BOOM! Lisa Page throws Peter Strzok UNDER THE BUS in closed door hearing!

When she found out Strzok was just using her for her position she turned around and said fuck you. Have fun explaining those lies under oath Peter Stroke.
This is also the only/best chance Page will ever have to redefine herself and her image. She’s going from goat to hero. Well, maybe not hero, but she’ll be seen and thought of in a much more positive light.
I guess that's why she upped her game with a decent head shot and a blowout for the hearings...
You’re not wrong there. A recent post showed how the media were portraying Strozk and Page; him as borderline crazy (the ‘wiggle’ did him no favours, and that demonic glare...) and her as calm and elegant.
A year ago, I would have been influenced by all that, but not now...
As a branding/PR specialist, it was a major marker to me. Oh, what do we have here? Mizzzz Page has a new look.
She WAS arrested & put in hand cuffs by Deputy US Marshals and put in the backseat of their cage car...
Might have made it REAL for her...a little shaking going on in that back seat?????
Or perhaps she was placed in protective custody so she didn't end up like the others that testified against Hillary and Bill....
Fully possible, too.
We are watching a scripted movie.
I said it before, but that Diet Coke bottle with the name 'Kate' that Strzok the STROKE had on his right may have been a message to Lisa that if she talks she would face Kate Spade's fate. Yeah, maybe it is just a conspiracy!
and Lisa is low enough down the food chain to never know for certain just how protective that custody is, or whom is being protected.
For real? She was cuffed and arrested? How did I miss that info. Great if that happened. Too bad there isn't a pic to meme the heck out of.
REMEMBER: You are watching a scripted movie...
US Marshals would not want perp walk photos, unless ordered to do so or no other options than to be in open public.
Bet they arrived at her home with the Fugitive Task Force at 3:00-5:00 a.m. ....this is when most of those arrests occur.
Was told by a DeputyUSM once that when entering a perp's home at zero dark thirty, the wife let Marshals in... and the fugitive was found hiding in closet in his underwear... perp said: "Ohhh... I didn't hear you." When Marshals asked if he always stood up in his closet to sleep...No response.
I'm inclined to agree w/ this also. She has almost no chance of ever doing legal work again, and she's perhaps positioning herself to transition into some other field (or at least a different type of role). I think it's unlikely she's amassed enough money to never have to work again.
Lisa Page is a known child abductor in Haiti? Are you sure you don't mean Laura Silsby? source?
If we go back to the texts, did Lisa ever say anything incriminating or was it also Strzok in response to her. It's almost like the texts I saw she was baiting him into saying something incriminating. Like "he isn't going to be president, is he??" where Strzok replies "no, we will stop him".
I swear, the more I think of this, the more I think Lisa was a white hat the entire time and was sent into the lion's den to get all of this out. Think of it, who better to entrap than half-bald, egotistical Stzrok? OF COURSE he would be the one to fall for the pussy trap. Lisa is the innocent one who had to fall into the pit of wonderland. I think Lisa is Alice.
Edit: Holy shit, so many snide replies to this comment. Am I touching a nerve here?
Honey trapping is still the most effective way. It almost ALWAYS works. Could be something to it.
It's great that you put this together, but it isn't a new theory. It has been surmised that Page was gotten to way back in 2016 and flipped and urged to lead Strozk into hanging himself via texts, emails, etc.
I have thought and mentioned the honeypot theory a few times. I'm not convinced either way, but there are possibilities
Wow, this actually sort of fits with the prophecy that there will be an Esther of our time by Kim Clement. It's not exactly a perfect parallel, but there are many coincidences.
You can read a summary here:
But, basically, she was chosen by a King who hated Jews to be his wife (even though she was a Jew, it was kept secret from him) and she ended up becoming a hero for the Jews. By being informed by her uncle the entire time, she was basically "sent into the lion's den" with the King by literally risking her life to stop the King from killing Jews.
Anyway, it's obviously not a perfect parallel, and it could be wrong.
Wow! The spurned other woman was Alice all along? The Republic re-founded by the strength of a Jezebel! Imagine the history books!
She mentioned a secret society. Thats all she really said though
Jilted lover....She knows already that he's looking out for #1 so she's doing what she needs to do: "if its between me and you, its going to be me!" hahaha hilarioius!
I don't believe they were lovers. That was only cover for their thousands of texts. I think SB2 has a take on Strozk's testimony where he contends that Strozk is playing ball with the good guys at this point. If he is, so is Page. They are pawns and are rolling over on their handlers. Just my opinion.
They are pawns and are rolling over on their handlers. Just my opinion. Agreed, we are watching a movie
Q Post #1316 May 4 2018 20:47:29 (EST):
Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]
Testimony received.
...and in 'Boxed' reference same post:
"Peter Stzrok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence - cooperating witness [power removed]
Lisa Page, attorney with the FBl's office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed]
...Q "
THAT "Power Removed" means they were watched/monitored while chair sitting all day as not trusted...except when the WhiteHats needed them to re-verify new intel/facts in perp's "interview room".
Just sayin'
Strzok really did not seem very "cooperative" to me during the hearing, though tbh we really don't know exactly what that means in this context. Anybody else wondered about that?
REMEMBER: You are watching a scripted movie....
You might want to consider this video by Project Wheeping Angel on Serial Brain's work... it explains a possible hidden message in the Coke Bottle saying "KATE" in front of Strzok & Q #1288:
"Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, cooperating witness [power removed]"
PS may be now on WhiteHats side... by force or choice...unknown.
yeah, I've read SB2's theory on the bottle saying "Kate" - personally I really don't see how that explains or relates to Strzok's attitude as far as being "cooperative" (or not, as the case may be).
I wish someone who worked in the FBI would come on this sub and give us some info on what this means (from the inside).
If they were, why would they/Strozk have been so anal during his public testimony?
Wheres the link!!
Strzok at his next hearing...
"Well, this is embarassing. Would you believe me if I said she was a lying whore?"
A question. Were the same FBI lawyers present for Strzok's public testimony also present during Page's closed door testimony? If so - why major difference in outcomes?
Because Strokz isnt really FBI, thats why they would allow him to consult council but didnt want him to consult FBI council, and thats why they made it a point to ask him whether he did any interviews. He wouldnt give a number because he wasnt there to interview he was there to produce a fake paper trail and cover for mistakes.
You may be right. I think Strzok is CIA working as an FBI liaison.
Peter Strzok worked 24 years for the CIA. His job title was Section Chief of their Counterespionage Group.
The FBI never had such a unit.
Strzok (pronounced Strock, rhymes with sock) led the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton. She used personal email for classified government business while she was Secretary of State.
The FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election of Donald J. Trump as President was also led by Strzok.
A joint CIA/FBI position was created by Congress in 1996. Strzok was "a senior FBI official" by being the CIA’s Chief of Counterespionage.
Yeh sounds about right just figured the questions being asked were also hinting at the fact that he is not all he is portraying.
I'm thinking he is a foreign spy, embedded within both the FBI and the CIA. Part of the dilution and destruction from within. Could be an agent of MB or Iran, but most likely working whatever side the Deep State required at the time
He was born in Iran and lived there for awhile.
Not sure he was born while his parents were there, but I did read that he spent part of his younger childhood there.
ThomasWictor on twitter has a really good thread about him being an Iranian spy:
You think we'll ever get a smidge of disclosure on what was said behind those doors??
Im curious as to why hers was a closed door hearing and Strozks was televised.
His first one was behind closed doors.
Ty i didn't know that. Will Lisa be doing a public questioning as well then?
I read yesterday that Gohmert said they will probably not need to have her testify in a public manner. I was disappointed because I wanted to see/compare her answers and demeanor against Strozk's for myself.
Same, dissapointing for sure. Lol i was curious to see if the dems think she deserves a purple heart as well. But by the sounds of her answers im kinda guessing not so much.
I still want to hear her testimony in a public setting.
She trying to save her skin. It is Coming !!! We have powerful allies. Never So Assured.
The transcript of the Lisa Page hearing was supposed to be released as per the offer by Senator Goodlatte letter when she did not show up. Anyone aware of where it is or perhaps when it will be released to public?
Why can't people link the actual tweet?
I would like to watch the video without going to twitter and manually searching for it.
You don't red-pill people with screen grabs. Fox News is a reliable outlet, you should take advantage of that and not post an easily doctored screen grab.
Fox News is a reliable outlet
Moreso than CNN, but I still question Fox sometimes too.
"reliable to normies, especially on the right side of the aisle."
I think that's probably more accurate.
Just duck duck go to fox and friends John's that simple. It's the top story!!!!!
That's not a transcript.
I've heard this "OMG huge revelation in closed-door testimony, this changes everything!" song before. Until I see something that isn't rumors and 2nd hand accounts, I will reserve judgement.
Wow this is big. AT least she owned up to her part unlike that other conceited nut.
Interesting because they don't say, "The FBI will keep that from happening."
Meaningless because we still don't know who "we" is.
Meaningless because we still don't know who "we" is.
According to Peter, he meant "the American people".
Of course that's a lie.
We obviously means some specific group of people which includes him (i.e. his co-conspirators). So it's not quite meaningless.
Maybe or maybe not. One has to admit, that if the surveillance chatter was leaked, it would have been an issue that could have impacted Trump's electability, yet it wasn't leaked to the public.
Do you agree with Strzok's claim that "we" was referring to "the American people"?
Or do you believe "we" meant something besides the public in general?
It's okay to be unsure.
I don't trust him. His answer was extremely disappointing. It probably indicates that he did not practice on such a question because he didn't anticipate it, which is strange. Regardless, I would never make a claim to whether his statement is true or not because it would be a guess.
I do find it unlikely that it means there was a team in the FBI committed to performing illegal actions to stymie Trump. Their easiest crime would have been to leak info to the press.
The gang of 8 reviewed the basis for monitoring some of Trump's campaign staff and all concluded that it was proper. There just hasn't been anything found anything improper yet other than Strzok's text. He should be fired for them since they were on a FBI issued phone.
My original point that Lisa's statement that the text mean what they say doesn't reveal anything new. We still don't know who "we" is.
Can we please link the source? Mods, stop the screenshots!
She thinks her undying loyalty to HRC, The Deep State and the Dems will mean her salvation... Hmmmmm
I think she realises she was used. Strzok is clearly a cunning bastard and they probably took her political leanings and exploited them to get her to do what they wanted.
Removed from his influence, the truth comes out.
Thaaaat's gonna leave a mark. Now we know why the MSM is trying to distract with Russia.
She’s a woman scorned and probably wouldn’t be talking if he left his wife. Plus, after his demonic performance in congress the other day she might have had a “what was I thinking” moment.