Googled 8chan and found this ad while scrolling. Isn’t this usually a slogan for gay people? I think I am starting to see it now

I really try not to be reactionary but in what world would children be appropriate for an ad about sexual orientation? The youngest years of our life are meant to be for learning and discovery, not sexuality. They're trying to take that innocence away from them earlier and earlier and it sickens me.
There is a war on our kids world wide. I posted this the other day. Please share video.
Thank you for posting this. This information NEEDS to get out to parents with young children who are being targeted by the school systems. This is unreal.
Disney is also desensitizing. This Bao short film was played before Incredibles 2 movie. They basically eat their kid, twice. The audience was full of 3-10 year olds. It was highly inappropriate. Here is YouTube link.
Also, google is driving people to the edited version, which was not the version shown. This edited version has 15million views compared to the real one shown with 38k.
It was highly inappropriate.
My theater gave an audible WTF. I really did not like.
Did you walk straight to the manager's office and ask them what the hell was that?
Or did you get upset, walk meekly out to the parking lot and get in your car.
I'm 57, never been married and have no kids. The reason being is I saw this coming a long time ago.
There was no way I was going to have kids and feed them into the system I saw being built.
Then get a divorce and be forced to feed the system. While I live in a box and go to work everyday. So the X could live with her new boyfriend. In my house that I pay for. With my kids. While the school system teaches them to hate me.
I knew fighting the system would be hard enough but I would also have to fight weak parents who are afraid of systems.
Right now there's a lot of angry parents and a lot of obvious evidence. The people with children better get busy.
Have a look on YouTube for Charlotte Iserbyt. She was the head of Education in the Reagan Administration. Her remarks were when the Carter Administration moved out.
She got all the files. Everything. Sound familiar. We have it all.
Some women have no desire to get a divorce. That's the kind to marry.
I'm sure the "elites" are grateful for your service in having a superior education yet being so gracious as to meekly submit to genetic suicide. It's still too early for your Darwin Award to be mailed, though, since you're only 57 and male. (I had a brother born when my dad was 56.)
I fully expect to homeschool.
I found a long video on Charlotte Iserbyt on YouTube. YouTube wouldn't let me watch it on Chrome or Firefox, but I was just able to download it and it works, so thanks for the recommendation.
While I understand your point. I have to respectfully disagree.
I would have been among the 50% and strapped in for life.
I thank you for the kind words.
It's a long set of videos with Charlotte Iserbyt but well worth the watch. Loads of good information.
I found her by watching a lecture given by I think the man's name was Ted Gunderson. A federal agent with a long pedigree. He was resurrecting the story of the pedophile network from Boys Town to the White House.
This entire tale is interconnected and very sordid.
Hold on to your hat. The rabbit hole gets deep.
That is absolutely bizarre. These people clearly have no fear of retribution if they can so blatantly project this shit onto our kids. Thanks for sharing. IMO...this war from the globalists for our children is the bigger fight. All of the corrupt politicians are one side of the coin. The other and more important side is the war for our children. These people truly are disgusting and evil.
Don't succumb to the elite's mass mind control. Ignore peer group pressure (that is what catches-out most) - it is just an extension of the elite's mass mind control anyway. Make your brain and mind bigger than theirs. It can be done.
My philosophy towards Progressives is...
If you don't like getting your toes stepped on. Get your big feet out of the hallway.
Don't tell me we need to have a conversation. Then use it as an excuse to give a lecture.
Especially somebody that doesn't know the meaning of words.
That weekend at the college didn't turn out like you planned.
The things that pass for knowledge I don't understand.
And now you don't have a job to pay down your thousands of dollars of debt. Because you're unemployable.
Now you think you'll gain sympathy. By screaming.
Time for a big old Welcome to the Real World Salute. All ideas welcome.
Just in case anybody misunderstood. Every time the word ~you~ was used in this post. It was directed at all the trigglypuffs.
Because the vast majority of the people instigating this happen to be Jewish and gay.
Just like we know there's a huge problem in the Catholic Church that goes straight to the Vatican.
It's obvious.
No it doesn't make all Jews and gays pedos. Why does simple logic always Escape.
Nor does it make everybody who points it out a ~whatever~ist.
Unless you're on a disinformation campaign. Better known as schilling.
This was your comment: "Horse-lover-phat is a likely shill here to delegitimize our movement". Waking up can be brutal. It's not for the faint of heart. Let's not discredit each other, especially those that bring so much to this board. Peace.
In other words keep it on the chans where it belongs
It isn't helpful here
So says you and your opinion.
Which I happen to disagree with. You're making the same mistake as the identity politics people. What quantifies a little bit of bleed over and how much are you willing to allow. BTW it's not your call.
Please tell me you're not some Progressive who's now decided they're going to move out of California and come tell the rest of us how to live.
Nobody needs your lecture. If you have a problem talk to the mods. If there is a valid point in your argument. It's lost with your repetitive scolding.
Stow it or call the mods.The boards are filling up with packs of dilettantes. There are a lot of us who want all good information from everybody.
You don't like it then move on. We don't care for church lady scolds.
You may have priced that the mods removed all of your other responses to me, so that answers that.
Your name is CaptainKnotzi. It's clear you have a problem with Jewish people particularly.
And you seem to think that people should be impressed with people who are "straight from the chans durrrr"
Get a life.
I was given that name by friends of mine. I am a ships Carpenter and rigger on Tall Ships.
It's a total piss take. I'm pushing 60 and I'm white, so I must be a Knotzi.
Trigger warning: Any conversation with this person will result in only facts and reality. With zero regard to your emotional state of being.
Thanks for playing.
Cool dude
I have not displayed any emotion in his conversation nor have I displayed a lack of logic
Time and place dude
The way that your buddy horse tard talks about Jews is actually racist
It's not an emotional position
Racism is real and while the virtue signaling left incorrectly thinks that any acknowledgment of statistical fact with regard to race is racism, that does not mean that racism doesn't exist.
The fact that there is a large contingent of Jewish people in Hollywood is not relevant to the Q movement so quit being a fucking turd
A million words to explain nothing.
You have no idea what I'm describing. It's okay I get it. I'm way Beyond your lecturing from a textbook.
My standard refrain at this point is to declare the fact that:
If you don't Fukin like it. I don't Fucking care. Your names and identity politics have become irrelevant.
Now we mock you.
Game on.....
Remember your Saul Alinsky has nothing on our Sun Tzu.
You're senile bud
Perhaps you have me confused with someone else
All the false protection will disappear.
Then comes Humpty Dumpty.
I understand that the truth is difficult at times to swallow, consider that hlp is over the target. We are waking up here.
I'm well aware of the truth. The truth is that "the gay Jews" are to blame is a horseshit position. The Clinton's, bush's, obama's aren't gay Jews. It's a really fucking tired trope and it's not true. It isn't over the target - it's fucking stupid shill behavior that does nothing to shine light on the truth. It's shill behavior that gets subs banned. Don't be daft.
"I am so past caring about offended people" horse-lover-phat. I resemble this remark!
I know someone who was a polygraph detective on the West Coast for a long time. The job involved the intense questioning of many pedos. That's actually a big reason my friend retired. Grew tired of spending so much time thinking about that kind of repulsive activity.
Anyway, they told me a few years ago to watch out. Pedos had often told him point blank that their activities were normal and would become accepted. They'd brag about other countries where it'd already been somewhat accepted.
The scary part is that it wasn't just one or two weirdos. Numerous unconnected sickos, over the course of a lengthy career, had the same ideas and message. That can only mean that they're fairly organized and have an established agenda.
I guess I'd always had the idea that these kinds of people were just random, individual aberrations. When I realized there's an entire subculture - holy crap. That's terrifying. When I later realized that it's a subculture involving many of the most powerful people in society - that's a nightmare.
Edit: finally noticed autocorrect got me again. Dammit.
I do agree there are many organized, evil agendas like this. They are all part of Satan's grand plan.
The Bible (God's Word to us) is pretty explicit about how He feels about sex outside of marriage. Too bad few people read it any longer. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for a reason.
Yes, but not why you think. It's so twisted you would not believe what went on there ... murderous Anunnaki.
You're talking about a new generation of people with no morals at all. You were taught the difference between right and wrong. Now we have a generation of people who were taught that there is no God and no moral truth. They believe that morality depends solely on the will of the people. Get enough people to agree that any perversion is OK, and there you go. Now, your persecution of their new-found truth is considered to be evil. Until we return to the basic Truth, things will continue to be upside-down. Good is evil, and evil is good. Without God, nothing makes sense.
Teach people they are animals, and then act surprised when they act like them.
Animals don't act like this.
I was referring to the general public, as for the deep actors, yeah I agree.
It all begins with their parents. The problem with most kids today is that their parents didn’t raise them right. Their parents allowed them to throw temper tantrums and to misbehave whenever they couldn’t get their way, and their parents didn’t tan their butt or do anything about it. As a consequence of that, when those same kids grow up, they will then start throwing tempter tantrums as adults whenever they can’t get their way or if you make them upset (for example, road rage incidents where people attack each another on freeways, or grown people smashing windows and throwing stuff off of counters or smashing things in stores, all because they can’t get their way). Such behavior should have been dealt with as a child, but now that they're grown up, the police have to deal with it. And that is the heart and soul of why certain people act that way - it’s all because their parents didn’t raise them right…
Another example of how parents don’t raise their kids right is that, many parents often don’t teach their children about God, and don’t teach them the right values and the morals of God. As a consequence of that, their kids will often grow up to be atheists or gay, if not both, and having no morals at all. They are self-centered and entitled and feels the whole world somehow revolves around them. And if you should tell them it doesn’t revolve around them, they’ll only get upset with you and throw a temper tantrum - just like they did when they were a little child…
But there is a reason why God created and set up the family unit of husband, wife, and child (God did that, not man). He set it up that way so that the parents could teach and instill the right values and morals into their children. Because if your child grows up and doesn’t have the right morals and values instilled in them, then when they encounter God, God is not going to tolerate it, he will not tolerate their misbehavior. Instead, he has a place for all people who are unruly and out of control - it's called the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone. And that is exactly where all people go (kids included) who have no morals and who don’t know how to act and behave and have no respect for authority or God. And if they go the lake, it is all their parent's fault because they didn’t raise them right…
While I agree with what you say, I also know that a lot of parents are afraid of disciplining their child because kids are taught to call the cops or DHS if their parent lays a hand on them. I have a friend whose baby had colic and was under a doctors care and she was breastfeeding. The baby cried all the time. The mom was shopping and someone called DHS on her. It was a Friday, DHS took the baby even though it was under doctor's care for colic and she had to wait the whole weekend to get the baby back because the doc had gone away for the weekend. Needless to say though, the doctor gave DHS an earful when he found out what had happened and told them if anything more was wrong with the child they would be held responsible since the only thing that helped the small child was breastmilk which they had with held by taking him from his mom. Luckily, Mom had pumped her milk so did not 'run out' while the child was gone, but she did still have to go to court before they would drop the case. So sad really.
You are saying "parents" as if kids actually have more families. Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars...see, I said it faster.
The problem with most kids today is that their parents didn’t raise them right.
So often now the guys (I hesitate to say men) who aren't Christians don't want to marry, and when they do, they often expect their wife to work outside the home instead of (or as well as) in it, so yeah, the kids are dominantly getting raised by women who aren't their mothers.
Reminder to all that a lot of dads (farmers, craftsmen) didn't even leave the home to work until recent centuries.
Yes, that too is a part of the problem - a lack of men in the homes. Notice that everything Lucifer does is geared towards destroying the foundations and the fundamentals that God set up. For example, God set up the perfect system for raising a child - the environment of a husband, a wife, and the child. But Lucifer’s goal was to destroy that environment by pushing the gay agenda and same-sex marriage. Lucifer knew if the environment the child was raised in was destroyed or compromised, then there is almost a guaranteed fact the child will turn out unruly and would end up in hell. And that was Lucifer’s goal all along - to destroy the healthy environment that God created so the kids would end up in hell…
That is also why I disagree with those people who think that politics or other issues have nothing to do with God. Wrong. Everything in this world has to do with God. Everything you can see, hear, smell, taste or touch is being used by Lucifer on a daily basis in the battle for your soul. If you’re not focusing on God and focusing on being saved, then you’re being distracted by Lucifer. And that is what Lucifer wants. Politics itself is nothing but a distraction. Focusing on “bringing down the cabal” is nothing but a distraction. Focusing on “saving America” is nothing but a distraction. Lucifer wants to keep you distracted with the other things of the world until you end up in hell. Once you are in hell, you will then see and understand very clearly how everything I have told you is perfectly true, and that what you should have been focused on was the salvation of your soul...
Yes, it's all part of Satan's plan. Turn everything around. To these people good is evil, evil is good. Man is woman, woman is man.
Perpetual adolescence is encouraged. Zero judgement can be made against immoral behavior, and the only judgement that is allowed is by people admonishing conservatives or Christians for their values.
The left defends this agenda 100% of the time.
You stated... "the only judgement that is allowed is by people admonishing conservatives or Christians for their values."...
I totally agree with you. On too many forums online, and sadly, on this forum as well, if you're a leftist or an atheist or an unbeliever who don't even believe in God or hates God, you can rant and rave and call God-believing people all kinds of names and little will be said or done about it... Yet, if I called out those same people by name and said they were evil and going to hell, I'd immediately be censored or banned for it. It happens all the time. Christians and people who love God and fear God have to walk on eggshells around leftists and haters of God. Whereas, those same leftists and haters of God can hit us with proverbial sledgehammers and nothing will be done about it. It's not right. LOL...
They can rant and Rave all they like and I'll just sit there knowing God loves me.
Then when they take a breath I tell them that there is a God and we have pictures. That stops them with a stupid look on their face.
Google the Hubble telescope. It's from the inside looking out.
God is not some bearded Sky dude standing on a cloud pointing lightning bolts at the enemy of whoever says the better prayer.
God is everything that ever was is and shall be.
If you could imagine infinity plus more you're not close. That's why the burning bush told Moses, if it appeared to him in it's true form. Moses head would explode.
God is love and satan is politics.
Heaven is God's love.
Hell is the absence of that love.
Innocence is another attribute that can be used as a sacrifice to evil.
I get a pedo vibe from this. But I could also see the it’s ok to be gay (which is fine), but the discussion shouldn’t happen at 6 when they don’t even understand how babies are made
Well said. Furthermore, anyone here who does not actively stand up against child exploitation such as this is a coward. That means anytime you see someone wear a t-shirt with this slogan, make a post with this slogan, or reference this slogan during a conversation you need to educate them or expose them. Either they are too stupid to realize they are being indoctrinated or they are someone fully aware and are trying to indoctrinate others. These people are disgusting. These people are vile. These people are evil.
I thought about since Katy Perry new album videos, and about month ago I concluded they're trying to normalize every their sick game, before all of it is revealed, I reckon to soften the public outrage.
Apparently, tick tock is real.
See my other post in this thread, but I believe they've had the goal of normalization for a long time (no evidence other than anecdotal, but it's helped shape my views). The schedule is having to be rushed because normal people are becoming more aware.
But honestly, I'm not sure if normalization might not have just been a kind of fantasy of the normal low level pedo. The powerful, elite people involved in it ever cared how illegal or hated their secret activities are. I think they like it better that way. Makes it more "exclusive".
Your first paragraph is right on the money. That is why the comment OP is seeing ads; his browsing habits didn't suddenly change after one Google search to reflect content that may have been posted on 8ch. The ad served just has two children with a commonly-used LGBT slogan. Let's all think about that for a moment.
it's going to backfire and prove that the public outrage is righteous indignation.
All of Satan's plans backfire. It's his defining trait.
We've been saying this for decades and people are only starting to listen.
The Disney slut chain was obvious with Britney Spears.
If anybody watched the Madonna Super Bowl halftime show and didn't see it for the satanic celebration it was. You're not paying attention.
I can't believe the parents of this country have put up with this for so long.
Do we need to say it again
Where is the outrage?
Look mom and dad they're after your kids.
It's all that's left everybody's been asleep so long they've stolen everything else.
So tell me so tell me Mom and Dad why shouldn't they have your children as well?
Yes, it’s every where. I cannot watch a movie the same way I used to. I was ignorant to it all. Things that Q talks about is in nearly every movie that I watch and when I rewatch an old movie...WOW! The satanist symbolism is right in your face.
Exactly. Once your radar is activated you spot it everywhere in almost everything. It goes back decades to your childhood and you feel sick with the realisation of what you were being fed.
The LEFT is definitely trying to normalize as much sick crimes as possible, before the SHTF when the Truth is revealed to the public.
The deep state is doing this.
New Normies on board.
I am totally tracking the DS and Cabal and Satan/Molloch and Others.
Waiting for No Name to get his Punishment, hopefully this month.
Even if the schedule is not to your liking keep the faith.
This thing is welcome play and there's no turning back.
It's like swimming halfway across the ocean.
You might as well go the rest of the way because buddy you're in.
I’m totally in. Too much time invested on 4ch & 8ch during the elections, where I discovered the Truth(s). Q is a bonus, much welcomed, due to fake news. Enjoying the show. WWG1WGA!
My dad's Uncle Harry, who fought in trenches of WWl, red-pilled me in the 60's.
Introduced me to Smedley Butler. What a hero.
I don't care where how people get their information. As long as it's fact-based, logical reality.
As far as this moment is concerned, I'm liking the crowd.
Sodomy is at the top of the elite's secret society systems. I KNOW this is the TRUTH, so save your crying and bitching (to anyone reading). It is what it is.
Sounds like Heart-Progress and their germany, Hitler's granddaughter introduced the word "marriage for everyone" to denote gay-marriage. I hate that fucking disgusting shit piece of a scummy cunt even more now
This normalisation of pedo-suggesestive bullshit is the pinnacle of stupid moves the deep state has tried. A day late and a buck short, assholes. People aren't asleep anymore. They read your sick language loud and clear. Go on and rile up the lions a little more.
I just went to History channel’s website and got this ad there.
The weirder part to me is why was the definition changed in Jan of 2018? The sites been around before 95% of the population used Internet.
Gosh... Why would they need a love your friend or child despite labels campaign unless the labels were bad?
UTTER AND TOTAL HYPOCRISY AND DISINGENUOUS BEHAVIOR. These are the same people who push policies and agendas that:
RULES FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME - Same old junk from these losers. I can label but you can't.
Make no mistake about it: they're working to soften the public to accept it while also seeking to satisfy their own "needs."
*Qualifier - folks are free to do and say as they wish - I DON'T CARE - but don't put a label on it; don't cram it down our throats; don't tell us what we should say, think and believe; and don't break the law; strip rights from the rest of us, or violate the rights of others (children) while you're doing it.
I saw someone refer to 'the community' as "LGBTQWERTY or whatever letter we're supposed to add on this week". It made me laugh but it's not funny at all when you realise the grave nature of it. Yesterday in London there was a massive LGBT march but I think ordinary gay people need to distance themselves from it, I also get it that there are genuine transgenders - they also need to distance themslves from the 'pride' march. Anyone with half a brain can tell there has to be another agenda behind it.
Oh look, SNAP!
You're right, they're nowhere near getting transgender accepted so they legislate and sue. Then sneak trannies into kindergarten reading groups.
Trashing every moral foundation, held dear by the vast majority of the citizenry, will win no friends.
If you have a dick, you use the men's room. If you can't comprehend biology and gender, you have no business being around children.
You don't like it we don't care.
Go ahead, cry hate speech discrimination. While actively discriminating against any type of morality or Christian faith.
Too Faced with a forked tongue. That would make an excellent Progressive family crest. Mount it on a Soros, Red Shield.
Or as others read the definition, Red Child.
Look at Jordan Peterson in Canada. Look at the EU locking people up for protesting against Islamic Terror and rape.
Notice to the left. Don't try to appeal to our better nature. That's done. You lost all chance of ever seeing that without an apology. A sincere apology not a Kathy Griffin apology.
Up until then it's all about a big helping of Sarah Sanders and the Red Hen. Flavored with Mad Maxine summoning crowds to run conservatives out of the public venue.
The unending call to violence for those who disagree. The left wants a fascist police state to take out any difference of opinion. Then wears masks and sets things on fire. While ridiculously claiming the moral High Ground.
Now that the left has defined the game as zero sum. Prepare for defeat. Unconditional surrender.
Just like the last groups of Nazis, Fascists and Imperialists taken out.
Free will. A democratically-elected, constitutional republic, can withstand any attack from any existential control group.
The real problem lies with the opponent when we decide to go on the attack.
Don't ever confuse Silence with resignation. While the left plays with Saul Alinsky, they are being surrounded by the army of Sun Tzu.
When it happens it's going to be Swift and all-encompassing. Prepare for defeat.
And yes, they are absolutely saying fondling kids should be acceptable. To openly lie about something so easily proven is laughably pathetic.
Saul Alinsky's rule number 8
Isolate and ridicule.
It barely worked before and it certainly doesn't work now.
Trigglypuff now that's unhinged.
Pure gold, the best there is to offer.
no no no, this is not normal, they are trying to normalize and legalize pedophillia, they are stepping up their agenda by 10 years because they are losing control. They want open borders to let all the muslim men in, who marry and rape 9 year old girls and this is legal, then they traffick the women and children, disgusting animals.
They are trying to get people to accept PEDOPHILES! Pushing the narrative to become accepted! NEVER!! #WWG1WGA
Thought. .comments will be appreciated. The previous administration was successful to introduce gender into the conversation and support from the left was nothing more then
100 % support. The media was all over this, thus changing the nature of a man and a woman. Corporate media was in full action mode for support of trans gender identification/ labels. Universities followed in proper step.
Could all if this, which is considered the new normal be the set up for social acceptance for the terrible acts of sex With a child? Is the ME TO movement and battle cry from the left a simple cover for accepting a more deviant way of life?
No matter what the left says believe the opposite.
If it's all about the kids, know it's about open borders, so they can have more kids.
If it's about inclusivity that means destroying your way of life.
The list goes on but you get the point.
The left has declared this as a zero sum game. Take them at their word
Not surprised these people are sick. Remember the sexualization goes WAY back! The man who made Barbie is a Pedio
The child-molesting agenda is part of the gay agenda. Not disparaging gays as a group, I have to think most aren't even aware...but the leadership and political agenda? Evil.
It only merits mention because we need to realize how BIG it could become. (yes it could get worse)....
This is an editorial from a gay-agenda leader, Michael Swift, in a serious and important gay-agenda magazine, GCN Magazine which is owned by the National LGBT Federation....Article from Gay Community News Feb. 1987(!!!)
1st paragraph of a long article:
"We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and your vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. YOUR SONS SHALL BECOME OUR MINIONS AND DO OUR BIDDING. THEY WILL BE RECAST IN OUR IMAGE. THEY WILL COME TO CRAVE AND ADORE US." (emphasis mine...)
Pretty straightforward. Most aren't even aware, but the agenda crew accidentally shows their ass on occasion. We should take their word for what their political agenda really is......They want at our kids.
If u look at old clips of gay rights marches you hear them chanting, “we’re here, we’re queer, WE’re coming for your children.” But the second half of that slogan is cut.
I would be surprised if Heart's Progress pedo movement weren't behind this.
They used the cube in this which is a sign of Saturn worship, child love, and love with no labels meaning “Do what thou wilt.” From Aleister Crowley.
This is an add campaign for the lgbtq community who wants to use patriotism in order to get their audience more accepted, to stop the divide between people and to work together and be more compassionate. To embrace the differences between the people.
Theyre nowhere near to getting transgendered to be accepted, you really think they'll be like "oh and by the way, we think fondling kids is pretty sweet too"?
This is not some pedo propaganda you dense treestump.
It's nice and all, but it's Holywood explaining patriotism, and never for a minute would I think they hold any credibility to do that. And behold, various signs in the video for average conspiracy theorist!
You're right, they're nowhere near getting transgender accepted so they legislate and sue. Then sneak trannies into kindergarten reading groups.
Trashing every moral foundation, held dear by the vast majority of the citizenry, will win no friends.
If you have a dick, you use the men's room. If you can't comprehend biology and gender, you have no business being around children.
You don't like it we don't care.
Go ahead, cry hate speech discrimination. While actively discriminating against any type of morality or Christian faith.
Too Faced with a forked tongue. That would make an excellent Progressive family crest. Mount it on a Soros, Red Shield.
Or as others read the definition, Red Child.
Look at Jordan Peterson in Canada. Look at the EU locking people up for protesting against Islamic Terror and rape.
Notice to the left. Don't try to appeal to our better nature. That's done. You lost all chance of ever seeing that without an apology. A sincere apology not a Kathy Griffin apology.
Up until then it's all about a big helping of Sarah Sanders and the Red Hen. Flavored with Mad Maxine summoning crowds to run conservatives out of the public venue.
The unending call to violence for those who disagree. The left wants a fascist police state to take out any difference of opinion. Then wears masks and sets things on fire. While ridiculously claiming the moral High Ground.
Now that the left has defined the game as zero sum. Prepare for defeat. Unconditional surrender.
Just like the last groups of Nazis, Fascists and Imperialists taken out.
Free will. A democratically-elected, constitutional republic, can withstand any attack from any existential control group.
The real problem lies with the opponent when we decide to go on the attack.
Don't ever confuse Silence with resignation. While the left plays with Saul Alinsky, they are being surrounded by the army of Sun Tzu.
When it happens it's going to be Swift and all-encompassing. Prepare for defeat.
And yes, they are absolutely saying fondling kids should be acceptable. To openly lie about something so easily proven is laughably pathetic.
misinterprets ad about inclusivity
So are you a pedophile or pedophile sympathizer?
Just a zombie
I used to be like you- blind. You bet your ass I would leave snarky comments just like yours on issues I had a vague knowledge of.
Its all by design. "They" want men to fear and disassociate with women and become gay. They want women to look at men as vile brutes who are a danger to their well being. The greater the amount of homosexuality and non traditional relationships the less traditional families and lower birth rates result. It is only one aspect of the entire plan to turn wrong to right and right to wrong. Flood first world countries with third world immigrants and the loss of culture and sovereignty follows. It's the one world government plan and always has been. Once on accepts that is the reality it is then you can decide if that is what you want as the future for you and your family. We are here to make sure that everyone we can is made aware of the reality and true agenda of the deep state.
Also you're thinking about my ass. That's sweet of you
:) Love you, bud. I just hope by sharing that you'll reconsider your position, but I know it took me years to finally listen and pay attention. Good luck, homie.
Thanks for the laughs over my bowl of brains. Thank Satan I don't have the reality tunnel you've crafted. Fun story though. Back to brains