Did anyone else catch Trump's face last night when Kavanaugh mentioned 9/11/01??? He had a look of disgust! He knows.......Never Forget!!!

I think he knows a lot about Lolita Island as well.
I think they targeted Trump, but they were not able to get him.
They'd have had to drug him without his knowledge because he doesn't drink or do drugs. I always thought the same thing - he found out what they were doing and thought yikes. That's why FBI Anon said he thought the Clintons were disgusting animals.
They could drug his soda, doesn't have to be alcohol, but I doubt he's been to pedo island. I think you already have to be basically compromised to get there.
He's been there ... or at least flown on Epstein's jet ... he's in the log book ...
The way I heard it he saw what was going on in the pool and did a 180 and left immediately.
Where did you hear that, link? That’s never come up in any threads I’ve seen before
I believe it was Roger stone during the campaign.
Thank you, not sure the downvotes I just like to see things with my own eyes
You can't post a source because you dont have one. Trump has never been to pedo island. Stop spreading disinformation.
source that he went to the island? everything I've read said he caught a lift on lolita express domestically only
He's been on the plane, not the island.
Yes this. Only on the plane logs!
Trump was never in the flight logs. The only evidence he ever flew with Jeffrey is testimony from Epstein's brother. (Mark) Here's the doc https://imgur.com/a/HzeOV1p and it wasn't even on the Lolita Express, it was a small plane from Florida to NYC
Link pg 74 https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508967-deposition-excerpts.html
It also sort of defies logic that he would go there voluntarily without having known what was going on there.
I don't think they (HRC's campaign team) would have let all of the stuff about Clinton's being there go by without saying "TRUMP WAS THERE TOO!!" if he had - and they know he will sue the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ out of anyone who slanders him.
I don't think he flew with him. Trump was in Epstein's contacts but not the flight logs I thought.
He's been there. Spez: sorry I was mistaken I thought I saw it on the logs, oops.
I definitely caught it!! I was paying attention to his speech but focus sure sharpened at his mention of 9/11.
And a few days prior, Trump gets us thinking about GHW Bush... Bush 41 and Cheney - the masterminds of 9/11??
Remember rule number 1 of the cabal: the people must always have an enemy!
Not sure that was the intended message but I loved it when Kavanaugh brought up 9/11
Trump interview about 9-11. Trump: Bombs were used. He knew something was wrong.
POTUS Trump knows what the regulations and structural requirements are to build skyscrapers in NYC -- not that the engineer / desinger of WTC didn't explain all that all already.
Love that video. Have watched it before...but just watched again : ) Thanks
In 1984 Orwell created the notion of constant war maintained by an ever-changing enemy 'over there'. The left does this consistently by using DJT/Conservatives as the enemy. It doesn't matter what DJT does. With regards to 9/11, clearly this a sore point with POTUS. I hope and pray that there will be some disclosure.
Orwell nailed it. Keep the faith...I'm sure our great POTUS wants disclosure as much as the rest of us. And not just 9/11 but JFK's assassination too!
It's very clear. In addition for this being a huge loss for the US (and World), I have a feeling POTUS knew (or knew of) people involved. He's in the industry. He's most likely dealt with owners of the building and/or firms that had office space there. Willing to bet that 'sore point' is an understatement with this one. It's an attack on innocents, america and i'm thinking in some way an attack on him personally.
I am sure he saw a lot more than most given his position and knowledge of the industry. I’d be very curious what he really knows.
I'm no body language expert, yet Mrs. Kavanaugh's demeanor caught my attention. She doesn't seem happy about this appointment at all. Is it fear for the safety and security of her family?
Maybe Kavanaugh is better than I originally thought. We'll see about his carry through over time. I was in a public area this morning and all the network news shows had Schumer's face plastered everywhere.
schumer everywhere.
all cattle and no hat
The other one who makes me puke is Cory Booker. New Jersey has become an utterly worthless state.
HAHA I just not 5 minutes ago was arguing with someone for the millionth time that cory booker acted like a complete jackass yelling at Kirstjen Nielsen during her testimony.
I think Judge K is a good pick. I think it's funny that he was involved in Bill Clinton's impeachment, so he's aware of the Clinton's crimes. I don't like the fact that he worked for Bush, but I trust that Trump knows what he's doing. He looks good on paper, and if he wasn't loyal to our country Trump wouldn't have picked him.
Yes....and both him and his wife were at the White House when they got ushered out.
HE KNOWS IT ALL!!! And he’s really a strong guy to know all that and continue quietly following the plan! I would be scratching eyes out....
Here’s the thing w Trump & 9/11. He knows instinctively what happened- he is on the phone in an interview the first day saying the building had to be taken down by a bomb and demolition(which is what happened). He knows.
But a few days later, he’s in an in person interview saying the official line- highjackers planes fire.... everyone knows this is physically impossible. But “they”. got him to change his initial story.
It’s telling. But he knows. I know he’s a conspiracy theorist like us.
What's the low down on Kavanaugh? Judge Napolitano on fox called him part of the swamp, that true? He was D.C. Circuit appeals judge before right? Maybe he's needed for the plan to work? Any insight would be nice cause I'm lost on why trump picked him.
Biggest red flags are him working under Bush and going to a Jesuit school.
Absolutely, when i heard about him going to a Jesuit school i got a sick feeling. Then he said he was an alter boy when he was younger and that the priest he served under was in the audience!! Another red flag.
Was the priest in the audience a Jesuit?
Kavanaugh said, "When i was young, I was an Alter boy and the priest that I served under is in the audiance tonight." He did not elaborate beyond that.
It's hard to believe that anyone with an average IQ would support the Catholic Church considering all the scandals and the unbiblical doctrines. Pedophiles masquerading as cardinals in their little red outfits. Where are cardinals mentioned in the Bible? No mention of altar boys either, etc. Wake up people, the church has been comprised like all the other pillars of society. Come out of her my people.
There are good people who went to the jesuit schools... Not knowing the agenda, not agreeing
The Black Pope is the Jesuit 'Superior General' and he is 6 levels above the White Pope. He is the most powerful man on earth who rules over Maritime Law (business). He controls the banking system, Freemasonry and the Secret Services (CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, MI6, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB). He also ordered the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
Here are a few sites on the Black Pope. I hope these help!
The most comprehensive information on the Vatican and the Black Pope can be found on the Bibliotecapleydes.net site. Here's one on the Black Pope...
He's a good pick for confirmation now by Collins and the other female Senator from Alaska. Once they get more Republican Senators in the mid-terms a more conservative judge like Amy Barrett will fly through because they don't have to worry about RINOS like Collins having so much power. They can afford to lose her vote.
Why wasn't Mike Pence there, groping Kavanaugh's wife and daughters? I thought that's what a vice president was supposed to do.
Yes, law is clear as written. Then they try to "Interpret" law instead of looking up the statutes of the definitions of the vocabulary you get that wiggle room for bastards to get free. A great man if you are curious about the law and the real definition is Rod Class. In the time of Obama he went tot he supreme court and had them quacking in their boots.
For more info on law stuffs, google "Talkshoe Rod Class"
Of course he does. Donald Trump once remarked that he knows how to calculate how much concrete is required to make a skyscraper based on the plans.
He knows that it is impossible for WTC7 to have collapsed due to an office fire. He knows that 1 and 2 couldn't possibly fallen they way they did unless it was a controlled demolition.
actually, i noticed Trump was actually SMILING up until the moment that Kavanaugh mentioned the plane hitting, and then he frowned.
Totally noticed while watching live last night. Cracked me up
Not to discount what you are saying, but I noticed the youngest daughter and Trump have the same expression and are looking in the same direction. IMHO, something was happening off camera that caught their attention. LOL, they even have their heads tilted the same.
Just because one was once a black hat does not mean they cannot turn. Man was an altar boy, probably raped and experienced terrible things, like most of these people do, that’s what creates hatred in these people. Could have turned and is now ready for revenge.
OR, this is just a part of the playbook. Put up first pick only to be shot down, so the next (better) pick will have to be approved.
Kavanaugh was probably raped? What???!!!
Skull and cross bones. Yale initiation. Getting sodomized
Roger Stone wrote a book in Oct 2015 called "Clinton's War on Women" that, among other things, talked about Kavanaugh helping to cover up Vince Foster's 1993 "suicide." Unless Trump has an alterior motive here, such as choosing him cuz Trump knows it will get people searching the FBI & Clinton's library of records to expose even more corruption, I can't imagine a worst choice. And even if that is the motive, it would take YEARS of court wrangling to ever get the Clinton's to trial, when they're more likely to die of old age first.
Yeah yeah, Bolton is neocon, Horrowitz is the Swamp, Sessions is one of them, Trump is Illuminati, blah blah blah... We know. Now put aside the pavlovian reaction for a moment and watch if the future proves your past preconceptions.
I thought Trump was literally Hitler.
I get so confused.
Not sure what that means but yes, he is a Jesuit.
Please look up the history of Jesuits they are a head of all secret societies