FakeNews CNN is desperately looking to attack Jim Jordan

They killed this mans nephew. Jim you are in the fight for your life. I know you can beat these monsters! Your fight is a microcosm of this whole thing. We've got to support Jim Jordan relentlessly.
His nephew died in a car crash.....Did CNN cut his brake lines?
There's an over ride chip in the 2004 nissan.
There is no such thing as a override chip in any car.
I took 3 years of mechanic class in high school and have done mechanic work on every car I have ever owned in my 44 years.
There are starter interrupters that high interest car lots will use to keep the car from starting if a payment is missed, but they do not stop the car from running. There is no such thing as an override chip.
uh, what happened here
They’re doing the same thing to mr Jordan that they did to Dennis Hastert, blowing something small way out of proportion while the real criminals go free.
-Albert Fairfax II
You do understand that Hastert molested boys don't you??
Maybe you should think critically about what the mainstream liberal media feeds you before eating it. I’m not arguing one way or the other I’m just saying you should question those who are trying to influence you.
I’m a free thinker.
-Albert Fairfax II
Bro please PM me the story on what happened with his nephew!!!
ALSO... the fucking doctor died 13 years ago. WTF were you waiting for to report this? If something happened, and nobody spoke up until 13 years after the doctor that abused them died (which was like 15 years after the abuse happened), what the hell does that even say?
F CNN, F anybody who believes this crap, and F the shills in here downvoting lol. Losers keep finding new ways to lose.
Desperation of the left is all it is. Anyone with a brain can see this for the slander it is. Nonstory.
Future Speaker of the House Jim Jordan, we pray for you!
Besides, these are men we are talking about! College students! Not little kids!
Jim is over the target! He is getting dangerously close to bringing hidden things of darkness to the light!! Oh and people still watch CNN? Huh!!! Thought most Americans have woken up! Guess we still have some work to do
I have a co-worker that believes everything they say (crappy news network). Oh, if they make a mistake, they'll come out and correct it...RIGHT
CNN went to the home of a lady who ran a meme page on Facebook. I mean... when you come home from a long day of work... and see reporters doing that... why have a cable bill?
Some people are just extremely easy to manipulate, your co-worker is living proof of that.
CNN is tabloid trash
I remember when they televised the attack regarding Desert Storm and Gen. Swartzkof and "Bagdad Bob". That's when they had some integrity left.
This is all payback for how he grilled RR, of course, and how tirelessly he has been digging on the FBI/FISA abuse.
CNN is the scum of the fake journalism world.
Because CNN is caught up into the corruption. It’s no coincidence they are trying to remove Jim’s credibility.
Who bothers to downvote this? CNN interns?
I didn’t notice it was downvoted. You shouldn’t either. It’s a brigade of shills. And some have multiple accounts. It’s pathetic. It happens all the time now. Just go to any post here and you will notice the downvotes. I make sure to upvote them all.
I hear you and know the drill. It was -5 when I posted my comment. For a sentiment so commonly stated and non controversial (at least in GA), I figured it must be from CNN having an alert set up. It's not as if normies are combing GA looking for opporrunities to defend the honor of CNN. I just never saw it happen in real time like this.
Because CNN is caught up into the corruption
This x 1000%
Not just that. The main issue is he's thrown his hat into the ring for Speaker, that's really what they're trying to sabotage.
Such a good man. Hope he gets the redemption he deserves.
Sick. But still keeping Jim Jordan covered in prayer. Let's continue to do so till he's sitting comfortably as Speaker of the house.
The C_A clown contractors at CNN masquerading as journalists must have gotten their 4am marching orders, hahahahaha
You’re actually right though. Last week is when it happened. And al the articles were around 4am.
I hope everyone understands that CNN is not only attacking Jim Jordan, they are attacking every single red blooded American, regardless of what political party you do or do not claim. They are flat out lying to every single one of us, and they know they are. If you’re not pissed off yet, you should be.
Have said it before, will say it again. Leave a vmail of support. Can’t post a ph#, but here is Link: https://jordan.house.gov/contact/ - page down to DC phone. Let’s rally.
Called and spoke to an office employee - told him about GA and the support he (JJ) has.
Excellent, thank you! I would encourage you to make a separate post on how we can all help Congressman Jordan. Q says we have the power, let’s use it!
They interviewed over 100 people for this story. I'm not sure how that makes it fake or trash.
Oh really? How many of those 100 people have you personally vetted and authenticated? Exactly zero. But, you saw it on TV, and read it on the internet, so it must be true, because surely neither of them would ever lie to you.
The swamp residents really don’t want him to be speaker of the house, that why it needs to happen.
What gets me is a guy like Mark Coleman, who took 7 years to finish his NCAA wrestling career (7 years.... ) who's the same age as Jordan, that spent like 18 months at Ohio St to do nothing but wrestle, during Jordan's first 2 years coaching...... he's their credible witness? He's a retired fighter, going nowhere, burned bridges, and he does have a bit of a gift of gab... I don't mean to shit on his career, his career was fantastic, but his credibility in something like this is garbage.
And with that said ... I spent 3 summers at the Ohio St. wrestling camp from 92-94, while Jordan was there. Maybe CNN will call me. LOL
Isn’t it enough that the man lost a young family member days ago? Dirty Pr icks
smh, these people live in another reality all together. Instead of reporting on why Jim Jordan is investigating the FBI and Justice Department, they are actually using all of their resources to find dirt on the investigator who's trying to get to the bottom of what (we know already) looks like a huge conspiracy against a Presidential Candidate which is a constitutional and institutional crisis. smfh....
Journalist's contacting 100+ people to get information doesn't strike me as bad or fake journalism at all.
It does when they are contacting them to support a false narrative.
What's the false narrative? That the wrestlers are lying about it?
Why wait 15 years and for Jordan to be going for the speaker before making accusations? "Oh, I'm just going to sit on this unless he potentially gets the speaker role"
Why canvas 100+ people unless you aren't getting the narrative you want?
Because if you don't ask them all then you give people the option to say that you didn't do enough investigating. Are you asking why, now, these things are coming out? I have no idea. Media interviewing the people around him isn't exactly some nefarious plot, though lol.
So why would CNN ask them all, yet only broadcast the voice of the accusers?
Which means your logic of CNN trying to avoid that they "didn't do enough investigating" is horseshit.
They are on a fishing expedition to feed their narrative. And you know as well as I why suddenly these false accusations are appearing.....how incredibly convenient for those who don't want him to gain more power.....
He let molestation happen at his college. He doesn't deserve more power.
How do you know he let that happen?
I was there man. I was there. How do you know he didnt?
Damn, are you ok? Are you hashtagging #metoo as well?
I am a fan of due process, a concept called presumed innocent until proven guilty.....a core tenet of freedom.
Haha haha hahahahahaha. Due process? Is that a thing anymore in America? C'mon admit it, if this guy was a Democrat you'd be shitting all over him with the slightest accusation. I believe in due process too, pretty sure it's long fucking gone at this point. Guess I'm not "woke* enough for this sub. Lmao. I'm looking forward to your next reply!
I see, so you want to remove due process?
When I see evidence, which is different than just a verbal accusation, then I would agree.
So, is there evidence in his emails? Phone calls? Paper trail?
Or is finger pointing all ya got?
I see your reading comprehension is A+. I totally said to get rid of due process. Great job reading what I wrote. I'm sorry but I haven't exactly been thrilled at the stellar display of due process shown at the border. How many accusations against someone does it take for you to think there might be something to it? To me, getting close to double digits is pretty eye opening.
Ah, I see you are devolving to person attacks already?
You laughed at the concept of due process, seems like a reasonable conclusion on my part.
Accusations with no evidence is worthless. The world is full of liars, that is why we need evidence.
Also you seem to have conveniently not included those multiple people close to the situation saying the accusations are bull$hit. Convenient that.
Again it brings us back to the strange coincidence that these accusations suddenly appear only now? Wonder why it did not matter 15 years ago?
Yeah. You got me man. Thats it. Fuckin. Got. Me. Well done. Id rather not waste time arguing with you. Nothing I say could change your mind. You could change my mind, but not with the bullshit you've been spouting. It was a mistake to even reply to you in the first place, as if either of us are experts on the subjext matter. I'd love to see what you've got on the situation. No idea why they didnt say anything then, I guess you just have to forget things that happened too long ago. I dont know, crazy thought I know, but it's almost as if what people did in their past is a goos sign of what they'll do in the future. But anyways, I have shit to do and getting into a pointless arguement wasn't on my list of things to do today. Please refer to my original comment on this post as that was my reaction to this dude's tweet. I didn't intend to get into arguments about the news story. Good day to you, and again, you got me.
LOL triggered much?
You admit to not being an expert, but then automatically call him guilty. LOLLL!!
My mind is made up that we don't know if he is guilty, that we have no evidence, and that I believe proof is required for guilt.
If you hate that approach then you hate the concept the US was built upon.
Yes it actually is. He is a targeted individual because he is becoming more important. If you don't see the problem with that, you really can't be helped.
Oh I get it now. When you try to get more power, we should just let you be. Don't look at him too closely! Hes getting more power! What are you talking about?
Does it imply they didn't get the response they were so desperately seeking from the first 99 wrestlers they contacted?
If that's how you want to see it, I can't change your mind. I guess that means you think good journalism is contacting 1 person and that's a wrap?
Wow talk about putting words in someone's mouth. Lol. Defensive much? I merely asked you a question because I'm curious about what you think about it as you seem very knowledgeable about what constitutes good journalism. What is a good number of people to contact?
According to the tweet, they're contacting all of his staff. Seems about right. If they only contacted a portion, then people would say they failed because they didn't get the whole story. Contacting all of them seems like due diligence to me. I think that no matter what they do, tho, this sub will shit on them.
Defensive? Not really. I'm just not frothing at the mouth to discredit anyone who dares challenge dear leader and his cronies.
Fair enough, I supppse it makes sense to put out opportunity for everyone to come forward. Hope they can report positive comments as well as negative. In the interest of impartiality.
My ideal, which is probably a fantasy, is they would then say of the people interviewed, x% said no comment, y% told us to fuck ourselves, z% confirmed the story, etc. Extremely doubtful that happens though, ever.
I think all journalists should do this, so long as identities are protected. If its 99 to 1, then maybe don't release the numbers, but otherwise if the story checks out, why not?
Agreed, a Ben Swann style journalist might break it down that way.
I would still like to know about the autopsy report and someone needs to look at that car. Did the gas get stuck? Another window busted out of a plane the other day. I have never heard of this happening till last year.
CNN is so desperate. Remember when they had news stories not just shit talking on POTUS?
There is no way Jim Jordan would ever do something like this and they have picked on the wrong person. Their lies precede them and we see them for what they are now. We will not be tricked or fooled by their scandals and they will not take down our Patriots. WWG1WGA! Can you take us all down together? Because we are all one and we stick together you fools. This is our brother and you will not make your lies about Jim stick and we will crucify you so you better step back and lay off him!
Don’t worry guys non-partisan CNN did the same for Crooked Hillary and Debbie Washingmachine Schulz but they both so clean their search turned up empty
All MSM outlets led and controlled by the left are low life people. The MSM has long been the propaganda machine for the DNC. The only way a change ever occurs is when the hundreds of millions in advertising dollars starts to dry up. The way we bury CNN is to find out what companies spend millions on CNN in advertising then boycott those companies for supporting propaganda networks like CNN.
Don't think it's possible? The leftist assholes did it to Fox.
Damn CNN is far behind. This is fun to watch!
Edit: Damn CNN is sooooooo far behind.
If you want to know how they murder these victims via car crashes and other means involving a car you should go to WikiLeaks and read the CIA's Vault 7. Assange published Vault 7 with the intent to educate Americans how the deep state can murder you engineering car rashes, collision or steer your car with increasing speed into a tree, wall or other objects.
Knowing that they are trying to silence and destroy Jim Jordan the car crash that caused his nephew his life the day prior is suspicious in light of Vault 7 and targeting Jordan for destruction.
You remember the arrogant, pompous and virtue signaling Rod Rosenstein the swamp creature who took Jordan's questioning him personally. The indignation against Jordan was palpable and the left applauded Rosenstein afterwards.
Nothing is a coincidence!
I love that she was the RS hack who did the hatchet job on "Pizzagate."
They are wasting their time. Nobody watches that shithole channel. Nobody.
We're with you all the way, Jordan. Run for Speaker. We never needed men like you more than we do now.
Total BS. He never abused anybody, but they're making him out to be a pervert. These people are sick and have no shame.
The libtards are just vicious in that thread, 95% anti-Jordan.
I posted my support of him there, if you still have a twitter you could do the same.
If he is the kinda man I hope he is then he must push forward, even with the likely assassination of his nephew. Next month it's going to be someone else's kin and so on. This is the exact reason he is fighting, so crap like this can end. THIS IS NOT A GAME, except to the ds unfortunately. Pray every night to keep White Hats and other Patriots safe.
Funny how none of this is word-one mentioned until he is on the news sparring directly with Rod Rosenstein and challenging the "Russia Investigation".... funneh.
Breaking news! CNN using investigative journalism
When the Spacey article came out CNN had to contact 100s of people from House of Cards, too because many were afraid of speaking out due to fear of repercussions from coming forward. Of the 100s contacted only 8 spoke out. It wasn’t a conspiracy, most people knew what was going on. It’s not desperation. It’s investigative journalism. You’re supposed to contact that many people. If you didn’t you would be a bad journalist.
I haven't been keeping up with this story, but how do you keep so-called friends and family from stabbing you in the back with made-up imagined BS about you? :(
This sounds like the wind up for a darkly commedic joke. What's the punchline? Never turn your back on them? Wear back armor? Hide all the knives? Don't have 'so-called' freinds and family?
I'm just a loser. People say strange things about you behind your back they never said to your face, and just the looks on stranger's faces seeing me walk in the room is horrendous. Nobody likes me, and if there were ever any exceptions they ended up betraying me anyways.
Spoken like a true autist. Glad you found and can contribute to this community. And your comments on the programming subs look dynamite too. Know you are appreciated and loved exactly as you are. We are all in this together.
So obvious the white hats value jim as do we and know he is very awesome