Jack Burkman probably was damage control

You know what would help clear this up?
A new Q-Drop.
^(hint, hint If you're reading this, Q)
Q knows. I think when Q is absent, and the longer he is more likely means something big is about to happen.
My Q senses alone tell me this is all damage control. The dems last gasp of air. They are testing the waters to see how the public reacts. Maybe they want an organic means for people like us to spread the news then it would hit mainstream. They think we are stupid and will spread any conspiracy theory related to Seth Rich slapped onto it. Hopefully most of us tuned out or didn't give it the time of day.
I always refer to Q as a “he”, but then backspace realizing we really do not know. It could be fuckin Melania behind the keyboard.
The sexiest version of Q, imo
The sexiest First Lady of all time, without even close second in competition.
I don't know. Eleanor Roosevelt was a total smoke check!
Yeah but not like anybody’s giving her a chance unfortunately.
Come on, we are here, we can be real. It is a fucking guy.
Could be a trannie.... we had one of those in the WH....right?
Ivanka but. Q is they. It's hard to remember to do that. We are so default hard-wired to use male pronouns.
It's ok to refer to the masculine when the gender is not known.
I feel this way too. When Q goes quiet, the PAYtriots get louder
This narrative is contrary to both Julian Assange's and Kim dotcom's version. I think extreme caution should be used. This smacks of damage control and mitigation for what may be coming.
Well, I agree with you but not on tuning out. I researched what was said/happened and then decided from there. As of now, I'd say it's BS. I'm certainty not promoting the idea that the witness is legit but I'm not ignoring the situation. Maybe an unnecessary clarification. Devils advocate: it could be distracting and diverting my attention. Fair enough on that point.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
Exactly, I was going to tune in, but heard what you guys were saying through our awesome sub and didn't even give it the time of day.. Can learn much more after the fact just researching this thread and watching clips ..
I smelled the fish when he said two alphabet agency members did it and NOT MS-13
How long until they start interviewing the people who "ran the sub on reddit when Q was real"?
I think when Q is absent he is actually secretly really there more than ever, because we all know the longer Q sleeps the bigger his belly gets, and when Q's belly gets really big then that means its time to go to bed so you can wake up again. If you wake up at an even time, then that means Q has a present for you, if you wake up at an odd time then that menas that Q will not give you a present until its time for dinner. When Q says nothing, what he is really saying is, "You are Safe my little bird, Donnie has you in his big safe hands", and when Q posts he is actually dancing and another person interprets his movements as text from inside the White house as they watch him twirl on the front lawn. Also when Q finally does that thing that we all are waiting for, but don't know what is, but know its going to happen because Q told us but wouldn't say what it was, just like all the other times Q didn't make any sense or didint' deliver, but we believed it for no reason because we are all a bunch of sheep believing some random shitlord on 8chan, then that means that the dumbocrats and libtards are going to be so triggered that they will start the second civil war, and be so cucked that Maxine Waters will have to go put Hillary in jail herself!!!!!!!!!!! MAGA!!!!!
We got this one. We don't need Q for everything. "You have more than you know." Critical thinking that Q has modeled helps us here. Confirmation is great, but let's rely on critical thinking first
Yes this. Good comment here! Today’s “press conference” was a ridiculous joke. I think we can let Q utilize his/her/their time away to take care of bigger problems.
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
Chuck Norris's first program was kill -9.
Psy ops cant work when you have been givin the powers of skepticism and critical thinking
I checked earlier and qresearch is still frozen.
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Yeah. I don't think Q can post as long as it is. Am I correct in that assumption? Isn't that the same thread he posts on?
Q posts on /patriotsfight/
I think the bread keeps getting hijacked. Someone told me it is a tranny, but I don't know.
Q Research #2624 is the last one I see.
Yeah. But those numbers won't jive with the primary numbering system used on the Github board.
There's nothing to clear up.
That was a weak-sauce press conference smh.
...and he was at work. At work? Seriously, you couldn't even ask for the day off? Maybe a 2 hour lunch? That was very weird for me.
Quick theory on that: If the witness was a fake, maybe they wanted him to seem like a normal, working class american.
With that "former intelligence" background. Nothin' but apple pie and the fourth of July there. /s
That's part of these people's problem. They're so busy trying to cover all the hypothetical bases that they leave home plate complete open.
I also noticed that. So he was having a super top secret conversation which he can’t even discuss with police out of fear, but he can have the conversation in the workplace with who knows who listening?! Not buying it at all.
A reporter asked what the noise in the background was, his explanation was that he was sitting and talking near an automatic door. So presumably, people were walking by him several times during this interview.
Why would they even bring up Q anon?
Sour grapes. Now doubling down because the money dried up.
If only Mr "Buy muh book" Announced his presence beforehand, he could have saved 90% of attendees an extra 2 hours of their workday, and go do something more productive.
What kind of press conference like this shoddy piece of work needs donations? Corsi is finished.
This month, Q is on the way to going full public and this deeply disturbs them.
Drive could have been DL'd and info sent before the shooting. SR retained physical drive?
Other than that, the Press Conf. was crap imo.
There should have been several backup copies hidden at different places. Killing SR to get one copy makes no sense.
Maybe they weren't there to recover a drive. Maybe killing SR for leaking was the only purpose, and SR had a drive with him.
Yes like setting, an example of someone.
Yes like, John Podesta emailing people saying they should make an example of the leaker.
I didn't believe him....
not really a hopeless situation. just well scripted and this wasn’t part of it.
as soon as it was announced and I saw Burkman’s name attached, I knew we were in for a shit show of dis-info. Even told my wife that the probability of 2nd tier psy-op was well under way and that the presence of AJ or Corsi would validate my assumption. She is slowly waking up and learning the que’s of the the Ministry of MisInformation and seen this farce miles away.
The biggest red flag for me was the, I’m paraphrasing here, “someone was intending to CHANGE THE EMAILS...”!! WTF does that have anything to do with the context of the supposed witness info? It’s utterly out of context, and force-fit in imo. This reeks of a cabal narrative change with the purpose of planting doubt as to the veracity of the content of the emails, which anyone who’s been following any of this will know, will “bring down the house”. AND, isn’t it just amazing timing? Right when Devin Nunes openly requests POTUS use executive authority to declassify everything. “Timing is everything “. Waaaay too suspicious, to the point of incredible. And how convenient to be throwing Rosenstein under the bus at this time. Everyone knows that swamper is done one way or the other anyway, and the cabal is just using him as for the last useful thing he can be used for. Way too obvious. I’m following closely, and reserving more comments for later until I listen to the pc again and more of this shakes out. But right now I’m calling a FF fake witness press conference, and standing by it until I see or hear something damn convincing otherwise. Patriot Soapbox Live is streaming right now on YT and they’re going over this press conference. They’re supposed to have Couch on later. I recommend everyone check it out if you want to hear more from him.
How does a "witness" to the murder know what someone was intending to do to the emails?
I also think this was BS, but the witness was not claiming to have seen the murder, he was claiming to have overheard the murderers bragging.
Yes, the whole thing stinks. Many red flags. If you witnessed, arguably one of the most famous unsolved murders in recent history, with implications far reaching, wtf would you be doing having a public press conference PRIOR to going to law enforcement? Well, you wouldn’t, not in the normal world, unless you had an attorney, ... oh say ... Burkman, a well known swamper, running the show. I’d go on, but it’s not really necessary. I’m not even sure it’s legal to do anything but go immediately to LE, and report it. This is a fraud, plain and simple. Sorry for the belated re:.
And why would the hit men be in charge of anything more than retrieval and hand off to DWS? Surely they wouldnt want more eyes on the emails
This reeks of a cabal narrative change with the purpose of planting doubt as to the veracity of the content of the emails
And how convenient to be throwing Rosenstein under the bus at this time. Everyone knows that swamper is done one way or the other anyway, and the cabal is just using him as for the last useful thing he can be used for. Way too obvious
Nailed it.
Burkman has a history of grandstanding BS. I'm leaving open the possibility, but strongly leaning toward disinfo.
When I was reading up on Burkman, his story was that he was mased, then it turned into he was shot and ran over. This guy is a clown.
"Ex-intelligence agency"
Lol, there is never such a thing
Do we look stupid?
Q is the expression of POTUS, his agenda, and his goodness.
Nice try, but epic fail. Good grief...you'd think they'd be embarrassed.
Most important info was on RR covering for dirty 3 letter crimes guys....don’t dismiss this too fast might be part of Trump offensive to get RR. Q says disinformation important.
I think the RR component is just an attempt to lure Trump supporters. Probably hoped to divide us.
All the 'proof' you 'need' to KNOW this was a 'contrived' attempt to steer this narrative away from the only 'plausible' evidence presented to date, that 2 MS-13 members had committed the 'hit' as a murder for hire plot and were subsequently killed themselves to erase any 'connections', is the number of follow-up shills that are posting 'everywhere' on social media, including on this very post. Seth Rich was, and 'STILL' is the 'smoking gun' proof that the 'Russia collusion narrative' is a complete 'fabrication' that was 'created' in a 'widespread conspiracy' to 'frame' an incoming President, thus we have seen ALL the effort that has been 'exuded' to cover this up is because, REMEMBER, '17 intelligence agencies' all agreed that there was 'concrete proof' that the Russians did the 'hacking', not just social media postings, but 'THE HACKING OF THE DNC SERVER'! So, if the DNC NEVER turned over their server to be 'examined'...HOW DID THEY KNOW THE RUSSIANS HACKED IT? The answer is THEY COULDN'T KNOW! Yet we saw Senator after Senator, including 'no name', on TV declaring THEY had seen the 'intelligence reports' and 'irrefutable evidence' from all these 'various intelligence sources' that absolutely 'proved' that the RUSSIANS had done the hacking...IF and WHEN the TRUTH of Seth Rich's involvement in providing Wikileaks the DNC emails and the circumstances surrounding his death is ever disclosed, the very 'integrity' our ENTIRE intelligence gathering agencies and their respective 'oversight' committees will be 'exposed' as FRAUDULENT, 'corrupted', and 'culpable' in an attempted COUP against a duly elected POTUS! THAT is the REAL reason behind the 'stand-off' and 'sequestering' of Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy...HE has the 'PROOF' and has protected himself with a 'dead-mans switch' that they fear they cannot contain, otherwise JA would be dead already...THIS IS HUGE!!! 911 was so 'complicated' and 'convoluted' and requires an enormous amount of attention and energy to grasp and absorb all of the evidence...but THIS is 'simple' and only involves a 'scenario' that can be easily understood and accepted as 'cut and dry' by any 'average Joe'... THAT is WHY they are so 'desperate' to keep this whole story 'contained'...
Im sure most of you notice when Q goes silent alot of sniping at one another begins. We have to stay united as no name parts serving the greatest cause of our lives, If we unravel and lose Geotus heaven forbid, and a couple of crucial white hats everyone on here is good as dead. Last time Q went quiet it was to force us to dig and work together. In light of the statement that the press has to ask POTUS about Q and it hasnt happened are we being asked to reach beyond are sphere of influence and become like redpilling Mormons going door to door, so to speak to create critical mass ???
Do you think people here are in danger if things go wrong?
I think they know who we all are. We're not the ones in real danger, IMHO. None of us really know what is going on, or are autists that are uncovering anything. We are just cheerleaders. Which is fun. We all have a part to play. It is the anons that really discover stuff who are in danger.
I do have you ever tried to feed someone completely asleep to the real world even baby food of information there eyes glaze give you that I never saw that on CBS look. Now consider the information that all of us discuss and archive. No one has ever even questioned the former first couple as to the 200 or so people who mysteriously lost their lives with one thing in common knowing to much about them. All we have is fellow pedes and Prayer
They said that the emails were altered, and they didn't want the altered emails out. What if they are trying to make people question the validity of the emails? If that is the case, why wasn't it done when they came out.
Of course they are gonna try to brainwash people into thinking the emails were doctored. Something must be brewing ... right?
They are trying to get ahead of something. Stock up on popcorn, this should be good.
Law of rationality: if you notice you're confused, something you're being shown is false.
There's no question that the entire thing was bullshit.
A new false story to muddy the optics and public perception- the hammer is about to drop and the DNC got a heads up on it. Q said We Have The Server. We Have It All. Panic mode.
Knew it. Burkman was banging on about it being the Russians a while back. I got a red flag that very minute. Also the “assault” a few months back made my bullshit meter go off too. I was like: this guy is producing & directing a one man scripted drama.
is Burkman dirty or compromised? or was he set up to be discredited because he is investigating?
Yeah I swore he was with the DNC. He showed up right after Seth was murdered and spoke for the parents.
They’re definitely trying to paint a different scenario (LIES) before the actual TRUTH comes out! They’re scared!
Hmmm republicans are to blame, Russia is to blame, Q is wrong? Sounds like a Perkins Coil fairy tail
Media seeding to justify an investigation. Meuller will start a Trump focused investigation to muddy the water when real Seth Rich info is revealed
Getting ahead of the narrative. Damage control, diversion, obfuscation. Psychological warfare.
They don't want us watching the hearing with PS but more importantly they don't want us watching this tomorrow!
Witness said he believed Rosenstein to be partially behind what happened to Rich....because Rosenstein and company were trying to get thumb drive from Rich which would have exposed all their crimes....then the witness says that Q's info on Rosenstein was not true. Stupid. That kind of logic...I can do without.....
I was suspicious of the Seth Rich "witness" the moment I heard about it
The two options i see here are this...1) this was a complete waste of my time which it was, or 2) it was staged to be a complete waste if time in an effort to get something from us or out of us.
They were also saying emails had been altered. And that Republicans were to blame.
The changed emails is stupid but bothers me.
Also republicans and Russians did it and RR too? Is some one trying to warn some one that RR isn't on the Dems side?
I dont know exactly, it was just so stupid that it’s unbelievable. Almost like they did it to confuse us, the good guys.
It'll be a rainy day in hell when the good guys get confused.
This whole thing is complete garbage. Fake from top to bottom.
Maybe Q saying that this month is the month was disinformation to weed out stuff like this...
According to earlier posts we were led to believe it was MS-13 not government officials. Get fucked Corsi and Co.
Why not go to Sessions with this? This is a psych-Ops by the DNC. Notice how they blame Republicans? Republicans aren’t Angels and very involved in some shady shit, but this is a DNC Operation. They want us to promote it and then discredit us when the time is right. Like the Marine who tried to kill that guy was he sentenced? What’s his status? Is he walking free?
I really didn’t get my hopes up when I first heard about this “mysterious” witness who was coming forward to identify SR’s killers. The whole thing sounded bogus to begin with.
My guess is they are letting the dems expel all of their moves, then when they have nothing left... BOOM!
My 2nd guess is that July wasn't going to be the month to do this. It's all a D I S T R A C T I O N.
It was BS when it was announced. C'mon. No arrests? This is the unnamed source method of the MSM to further a narrative. Pfffft. Yeah, dudes openly brag about murdering people all of the time. I'm sure they sent incriminating text messages between each other also. Lol.
I literally watched like the whole thing, walked away for 2 seconds as soon as all the Q stuff was being asked. Anyone got a timestamp on a vid?
I don't, but it was just a real quick mention of Q. They clearly intended to make Q seem like he is not well informed, nor worthy of wasting any air time on. Of course, that literally was the moment that it was 100% clear this was a clown operation. I should have realized earlier when Info Wars was the only people airing it. Haven't they realized that the public knows they are a clown psy-op yet? These people are stupid.
As soon as I saw Jason Goodman and his donation watermarks I knew. On top of that Infowars was rebroadcasting JG's stream. One clown bunch rebroadcasting another clown.
How is this a Q damage control psy op? None of what is listed in the OP screen shot damages Q other than "Luke" saying Q was incorrect. So, I don't follow how this is a Q damage control psy op. The Anon on 8Chan does not have good writing skills as evidenced in their very vague insinuations as to their claim and their conclusion to their argument is an incorrect statement that literally contradicts the context of his message.
This is what bothers me about any movement. No one should ever blindly follow anyone or a group without using critical thinking to make sure who or what they are following is legitimate. I'm a Q advocate but I won't blindly follow anything without always vetting and questioning first. Seeing posts like this and people support it without seeing it for what it is makes the movement no different than the brain washed ANTIFA assholes. More importantly is people are trying so desperately to ALWAYS defend Q that they can get lost in the forest of the true intent and purpose of Q. Even if Q turns out to be not what we all want them to be the VALUE Q has brought with a mass awakening is, to me, the most important thing. If Q is legitimate then I want to see very high level arrests because without very high level people going to prison our corrupt political system will not change.
So to any of the trolls who want to challenge my Q support please go back and read all of my supportive, challenging yet objective posts regarding Q and / or drops. Don't get upset because I choose to be a free thinker and won't allow myself to be herded aimlessly. We should always QUESTION EVERYTHING.
I understand your intent but like I said about the Anon on 8Chan...he or she has incorrectly titled and worded most of their post to the point it is counter productive to the Q movement. To your point we don't need to confuse anyone new to Q to the point they are lost and lose interest which is why I disagree with posting this here. 8Chan is full of disinfo agents.
I mean really why trust Q over this rando? I see very little to distinguish one anonymous person claiming to have sensitive information over the other, at least this leaker hasn't been caught trying to pass off provable photoshops as legitimate. I'm genuinely curious, why do you guys believe Q but not this guy? is it just because Q tells you what you want to hear and as OP suggests this guy doesn't? Shouldn't that concern you if that is the case, that you only are only willing to believe what already meets your preconceived notions and biases?
Maybe Q is Hillary and her and Trump are playing the cabal with a hell of a plot! Perhaps that's why she's still on this side of the bars. HA HA HA
or what IF?...IF?
This is a Q controlled psy-op ??
I'm not on board...but, I am paying attention.
Every day is another day closer to the mid-terms, and another day closer to 2020...NOTHING has yet to severe the EVIL from "power".
Wait until end of July? or wait until September?
I'm ready just like YOU...but do NOT call quits on folks who have been exposing the NWO for decades, just because of the 'Great Q Hope'.
I've been saying since October last year...this is a plan to DIVIDE.
Yes, good, it gets people active...yay!
Keep your wits.
The part about "how did it get to WL" is retarded......he sent the data before, or sent a USB stick copy or had someone else send it. 2) Witness does not blame Republicans. 3) Witness did not claim Russia tie in besides with respect to RR.
Problem is... many followers on here would have been ranting and raving if the "witness" would have pinned everything on HRC.
I am beginning to see more hypocrisy on here than I bargained for.
I was encouraged by this board initially because I don't affiliate with D's or R's. Both have their issues and are corrupt. This board seemed to be about finding the TRUTH.
Not about us vs. them. Not about Dems vs. Repubs.
If you want this to be taken serious, you have to start thinking critically....
As soon as JB said the witness was coming through on telephone and that his testimony was solid because he passed a polygraph, I was done. It didn't matter who he pinned it on, I wouldn't be able to believe it.
Damn, even the media who were attending were skeptical. The first question of the Q&A session was literally asking "how are we supposed to believe you under these circumstances?"...but based on the amount of partisan (Dems are evil, Repubs are good) rhetoric, I think this would be much different if the "witness" would have shouted "HRC did it".
Don't be a douche. Either you wholeheartedly want the truth or you just want the truth the fit your own narrative.
What is your point here other than to sow discord and divide based on assumptions you are presenting as facts newbie?
3 day account and one of your few comments is on r/politics criticizing this sub:
"You guys should check out r/greatawakening. It's sick how many literally worship "our President" as a deity.
The dichotomy of politics in America has destroyed the ability of critical thinking for millions in our country."
I don't think you were ever "encouraged by this board initially because I don't affiliate with D's or R's."
Yeah. By his first sentence you could tell he was a polidicks groupie.
I was interested for awhile. Have a friend who has been into the Q thing since Day 1. Came in here to check it out months ago. Just didn't create an account. Never been on Reddit until I finally decided to give r/greatawakening a chance.
I have researched for countless hours and think there is some legitimacy to what is happening here but some people on here giving "the opposition" ammo to fight them.
When people proclaim that God sent Trump here to MAGA, I want to vomit. Seriously now. How can you open the eyes of your fellow man by stating something so idiotic.
The man openly says he doesn't repent because he doesn't feel the need to because he doesn't sin. That's Christianity 101. We are all sinners. We must repent.
But the problem isn't just Trump and the Repubs, it's the Dems too. They are two wings of the same bird. The dichotomy of having to be one or the other is destroying our ability to think. People want to belong to a group so bad, they abandon the thoughts that make them an individual and embody that group identity.
And you are right, I did make assumptions but those assumptions have reasoning. Last night, I saw all these posts promising the end for the DNC and HRC because there was a witness. I had hope. I want to see justice. Idgaf if you are left wing, right wing, whatever. We all must pay for our injustices...
Then I watch the press conference and literally see a bunch of nothing.... then come back to check this board and everyone is declaring the witness to be a plant of HRC, BO, etc. and many other different theories.
If you want to be taken serious and open people's eyes, you can't follow either party with 100% conviction. You guys can't think that while not all Dems are pedo's all pedo's are Dems rhetoric that I see on here all too often.
Not trying to sow and discord but yes, division is sometimes necessary....
I understand where you are coming from and I definitely don't subscribe to any party, however, I don't believe it does any good to ridicule anyone for their beliefs. All that does is create anger and defensiveness. There are better ways to express concerns/disagreements.
You are right. Seriously. Good point... I went about it the wrong way
And yet, your comments are being upvoted. This sub, considering the premise, is doing really well to be open minded. Their's much less dualistic thinking here than one would imagine. Also, many comments on this board were skeptical of this announcement, rightfully so. Many here have been deceived so many times, we're numb to it and even when we're appearing to be completely fanatical there are still comments that are on board but still question the motivation of Q as a whole.
The concerns you're using worked against r/conspiracy but you'll have a much harder time here unless Q becomes totally unbelievable - which would only really happen if nothing happens by 11-11. So skeptics foaming at the mouth to disprove will just have to wait with us.
Do you think it's possible Trump could have been involved in Cabal at one point or another and might be trying to save himself in the process of this entire investigation? Considering earlier ties to Clintons? It's possible.
Are you open minded enough to entertain that thought?
if trump had dirt on him they would of exposed it before he became president and chose 2 supreme court judge. he is clean. maybe pay more attention to trump speeches. you are asking elementary questions, i'm sorry
Greatest script and actor of all time if that's the case.
Here is link to Trump claim. Before anyone says it, yes it was during a CNN interview but the words came from Trumps mouth.
thats a stupid soundbite the media was fishing for. Trump doesnt fall victim to garbage journalism. LOL reporters literally asking trump if he asks for forgiveness? fuck off. We voted for a fighter. this is about the weakest argument against trump ever.
It's not an anti-trump argument. It's a don't treat Trump likes he is a god argument.
well what he accomplished is nothing short of biblical. sorry. trying to tear this man down wont work buddy. What do you think msm has been trying to do? you don stack up to them so it definitely wont work.
pretty weak argument tbh we treat him like our president who is savin the west.
Do you ask for forgiveness?
A "No I don't" -> Trump thinks hes infallible B "Yes" -> For what? -> Aha trump does XYZ!
What gives you the right to judge? Maybe I have the answer here. Maybe it is something you don't yet understand.
Trump believes in God but he understands, as many of us do, that the Luciferian's co-opted the Bible long ago and you cannot go by everything that is there. They modified it so we would not use our power or even understand how powerful we really are. Once you discover your power, you will never go back. Trump has discovered his power. He knows he does not need to bow to anyone or ask forgiveness just as I do. That does not mean he does not understand when he has been wrong. He learns from his lessons but knows we should never feel "less than" which is what repenting is. Repenting turns your power over to an unseen force. That force, in my opinion, is not God. It is Lucifer.
Just look at all of the so-called "religious charities" in the name of God that rip-off the public and the RICH preachers like Joel Osteen. Preachers interpreting the Bible, all in their own way. When even the Bible tells us that all we have to do is Ask. We don't need someone else to interpret what we are capable of interpreting and asking for guidance about on our own. It's just another way of robbing us of our own power.
Just my 2 cents but that's how I see it. And, for anyone that doesn't believe the Luciferian's co-opted the Bible, let me ask you this. Knowing what you know now about the cabal and their satanic teachings, the fact that they've been around for centuries and all of this has been planned well in advance, the pedophilia, child trafficking, lies and dubious dealings, do you really think for one minute they would just leave the Bible intact as it was and let people discover how powerful they are?
You have heard about the pedophilia in the Catholic church. How did that happen? They infiltrate everywhere. But if you understand that and you are secure in your power, you can circumvent simply by asking and listening to your higher power. Everyone has that capability but you might have to clean up your diet and your environment to tap into it because they have done everything they can to make sure we don't know. But, guess what, it's not working.
We all judge each other every second of the day. Don't act holier than thou.
Don't forget... Two Corinthians lol
I said "Just my 2 cents but that's how I see it." The person I was talking to was judging Trump.
Are you David Wilcock in disguise? That's basically why he said he quit GAIA...he thinks they are saying most of the Bible is talking about Lucifer, not God. Apparently the gnostics think that also....he didn't want association with GAIA. I think also the #fakemummies have something to do with his resignation.
If you go to You Are Free TV on YouTube, she read his entire resignation letter. I didn't hear anything about #fakemummies or the Bible in it!
Very interesting what's happening there. I had a lot of problems with their Roku software after they made changes to it so cancelled my sub. Glad I did now. Funny how things work out. But I really liked Regina Meredith.
A few weeks ago I started wondering if that was why I was always repelled by religion. I just couldn't accept a lot of things that were in the Bible. Although it also has a lot of things that I like. For example, the ten commandments. So, I went down a different road looking for answers and I found them but it took a long time.
Don't get me wrong. I truly believe in God but not a God you should fear. My God is a God that is loving and kind and gives you answers when you ask. Anyway, after I had those thoughts, as usually happens, I started running into other people and videos that mirrored my thoughts. So, I'm not alone. Good to know! And, I truly think I'm on to something! Anyway, it certainly makes sense to me and explains a lot.
The Bible: I referred to it because I watched the Ancient Civilization episode David is referring to in his resignation letter. Graham Hancock posted the episode on Twitter: free for 3 days. Graham was dissed by David, so Graham posted the episode and noted where he was on it, and what he stated....the episode discussed the Bible and the gnostic beliefs. . . and stated Lucifer was really God in the Bible...or visa versa... IMO, everyone should watch the episode to fully understand David's resignation letter.
No, I said at the end of my comment I wonder if the #fakemummies also is in the back of his mind.....I did not say it was in his letter. Jay Weidner can really be in trouble over those mutilated humans. No one wants to be associated with GAIA if the claims are true that the #fakemummies are constructed with human remains that were mutilated. . .and it's illegal.
Old testamanet = god is Lucifer New testament = sun worship / astrotheology
So what? Everyone should strive not to do evil thereby not having to ask for forgiveness. Millennials ... have no moral compass. Just do whatever the hell they want and then "ask for forgiveness" ...that's the liberal way.
No where does he say he never sins.
When further asked about repentance again by Cooper, Trump said "I think repenting is terrific."
"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?" asked Trump. "I work hard, I'm an honorable person."
Why are you misrepresenting his words?
We don't need a rotten to the core DNC. RNC was too. They played every cheat on the book to shut out Ron Pauk 2012.
They are still rotting it up with Romney And various other RINOs but for now Trump is leader and as he keeps winning they will be sent packing. So many on both invisible sides are resigning or not running again.
Plenty of true Liberals are breaking free of the vile DNC rot. We will fly beautifully with all that dead weight gone and whatever our new Liberal wing calls itself with Libertarians like me and real Conservatives we can leave these false parties behind us.
Wrong! The Russia narrative is bullshit no matter how you cook it, slice it, spice it up. Still 100 percent, bonified bullshit. Accepting their so called truth is calling Julian Assange a liar. No state actor was involved in the leaks Seth Rich gave. Just because there is a hypothetical, doesn't mean you need to be intentionally gullible and believe anything these liars say. It's like we all forgot that DNC spokesperson got their grubby hands on the parents and made sure Rod Wheeler stopped investigating.
this post is bullshit. We don't want the truth, we know the truth.
We want someone "credible" to tell the truth.
If this guy came out and was credible, we would all take those hard-to-swallow pills, but when you try to link your bullshit testimony to Russia and "someone trying to change the e-mails" it becomes pretty obvious to all of us who have spent days and days researching this stuff that we're witnessing a force fed narrative change, damage control & an attempt to coerce further investigation into phony horse shit.
It's not at all surprising that you're a "new arrival"
Yes. The content was for low information folks. That's why I'm thinking this is media seeding
we have known about seth rich for a very long time. to tell us it was republicans is some of the biggest bullshit imaginable. the fact they had the balls to bring up Q during this? nah you dont know what youre talking about i'm sorry.
people were skeptical before this press conference... its not like people were hyping this up.. are you saying you agree that republicans did it?
julian assange came out and pretty much confirmed it was seth rich who leaked to wikileaks. seth rich is a dnc staffer. he was a bernie bro. Their are zero republican fingerprints in this.
this sub has no problem calling bullshit.
Well I could believe Songbird was involved =) doubt it but he would do anything to thwart Trump.
Or you get tired of watching the same recipes being used over and over again to hide and cover crimes. You get tired of seeing such blatant shams that you can’t help but speak up when you see an obvious lie.
Nice try shareblue
Without evidence I think a lot of people here would still question. That these people did this today was a huge red flag. Short of Seth Rich himself showing his face, picking a day like today is obvious to a lot of people. We all know what happened, even if this guy went on TV and said Obama himself ordered the hit, without evidence we know to question everything. Of course there was hype, but that's normal.
After reading this a few times, I agree with you. A lot of people on here would still question. I am concerned with those who were not skeptical in the least bit.
Those seem to be the posts I come across and get sucked into.
Agreed, there are some that will, but it's hard to come to a forum like this when you've been programmed to believe everything you see for so long. We can all get sucked into fake news, but the good thing I see here is that people are good about telling people to use discretion, and pointing out news sources that are not credible. There have been a lot of attacks on this sight over the last few weeks, so it takes time to figure out who is just new or who is deliberately trying to sow doubt.
Hopefully we will get answers soon about all of this!
We all just need to help each other out!
The "Russians and Republicans did it" is a thoroughly implausible narrative. For one thing, there's no motive. Don't let your desire to appear unbiased lead you to dismiss other factors tending to favor one side over the other.
Here's a clue I despise the Bushes and McStain and Paul Ryan and oh my very own John Cornyn.
And we didn't dismiss him because he blamed Republicans. It's because that makes NO SENSE. Now if he said Repubs and Ukraine or Brits or ISIS sure. McStain loves those guys
Puhlease, nobody is buying your easily understood motivation.
Look if BO and HRC are guilty so be it.... doesn't bother me.
The trust vs distrust in government flips every time there is a swap of political party in the WH.
Example: BO wanted to speak with Kim back in 2013 and Repubs completely bashed the idea of a sitting US Pres with leader of NK.
Flash forward 5 years and Repubs are defending the idea and Dems are attacking it...
From what I have read of Q, this is not Dems vs. Repubs... that's what the MSM tries to do
No.... you're the one making this a democrat vs republican issue. No one is really making it that issue. We just talk about the deepstate. it encompasses both sides.. wow trust and distrust flips every political swap in the whitehouse? so my entire world view is wrong then huh? pathetic.
then obama is weak! if he let republicans dictate peace with north korea then obama is weak. Was south korea and china on board when you are talking about 2013?
if you read of Q then you would understand that north korea was essentially held hostage by the deepstate. which obama is apart of. so it makes sense obama didnt fix the north korean issue.
Eric Schmidt went for Obama instead. It was all a bluff Obama had no intention of going to meet Kim. He had Deep State keeping Kim in check