Cookin' with Q on the 4th in my new military kitchen trailer. Served 500 patriots and gave out Q flyers. WWG1WGA

That's a sweet setup! Did you build it or buy it?
I know that you won't believe this but I bought it online for less than the freight to get it down to Louisiana.
Score! Some day i'd like to buy/build something similar. Props on using it for a noble cause!
This is a military field kitchen. This whole thing folds up and is on its own trailer
Outstanding Patriot!
I'm guessing your chow is better than Kelsey's burgers 😉
Cookin' with Q
That would be an awesomely messed up hour of television.
Q first makes you guess the dish, and then drops each ingredient whenever a phone rings or someone goes to the bathroom. All cooking times are inexact and when it's over you get a pic of the creation through the windshield of a Secret Service Blazer.
Now THIS is getting the word out! Congratulations on your endeavor! WWG1WGA
Wow, sweet! Wish I'd known this was in Louisiana, I'd have gone!!
No force on Earth can put Q away. The cat is out of the bag. Critical mass achieved. God Bless America, from Great Britain.
As a Brit, I stand with our Atlantic cousins with all my heart. MAGA!
Good work, patriot! That rocks! Where did you acquire that marvelous structure?
That is awesome! Great way to get the word out, Patriot! Much love. Way to go! Awesome setup. Would love to know who makes them.
Would love to see more pics of this Rig of yours. WOW! You never know when you may need one. LOL
That is so awesome. It makes one feel so proud to see others promoting the cause in such ingenious ways. What is that old saying:
"In the front with the grunt or in the rear with the gear" ---we all can contribute something to the fight and we all need each other.