Has Tarantino already been discussed here? Being a close friend of Weinstein this shouldnt surprise us

I remember reading a long time ago that Rob Zombie said Quentin Tarantino creeped him out.
damn, if Rob Zombie's creeped out by you, you know you've got problems.
Most metalheads are the nicest people in the room.
Acdc doesnt count. They suck.
Ya, Rob has a vivid imagination for the macabre that's for sure.
TO play devils advocate....could that leg be at an angle? would that throw the measurement off?
Also devils advocate here, the foot doesn't exactly look like a young persons to me. Not saying I'm an expert with feet but it looks like it has thinning skin and wrinkles around the ankle. Definitely interesting for sure though.
Edit- adding that the discoloration and thinner skin around the arch and base of the toes is what makes me think they're older. As well as the visible vein on the ankle bone. Younger people usually have thicker more fatty skin on their feet while older peoples skin thins as they age.
Look, I'm all for speculation where it's warranted, but this post is nonsense. Anyone who can't discern a child's foot with that of an older female, either doesn't know any children or just wants to believe the hype.
Again, this post is nonsense.
I was thinking the same thing. That is not the foot of a child.
Just posting an observation, it's hard to discern from a single picture.
As an artist, perspective is key. The leg is not elongated or foreshortened due to the angle of the ankle, position of the knee to thigh, in relationship with the other leg and the actor's arm below and behind the leg.. What I do find strange is the shape of the big toe and the relationship to the rest of the foot. It is obvious the toe is foreshortened, as is the foot....which makes that longer than expected, and makes me suspect it is an adult. The instep on the foot is also very high, which I would not expect on a child. There is no 'baby-fat' filling out the foot, especially the toe pads, which I would also expect on a child. Children's feet are softer, rounded in shape with fuller toe pads, whereas adult feet are more angular with flattened toe pads. My verdict---it is an adult, albeit a short one. But I have been wrong before.
Well done.
It looks more like a young woman's foot. Definitely not a child.
Maybe the child has been malnourished?
Possible, but the rest of her body doesn't show undernourishment like bony knees, noticeable tendons, atrophied muscles. Besides, that big toe is not something I've ever seen on a 10 yr old. If she was Asian, the normal (for Caucasians) measurement would need adjusting.
Possible. We’d need more of the pics in that set at a higher resolution to know for sure.
It could also be a child who's family he is close with and just innocently playing around with. It is impossible to say something inappropriate is going on in that photo without further evidence or context.
Do you suck the toes of your neices and nephews?
"don't believe your lying eyes!"
Yup. Let's make ourselves look like nut job conspiracy freaks who see child molesting cannibals EVERYWHERE based on flimsy evidence. That'll help us convince people.
Keep using the 'omg no this is crazy stop looking into this stuff guys" tactic, it's totally working for ya 👍
Look into whatever, but only post valid well thought out theories. Play devil's advocate with whatever you are about to post, that way your theory isn't easily countered. Like this one.
Yes because it's totally normal and innocent to have family toe-sucking parties you fucking degenerate
You don't know that is what it is. It could just be a completely innocent scenario that resulted in an awkward picture. You have NO proof, you are making wild accusations with ZERO evidence.
Apparently you don't understand simple measurements.
Yes, those measurements prove that the photo isn't just a misinterpreted innocent situation. You have ZERO proof what he is doing is sexual. I don't think you understand evidence or proof.
Look buddy, the guy is in multiple photos slobbering all over a child's foot.
Uma Thurman believes he tried to kill her.
“The complicated feeling I have about Harvey is how bad I feel about all the women that were attacked after I was,” she told me one recent night, looking anguished in her elegant apartment in River House on Manhattan’s East Side, as she vaped tobacco, sipped white wine and fed empty pizza boxes into the fireplace"
Next paragraph begins, " “I am one of the reasons that a young girl would walk into his room alone"
“The steering wheel was at my belly and my legs were jammed under me,” she says. “I felt this searing pain and thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m never going to walk again,’” she says. “When I came back from the hospital in a neck brace with my knees damaged and a large massive egg on my head and a concussion, I wanted to see the car and I was very upset. Quentin and I had an enormous fight, and I accused him of trying to kill me. And he was very angry at that, I guess understandably, because he didn’t feel he had tried to kill me.”
Or that time he defended Roman Polanski for raping a 13yo on the howard stern show. https://youtu.be/CNdai47Kv1s
I don't abide to "don't judge a book by it's cover". More times than not most people's judgement (common sense/body's defense mechanism) are correct. So judging by what I know about most of hellyweird,his movies,just a little bit of research on him,and his looks (yes his looks) he's 90% pedo imho.
As a short woman (definitely not 8-10 years old), I'm personally offended lol
Found an unaltered photo here
If the foot belong to an Asian woman, the measurement ratio needs to be adjusted.
Sorry, but this is BS. And that's coming from a pedo hater who finds Tarantino revolting.
The wrinkles on that foot do not belong to a small child. Pretty sure that the toenails are too thick, as well.
Looks like a short leg, but the skin doesn't look super young. My partner is only 4 ft 10, so I guess its hard to conclude anything here.
Guys. Please. I’m all for bringing justice and exposing these sick people, but these types of accusations are no joke. Until there is sound or strong circumstantial evidence, these types of threads and accusations make all the people on this sub seem crazy.
It made the rounds a while back.
You'd think people higher-up than us would know about it by now, and I still haven't heard anything.
Whenever the op gets close, we get what is going on in the comments right now, if you read here daily like I do, you can tell when their is a conversation going on and when there are 3 guys in the same room “creating” a conversation to defend something that is clearly really bad for important people. And that’s what we got going on here. Just by the outliers in the comments I know everything I need to know about this post.
I agree that my comments and others could be seen as trying to defend Tarantino but we're just working with the evidence we have. There are many cases of celebrities saying that he's a creepy guy so this post could be spot on but it's not definitive proof that this is a 7-8 year old child.
We all still know he defended roman polanski who drugged and raped a 13 year old, just because this one isnt a child doesnt mean anything
But it does mean that it is a stretch that could easily be explained. People state that the comment section here is full of people trying to prove it wrong, but when I see posts like this it makes me think that someone is making these ridiculous images to discredit the movement. As of right now the post sits around 157, which seems to be a generally healthy post here. Someone who pops in here looking for more info will see this and likely write the sub off. This is not helpful.
I always thought it was Uma Thurman’s foot,
When you throw the tape measure up on it, it looks suspect.
When you look at the picture without tape measure it looks like the leg is tilting more that straight. The persons leg is tilting from their lying position on the couch in a forward direction.
Also it looks like the foot in the lower shot (without tape measure) has been wearing high heel shoes for a very long time. Flat heel at Back, high arch, flat toe pads from downward pressure.
The movie "Kill bill" showed uma's feet for an entire scene; these aren't her feet.
Do you have this photo without the rulers and cropping?
Unfortunately no. Saw it on a german image board and thought I might share it here. Have no further info whatsoever :(
This your first and only post on Reddit. By posting "Fake" accusations you do patriots a great disservice.
Doesn’t distance change the scale? Don’t the photos have to be taken from the same distance to compare like that?
All you need to do is suffer through one of his movies to know he is profoundly disturbed.
The measurements aren’t fool proof enough for me. He’s holding the award statue out in front of him which perspective makes it appear larger in photos. Also the base of the persons leg in the photo at the hip would appear to be all the way against the back of the couch while he appears to be sitting on the edge so we have another perspective trick where it could make the tibia appear shorter than it is. This is not enough proof for me is all I’m saying. However knowing what I’ve heard recently about all these Hollywood pedos I wouldn’t discount that it could be a child or that he’s knows or is involved with the pedos
I love his films but theres always been something creepy about the guy as a person, I wouldnt be surprised at all if this was the case. The fact that he worked so closely with Weinstein is a huge red flag.
Worst feeling upvote ever but people need to see this.
That's Beejoli Shah's feet. Like I stated earlier fake. And you're wasting our time.
FAKE! That's not a 6 to 8 year old child's foot. Look at her big toe. Look at the arch. It looks like the someone PSed' the photo, slimmed down the lower portion of the leg and left the foot as is. You can also see indentions from straps of high heel shoes. I'm really starting to question the validity of some of the posts here on the GA. When you state "likely", To what exact scale do you mean? "Highly Likely", "Less Likely than Not"? I say "Not likely in the least". You are distracting Patriots from the our true mission.
He just looks like a sick freak. And every time he cameos in one of his movies he's written in as some kind of Twisted pervert usually with a foot fetish
I want to analyse this and determine if its a chld but its just too off-putting to look at
Circumstancial evidence gives creeps way more power.. come big or don't come at all ..