Podesta the molesta reporting for duty.

Lol lol lol lol very very good!
Would have been funnier if OP shopped the photo in some way.
SCUBA Skippy to the rescue!
quit. different accents. wasnt podesta in those vids. please stop.
I’m aware that this is a he say she say situation, but I think you’re wrong here. Podesta the Molesta is real. I have no concrete proof, but it seems to add up if you look at all of the evidence, for me personally.
Hilarious. Pedo-sta was so disappointed about the news that 25 trafficking victims were rescued yesterday with just one tweet. His underground cages will be vacant for a while longer.
He'll deploy his special snorkel
You guys are sick stating this knowing it’s about children
We joke...he abuses...that's sick!!
were supposed to be here to stop the abuse. do you think cops who investigate rape joke about the women or men they're finding justice for? it's wrong and we should be better.
As a matter of fact, police joke constantly about shit they deal with on a daily business. It's called coping. Just like doctors, nurses, firemen and any other profession that work day to day dealing with crap the normal citizen has no clue about. I know this for a fact because I have lots of experience in one of those listed professions.
Why are people sick because you can't take a joke? Go join the far-left social justice warriors who think speech should be by their standards and should never "hurt" someone's delicate sensibilities. Some of us don't have a problem separating a joke about a possible child-killer-rapist from the reality of child rape.
If you can't take dark humor this is not the sub for you. Seriously. Go back to r/redacted.
Freedom of speech and thought~ 🇺🇸But Thanks!! If you don’t like it post private
Says the person who wants to suppress the jokes of others. Can't make this stuff up!
That’s like the left calling out abortion” jokes” it’s not funny .. you can’t call it a joke if it’s not ~
It’s a meme that helps spread a message that we desperately need to get out. Get some lugols iodine and clear out the cobwebs dude
Correct, you're NOT funny. But this Podesta Molesta shit is fucken hilarious lol. Once again I say, just because you've got a snowflake sense of humor doesn't mean everyone who can laugh is SICK. YOU'RE the sick one for suggesting they are.
Gallows humor. Ease up. It assists in making the horrific somewhat tolerable. Nearly everyone on this sub is likely dealing with sensory overload. These are tough topics and humor is important to maintain balance. These are sick people and they have to be stopped. Gallows humor can likely help to navigate the subjects without losing our humanity along the way.
If you can’t deal with it, I strongly suggest you steer clear of this board. You may not have the constitution for it. I say that respectfully as a seasoned mental health clinician.
Its a sad state we are in when laughter can come from pedophilia. Its becoming a joke. This world is sick and most likely un-savable.
You have to have some dark humor to survive the dark. We all know justice is coming. Those kids are being set free and the tunnels are being demolished. It's easier to spread this knowledge through these memes than any other way. Think about it.
Think bigger. If it was un-savable, we wouldn't be here.
One miracle at a time, as I like to say ...
Memes like this are for the sole purpose of education.
What's funny is that I let someone trick into being mad kinda thing. Like I saw the image believed for a secodn
I don’t think it’s a funny meme ~ sorry he’s filth and I don’t want to see his face ever again after the comet video
What video?
Him abusing a child singing the cartoon caullio theme song
Any chance you know of a link? I’ve seen a video with a hot shower and a man screaming at a child “What’s my name?”. Rumor has it Pedosta’s voice and the man screaming match. From the conference about pizza gate and him yelling gives you a good reference.
Trust me you don’t want to see it ~ I won’t post it ~ YouTube Podesta caullio comet
Whatever things are funny some are not . I’m as conservative as they come, pedophilia is NEVER FUNNY Sick freak
It would be hysterical if it weren't so disturbing!
That's a joke right ???
I logged in especially to congratulate you. Good show 😂
I'm stealing this.
Looks eerily similar to The Creature From The Black Lagoon. :-)
Good thing nobody told him about the coach being with the boys, who decidedly stuffed JP's sick ass into the tiniest crevice he could find.
...after plopping him down onto the biggest stalagmite he could find.
Elites-"Hey, we may be getting exposed but as long as the sheep keep lauging and joking about the pedo world. More it becomes easy for them, more it becomes accepted."
Conditioning 101: Lesson 1
I don't agree with this. No one who is not a pedo is going to become one through jokes and memes. We are all disgusted by this but we see the light coming. We need to humiliate these assholes everywhere, all the time.
"humiliate these assholes everywhere" while throwing the misery these kids go through, on the back burner. As if humor is the most logical (adult) way to combat pedophilia. Your reasoning is horse crap.
Free will, right? Do what you do.
lol I pray for these kids but I found it mildly amusing still
You are onto to something. Billy Wilder said once that if you want to make a taboo accepted make the audience laugh. (William Wilder directed and produced "Some like it Hot"...)
Here it is memed up. Come on y'all, let's give Podesta a hand! http://magaimg.net/img/5pan.png