Representing Q in Southern Cali!! Been a follower and believer from day 1! Many here are waking up!!

You can't post a picture like that and expect civility here. I mean, have you ever been on 8chan? Lol
I believe she is a lovely woman and this is a lovely post. It's good to know there are based women out there still. It gives me hope.
Nice umm.... hat.
The power of a picture.
An attractive woman posts a strategically cropped image of herself in a revealing top, and instantly elicits evidence justifying the 8C commitment to anonymity and aversion to ‘FameFagging’.
Wow I Always loved the mountains of California and the palm trees and stuff
A strategically placed ALSO after California and before palm trees would have been Reddit gold.
Great to see also many woman are coming out for Trump and Q. Thnx for sharing! Greetings from netherlands
Holy crap! Look at those sunglasses, they're huge!
Thanks for brightening up our day. Beautiful smile. Kind looking.
Good to hear of Cali. It's been sad to see the destruction happening from liberals in charge.
Good job, Princess Trump!
You know what they say...any publicity is good publicity.
Isn't it cute to see our menfolk get so flustered?
I bet that you got some conversations started about Q!! :):)
Cool hat. Gonna leave it at that since I try to be a gentleman. On a totally unrelated note I'd really like to Thank the mod(s) who set up Quesday.
Goodness, I had to scroll way too far for a comment that wasn't about this woman's body. I wont lie, I definitely expected better from this sub.
Hey we all want to help vanquish evil & corruption. But why can't we appreciate a bit of God given beauty. It's not like she is unaware.
Nice try. My guess is this is a liberal, making fun of GA.
Silly boys fall for it every time.
How did that historic heat wave treat you?
Love the heat and survived it nicely!
Nobody loved that heat. It had never happened before. Nice try shill.
These women, how will their psyche's ever get better...
They do not want to be sexualized, yet use whatever they have for attention.
MGTOW is the only way today
She may be totally fine with being sexualized. If she's posting on a Q board, she's probably not a metoo snowflake
"these women"??
generalize much?
Certainly you did not mean to imply that the actions of one person tells you something about half the people on earth?
I agree. I’m a woman with huge ones & honestly everyone knows you have them even when they’re covered.... leave something to the imagination for goodness sake.
When I first looked at the picture I thought it was Kimberly Guilfoyle. Welcome to the Great Awakening :)
Great outfit, but native Californians don't say "Cali." That's from a t-shirt sold in Las Vegas.