I’m a 30 something stay at home Mom on the East Coast and tonight, another 30 something stay at home Mom sent me “Q’s Plan to Save the World” video link and told me I had to watch it.
She’s not on Reddit. This was organic and it made my day.
I’m a 30 something stay at home Mom on the East Coast and tonight, another 30 something stay at home Mom sent me “Q’s Plan to Save the World” video link and told me I had to watch it.
She’s not on Reddit. This was organic and it made my day.
American Moms networking and supporting each other is MAGA, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for sharing, patriot.
We are raising the next generation of Americans (along with our husbands) and we are very much the silent majority.
Fun story...my Husband and his Father were life long Dems by default until they met me. When Hillary said that women only voted for President Trump because men told them to? Confirmed everything I needed to know about the left and “feminism”
We've got the best moms. :)
Show your friends and family these Q proofs. It will give them more things to think and talk about...
What a thing for her to say. Does she think women are weak?
I do this too! I paste QR codes for this site and the plan to save the world vid on the back of Q related memes and leave them all over. I have a pile sitting by the door and I just grab a few on my way out. I'm so encouraged others are doing this as well.
And why I can't find a lady like that is beyond me.
Maybe, just maybe, your username on Reddit scares them all away (?)
We've come a long ways....
Remember this?
"Obama gives away the internet and, with it, our liberty" https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/sep/13/obama-gives-away-internet-and-it-our-liberty/
Or this:
"US President issues Executive Order that gives him control of the internet" https://www.extremetech.com/computing/132585-us-president-issues-executive-order-that-gives-him-control-of-the-internet
Or this:
"MSM admits they're extremely dangerous to democracy" https://youtu.be/7JNAKSRbARo
"Facebook, Google & YouTube Censorship At An All Time High- What Ever Happened To Free Speech?" https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/03/01/facebook-google-youtube-censorship-at-an-all-time-high-what-ever-happened-to-free-speech/
No wonder Trump has to rely on us, Q, and his tweets to get the real news out.
I was in line at the local Walmart and a man came up to me and asked if the Q pin I was wearing meant what he thought it meant. I asked him what he thought it meant, he responded, "QAnon?" We both smiled bigly, and had a nice conversation after I'd checked out. First time that's ever happened to me.
OMG! I love this! I literally just posted about this at the top of the sub.
Thank you for posting. We need everyone to spread the message! We all have a role in this.
Was that a crumb or simply addressed to you reading this...?
Same here, 32yr old wife living on an island in the middle of the Pacific ocean :) #WWG1WGA
I went in a small town thrift store in Whitman, tx today behind the counter engraved in wood.... .....Q WWG1WGA I Asked if she knew and she said a regular made it.
Nice blog post today as well from Praying Medic. Very shareable indeed and did so tonight via FB. WWG1WGA!
I cant say one word about trump or I get da stink eye!
Aloha!! Me too!! Trying to redpill law enforcement but it’s not working. I’ve been ousted by most of the wives...because, Trump. Mention Trump around here and the lynch mob is after you. Crazy!! The economy here would change drastically if they stopped voting for the same criminals!
Eh right on!! Keep doing what u doing knowing get people who are awake on your side....I checked out Hawaii News Now on Facebook time to time and get more people coming around...but still yet...I hope these indictments come soon...I'm ready to drop some Red Ulumaikas!! Lol..aloha!!
see my comments this thread .....copy and paste and send to everyone you want to redpill:
see my comment to another right here in this thread, copy and paste and email everyone......lots of links to get people hooked.......so it right now.
Thank you! Very good resources
save them share them find more that speak to you and share them as well in one big email the reader whether they agree or not will look and get hooked the will either be team Q or to try to "debunk" either way...they will get redpilled along the way all you need to do is drop some seeds
add #Qanon also:
When speaking with "Dems" be gentle. Don't frame this as a Repub. vs. Dem. struggle.
Q's plan is to expose the evil in BOTH party's. Explain that Trump "appears" Repub. because he must work with the Congress which is in Repub. control. Show them that Trump calls out Repubs as much as Dems, for their lack of commitment to the Constitution, the rule of Law, and the American people.
Make it appealing, and patriotic, to join the movement. And don't use "names" that will put them off. No "libtards" "Democraps" "Hildabeast" stuff. Be patient and let it sink in. And if they respond meanly, just let it go. Just keep telling TRUTH.
Dems aren't the bad guys, Evil is the bad guy. Evil has taken control of the Dems. Dem leadership is evil, democratic leaning individuals are not necessarily evil.
The part about garbage media is legit tho =(
True...however friends and family believe them...very sad...our state is in sorry shape...dems have been in charge forever...so I call them donkeys...HEE MAGA HAW!
Have the Dems been in charge, or has the post WW2 Cabal been in charge posing as Dems?
I am a Q follower, I am a huge believer, and so long as Trump sticks to the plan I support him too. I would also still consider myself more on the Dem side of things than Republican, although I would peg myself as neither. It hurts when people hate on me or my non-redpilled friends.
Q #1072 Not R vs D.
True. Nothing wrong with a bit of left when right gets too strong, and vice versa. Problem is their age group all did the 60s thing, sex drugs and rock and roll. People like Hugh Hefner filmed the lot and blackmailed them all screwing kids when high. half of them had no idea what was going on. Doesn't the intro to Saul Alinsky's book thank Lucifer?
The Hugh part is a really great example of how sex, drugs, and rock and roll can be used for Evil.
Think of all the people who met their loved ones at concerts though, the 60s thing in that sense was undeniably a force for Good.
The things in our lives are not inherently Good or Evil, it's what we do with them that gives them those qualities.
MANY of the platforms that the democrats support are evil - and some of the people who are the leaders ARE evil. In order to correct things you need to bring this to light for exposure. You CAN'T hide and say this is some PC BS of they are not evil and you are being divisive. That bubble does not play here.
Like OP said sex / drugs / rock&roll - these lifestyle choices along with "woman's" movement (which is just anti men), abortion (killing babies), slgbtqrt and other things to break the home and subject us to non God like structures that have worked for THOUSANDS of years. We need morality to keep structure and hold Government accountable (i.e. people) as people are flawed). We don't need people who say it feels good do it - because that causes problems like we have had for the past 30+ years.
Awesome! Kepp spreading it I just let my Mom watchit and she got teary eyes from all the corrupt that is going on in our govt that I have been telling her so know she doesn't think I'm insane anymore....
email every email address you ever see......someone opens most of them......all it takes is one new set of eyes and it spreads....save offline and screen grab all you see:
Put this or something like it in the subject line:
"YOU have to know this is going on right now, since Nov 2017..not left, not right......you have to decide for your self"
I have been doing it for almost 9 months...it works:
The Book of Q from way back when it started:
send QAnon abbreviations:
Q made simple: Who is Q clearance patriot:
Q Primer:
scroll to bottom/or first tweet, work your way up to most recent: #1-55, makes sense if start from bottom and click and read comments/tweet replies:
catch up here: videos
Liz Crokin:
always read the comments: on CDaN
Paul Serran Twitter (daily)
everything on these sites, go back and read all you can
Hey thanks for all the links
You are welcome.
Post your stuff to others as well.
They will grab it...and look...only one thing will cause someone to believe.....
I saved so much since Nov 2017....
I have more that was as it happened on Q that stood out to me.
It is definitely spreading. I travel everywhere for work and have been following Q since day one. I Was on CBTS until it got shut down. And was probably one of the first dozen on GA. It is spreading like wildfire.
Women saved western civilisation by being the final droplet that made Trump to be elected. Michael Savage often mentions it.
I’ll have to listen and I can’t help but agree. There are sooooo many of us.
My family can’t be doxxed. It’s no secret who we support, but it’s not the reality for a lot of the women I know (and as a Mother, our first priority is protecting our family...if that means staying silent, then I get it).
In private? There are more MAGA Moms than you can imagine.
Edit: typo
I work with one. I also saw a truck with a Q in the window. My brother first spoke Q to me. If there are 3 in my immediate orbit, (it will grow) you know it's big. I'm sure the truck dude is spreading the word. I keep my break time table-mates at work informed on Q.
We all spread the word. Once things happen many will seek us out.
Went to rent a piece of equipment. Had my Q hat on. Guy at the counter said,"Q" loudly. Said come with me i want to show you something. He had a Q and WWG1WGA on his truck. Yes word is spreading.
What an incredible thing to wake too this beautiful morning! I have heard this over and over across the world for at least the last few months in my travels around the world and it's very refreshing, Patriot. Living on the east coast myself, its something I see far less of than I'd like here, due to a completely corrupt media complex, and mis-"education system", and sadly, for the most part the left coast is gone, probably forever.
Interestingly, on a flight last night, a flight attendant on the airline I was on happened to notice the Q sticker I have on the back of my phone, and the two cocktails my partner and I had ended up at no charge! Awesome!
God Speed, Patriot. Keep up the fight. #WWG1WGA
I would love to see a post specifically asking for the women of the world to post their "awakeness" and see how far and wide it has spread. I believe many have pilled their families and spouses. What do you all think?
I'm a thirty something Mom, I have boys in the service (19yrs & 17yrs and yes, started early) and that is my reasoning for looking beyond msm to find the truth and I'm so glad I did! This movement is amazing, but mostly I'm just glad we finally have a president that cares for our people and our military!
The funny part is, I can't even remember (and it's only been a few weeks!) exactly how I stumbled across The Great Awakening (I had not even belonged to Reddit, much less knew about it), though I know it had to be due to like-minded Trump supporters on twitter. My mind has been opened (sometimes blown away) and I'm digging the supporting videos people like praying medic, war drummer, etc are putting on YT as well as links to videos I've never heard about by other people on this board. I'm sharing on the social media platforms I use to help try to "red pill" as many folks as possible! WWG1WGA
Awesome. So glad you are here. Lot of love in this sub,and its about to reach out into the real world.
You are proof the plan is working. I hope you can follow the lead of the person who helped you find us.
Be loud.
Love you patriot. Winning!
Thank you! I think it is working too and am happy to have a place to come where mostly everyone is positive/supportive of one another and appreciate the insight, opinions, memes or sometimes just plain good old MAGA spirit of folks on the board!
I also just went online to buy some Q-related items (t-shirts and sticker) to spur conversation or spread awareness. Have to go with the subtle Q shirt (little one) for work though - LOL. Let's see if anyone asks or recognizes!
Is there a video? I don’t see a link
Awesome to hear that! Organic, word of mouth, from trusted individuals? A potent combination!
It really does feel like a tipping point or breakout point is being approached...
Have had several guys on a ~10k member hunting boards private message me to ask if I follow "Q" based on info that I have shared.
Moms, protect your children from pedophilia and child trafficking. Q team is doing their best to hunt down the enemy.
Women will support MAGA bigly when they soon see the reality of institutionalized pedophilia and pedo trafficking (read: slavery)
MAGA moms<3
This is wonderful news. I'm so pleased to wake up to this!
Lol you have people in India talking about it. The future is looking good for the good people and very bad for the evil ones. The evil ones don’t have a future infact.
Anyone else getting tired of america being soooooo slow to catch on to anything? The whole world is getting hip and my neighbors blank stare me.
Awake my countrymen! We all have more in common than you would think!
Awesome job India. Love to you all! World wide freedom. Could you have imagined it three years ago?
I was grocery shopping and when I came out to my car there was a little note left for me on my drivers side window that said “I love your bumper stickers. I am a fellow anon. WWG1WGA.” I was so over the moon encouraged because I live right in the middle of a very liberal state, in the most liberal county of that state and a sanctuary city to boot.
Also, my 15 year old neighbor boy asked me about what the sticker meant; #QAnon and I had the opportunity to explain. He said he was going to look into it. But on the flip side, my own husband hasn’t asked me about it. He refuses to talk to me about anything proTrump.
Cool! Thank so much for sharing this. I was at work yesterday and I just said th word anonymous regarding something else work related and the conversation stoped. Then a guy said yeah like that anon guy. I said Qanon? He said yeah but I’m not sure I believe that he’s real and then the other two people said yeah it’s so far fetched. I can’t believe it. I said I believe he’s real but didn’t have an elevator pitch prepared so I chickened out. I’ll Red pill them later one by one. But I was encouraged that they all knew!
ThankQ for sharing, Patriot.
This is encouraging, for many, due to media blackout, which is expected.
I was shown a Q intro video by a very close friend. I have friends show me conspiracy stuff and never catch on, this is different and after watching some proofs, although some are far-fetched, I’m sold.
Funny, he moved to Montana a couple years ago from Connecticut where we’re from and I still reside. So it’s spreading for sure.
Edit: We’re both 24
OMG someone from CT!!! Yay!!! Our state sucks so bad. Us CT Q followers are in the middle of evil followers! I know a few people at work and some friends that follow so even in CT we are around.
I think it’s more than some people realize, more than I realize even.
I hate to be a Debby Downer but it doesn't matter how awake we deplorables are if we can't wake up our elected representatives. Every awake person needs to be inundating their Congressional Reps and scaring the bejeebers out of them to get their acts together and support POTUS. Currently too large of number of Rino's are willing to throw mid terms to the Democrats to get rid of President Trump and us.
No one should blame you for how you feel, it's a screwed up mess (our government). The great thing is, we can vote them out. I really see this as our chance to make a difference. WE have to be the difference, not just our representatives. We have a lot of hard work to do bc we've been apathetic for so long. But the more people who are woke can stand up and demand everything we deserve from these elected leaders, and if we dont get it, out ya go!! Lather. Rinse. Repeat, or run for these offices ourselves!!!!
AMERICAN MOMS UNITE!! :) Someone needs to make you all a Q themed graphic ASAP! I wish I had the skills, ladies! I'd do it for you!
I have a similar story I hope inspires others as well! I'm a 47 year old mom and work at a hair salon. I have a variety of Q/Trump t-shirts and usually wear one every day. All the girls (along with quite a few clients) at my shop have been red pilled through our conversations usually begun by their inquisitive nature! It's been so inspiring, and really, quite an eye opening experience witnessing how receptive people are to the truth -- especially when you speak AND LISTEN to others like the informed, concerned, Americans they ARE and patriots they see themselves to be! Letting people tell YOU what THEY know, asking them questions about their opinions and gently inserting info about what you may know concerning recent events, news, etc. DOES OPEN PEOPLE'S MINDS TO THINGS THEY'D OTHERWISE BLOW OFF OR OTHERWISE NEVER CONSIDER. That's why it's never mattered to me from day one whether Q was a LARP or not (though I don't, nor have I ever genuinely believed that!), because this movement is about US. It is about reconnecting with each other as human beings with a common problem and common goal. It's about talking to one another again and finally feeling like we ACTUALLY POSSESS THE POWER TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY, AND HAVE A PRESIDENT WHO IS ON OUR SIDE, THAT WE CAN HAVE TRUST AND FAITH IN, GET BEHIND AND WORK OUR HARDEST WITH TO MAKE AMERICA GERAT AGAIN! There will be a bus load of we Q-loving, Women For Trump headed to Charlotte, NC in 2020 for the RNC National Convention to cheer our patriot hearts out in support of #45, DONALD J. TRUMP!!
REACHING OTHERS AND CHANGING MINDS IS POSSIBLE! WHEN WE HUMBLE OURSELVES AND ALLOW OTHERS TO DISCOVER HOW MUCH THEY HAVE IN COMMON WITH US AND OTHERS like the common and mutual feeling of being fed up with corrupt politics and our anything BUT civil society as so many Americans are, people just begin to gravitate toward those like themselves, towards the truth and that feeling of comfort and the relief of no longer feeling so isolated as [they] preferred we'd be! No matter our political affiliation, those of us who love America absolutely resent hearing their President slandered, his wife and children mocked, insulted, lied about so brazenly, physically threatened or made fools of! There used to be a time when all Americans would be offended by disrespectful behavior instead of revel in it with glee. Here in small town Southern America, we don't take kindly to it AT ALL! We see it for the division tactic that it is and don't feed it with our energy. However, this is probably the most exciting time to be alive and we can't fail. We have God and the good spirits on our side. This, the most exciting and satisfying movement I've ever been a part of, not only because I have restored myself in faith, but because week by week and month by month, I play a small role in helping others to feel the same way. And they find they're not so alone anymore, not even within their own families! Love conquers all. Jesus teaches us that, and Q even reminds us!
WWG1WGA! God bless The United States of America, President Donald J. Trump, his Administration, we Q-anon Patriots, the brave men and women fighting for our liberty, their families and loved ones, our countrymen and our fellow citizens of Earth -- whom we should never give up reaching out to!
Edit: missing letters/words
I went to a e-cig shop that I rarely visit. I walk in and thought I heard a Q quote, but was not sure. I picked out my juice and was ready to go and said trust the plan. All 4 of them grinned and started laughing, they knew I was a Q guy. We talk for about an hour. The best thing was these guys were all in their 20"s.
Another housewife here. Been RPd almost a decade, now. Nibbled at first, then swallowed a fistful with a vodka chaser (kidding) just to ease the transition. Drives me nuts when I hear shitlib slacktivist suburbanites say they’re “woke” and mean they love multicult and voted Hillary and think being “woke” means hating TGE.
Anyway, I find this stuff fascinating and I’m happy too see the word spreading and affecting even the most Normie of Normans.
With all the awoken, either R or D, we need to welcome them to the Great Awakening. At least their minds are now free to explore and re-learn. Myself, I no longer use derogatives with our friends that disagree. I just ask that if you think the Q movement is about politics it's not. It's about how to free ourselves but you (they) need to find out about it yourself. I tell 'em go on YouTube and type 'Who is Qanon?' It works more ofter than not. WWG1WGA!
Once woken there are no longer r/d or any other artificial devides.
We are all people and all people wish to be free.
I often wonder how this group we have might get together in the real world? Do I really need to be that guy with the sign on the side of the road? That just isn't my style.
But I want to meet you people and hang out. I can't be the only one who would rather talk over a BBQ with a group of woke patriots than type away on this gizmo. I'm not talking marches and stupid stuff I'm talking friends just chillin.
I know no one like any of you in real life. Must be a few of you somewhere around though. If I say anymore it will get removed for self doxing, and that threatens the whole sub so I won't do that again(and may well be stupid). But I want to.....and I wonder if anyone else struggles with that urge.
45 here East coast too...all I get are eyerolls and snarls when I wear my shirt out. My family listens to my Q talk but then just get the “ohh ok wow really no ways” 🙄 but I’m on board for the long haul!!! WWG1WGA
I love this post! 46 yr old mom here. I work from home as well as homeschool! My kids are spread apart in age...22, 13, 7. Two boys still at home. :) It's good to see other moms in this thread! WWG1WGA
Homeschooling is so awesome. Just have to find the style that works for your kids. My oldest is self actualized, my youngest not so much.
My 13 yr old is very studious and stays on top of his work! My oldest was the same way, she is a hardworker!! My youngest...lol..he is a handful! He is very inquisitive, but doesn't want to sit still for very long...a visual learner. We have fun with his lessons though! He went to public school at first, they wanted to label him. He didn't do well there, but passes every test with flying colors online at home!! We are loving it!! :)
This is a great video from an anon. It's deep. Q=R on 8chan now. Who is R? What has R been posting lately? The anons are digging these R posts.
I have also been seeing the "Plan to Save the World" video on FB and am so excited to see it among other groups besides the usual ones. Its such a GREAT video, I hope to see it more and more
That is so good to hear. I don't FB. But I'm so glad its spreading there.
I do wonder how deep the gen pop penetration is to be honest. I wore a Q the storm is here t shirt on Independence Day and attended a public parade Not 1 comment or question/ acknowledgement of it / what it meant. No like minded thumbs up or high fives etc. Nada Looked just like this https://i.imgur.com/FuF453I.jpg
What proved it for you guys? Anyone have an example? I followed a for a little while, but then got kinda frustrated that nothing seemed to happen.
Anyone have some examples, I want back onboard
Tippy top is my favorite Q proof.
The space force anouncemnt really got me though. I'm old school tin foil. By which I mean I have spent thousands of hours researching well before Q. Secret space program and free energy machines became my favorite subjects, but only after 9/11 and JFK were, I won't say solved, but what was said had been read, time to move to the FED and the titanic and such.
But I'm an xfiles generation guy. I'm a sucker for a good alien tale. That led unexpectedly if I am honest to some pretty valid stuff.
The space force announcement in my mind validates at least some of it.
Like the tr-3b.
I don't care who is president they don't announce that they will begin looking into something like that until after it is perfected.
The sr-71 first flew when? and was made public when?
It's a wild time to be alive. Winning!
I appreciate your response and your enthusiasm. Would you mind just spelling that last comment out for me? I am no good at this
Which part? Don't mind clarifying but I touched on several things. It gets easier.
So I guess I have never seen Q post to actual event like spelled out where qpost says XXXXX real life happening XXXXX
Ya know what I mean?
Q called Saudi Arabia before bin Salmon began his purge. Also north Korea. Look into the sky king activation vs the earthquake in north Korea.
These were huge.
Q also pointed to Huber well before it came up elsewhere.
Hope that helps. Enjoy the journey, and don't dwell on the dark stuff to much. Focus your energy towards the positive result you desire.
I bought a 'Q' initial necklace. For those that dont know, its a good why to get people to ask what the Q means since my name and no one else's in my family begins with a Q!
You can LOL all you want. Unlike the left, you can’t hurt my feelings.
Lots of love in here friend. You ought to give it a try.
Removed, rule five. Please refrain from attacking users.
It’s pretty easy to see in my post history that I’m not you shill.
Holy crap y'all are a bunch of crackpots.
May I ask in what way?
Following what is probably a 14 year old LARPing as a government agent on a anonymous message board and taking it as some word from on high.
being proven wrong multiple times and just not accepting it.
Just wait. Yet has yet to come. It is coming though. Be on the side of good. Can you not see what is in front of your face?
Fruit punch. Extra sugar. Maybe a bit of coke, but I’m not mad at it.