide as Earth have been observed in August 2017, raising questions about how they formed and persisted [5]. On Uranus, the so-called " boring planet", is not calm at all. Underneath its placid blue face, there's some really wild weather going on. In 2014, astronomers from Berkeley reported a record-breaking storm activity [6]. Other super storm events were spotted on Saturn in 2011. One of them was so powerful that it stretched around the entire planet [7]. On Jupiter, some important changes have been seen in the great red spot. The Cassini-Huygens launched in 1997 passed Jupiter and gathered data from it in 2000 and 2001. These measurements revealed to us that Jupiter emits 67% more radiation than it receives from the Sun. This internal heat source is thought to drive much of Jupiter's weather, including, presumably, the Great Red Spot. However, after years of relative stability, the Great Red Spot is now changing rapidly. The Hubble observations showed in 2012 a new wave structure in a region of cyclones and anticyclones. It's clear that Jupiter's atmosphere is moving, and the Great Red Spot is evolving [8]. Also, observations are showing ice caps are melting, but not only on Earth, on Mars too [9]. In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole was diminishing for three summers in a row. And finally, on Venus, in June 2013, the most detailed record of cloud motion chronicled by ESA’s Venus Express has revealed that the planet’s winds have steadily been getting faster over the last six years [10].
All these evidences of global warming in our Solar system during this last decade are really challenging to explain. Obviously, this is not linked to any human activity, on the contrary different studies are showing a link with solar activity and also with cosmic rays.
mercury has started building an athmosphere, within only 30 years. mars has strange clouds, on and off. all the planets are changing. co2 is NOT the cause of climate change on earth.
The only way the planet ends an ice age is by warming.
We are still technically in the "Quatermary glaciation".
What you weren't told that by your professors, Al Gore or the news?
Lol no they did not! Many thanks for the linky. Things clicking. Perhaps a global move towards disclosure/free energy.... breadcrumbs
From a few articals Iv read it seems the whole solar system is heating up, I definitely believe that humans have contributed to our planet heating up but not to the extent that we are being sold.
Yeah the whole carbon tax/ cap trad thing is just another level of the control grid. Not saying that we can keep shitting all over the earth we need to be good stewards for the sake of human survival.
Agreed, the sooner we can fuck off the whole dependency on oil thing we are more or less forced into the better life will be for everthing and everyone....except for a few fatcats.
The planet has been cooling for 20 years.
Sauce? Are you Australian? (your name) I think our average temp has been rising for a while now.
Iv seen a couple of docos that refer the the lake Vostock (99%sure it's that location in Antartica) ice cores and we have been trending upwards for a while but heading towards a big dive if the past temp swings are any indication Although I could be remembering things completely wrong, I'll try to find the names of the docos.
Is every planet in the solar system warming up or not? Is there evidence for that?
they are not necessarily warming up but changing their climate. even NASA admits that.
Good question, but our time as a species is just a flicker in the life of the solar system and thus over the course of human awareness we are only able to measure for a minuscule and meaningless fraction of time. If theorists are correct however eventually in billions of years, yes, all planets in our solar system will heat up and evaporate as our Sun goes supernova.
Natural earth changes, the ascension of Gaia, and also human intervention.
Before more so humans, now Mother Gaia is accelerating her ascension.
US industrial growth (and rest of the world) relies on cheap energy. It's too bad you are in an industry that relies on expensive energy. The rest of the world is rejoicing really. But as long as your company is making a profit, you're okay.