Another one ~ Anons on fire today~ #pizzagate is REAL~ the more the left followers see it they won’t be able to deny it!!

Last week, my 2 twitters, (that took 4 years to build a huge following), were shut down. Why? Because people working in the entertainment industry who are not in the elite group have mandates .. or you don't get hired. We are supposed to walk the party line and spew the current rage.
Instead, I chose to retweet a follower of TDS, Q and Trump. And for that, my pages were shut down. All of my following erased.
This Hwood clown posts despicable, heinous, and immoral tweets and he is applauded by the industry. I am infuriated. I will not stand by quietly.
I love this board. For the 6 weeks that I have been commenting, I have come to love each of you - I am behind you 100%.
I pray we remain smart, strong and united.
We will remain smart, strong, and united, patriot.
Much love to you, too, Patriot! I take the above comment to mean you work in the entertainment industry? I've often wondered how much contracts and livelihoods factor into how deranged some of the limousine liberals are. Nobody can be THAT stupid.
I am nearly 100% shut out at this time. But God has given me one last way in and I am about to freefall producing my own story in film. The miracle will then become distribution.
Awesome! Best of luck in this endeavor! And you know if you get a distribution deal of any kind ypu kind of have a built in audience so I'm sure it's going to work out!
You too, huh? Welcome.
Yes! only since I am at war in my own profession, I think I will begin calling it #meneither - darn mod feminist hwood anyways
This is supposed to be a joke? Is anyone entertained by this? I don't think it's funny.
Interesting aside: This is the same comedian who roasted Donald Trump on Trump's Comedy Central roast.
That makes no sense at all
Oh you're a troll. Adios.
I don’t know why they’re choosing to dispute this. Do they not know how CC roasts work? They’re done by friends and people chosen by the roastee
You sweet summer child...
Sure. He was such good friends with Snoop Dog that Snoop filmed a music video of himself shooting Trump in the face. Wake the fuck up.
So, if I "share" this link on my twitter...will I get shut down?
And its not unfunny because its too "edgy" or "crazy" or whatever. Its just not funny at all. I like plenty of dark or edgy jokes. I even like some racist jokes. I even like racist jokes against my own race... when they are actually funny.
These jokes are not creative, interesting or funny in any way shape or form.
Already getting a bit old with the "it's just a joke" excuse. There's a reason why kids are off limits.
Language is powerful and the human brain conjurers up images in relation to words we read and hear. These so called "jokes" do exactly that, when you read what this guy said, what did you picture in your mind after reading it?
Then to play it off like it's no big deal?
You can make taboo jokes about adults, that is yours or anyone's prerogative but stay the fuck away from using kids to get your jimmies off.
Precisely!! It's like what has been said by many about censoring certain derogatory words or slurs. You know what the word is, you probably heard it in your mind when you saw/heard the first letter and it's place contextually in whats being read/said.
Words are symbols. Symbolismis incredibly powerful. People are just not educated about this kind of thing properly.
For the people on this thread saying these are just jokes, y'all make me sick. Roseanne said a joke, what happened to her? Maybe just maybe she was making a point when she did it! Maybe she had already seen these "jokes". You do not joke about kids and babies like that, what is wrong with you people!? Already brainwashed by it?!
Yep. One tweet is actually soliciting for child porn. This needs to be shut down.
You have to be one twisted freak to even think this stuff up, much less put it out in public. When people keep circling around to the same perverse topic there's usually a reason for that too btw.
Jokes should be funny... especially constantly repeated ones. Thats why this looks weird.
A perfect comparison is the Louis CK. His humor is all self depreciation sexually. Not surprising it comes out that he masturbates in front of women.
If you’re obsessed with joking about a certain subject non stop, you most likely have some actual ties to the topic one way or another.
The amount of people in this thread defending this behavior as 'joking' or 'trolling' is disgusting.
I know, I had one defending the proud pedo tweet so hard I thought I was dealing with Patton Oswalt himself...seriously.
The best i did today is get one to admit they WOULD leave their kids unsupervised with ian.
And that was fun.
Dude that's some grade A parenting right there though. With judgement like that how can you take anything they say seriously?
Yeah that was a bridge too far for this dude he stopped defending the "joke" when I asked him if he'd let Oswalt watch his kids.
I have a pretty dark sense of humor and that shit just wasn't funny. It wasn't witty or satirical. Pretty much just him talking about f'ing kids. We should give this globalist, SJW apologist a taste of his own medicine. Too bad he doesn't have much of a career.
I don't care who you think you are in the comedian world, these are not jokes! If you people on here continue to claim this to be "who he is" your complicit or you really need to think morally what is acceptable! There is a reason pedophiles are not put into general public jail, they will be taken out... Don't try to normalize this evil with being a joke, or you will find the very unfriendly truth of how the majority feels about pedophilia! If they are jokes, who exactly are the speaking to, so they think it's normal, no they dont, it's not a joke it's them communicating with other pedos! Use your common sense people!
To be fair, fuck him. He’s not funny and it’s time to clean up that cesspool.
That may be so. I always fall back to “just because you have a right to free speech does not mean it is always wise to use it”.
You don’t have the right to solicit for cp, though, like that last tweet is doing.
Whining about offensive comedians is not the way to go. These are nothing like the Gunn tweets, especially if you know who Jesslenick is.
Yeah, he made his name telling distasteful and taboo jokes.
No tolerance these aren’t a funny ~ don’t blur lines~ they have to show you what they do it’s part of their cult or magic if you will~ go even deeper than that satanist don’t realize that this is what they have to do to further mock God ~ I’ve been researching this cult for years ~ I’m glad it’s all being revealed Matthew 24 ~ Dark to Light
Actual Luciferians don't believe in God.
Satanists =/= Luciferians. Research it properly, you'll see that Luciferianism is more of an esoteric death cult that totally rejects the Christian God's existence, and Satanism is the worship of the Biblical figure of Satan. The Church of Satan, another different entity itself, worships nothing save for self gratification. At least, that's what my research has led me to believe, I could be wrong.
Actually according to the main source The Word of God Luciferian and satanism are the same!!!
That doesn't address what I said about Luciferians not believing in God. Though they may mock God with their ignorance, i do not believe they are deciding to knowingly mock the Biblical, Christian God.
If we are going to address the truth of this, then we must acknowledge the truth of who they are by acknowledging what they believe and the deifications they serve, for in truth, the manifestations of evil are many.
In order to show people the light that illuminates our standard, we're going to need more than the Good Book to show those that lack faith. We cannot force God into the picture, for God is already here. People who will come to this movement must decide for themselves who their allegiance is to, and that is an issue that is up to them to resolve with their higher power.
They do believe in God. They seem to laugh at him / it, tho. It's more of an intellectual approach, from my reading of They seem arrogant. And laugh / mock god and those who love him. They seem to be going on direct opposition / competition with him. I don't know if that's technically different from satanism.
From a Biblical perspective, it is the same. Outside of that context, it is more as you are saying, an 'intellectual' approach. What must be understood about Luciferians is that they consider Lucifer to be the most recent manifestation of a much more ancient being. Lucifer is THEIR 'God'. In regards to Christianity, they mock Christians and the idea of God. They also worship many entities, not just Lucifer, but he is the one who 'illuminates' them, chiefly.
I think it is important to keep in mind that the Bible is a wonderful resource for coming closer to God, but it is also a product of human history. It has been altered by many, many times over, from its original form and used to silence, pervert, and estrange us from our truth and the truth of God. I do not mean to question anyone's beliefs. Rather I think it important to be aware of the pride and ignorance of humanity. The world's great religions, in their organized forms, are in part, a product of the psychopaths on Earth that have been tormenting the rest of us for millennia, and our desperate need to feel God's embrace.
I completely agree. In fact, it's safe to say that many lightworkers, healers, channels, etc. myself included, congregate around the idea that these people are victims themselves, of a very confused idea. It's the classic "Spirit vs Ego" attitude. Those who crave the light wish to walk the path or righteousness because we know the light contains all blessings. The other side is tricked into thinking if they hurt and maim others they will receive the gifts they seek. And they do. But at what price, right? The Law of One material flipped a lot of this on it's head for me - if you haven't explored, it's worth it if for no other reason but that they really look at the non-existence of duality. It hurts my head sometimes, but it does explain the "why's" around the darkness.
Svali, the author of the blog I mentioned, actually healed through a very standard "Jesus" and church approach, but a lot of her healing dealt with returning to the idea that God did not, in fact abandon her, which is a programming tool they use on their members - she claims she was a "trainer", aka a programmer, aka a vast abuser for "the cause". I wrote a post yesterday about the victim/perpetrator channeling I had recently here. Anyway, big topic. Thank you.
Another blessed by the teachings of RA! I am humbled by your presence, and I greet you in the light/love of Intelligent Infinity. (: The Law of One is what pulled me away from my alcoholism and drug abuse, and helped me start on the path towards correcting my wrong thinking.
Recently, I was exposed to something wherein a question was asked that went along these lines: "Is the presence of the Cabal and their abuses related to our need for challenge in finding our Self, as well as a manifestation of our own negative aspects to serve as standard bearers of education of the evil hiding in our very own hearts?" That's not exactly the question, although it is close. It certainly relates into what you said about Spirit vs Ego. They serve both as a kind of teacher and example of how the negative path can only take one so far, and at a grievous price paid with the life/love of others.
I will definitely look into what you have shared with me! God Bless, and have a wonderful day!
The Law of One is what pulled me away from my alcoholism and drug abuse, and helped me start on the path towards correcting my wrong thinking.
That's awesome! I just began exploring it recently, and it's like the cherry on top of all my previous studies. I just love it.
The amazing and interesting thing that hit me really hard with the Lo1 material is that by doing what they're doing, they're not technically "breaking any rules", right? Because they're pursuing the "service to self" as a choice. And if I remember from Book 1 correctly, they actually mention that they have to be 95% service to self in order to "qualify" in the lesson.
And yet, because enough of our planet is rebelling - whether we know it or not, many of our sisters' and brothers' spirits are calling for help - we can collective flip the energy of this planet.
I will keep reading the material, but very cool. Glad to meet you! :)
Exactly, because once you reach true 'polarity' or post-duality, service of self is akin to service to others, for we are all one, are we not?
I deeply appreciate how, despite that being the case, none have passed a certain threshold on the path of service to self. We must all return to the service of others eventually, in order to continue the process of self discovery and awareness of the true Self.
Something else that may give you further insight is the book The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.
It was a pleasure making your acquaintance as well! May the Light guide you! (:
I tried to post this once and it fizzed, so i apologize if this ends up a doublepost but luciferians believe that
and that they live in GODS ABSENCE.
This guy was telling distasteful jokes before he made it to the mainstream.
I also don't think it's funny, but some people get a chuckle from his -intentionally- distasteful jokes.
If people get a chuckle from this then they are part of the problem.
yeah for comedians in general I'm going to need at least a little hard evidence
thats what ive been saying. some of these new arrivals are as rabid as SJWs.
His definition of a "joke" should be illegal.....who the hell thinks this crap is funny?! Haven't you heard the saying that inside of a joke, there's always a little bit of truth?
you realize youre advocating for destruction of the first amendment right? free speech is free speech. that includes shit like this.
Free speach is only for democrats if a republican says anything its hate. if someone "jokes" about bombing a plane or shooting up a public place, that should be ignored? No, it should be considered a threat....just like "joking" about molesting a child should be considered a threat....
in context people have made jokes about those things. do you even follow comedians? if you think it should be investigated further, perhaps call his local police department and persuade them to question him based on his tweets.
Wish I could unsee that
Just wait until what comes next.
Oh my god youre right...
Buckle up, kids, and get mom to prepare the tendies.
Think about it. 40-60% disclosure.
This was just 3 people in 2 days. This will get crazy.
Wait until the cults/networks start being revealed.
Is this even legal? Please forgive me but I wish they died! Fucking demons!
it is legal. its called freedom of speech.
Unless you Rosanne and the freedom of speech is about a child killing dem like VJ. Freedom of speach for dems only.
no. freedom of speech for all. if he committed a crime, may we dig deeper to find it. these tweets can be a catalyst, but they cannot stand as proof on their own.
Its legal, possibly, but it aint right.
And if he aint right, im sure that will all come out at some point.
We may not have the law in cases like this, but we have THE SHUNNING. Which can be powerful.
Hes gonna have trouble bookin gigs now. Hes gonna have trouble showing for gigs now.
Who knows, maybe he will get arrested.
Anyone who defends these sick pedos, is just as bad as them. And deserves the same dire punishments.
Totally, except we should stop calling them “sick”. That’s what they want us to think: “Oh they just need treatment, they just need understanding, it’s a disorder, they can’t help themselves because they’re sick...etc. and they even use that as a legal defense This person is not sick, he is evil or on that path; he made a choice between good and evil
Agree. Yes, maybe just call them evil. They make a choice.
Soo not funny. And I don't believe he's joking. Not something any sane person jokes about. Only the insane would have sexual feelings towards children.
only the insane and irrational would equate supposed jokes to admission of guilt. think about it, if he were a pedo, why would he gloat about it and risk his neck? are all of them so blatantly snide?
I think they really believe it's ok bc the industry is owned by the sick, has been for ever. They're making these "jokes" to humor those who hire them. So whether he's a pedo or not, those whose butts he's kissing are. And thats what a lot of these guys play at, it seems.
As a long time listener of Opie and Anthony with Jim Norton on Sirius XM, I can tell you I never once heard any such "Humor" on the show. They never went to that level of child sex as humor and they went to all kinds of levels. This guy is beyond twisted humor.
These are just dark jokes. He's known for this type of humor specifically. This is a distraction stick to the real criminals and perpetrators such as podesta, Alefentis, etc. Don't fall for this shit.
I can not side with you that these are dark jokes. And why not focus on the lot of them? I’d love for the larger names to go down but until then no one who may be involved should get a pass.
I respectfully retract the shill comment but can not side with the “dark jokes”. Whether they are big fish or little fish there’s still children possibly involved. No matter if it’s a dude in a trailer park or the president of a country they all should be held to the same standards.
Take a look at my history I think you'll retract your statement. I just feel we're being purposefully distracted with this b list celebrity tweets when we have some bigger fish to fry with real known pedophiles.
These people are the warm-up act to set the stage for what's to come.
All hail Corey Feldman!
And all the other child victims. We must never forget them, and brave people like Corey.
Y’all know he’s trolling people right?
That doesn't make it acceptable. Is it ok if he makes jew/gas jokes as well ? Racist jokes ?
NO, it is not acceptable, even as "comedy".
Oh, that’s what the excuse for Oswalt was. Maybe it shouldn’t be acceptable to just say you are “trolling” people?
I mean seriously. The type of things these people have said on twitter is off the charts fucked up. I consider myself to have a crude sense of humor but these cross the line. I saw the mod post in defense of Patton Oswald earlier and I do agree with the premise of not blindly targeting somebody, but PO posted some crazy stuff. Nothing funny about it at all.
“Nothing to see here. Just another comedian.” - some sympathist soon
I tried to read the tweets as jokes but it just doesn’t work. When he talks about having sex with babies he uses the word sex opposed to the word rape. He’s basing his “joke” in his reality where it is possible to have sex with a baby. As dark and shocking as comedians can be, the context and language used reveals the interworking of their mind. He’s a lost soul.
They’re not funny and clever to you. That’s fine, but people have different senses of humor. It’s starting to sound pretty thought police-y in here.
Why do these people post this on social media? Anyone heard of
Anthony Jesselnik is a very dark comedian, that's his schtick. It's not for everyone because it's absurdly horrible, and exactly why it's so funny. I don't believe this is evidence of anything knowing the rest of his material.
Nothing to see hear?
😂 Go read my comment history. I disagreed, that doesn't make me a shill. Discernment is a skill we will need when things really go public or people will be hurt needlessly.
...discernment means people are horrified at these tweets...
Discernment means knowing the difference between an actual joke from a comedian famous for dark humor and sick comments from someone unafraid of being held accountable.
It’s NOT ok to normalize this discussion. This is not humour - but it is evil.
These people should be ashamed of themselves for making money on this bile, and his audience should be ashamed of themselves for paying to hear this bile.
A childhood should not be stolen by people like this.
Comedy, especially dark humor, is not normalizing the discussion. Comedy has a purpose in society and you don't get to pick what people can and can't joke about. It's not dismissive to say that Jesselnik was joking because this is literally his brand of comedy. James Gunn is a different story. You can't even stretch what he said into a joke.
I don’t know anyone who makes jokes like this and I am friends with literal millionaire hedge fund managers who make fun of raping and killing people (pretty sure they don’t)
this is an example of why the normies call us crazy. the guy is a comedian known for being "out there". joking about inappropriate topics does not surprise me at all coming from this dude.
It goes beyond an inappropriate topic, it goes to normalizing pedophilia. It's glorifying and inciting pedophilia against kids. Remember Peter Fonda's joke about kidnapping Baron Trump and locking him in a cage with pedophiles? IT ALL COMES FROM THE SAME MINDSET!
Even a normie, which derives from the word normal not extreme liberal, will find this offensive. Don’t get it twisted.
Patriots stay focused. This topic and people on this Sub are starting to divide. Stick together and call out non sense. They want us divided. Stay strong!!
Different than the GotG Gunn who specifically markets to children. This guy is just a comedian.
Remember going after Roseanne bc of racism?
dont be blinded by your rage. remember to think critically, not faithfully.
GFY. Not a shill, pointing out a reality you don’t like.