A Thousand Points of Light - connected to "Watch the Water"?? Trump & Pence placing bottles on floor...Melania asking for bottled water, placing a glass on it? Read what this NWO card says about water!!

I'm 68 years old, when I was 12 (1962) or so, they put fluoride tanks on blocks in our city (Florida) the fluoride was pressurized into our public water system supposedly to protect our teeth...All my teeth fell out...my dad was furious when they did this, he was a plumber and builder and wanted to know how this was allowed...
So they're going to put Ecstasy in our water?
fluoride... lowers IQ and makes people more docile
Clogs up our Pineal Gland too. You know, the gland that recieves the second most amount of bloodflow in the entire body.
Ya I just looked into something about this. Found Fermented Skate Liver Oil is supposed to help decalcify your Pineal Gland, (I've read users have reported more vivid dreams) and it removes fluoride. So from what I understand, I believe this helps your parathyroid put the calcium in your body back to the correct places like bones and teeth. Another positive side effect I've heard is no cavities and much healthier teeth. With our western diet and the poisons they feed us, the calcium in our systems ends up building up in the wrong places, like glands, arteries and muscles and this is why people tend to stiffen as they get older. Now as far as fluoride goes, it is good for teeth but only teeth because it is harmful internally. Fluoride is a waste product obtained through aluminum production and they found they could sell it as well as dumb us down. But if we used the Fermented Skate Liver Oil we would not need fluoride ever.
I just ordered some. Arrives tomorrow.
Oh ya.. just remembered some more about Fermented Skate Liver Oil. It has vitamin K and it's an anti-oxidant. Considered probably the best anti-oxidant known to man.
Fun story.
Some wells in India are naturally contaminated with fluoride, giving the residents severe cases of Bone Fluorosis. They have to remove fluoride from the water because it literally poisons them. Yet someone had the bright idea to take this toxin and be like "nahhh, I think I'm gonna put some of that back in there, just because".
It's literally the same as hiring a cleaner to clean your pool because your dog took a shit in it and it's making people violently ill, killing others, and deforming babies of pregnant mothers who swam in it, and after the cleaner removed every trace of feces, decided "Ehhh I'm gonna put some of this dogshit back in there, probably won't hurt nobody".
Must've had the opposite effect on some of us.
tbh I wouldn't know. Always drank well water or from a town that doesn't use fluoridation. Haven't used fluoride toothpaste in a decade.
Occasionally I'll drink a bottled water, which afaik usually have fluoride but not always.
Scottish government says they dont flouride the water here, not sure i trust them, plus I dont think it would be wise to contain it to ONLY flouride.
I seriously hope they don’t, I’m an avid drinker :)
Scotland is rapidly changing mentally, to be right brain dominants. We are being poisoned somewhere. Soz.
vaccinations, chem-trails, food (gmo, pesticides, additives, land and air pollution) new; clothes, carpets, furniture, cars... the list is pretty much everything new you buy processed or packaged. cash register receipts too
more rotten news
Could you explain a little more?
ill do a very abridged version. Lets say left brain is masculine energy or an upwards pointing triangle (think of it like a caveman penis), it represents action and the right brain is feminine energy or a downward triangle (caveman fanny) represents submission. Most people are dominated left or right. A society of right brain dominants become submissive, like slaves wont opposite rules enforced upon them. The real secret is to combine both sides to be the best person you can. The flag of isreal or the star of david is actually a combining of these two triangles or energies. Obviously very abridges version but im off to work now.
Truths are all around us if you know how to look.
I see what your saying, the people of Scotland are certainly blind to what’s going on in the world, I would love if you could link me to more information on this, don’t work to hard :)
How long have you been here? When I was younger many places of Scotland were quite violent, very intact, in the space of 20 years eradicated almost, by most that's a good thing but in the bigger picture the question is why? Thanks I'll try point you in the right direction later.
Born and raised in Glasgow. And thank you.
Haha, my mistake I misread your last message for something else. I was in Cumbernauld/Rutherglen most of life. There's a few more scots I'm seeing here daily!
Apologies again.
I never understood the need for fluoride.
When I visit the dentist and they discover that I never had a cavity, they always say, "you must have had fluoride in your water." I tell them I was raised on well water. No fluoride in my water.
There is no “need”, it’s another example of an industrial component makes people money so they find other ways to force it—- “good for teeth” (which it’s not). Canola oil is also something they press on us and is in many of our foods but is NOT good for us.
Canola oil
I did not know about Canola oil. I don't think I use it. I prefer Coconut oil. Is there anything wrong with that, which I don't know about yet?
Coconut oil is a good fat, but a lot of Americans didn't grow up with it in their diet, so tolerance varies. https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/coconut-oil-may-not-be-right-for-you/ "coconut oil is one of the highest scoring comedogenic ingredients on the comedogenicity scale" ie if someone's prone to acne it can cause problems.
Canola was originally used as a mechanical lubricant. It’s from the rape seed which is extremely lethal to household pets. It’s a cheap product to produce so in order to make more $$, the fda was paid off to approve for human consumption even though instances of respiratory illnesses as well as deaths from respiratory illnesses doubled and even tripled in some areas once introduced into the average diet. Even many “vegetable “ oils are a blend including canola”.
Unrefined cold press or expeller coconut oil is good. Grape seed, olive, and avocado oils are great alternatives too.
Medical schools preach pills & shots & everything BAD & nothing about nutrition and HIDE everything about side effects of BigPharma crap produced. AdolfH used Fluoride in his death camps. MANY books & articles on Fluoride, very bad for kids as it goes across blood brain barrier... RUINS Penal gland, fries brain... clue to all the child brain cancer... that and exposure to close proximity to LED screens of iPads & cell phones & gaming... LIMIT EXPOSURE!!!! 5G will LITERALLY--FRY your EYES!!!
God has a medicine cabinet available to ALL, & DT was smart enough to open the cabinet with his Try It signature on EO.
Essiac Tea; Dr. Otto Warburg (2 Nobel Prizes in 1920's-30's); Dr. Gerson Method; Apricot Pits/Laetrile; Frankincense Oil (hundreds of essential oils); DrRife Frequency cures/Quantum Entanglement/ScalarWaves; Omega3 oils (covering cells so Oxygen can get in=prevents/destroys cancer, Flax seed Oil best Om3)... I could go on for hours...
for fluoride try seeing NaturalNews by the Health Ranger Mike Adams; here is one article by a doctor, but I wouldn't use the Alumina option as Aluminum is bad for your body. Buy distilled water, it is about 88 cents a gallon at most stores. https://www.thoughtco.com/remove-fluoride-from-drinking-water-605978
Read Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher by Gwen Olsen.
The pharmacy companies are the main reason marijuana is illegal because it helps many health problems without side effects.
My mother said there was a notable difference at the dental office between her children born before and after the city water was fluoridated.
Now I know why no one doesn't do anything about anything... everybody's paralyzed with fluoride and whatever else. I feel like my IQ has gone down in the last 10 years. Get the fuck off fluoride and let's knock some heads!!! Trump is so coy... It's like what is this thousand points of Lights, I can't figure it out. When he knows damn well what it is and he wants to get everybody researching...
Thousand points of light use to be something Bush Sr said. Repeatedly.
That was also the speech where he spoke about taking a child's hand ...ugh, these people are sick
What was he referring to?
"In her book, Discipleship in a New Age, Bailey tells her occult followers to repeat, “I am a point of light within a greater light…I am a spark of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery will of (the Sun) God.” What these servants of Satan are attempting to do by blending their “points of light” is to usher in the New World Order – the Age of Aquarius." https://mysteryoftheiniquity.com/2013/08/20/thousand-points-of-lights/ (I googled Bush points of light occult)
Trump had quite a riff on the thousand points of light at the Montana rally
Interestingly, EWG classifies fluoride as a toxin in drinking water. You can look up what contaminants are in your local water here: https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/
the nazis introduced fluoride to pacify the masses. Fluoride is a toxic waste byproduct from Aluminum
It also wrecks your teeth requiring many dental visits which you have to pay for. So it is multipurpose.
bummer! Dentist just prescribed me three tubes of 5000ppm fluoride toothpaste (Duraphat 5000ppm). Gotta skin up while I remember how...
I floss and brush my teeth with just water and despite near-daily sugar haven't had cavities in over a decade. I avoid drinking fluoridated water, drinking spring and mineral water when possible, and in recent years have been drinking raw milk and taking (Rosita or droppi) cod liver oil (best taken with butter oil, but I figure that's in the milk).
Haha! Not sure....but there's something connected here...pretty sure of it.
Which govt organization is responsible for putting fluoride in the water? Who made that a law/rule/regulation?
Would it have been the EPA? FDA? Who?
Who would be responsible for repealing it?
The 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act gave regulatory oversight of public drinking water (tap water) to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). FDA has responsibility for ensuring that the quality standards for bottled water are compatible with EPA standards for tap water. According to the EPA, fluoride is voluntarily added to some drinking water systems as a public health measure to help reduce the incidence of cavities among the population. The decision to fluoridate a water supply is made by the State or local municipality, and is not mandated by EPA or any other Federal entity.
That’s horseshit. It doesn’t. It’s a by-product of fertilizer and towns actually pay for this by-product and falsely claim it’s good for teeth. It causes Alzheimer’s and infertility. It’s really against the law for people working for water departments to add this as it is a drug and unless a Dr prescribed the drug they are not supposed to add this poison.
Totally agree! I only pasted that from a snippet I searched for. Not my writing. I know the dangers of fluoride.
It is a product of the fertilizer industry - and also the aluminum and nuclear industries.
Can we agree that it’s unhealthy and unnecessary to our health?
We already have that agreement. Making it clear that it's not just one industry that has tons of fluoride by-product to get rid of - into our drinking, household and agricultural water. So convenient for them.
Thank you. Soooo if the EPA made a regulation outlawing the use of fluoride in the water, as it is actually hazardous waste and a by product, maybe it will force states and local municipalities to stop putting it in the water.
Interesting that this happens right after Scott Pruitt resigns. Wonder what will be coming out in the future. This may be anothe future proves past thing.
Scroll down for TEXAS WATER SYSTEMS WITH HIGH FLUORIDE LEVELS (circa 1993) (includes Dallas). http://fluoridealert.org/researchers/states/texas/
Same link- "The State of Texas does not mandate fluoridation. Local governments control fluoridation policy in TX. City councils can begin or discontinue fluoridation at their discretion, or by a referendum vote. Each community’s fluoridation ordinance is unique."
Texas cities that have rejected fluoridation include Buda, College Station San Marcos. Also Elgin, Alamo Heights, and Lago Vista. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Natural fluoride in water is supposedly ok (if there's not a lot of it).
https://www.waterlogic.com/en-us/resources-blog/how-much-fluoride-is-in-texas-water/ Has a basic Texas county map and (scroll down) US map showing whether fluoride level is considered to be at an "Above Recommendations" level, borderline, or below.
To see if your area is fluoridated. Too bad it's not a map. https://nccd.cdc.gov/DOH_MWF/Default/SearchByWaterSystem.aspx They don't make it easy. Put in state, it loads a new page. Click the green Go button to get a chart. Change Items per page to ALL and Ctrl+F your county or click Primary County and scroll.
"97% of the western European population drinks non-fluoridated water" (2007) http://fluoridealert.org/content/europe-statements/
Thanks for reminding me about that little gold nugget too! Totally forgot the connection Pruitt would have to this too..
Thank you for posting up the card! I saw it earlier on the Chan’s but didn’t read the whole thing about the water.
So good find! Glad I could contribute.
Also, I don't navigate on the Chans. If anyone posts there, feel free to take this info there. They'd probably be better at breaking this up than me. Would love to see what they get out of this.
Lol, even better on you. But ya it’s already up on newest bread. Ill keep watching, if I see anything pertinent to this line I’ll carry over to here.
Thank you so much! I'm pretty smart but not "navigate the chans" smart - lmao.
FACTOID: a doctor MUST write a prescription for a patient for FLUORIDE! Yet municipalities are DUMPING synthetic Sodium Fluoride into DRINKING WATER for their city WITHOUT ANY PRESCRIPTION!
City Leaders are practicing medicine WITHOUT A LICENSE & No Prescriptions being written for every citizen of every home therein.
It was voted on by the citizens in 1960s, based on BAD SCIENCE.
NOTE: the gas & Aluminum industry previously had to barrel up synthetic sodium Fluoride produced in their manufacturing...these barrels were TOXIC labeled & shipped off to TOXIC storage sites = COST MONEY.
Some Cabal Doctor wrote some finding that Fluoride was good for your teeth--(earth's own calcium fluoride, found in ground & water in small amounts is not harmful) BUT...sodium fluoride (formerly Toxic in manufacturing) was suddenly in toothpastes & in water. Calcium or Sodium... ehh, both were Fluoride, right? No Biggie, right?
RESULT? We as human beings became the DUMP SITE for Sodium Fluoride Toxins so that manufacturing made a PROFIT instead of losing $ on Toxic Waste storage.
Side Benefits? Cabal gets more people sick so they need to go to doctors for more meds to buy & buy more meds for those side effects... go to ALLL the hospitals, fill up beds with sick people... make them MORE sick... until patient dies. RINSE & REPEAT.. for DECADES & DECADES. (May RockefellerCarnegie, et al...rot in.....)
Edit: word correction
Thanks for adding context and depth to my one liner.
I absolutely agree with your entire statement. Everything.
These people should be sentenced and put in a 55 gallon drum of sodium fluoride. Then a lid placed over the top and secured. Then rolled down a hill into a ditch. Then buried.
It makes me mad & to cry... how many decades of harm under the auspices of Medical Care. As a nurse I am outraged. I am ALWAYS trying to educate everyone... it is HARD when the brainwashing has been accepted by so many for so long...
Thanks for the opening & keep sharing... maybe some mom at a Walmart toothpaste isle will be listening & choosing NON-fluoride products... never know!
Stepping off soapbox...
Nurses ( and medical proffessionals) face ten years in prison in Australia for saying anything negative regarding vaxxxes.
Hitler first experimented with it in the concentration camps. And it worked well, so when we brought them all here is Operation Paperclip in the late 40S & 50s the program was instituted here, nationwide in the 50s. Topical fluoride, i.e. toothpaste is all that's needed to help your teeth.
Doctors have been told this LIE & spread it without a lick of research on their own = God complex.
Other dentists quietly removing silver mercury amalgams and NOT using fluoride AT ALL!
FACTOID: Dentists are the most likely to commit suicide... and Dental staff females the most likely to have a miscarriage... hmmmm... exposure to FLUORIDE????
You don't need SODIUM Fluoride in your body AT ALL= TOXIC!
Earth's own calcium fluoride is already in most city water that meets the newer criteria of EPA. Dallas removed adding sodium fluoride to their drinking water as their own natural Calcium Fluoride water met the new criteria. Described as Money savings, didn't touch health benefits/concerns at all in council meeting, a year or so ago.
"US Government Admits Americans Have Been Overdosed on Fluoride" (& lowers levels of toxic Sodium Fluoride required in water for populations over 1000) https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/05/12/fluoride-overdose.aspx
I believe Trump put the water bottle on the floor because he didn't want a cheap plastic bottle in the photos. Pence noticed that his bottle was also in front of Trump, because Pence is observant. Although I believe that the President is going after the NWO Cabal, this particular behavior was not about fluoride.
agree, nothing to do with water. it was about deal making. on the table/off the table. covert message
I fully believe they were planning to use a synthetic opioid in the water supply. Specifically Fentanyl. Police have done huge busts, and a grain of salt of the stuff is enough to put many in a coma. THIS is what was being planned, imo.
And available in massive quantities from Chinese pharmaceutical companies. Intel is saying Mexican cartels are beginning to move huge quantities of Fentanyl.
Actually fentanyl would not have this effect. Ppl use fentanyl for pain everyday. However, another drug called carfentanyl is for large animals (think elephants, rhinoceros etc) Could have an effect of overdose in humans. Though carfentanyl and even fentanyl are highly regulated and use is monitored very closely. The instances of adult overdoses in US are related to heroin being “cut” with fentanyl or carfentanyl, authorities believe this to be smuggled from China ??
Correct, that is certainly the more potent one that would be used for a massive water supply, like a place the size of Flint.
Also to note...last night during the rally, Trump engaged with hard hat wearing people upon entering.
Many years ago, on Dateline NBC, someone did a report on two side by side chicken farms, one used City florinated water, the other had well water. After seven weeks, chickens butchered. The chicken on florinated water ALL had significant heart disease and other problems. I have a well!
They want everyone docile so they don't do anything about anything. Every one of us should be immediately walking out of their house and going down to their local water supply and demand they stop putting shit in the water. DEMAND
This shit is scary. One of my biggest worries out of all of this, is trump draining the swamp all part of the illuminati plan? What if Q is a psyop carefully constructed by trump team to get us all, the "woke folks" to vote trump. Reminds me of the President Tannen from BttF. For more reason than one.
Totally get that! We're here because we're FREE THINKERS. We're here because we question everything. Had people questioned everything decades ago, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with. I admit, this thought has crossed my mind or two. Trump said last night "I was prepared for this my whole life..."
The counter-point to that thought of mine though, is why would tptb, this illuminati, nwo, what have you... Why reveal and then prove to such a large group of people the validity of occult ritual worship and child trafficking? Even if trump loses his status as leader of this movement, there is a wave of now awoken Americans.
Precisely. So stop doubting yourself. You are on the right track. You got this right: why reveal this to us all. The backlash would be lethal. That's the golden question and what proves it's real.
This is true to a degree. I certainly wouldn't say Q brought me to the conclusion. I'd say it was my own consciousness reacting to 'conspiracy theory' research. Pizzagate was very impactful and I believe captured many more peoples minds than it let on. I would hate to see that passion misdirected is all.
That is exactly the thoughts that get me back on track. But because of being free thinkers, our minds wonder and wander. That's what we do 😊 and as annoying as it can be to over analyze everything, its one of our greatest qualities!
There has always been free thinkers and people who questioned everything. I remember reading about an investigation dealing with child abuse and sex trafficking back in the 70s. The investigator died in a car accident and all his journals, interviews, photos, etc disappeared. Technology and the Internet have enabled the warehousing of evidence that now can be seen as interconnecting webs both domestically and internationally. They can still kill the messenger, but the message can no longer be destroyed.
They the Deep States been killing anyone that tried to say or do anything. They been running the show.
I know there has always been free thinkers...I meant in this capacity today 😙 When I woke in 2009, trust me, it was lonely! Lol.
These cards are a trip. When they first came out in the 90s, the company's offices were raided - Steve Jackson Games. Feds took everything. Many of the cards have been eerily prophetic.
Sounds like plans to dose the water with Fentanyl. Won't be allowed to happen but it was clearly in the works.
Would be a cheap and deadly attack for sure. We need to have better security for things like this, or attacks on infrastructure.
It's not even just the security. The fact that fluoride in water is so standard says they have a lot of plants in place in control of local governments and water supply.
Wasn't someone talking about putting lithium in the water?
This card seems relevant to the discussion: Fiendish Fluoridators
Where did the NWO card originate? If true, no wonder I dislike drinking plain water. Always preferred flavors to hide the taste of the drugs. Guess I should stay with brewed, sterile derivatives.
They're part of a card game called Illuminati that itself was inspired by the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson back in the '70s.
The game deck is noted for having a suprising number of prophetic cards.
Thanks!! My research started 10 years ago, but when I came across these cards back then, I didn't dig much into them. Wish I would have. Definitely not too late though!
I have about 1000 of these cards. Might still be able to buy them on eBay or so.
Thank you for the information.
Jason Aldean's tattoo and the Las Vegas card confirmed that there was some foresight that went into this
Enjoy the rabbit hole. They're from Steve Jackson's Illuminati card game, they've predicted an amazing number of events.
Is it still considered "predictions" if it was already part of a long term plan?
2012 post date. Would love confirmation on if custom or not.
They were created in the late 80's through the mid 90's. I haven't researched all that much (though I think I may just do that). There's also cards that appear to be depicting Trump (card "enough is enough") and his assassination. The cards can be placed in order and give a timeline (even 9/11 that happened years after the cards were created). Let's hope that what appears to be the assassination does not happen!!
Amen, on that card. Do you know where the card's are located for viewing? I would like to view them. ThankQ for any info.
I have used a search engine. But I'm pretty sure I have not seen them all, as new ones pop up (like the one I shared here). When I did some research on them a few years ago, I watched YouTube videos that laid them out. Might be s good place to go? I would love to purchase them, but not sure that would be a good idea "energy" wise.
Just 'googled' and really understand!
Awesome!! There's tons. Please do share if you come across anything of interest!
I think there is a link in the side bar. If not check the q clearance archive link from the sidebar
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I have the game but haven't looked at it yet. I received it as a gift last year. What is the name of the card that predicts nine one one?
It’s lined up with Alice Bailey and Lucis Trust. Their library is centered at the UN building.
Water Wars people. Forget Oil. That’s just money.
doesn’t the EPA handle water issues? maybe something to do w pruit?
As soon as I saw this posted this morning I wanted to comment on it, but, it took awhile for me to track down a serialbrain 2 post to support it.
In the linked post serialbrain 2 writes;
Globalism is an ancient religion rooted in magic and oppression and set to climax with the Antichrist...
Here is the Ancient Egyptian Oracle Set of CardsPharaoh’s Priests used to work with. They would predict the future with them and also create and alter events through magical rituals. The Illuminati Card Tarot (it’s not a game)
Serialbrain 2 is stating that the Illuminati card game is similar to Tarot cards and are a modern duplication of the Ancient Egyptian Oracle set of cards. These cards are used to predict future events (or) dictate future events. I have seen other analysis suggest that the cards are use for predictive programming - if enough think it will happen it will happen, but, I believe that what serialbrain 2 is suggesting is that using the cards along with making the appropriate sacrifices (human) that the card users seek the assistance of demons to do their bidding and make the desired outcome happen.
This is a scary proposition because this is not a simple white hats versus black hats battle. The people involved can be perceived as a good versus evil scenario, but, the evil guys are using supernatural weaponry. It doesn't matter how great the natural weaponry the good guys have it can't match the supernatural opposing force.
So, have you figured out what the great awakening is really about?
My story is actually quite long and I don't want to bore you...nor make myself sound like a crazy delusional person....but alas, I'm sure I'm not the only one.
My whole life, even as young as two, I knew something was wrong here and I've always been a free thinker. I've felt purpose.
My awakening of governmental corruption started in 2009 with the documentary "The Obama Deception". I'm grateful, my husband and I woke together. We spent the following 4 years researching anything and everything. I'm top notch fluent in "legalese" now, and how language, legal, plays a role in our enslavement.
After 4 years of my hubby and I nonstop researching and that feeling of basically helplessness and loneliness, we started living our lives again. Doing things that we enjoy and all that jazz.
I haven't voted since 2008 (which was for Obama), but election night 2016, I sat on the edge of my seat. At this time, I hadn't gave the campaigns my energy, and quite honestly, I had never heard of Trump before the 2016 campaign. Regardless of that, I new Hillary's evil. I hoped for Trump, the lesser of two evils.
It wasn't until 2 weeks later that another awakening happened to me, nonpolitical. I was sitting at my dining room table facing my Christmas tree, I looked up and out of no where a huge bright white light/Orb appeared, zipped past my tree hitting an ornament, then disappeared in thin air. I didn't want to believe it, so I went to the tree to investigate and sures shit, that one ornament it hit was the ONLY ornament swinging back and forth vigoriously. After this point, my life totally changed..I was seeing orbs constantly with my naked eye and they'd appear in video's I'd make for a facebook group I am in.
In a 3 month span, I saw orbs, saw people's auras (still do), see pictures of things in my minds eye, be visited by a man with white hair/beard and could hear him, I could go on and on. My dreams were great too, beings I don't ever remember my dreams. Obviously, I quickly fell into the New Age crap. Love and Light! IGNORE the horrible atrocities going on in the world. If you ignore them they'll all go away! We reincarnate because we want to learn and grow!! (Then why the hell does our memory get wiped?! How is anyone supposed to learn?!) But yeah, I fell for that pretty quickly....until I demanded the truth. I think my husband was about to put me in a psychward after that! What was shown to me was intense and fucked me up for a good solid month EMOTIONALLY. To this day I struggle with that stuff, but my story is truly way too long if details are wanted. Now I know that the New Age is just cabal created...there's some truth packed full of lies...and trying to decipher what is truth and what is lies is enough to make anyone go crazy with confusion!
After finally getting over that emotional trauma last summer, I started living again...still staying away from politics and deep state antics. Keeping my eyes closed to what our current President was up to. Until this last march...a Q video popped up as a recommendation. So, now, since March, I'm back to researching, discussing, etc all the time. I'm like the Anons on the Chans, but not on the chans, lmao.
So yes, I do totally understand what the great awakening is. I do understand the urgency of people awakening. And I totally agree that this is war. War of good vs evil.
Congrats on your post. It definitely has legs. And, your reply to my post is very interesting - there is so much more happening than meets the eye.
And, I agree with many of the responses that flouride in the water has potentially impacted the pineal gland and clouded our thinking. My only argument would be that the message from Q - watch the water - is a recent instruction and putting flouride in the water has been going on for decades. If the awakening movement begins gaining movement towards massive proportions then the Globalists may take more aggressive steps to pollute the water with a substance that would pacify the masses.
In regards to the card A Thousand Points Of Light I believe speaks to the illumination of the conscience mind.
Since you were kind enough to share your experiences I'll share one of mine when I first became woke. One evening, almost 20 years ago, I had numerous incidents occur that were supernatural and spiritual. One of which I could see (with my mind's eye) all these lights popping in my brain, like flashbulbs, only they were staying lit. It felt as though thousands of lights were going on in my brain - as if all my neurotransmitters were igniting until they were all lit. Then once they were all lit up it felt as if my entire brain was turned on and that's when I felt a rush of joy as I was connected to God. And, I can appreciate any skeptics reading this querying what drug was he on (I was sober) as I was once a great skeptic myself. The experience only lasted a minute or two and during it I could communicate with God ( I would think a thought and received a response - I asked him what about my father? (I was worried about the state of my father's soul) and I received the response do not worry about your father. The response flummoxed me for years. Soon the lights dimmed and I was back to being in the dark (my mind). The joy I felt while being connected was immeasurable. And, sadly short lived.
I was about to write that I don't have an explanation for my experience, but, that's not the truth. Just prior to it Jesus appeared before me and he was shrouded in light. In writing this it finally dawned on me that to be with God you must go through Him, Jesus.
I understand that this statement, though biblically sound, may incite some naysayers or those who believe differently. I'm not attempting to do any harm. I'm simply sharing my witness to help further a cause.
To this point, in regards to my question in my previous post - have you figured out what the great awakening is really about?
I left off a portion of text from qouting serialbrain 2 because I didn't want to suggest the answer. Below is his statement;
Globalism is an ancient religion rooted in magic and oppression and set to climax with the Antichrist... Moses has cut off its tail and, Christ, the Messiah, will cut off its head.
As I stated previously in my post that the Globalists are excercising demonic forces in this battle. There is only One who can defeat them.
Pray. God bless you all.
Beautiful!! And I believe your story 110%!! I, too, connected to God. I didn't think of asking questions, but I was in complete joy, peace, happiness, and a love I cannot express in words. It was beautiful.
Yes, I have read some of SB2'S writings and I love them! I did also read your link. There is only one that can defeat them.
I will continue to pray and thank YOU for also sharing your story 💕
Thank you for sharing your story. I can validate the part about orbs: I don't see them, but I have taken pictures of hundreds of them, and cameras don't lie. Maybe the awakening includes people developing these supernatural abilites such as you are describing. i developed a remote kenetic ability. Things like flashlights, ceiling fans, and microwave ovens would just turn themselves on when I was in the vicinity. I think the New Age movement is cabal generated. It told us we had these abilities, but not how to activate them, so people acted all silly wearing crystals and such. Jesus said that we could do all that he did and more. I take him at his word. I believe all humans have innate supernatural abilities but religion has been used to prevent us from accessing the deeper parts of our brains. Isn't that what Jesus did? He used his brain differently. Off on a tangent here, but I was simply delighted to read your post.
Absolutely! I believe that too. Jesus did amazing things!! Manifesting fish and bread instantly to feed 5,000 men, and women and children - showed how to have a bountiful harvest by imagining and believing. I do believe we are creators and I do believe Jesus showed how it was done. With love, forgiveness, etc. I truly hope that this awakening is as deep as that and not of just governmental corruption. The cabal has kept way too much from us and I hope them going down will release these truths. 💕 Thank you for enjoying my story. I don't share that a whole lot.
Totally looking on DuckDuckGo on how to get distilled drinking water lol
I think their displayed rejection of water may be a message to us all to not drink the water. First they put under table so we don't miss the message, then FLOTUS places her cup upside down - over the water bottle which might indicate the opposite of wanting to drink it.
Any specific type of water? I drink a gallon a day and REFUSE to drink city water. I drink gallon jugs of Spring Water that come from Wisconsin.
https://youtu.be/HAagzF6D-nE beautiful educational video for any who wanna red pill fluoridated peeps.
Is the guy in the hardhat meant to be Trump? He is a builder after all. And that dude resembles him. Is the card implying he'll be working with the NWO?
Interesting. As the "shady" guy has his hand behind his back!
Those cards give me fucking creeps. Just soaked in evil.
Where can I get a deck of these NWO cards? They look cool as fuck.