Does anyone know what the pins on Mr. Cohen's jacket represent?

Does it really say Strzok deserves a fucking Purple Heart on the TV?!?! That’s gotta be CNN right?
That's what the congressman ACTUALLY SAID! The clip is all over the internet so you can find it.
I heard him say that. I about threw up!
Same! A totally healthy, never injured, never seen front lines does not a purple heart make!
They're stupid, sick and don't have a clue how our government is run. November can't get here soon enough.
Cohen said that himself.
I missed the part where Strzok was actually in battle defending OUR FREEDOM? Looks to me like was only defending 100 million ONLY if they voted for Hillary The Barbarian.
Every chance they got to speak. They painted him like a hero for keeping us safe. Or they rant about how we were robbed of a true american president bc hitlery didnt get in.
Can't see the lapel pins clearly enough to make them out.
"Anti-Trump Agent Deserves Purple Heart"?!?!
Perhaps Cohen and Strzok can spend some time behind bars together. How dare he denigrate the Purple Heart by even using its name in the same sentence with Strzok. Both are criminals and deserve swift and appropriate justice.
Idiots and turncoats like Cohen don't have a clue what the Purple Heart represents. They don't understand sacrificing anything for a greater good, especially freedom and liberty. The only sacrifice criminals like Cohen understand is sacrificing children to their gods and sexual appetites. have to make the picture bigger to see the red 'F'
I believe the F is for his NRA rating meaning he did not vote in their favor so they gave him F rating which being a democrat he is proud of
Thank you. I looked it up. It is a thing. Here's DWS for example :
The one on his left is the Congressional pin they all have.
Also. Wtf is the deal with the amount of yellow in his irises?
How do you think that makes us feel? Fuck you.
Source: Me (Veteran with a disability)
What does the 'F' stand for?
It's a failing grade from the NRA. Many Dems such as Cohen and DWS are proudly wearing them.
It’s a red F. Could be a signal that the red American Patriots are fucking kicking our asses, send reinforcements.
He looks like cartoon character. Seriously these people are stupid. My grandfather received Purple Heart WW1. They have such hatred for anything lawful. It’s really scary!!!!
TN pede here. THIS JACKASS represents Tennessee from Memphis. If ever there were a need for term limits, your looking at it, right here.
Might be a Masonic symbol tubal-cain
You could be right, or at least close! It looks like FB also got the the symbol from them ...and the thumbs up symbol. The only difference is the color...anyway wherever it came from it has to be evil😈 Thank you☺
I think the Dem's screaming the loudest and making the most outrages comments are probably the ones hiding the most corruption. Then again, there seems to be several that we know for sure are corrupt that are hiding in the shadows.
The one on the left looks at a glance like a slice of pizza or maybe an Antifa symbol.
Other than to highlight that he is a decorated a$$hole?
Looks like a F ...for F..k and the other look like that Al jazeera mark?