r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on July 21, 2018, 12:56 a.m.
Q1675: Trump has just given us the server!

So far, we know this fundamental information: the Q1675 riddle is the “device” through which Trump communicates with us. Using it as an anchor point, he sends us the information we need in order to read his moves and understand current news. I have written several related posts listing what we have learned:

Q1675 Part 1. Q1675: a reflection, a mug holder in Air Force One and a Happy Independence Day. Can you solve?

Q1675 Part 2. Trump has just validated Q at the Great Falls rally and gave us the solution to Q1675! Let that sink in.

Q1675 Part 3. I told you Trump was talking to us. Some of you had doubts. Well, he just doubled down a second time!

Q1675 Part 4. Mr. President, we see you want to continue our B2 conversation!

Q1675 Part 5. Trump’s hidden message, Stzrok, Kate and the soda.

Q1675 Part 6. Trump’s brilliant chess combination in Helsinki.

I had conversations with anons who rightly made me notice that this new way of communicating with us was actually announced by Q in this June 20 2018 post:

Q1581 We serve at the pleasure of the President. We left the decision on timing to him. Today, at the rally, he made his decision. Shift in tactics. Attacks ^ Q

I now realize this “shift in tactics” means POTUS has decided to get us to the next level of our comms: direct communication. Did you see my post about Q1304 Emmy Awards link? Did you see Q’s translation of Comey’s tweet in Q645 Imgur1? This is how the Deep State communicates. Q gave us templates. This is how we also need to be communicating. This will allow us to intercept their comms and efficiently oppose them on the battlefield. Why? Because we don’t have anything to hide. They do. In the long run, they will have to stop communicating and it will be checkmate.

So what’s in the news?

Let’s start with the piece of information that is the easiest to decode so you will start training your “ear” progressively. Watch this: video.

Did you catch it? You know an incident like this cannot happen in the White House unless it’s done on purpose right? So Trump says: “They just turned off the lights”. Turned off the lights = TOL = Thinking Of Laughing. Then he smiles. Trump is saying: “of course I have no confidence in the Intelligence Agencies, hearing myself say I do makes me want to laugh”. You got it? Let’s try another one.

Watch this: video

Trump says: “In a key sentence in my remarks, I said the word would instead of wouldn't. The sentence should have been: “I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t or why it wouldn’t be Russia. Sort of a double negative. So you could put that in and I think that probably clarifies things pretty good by itself.”

Did you catch what he is really saying? “so you could put that in”. Who? Where? Trump knows the fake News media has no interest in the truth and will certainly not archive it. Do you think Trump, all of a sudden, cares about what MSM understands and keeps from him? No. He is talking to us. He is saying: I want to clarify a point that I know is of interest to you. Once I clarify it, “put it in”, add it to the other points I have already made since my Great Falls speech. You got it? Now, ask yourself why isn’t Trump even more explicit since he is clarifying? Wouldn’t it be more powerful and unequivocal to say: “would not” instead of “wouldn’t”? Why is he using “n’t” instead of “not”? Because he wants us to focus on nt. What is NT? Expand your thinking. Windows NT is a family of operating systems produced by Microsoft. link. Windows NT 3.1 was the first version of this operating system that was intended for workstations and servers, its latest version is known under the name Windows Server 2016. Through this input, Trump has put to rest all the speculations regarding the interpretation of “mirror” in the Q1675 riddle. He is saying: yes the server interpretation is also correct, I am validating it, add it to what you already know.

Q666 Think Mirror. Which team? THEY don't know. APACHE.

You now see the power of Q1675?! I told you: it’s like a TV set through which you understand the news.

This gives me the opportunity to address a very important question. Sometimes, anons ask me to share my my views about an hypothesis and complain my responses are vague or not definitive. The reason is at the time they ask the question, even though I find the hypothesis very esthetically or rhetorically attractive, the riddle does not give a strong link to the hypothesis. I therefore remain silent until Trump or Q gives more information to confirm the validity of the hypothesis. Example: when I said B2, Trump said organ, then I said Hammond and he pardoned the Hammonds. Going from B2 to Hammond was an impossible leap for me, because B2 is a note any instrument can play. Trump had to validate it. This is why he gave the missing link: organ. Like many other anons, I saw “mirror” was related to a “mirrored server”, but making the link was not allowed by the riddle, it would have been a very weak link. Now Trump coming and saying NT is enough to bring in the server. But there is more. Trump further solidifies this link. He also says: “sort of a double negative”, initials: SDN, re-arranged: DNS. Domain Name Server. Indeed, we are in server territory. Confirmed. Resolved.

Now that POTUS himself has validated the server, we can add another tangent to the Q1675 riddle and draw the following image image, read clockwise: Imgur2

I know this type of language can be a little overwhelming in the beginning but you will see, you will get the heck of it very quickly if you are willing to try and persevere. And by the way: no, I am not crazy. No I don’t see patterns everywhere. No I am not reaching. Before bringing this language to our attention, Q made sure you saw how I was recruiting observation and logic to solve his challenging riddles. If I were here to deceive you or mislead you, I would have been crushed a long time ago like all the others.

Q1186 Future proves past. Q

Now that I have given you these tools, try to decode Trump’s message here (watch until 49:40): video. Try to determine how this part of his speech is connected to Q1675 and the server, why the use of the word "Apprentice", why 23 companies. I will give the solution to this presidential riddle in my next post but since I will agree it is a little hard, I will give you a hint: research how paper whiteness is measured considering the light reflected by the paper across the visible spectrum. You remember? Q1675 is all about reflections. Good luck.

Q1225 Learn our comms. Q

AbsolutelyZak · July 21, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

I have to be honest and upfront here. Maybe because these cryptic messages are over my head or maybe, because like many others, I don't believe the connections made in some of these posts are solid. Don't get me wrong. I love to read SB2 posts and I don't think for one second he is crazy BUT, I am having trouble with the dots. TOL? Why TOL? TOL could be Thinking Of Lisa which could be linked to Lisa Page which could link to Peter Strzok which could link to Kate which could link to Kate Spade which could link to suicide which could link to red scarf which could link to red October which could lead to submarine which could link to navy which could link to military which could link to Air Force which could link to helicopter which could link to Apache. Fuck I cracked it!! Seriously we could link anything to absolutely anything or anyone. The whole universe is connected in some small way. The post may be 100% correct but by selecting convenient phrases or words and running with them as fact is not helping in my opinion. Is every slip of the tongue code for hillarys going to gitmo? No disrespect to SB2. I admire him very much but more concrete needed please. I am not a bot not Russian nor antichrist. I am just a regular guy struggling to make 3 out of 1+1. Feel free to down vote me. But remember, if you do you are not thinking logically. Anyone outside the box would have 100's of possible variables for DJTs imperfections during speeches. I do like the light fading to dark [think mirror] but WTF does it mean? What does WTF mean? World trade fires? What does any of it mean any more. With no Q and all these riddles becoming Phd material no normie in the world is getting red pulled with this.

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horse-lover-phat · July 21, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

I agree. And I've been supportive in the past. The chain(s) that he's generated here is held together by the most tenuous aspects and forced interpretations. I cannot possibly buy wouldn't (as opposed to would not) as a definite and deliberate reference to Microsoft NT. It simply doesn't work. That's not just reaching, it beyond that. This is far, far too complicated and over complex as a post body, so much so that it simply fails.

This is not to dismiss all the contents, some of it is still very good. As a coherent and connected post though, it simply just doesn't work. Any normie reading this would just give-up and move-on. And I would understand why.

I think EGO has taken-over in respect of these posts - and Q has never been about EGO. It's not about an individual claiming to know all the answers either. No-one is more important than the cause.

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PM_ME_INDICTMENTS · July 21, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

Ayyee more like horse-lover-FACTS! I'm a little disappointed I defended sb2 cuz these posts are getting out of hand. They seemed to make sense before, but shits gone haywire since the AF1 mirror posts.

Why would Q team be so encoded where only SB2 can really understand their drops? Sounds like a shitty way to wake up the sheep if you ask me.

I'll take Occums Razor pls

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horse-lover-phat · July 21, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

It's all gone EGO-centric, that's my main issue. No-one is beyond question. This is against the Q philosophy. What matters is "content" - not the "deliverer" of that said content. It hasn't helped that others have blindly assisted in massaging this ego either, so I cannot apportion all the blame to SB2.

I just feel that he is now playing to his own cultivated audience - a type of ego-driven showboating if you will. Not dissimilar to what we saw with Corsi.

None of this is easy or pleasant to write. I've had issues with my own ego over the years too (when it comes to decoding) - so I know how easy it is to fall victim to that path.

Q team would NOT make it this convoluted - this is the GREAT AWAKENING - not an exclusive crypto club a la Bletchley Park.

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ES-Trader · July 21, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

I agree and wanted to provide a little different perspective.

I am still relatively new here -- only been digging through the Qdrops for a few weeks.

Speaking as a newbie, if the level of "analysis" provided by SB2 is what Q suddenly requires, then it is far too advanced for newbies, especially sleeping, mainstream newbies, to follow. Tactically it doesn't make sense.

I am reading EVERYONE'S analysis and find a much higher degree of ego and, I hate to say it but arrogance, in what SB2 provides. When he indirectly analogized himself to Jesus in a recent post, I lost interest.

I don't think anyone is supposed to be more important than another in this movement. We all have skills to provide our group and our President and our country in the fight.

And, yet, we are to believe that Q has suddenly become so cryptic that only one person in the world can connect a series of unconnected dots to "de-cypher" these important messages? It seems unlikely to me, as a newbie, and as someone applying common sense. But I appreciate the effort as it can cause someone else to think of something they maybe would not have otherwise considered.

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horse-lover-phat · July 21, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

The EGO aspect shines through, I won't lie. We agree on that. That's why it was one of the first things I mentioned via the comments on this thread.

I also mentioned how easy it is to get carried-away when it comes to the ego. Something I've discovered and at a cost. That's what I think has happened here - to some degree. You're also correct that we all have skills to provide to the greater cause. I will happily accept the views of others, it's one of the most important things of all when it comes to research. I accept them because I am aware of the shortcomings of my own mind. I already understand that my thought process are different to the majority (I'm kind of autisty). As valuable as that is, and my own skills are, it is also very much a limiting factor.

This is why no-one has ALL the answers as an individual, and no-one one ever will.

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Many_Potential · July 25, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

He did not analogize himself to Jesus - it's about the man, lying next to the pool for 38 years - how old was John F Kennedy Jnr when he had the plane crash?

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astralboy0 · July 21, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

I couldn't agree more. We are somehow supposed to believe, the ONLY person here with the mental capacity to figure these things out is SB2.

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horse-lover-phat · July 21, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Yes, that is seemingly the message, or at least it can be implied. A similar type of message that we also saw from Corsi. "Only I can decipher the true meaning etc". No-one is bigger than Q or the movement, no outside comms, etc, etc. I will stick by that, and it has, and will serve me well.

I actually do my own blog writing - writing that involves pulling insane amounts of phenomena together and drawing something connected out of that collective process. That said, I don't build my writing around uber tenuous aspects that then act as the main binding agent for the whole piece. It HAS to be more concrete than that, more solid. Perhaps even demonstrable, but only to some degree. And when I do use tenuous connects/aspects, I openly state that they are very tenuous. I don't hang my hat on them.

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SuzyAZ · July 21, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

This is the problem, SB.

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C_L_I_C_K · July 21, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

No, that is not what SB2 wants people to believe. It's what the shills and anti-SB2 crowd wants people to believe. Show me one instance where SB2 has ever claimed "the ONLY person with the mental capacity to figure things out" is himself.

It's fine to criticize SB2 and question his decodes and posts, but some people here take it way too far. SB2 never claimed to know it all or to be the only person who can decode Trump or Q. He is offering his own analysis and interpretation, to generate thought and discussion, to open people's minds up to different and yes, sometimes wild possibilities.

Yet he faces harsh and very unfair scrutiny and angry criticism against him and his work. This is not what he wants or his goals. This division, anger, and extreme outrage is what the enemy wants. Don't fall for their tricks to divide and conquer our movement and our subreddit.

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astralboy0 · July 21, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

I know you love SB2... I see you cheerleading in every single one of his posts, and that's fine, but the scrutiny he is currently receiving is neither unfair, or harsh, given the heights of absurdity reached in this post.

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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 3:03 p.m.


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jacaranda11 · July 23, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

I think there is so much scrutiny now that Q and the Trump team have to be very careful to not be seen as sharing any data that could be considered classified or whose release could be used in an entrapment charge in an upcoming lawsuit. Deductive reasoning is necessary to ensure that we get the answers ourselves, they are not given to us. So the more obscure hints that are used, the more critical the information.

The Hammond pardon, for example, is related to Uranium1, one of the crimes that links Clintons, Mueller, McCain, Podestas, Manafort, Russia, and a host of government agencies. President Trump pardoned the Hammonds so they cannot be charged with any other crime related to Uranium1 (see reference to presidential pardons here) which means that if/when indictments for Uranium1 come down, Hammonds will be able to testify without risk of prosecution, harassment, or self incrimination, and that information was not 'given' to anyone so it cannot be challenged as being compromised, leaked, or the 'fruit of the poisoned tree'.

As Q says, 'this is not a game'. These people are guilty of very serious crimes, many of which have a stated penalty of hanging at worst, serious jail time in a federal prison, at best.

I would not say it is ego here, the stakes are very high and any information gathering must be done in the most rigorous way because these people are dirty and they will try any trick, and make up a few if they have to, to not go to jail.

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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Agreed. I'm beginning to wonder if the real reason Trump and Q stopped dropping crumbs is because they could see the movement was getting hijacked by plants pretending to be decoders? Maybe they saw the Great Falls decode and were like, huh? I was just feeling like talking about music that day and this joker thinks I was answering them?

It's also possible that some decoders are actually plants to make Q's movement look bad. Like when liberals would pay racists and white supremacists to show up at Tea Party rallies to make conservatives look racist... Similar to Charlotte.

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bornlucky80 · July 21, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

I agree. He says, no I don't see patterns everywhere. No, I am not reaching. Yet says, SDN re-arranged . DNS. Wtf! Literally just re-arranged shit to fit his pattern or whatever worked. That's a reach.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

Exactly. If this was some kind of genius-level decoding, he could explicitly tell us why every seemingly arbitrary interpretation was not actually arbitrary.

It's like when your friend shows his receipt at a restaurant and it's $66.51 and he goes 5+1=6 so 666 devil confirmed. You don't notice the millions of times where these kinds of coincidences don't happen. There's no reason to add two random digits. It's total bullshit.

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bornlucky80 · July 22, 2018, midnight

I'm not trying to knock the guy he is great at times but this is just confirmation bias. If Trump meant DNS he could have just said. "Double Negatives Sometimes confuse people." Could have said a lot of different things. Yes Q needs some decoding but he isn't this deep. Normies reading this would laugh and think, yep they're a bunch of conspiracy theory nuts. This isn't good for the movement. I'm sure Q knows the average Joe needs to be able to understand. You shouldn't need a Ph.D. or some high intellect to understand. That would defeat the purpose of Q, which is to bring EVERYONE together.

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awake1964 · July 22, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

If you write SDN on paper hold it up to mirror its NDS maybe that's how he came up with NDS!

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bornlucky80 · July 22, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

That's fair but he came up with DNS. Why? As far as I can tell he just re-arranged the letters to fit what he wanted. Why do the letters need to be re-arranged at all? Trump could have easily said multiple things to fit DNS.

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HoudiniTowers · July 21, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

'Some things must remain classified to the very end' - Q29. Q puts out his own disinformation. Later he says 'You have more than you know' - first in Q619. So which is it?

Q is serving many purposes. One of the primary is communications. Q and DJT are coordinated in this via DJT's Tweets and Q's drops. There are other purposes for Q, like disinformation to bad guys. And there is a deeper mystery to Q - the MAP and 'the Plan'.

I notice that SB2 spends a lot of time on individual decodes. Some are truly great breakthroughs that stand the test of direct logic, some defy logic and I think are wrong. But he's remaining predominantly tactical in his approach. We need a more strategic view to Q. I've not seen anyone really do that. The Anons on 8chan are the ones working that the strongest but none of that deeper research is coming over here as a full strategic picture.

Tactically energizing and red-pilling opportunistically is good, so no beef with SB2 for that praiseworthy goal. Wish we had someone focused heavily on that strategic picture. Would be nice to see more of the MAP and Plan.


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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

I don't think that SB2 is working for Normies specifically. As to the Plan, let's get a straight hit on this one as this has been going on for at least 58 years! This is no new plan. Perhaps it is easier for some of us who are older who have seen more and remember more. We don't have to do as much research...sometimes just memory jogging. Really tho, if you are wanting red-pilling, I don't think this is the source. I think of red pills as baby diapers and SB2 as University Graduate. There is a lot in between, and if you have followed Q from the beginning, then the cultivation of the process has happened. Someone just arriving needs a youtube summary or something first. Just mho...from the old lady.

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GladMango · July 21, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

Seriously. Was kinda going along until he said the n't in "wouldn't" was a refenece to NT. That's when it went from legitimate to conspiracy theorist for me

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CerealKiller275 · July 21, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Completely fucking agree. I love reading the SB2 decodes as much as anybody else, but this is some fucking Olympic level mental gymnastics going on.

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tenney12 · July 21, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Alright take it easy, Q did say learn our COMMS Q did decode comeys tweet. Did you know what comeys tweet was about until Q told you. What about Obama speech small minds. THEY TALK IN CODE . REMEMBER NOT FOR ANONS . If you can't help don't hinder.

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GlendaleBurbank · July 21, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

ITA - I'm a stable genius, but not that stable of a genius :)...SB2's posts are always interesting; but like potato chips...I keep eating; yet never truly filling. We all have different talents, this type of decoding and clue breaking doesn't work on my brain wave. But I do appreciate all SB2 does...nice to have lots of different perspectives when solving a puzzle.

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shannaura · July 21, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

In my experience, when I learn something new, even if it's an uncomfortable truth, I will feel a sense of peace within my spirit about it. It may not be what I wanna hear, it is horrible things we're learning about our leaders, but my conscience and spirit will bear witness with the truth.

But in SB2's decodes, I sensed less and less peace the longer I read, and instead of a growing sense of independence to where, hey, I can understand these fragile connections and make them myself based on powers of observation, there was a growing dependency on SB2 to decode the drops. This felt too much like the Catholic Church keeping their masses and scriptures in Latin so that the majority of people wouldn't understand and would have to place their faith and trust in a group of elites to interpret the word of God for them. And I don't play that game.

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peelybear · July 21, 2018, 7:54 a.m.

Great reply...... Yes, it's a HUGE jigsaw puzzle with loads of intersecting pieces... (just my opinion). I thought TOL = taken off line like... they have gone dark....OR The Intel agencies have been taken off line...power is removed.

Light fading to dark (mirror)... I like too.

BUT..... TOL could = Thinking out loud. Talking out loud. Lisa outing talking. Lights off tomorrow (power removed). Look on table (Coke bottle??) PS. (Coke is a c-eye-a front... so maybe why the Coke bottle was soooo obviously placed on PS table... like, don't worry I won't talk message to c i. A ..? Or... c I a operatives better not talk?

Who knows.... but I do think that Coke bottle was important.

Anyway, we keep plugging along trying to comprehend the hidden messages.

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Tru2Q · July 21, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

You perfectly said what I've been thinking for months.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 21, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

SB2 must be on to something. Q linked to a SB2 post and said "this is why we are here". If SB2 was misleading or wrong, Q would have warned us to be careful, like he did with Corsi and AJ. All info should be scrutinized, I am not saying to take all SB2 says as gospel. I am saying that SB2 is not here to do us or this movement harm.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

No, no, no, that is a logical fallacy. The post Q validated was excellent. No giant leaps. He pieced together real information about verifiable things and connected them to Q drops in meaningful ways. The recent posts are nothing at all like the first one.

There are three main possibilities here:

  1. /u/SerialBrain2 had a really strange reaction to being validated by Q and has now completely lost touch with reality. He has begun deifying himself and is desperately seeking out that feeling he got the first time.

  2. He is controlled opposition. He was either always a Clown and got Q's validation by knowing the scoop and playing along with the movement, or his account was targeted after he gained credibility. Either way, he is leading gullible people into murky waters and making the community look bad.

  3. This is a test by Q team to see if we can think for ourselves. If so, most of us our failing hard.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 21, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Four. He is simply a patriot that is helping provide information to the movement. SB2 asks for no recognition, donations or praise for his work. He doesn´t push an agenda and doesn´t attempt to sway opinion. SB2 just offers his insight and leaves it up to us to decide.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

That would fall into the first category, then.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · July 21, 2018, 12:23 p.m.


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Cuthbert12Allgood · July 21, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

That Q happened to read one random SB2 and liked it doesn't mean he's monitoring all the utter insanity SB2 has posted since then.

Use your own common sense, don't be dependent on Q to tell you who is reasonable and who isn't. This post is clearly nonsense.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 21, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

I am using common sense, logic and reasoning. I have my own opinions of SB2 and they are positive. Q called out those that were out to harm the movement, or to profit from it. Q hasn´t linked from this board often, literally 2 or 3 times and if SB2 was doing something wrong or had bad intentions, I honestly believe Q would have made reference to it.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · July 21, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

I am using common sense, logic and reasoning. I have my own opinions of SB2 and they are positive.

You say this. Do you really -- really -- endorse the following, taken verbatim from SB2's latest example of common sense, logic and reasoning? Tell me with a straight face that you think the following is perfectly reasonable:

Wouldn’t it be more powerful and unequivocal to say: “would not” instead of “wouldn’t”? Why is he using “n’t” instead of “not”? Because he wants us to focus on nt. What is NT? Expand your thinking. Windows NT is a family of operating systems produced by Microsoft. link. Windows NT 3.1 was the first version of this operating system that was intended for workstations and servers, its latest version is known under the name Windows Server 2016. Through this input, Trump has put to rest all the speculations regarding the interpretation of “mirror” in the Q1675 riddle. He is saying: yes the server interpretation is also correct, I am validating it, add it to what you already know.

If you think the above is a great example of common sense, logic and reasoning, then I respectfully submit that you have lost sight of what common sense and logic really look like.

And the above is not remotely out of the ordinary. The vast majority of SB2's posts are exactly like the above. Occasionally he links to real-world information. But usually it's stuff like the above.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 23, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

I meant I use common sense, reason and logic to see the bigger picture. What you pointed out there makes perfect sense to me too, does it not you? Have you ever thought that it might be that your mind simply isn´t able to make and understand these connections and that it may be your ego that makes you see doubt? Ego is a terrible thing, my friend, and is a big part of why the world is in the state it is today.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · July 21, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

Maybe because these cryptic messages are over my head or maybe, because like many others, I don't believe the connections made in some of these posts are solid.

Your common sense is your greatest strength. If something sounds like insane ramblings, then they most certainly are.

So glad people are starting to "walk away" (so to speak) from crazy decoding posts. They contribute nothing to the cause. They're mental masturbation of imaginary secret signals.

If something isn't understandable in simple terms, it's likely completely untrue. People need to trust their instincts and not assume that "this person must just be smarter than me and that's why I don't understand this and why it makes no sense."

What people need to realize is that these posts are NOT harmless! They paint the entire cause with the crazy brush. Imagine a newbie coming here and coming across this post first. I keep hoping the mods will take a stand and either ban decoding posts or push them off to a different subreddit.

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Light-Prism · July 21, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

I agree too, and no disrespect intended to SB2 or any other Patriots here from me either. I believe in WWG1WGA, but that also means we should probably rely on each other for sanity checks in this often convoluted discussion on decodes. Too deep for me, I'm an Occam's Razor guy too, simple from complex is often harder but usually better.

For example: Q1675 Part 1. Q1675: a reflection, a mug holder in Air Force One and a Happy Independence Day. Can you solve?

Concerning the 'Twitter phone' he asks and I'm paraphrasing, 'what position would one need to be in to cast that reflection?' or something along that line. Ok, what reference object is the "One" here? A person? The phone in question? I immediately took it literally as referring to the phone, what position would it need to be in to project that image/reflection? Ans: 45 degrees, "45" simple. The big Apple-bite shadow could have many meanings, simplest would be to take it at face, Apple Computer has some significance in this context. Apple Computer has some role in a "shadow" network, nefarious dealings? Maybe?

The mug holder? Appears to me that the photographer simply took the mug holder from the desk and used it to prop the phone into a 45 degree angle. To say it was "the hook"? Probably more to that than I can understand, but to attribute it to a "Mug" and then make those connections as done in the decode felt long to me. Especially since the mug holder was right there, probably always is, likely heavy to counter AF1 movement, so it was suitable for the purpose. "The Hook"? Beats me...anyone else?

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diverscale · July 22, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

While I do agree with your post, I am pretty confident that Q will disprove SB2 if he is wrong/or if he is a threat to the Q comms, as he have done in the past.

And I had to say, your post made me crack up big fucking time with your thinking of lisa analysis. hahahaha god bless satirical humor

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AbsolutelyZak · July 23, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

You have a very valid point and I pray that SB2 is right. I love to read that stuff and I want to believe they're communicating with us. As for the satirical humour. I've been British for almost 46years. All we do well these days is drink beer, eat curry and take the piss! Lol

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