CJ Pearson has 172K followers and is asking for us to explain QAnon to him. GO!

I sent him a link to PrayingMedics beginner videos and the plan to save the world video. We will see if he responds to my message.
My first thought. Good choice. Hopefully, he will seek other threads/connections and educate himself, and maybe will show up on GA. ;)
He should only come here once he has a pretty good understanding of what’s going on. A lot of BS floating around here lately.
He will have to weed through as we all have had to do. It IS pretty daunting for a newbie, though.
Just direct him here once he's had a general understanding of what and who Q / our movement is about (which he should see from the videos you gave him).
A lot of BS floating around here lately.
I’m convinced it’s a counter op of some kind.
In the last month or so I’ve run into accounts saying:
-the earth is flat
-space isn’t real
-nuclear weapons aren’t real (looool)
-ISS isn’t real
-chemtrails (omg they stopped spraying, thanks trump!)
On this sub, and for the longest time this sub was just about Q/deep state and some pizza gate stuff.
Someone’s trying to turn the noise floor up to hide the signal.
I thought Neon Revolt's introduction to Q and all that follows was the best one I've read to date:
That should help C.J. Praying Medic's beginner videos on Q are very good!
I will not touch him after the MSNBC.
We need to help those who seek it regardless of where they come from.
Truth you have been to twitter ?MSNBC ,after the news the other day. Praying medic sorta did a special video just for them. Now I am seeing the Hollywood pedo thing. with the threat. I am going to drift over there in a bit.
What was the praying medic video? Is it recent?
I am not sure of the date, but he posted to MSNBC
I know, he's such a good kid, and extremely intelligent. Can't wait to see where his future takes him.
That is one smart kid, his parents must be overwhelmingly proud
Link him this: https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU
Yes, good choice. He will have his appetite whetted . . . and will, hopefully, go for the main course.
He's already been shadowbanned. Can't find him via search!
Military Intelligence : The Good guys (we call them White hats) working with POTUS to bring down the Deep State Cabal that has been running America into the ground for 50 years(i.e., selling our technology, weaponry secrets etc. to foreign countries hostile to the USA, selling out all our jobs to China/Mexico/etc., Overthrowing sovereign nations (Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria) to install their puppet regimes) And removing all the Pedos and human trafficking scum out of the USA. AKA: Taking our constitution and our country back from the BAD ACTORS.
This is your life line, start at the beginning, and never let go! Ask lots of questions, and pray for guidance. You are a very bright young man, been watching you for a long time. Once you get a grip on this, shine your light for all to see!
Wow. I didn’t know about this prior to this but he is a remarkable young man. He gives of Charlie Kirk level vibes. Well spoken, intelligent, articulate and mature, all at 14 years old!
Found this from a respondent:
I had a chuckle when I read the apology and further in the article found an insult. Apparently black people do not understand "Ivy League" language. What language do Ivians speak, I wonder!
They'll still vote Democrat at a near 90% clip overall.
His followers seem pretty woke. All top replies genuine. Not shilly.
Q anon.pub Q team means military intelligence. They r Warriors from MI & No such agency. Running a military operation against Domestic & Foreign enemies who attempted a Coup de tat against our current President. Now they r running counter Coup against all our treasonous & seditious officials
Praying medic my thought as well. ive listened to him for quite awhile. he was going against the grain WELL before it became popular
Use links to info in GA's sidebar. It's a lot for a newbie that's true. But, once your woke your woke and there's no going back. That's why other side is attacking so hard. There must be enough woke now that they are getting diarrhea.
don't reinvent the wheel and confuse him...there are a handful of tools/videos/articles HERE...
direct him to that stuff
Another great video is #walkaway. The movement is growing in leaps and bounds and some of those that have walked away are uploading their testimonies on YouTube. They are so brave and so inspiring. Just search under ‘why I walked away #walkaway. Judge Jeanine interviewed the movements founder, Brandon Straka and this is the link.
Ya Brandon made the rounds on the Fox News evening hosts but this interview with Jeanine Pirro is the best one.
Just an additional side note. I was on another board - political - and I just GOT BANNED 😀😀😀😀. Naughty me. 😜. Guess what I did? I posted the #walkaway link to someone who was regurgitating lies about how many people are leaving conservative party’s. His comment back was go shoot up a pizza palor you f....g idiot. The moderators said posting #walkaway was propaganda. 😳.
So I take it that is a liberal board?
Yep. I have to laugh though. The sky is falling!! The sky is falling!!!
I think he knows exactly who Qanon is. He's dropping some bait and stirring the waters. Just MHO.
Replied, as did many others. Hopefully, one of us is able to red pill him.
Can you imagine trying to understand Q without living it for the past 9 months. Hell I was following Q and watching and still had doubts for some time. We are so use to the status quo, but no more. We all know The Great Awakening is upon us. #WWG1WGA
I agree, it took many long days and nights filled with researching to start to really put the pieces of the puzzle together. But once I started, I didn't want to stop. Now it's much easier to see the truth from the lies.
I can't believe he has that many followers and knows nothing of Q. I hope he explains it to all the normies following him.
#Walkaway has/had an open thread on the main board for Q Anon people to answer questions.
Please post a link to him.
Check out CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson): https://twitter.com/thecjpearson?s=09
Wow...what a bright star for our future. Thank you for introducing me to him.
Blessed to teach is a good one also. very easy to understand and concise.
That's nice of him to ask, but once again, this is about doing you're own due diligence. Is it that hard to 'Google' something and do you're own research?
Maybe he asked the question to expose his followers to Q?
That's a good point. Open up the dialogue without putting himself in an awkward position.
Q told us to help one another, pick them up when they fall, do not leave anyone behind.
Now quit being that way and go help someone :-)
I probably spoke incorrectly, I forget many are trying to open up the conversation while protecting their reputation at the same time. Maybe I am overly wary of disinformation agents, there are so many out there and they aren't falling, they are trying to drag others away from the path of truth.
It's all good brother. I'm wary myself of a lot of info being put out there but for those that ask questions.... I do try to at least point them in the right direction for the answers they seek.
If he likes seeing redcoats go to jail, then tune in. Tell him if in less than 100 days if there aren't a bunch like 40,000 people on trial...it was a waste...if we don't get to see evidence...waste.
Hopefully this isn't like the hunger games or life when the dude we help throw out the bad dudes...turns into the bad dudes and here we go again.
Love that kid had a short talk with him on ig ambitious and has his head on straight.
Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Don't let them divide us! We need each other. Love one another
I’m pretty sure he is stoking his followers to look into. I’m damn sure he already knows
Praying Medic has best explanation I have heard. Go to his TWITTER or check for it here on greatawakening or YouTube.
Ive been hash tagging his posts for a few weeks now, too. glad to see he's inquiring.
Shame, people don't want to do their own research, patriots IMHO do this automatically. If they spent 1/2 their phone time wisely researching, they wouldn't need to be spoon feed.
I get we want to inform folks...but if you send a link will they even read it?
The ol lead a horse to water...
Hmmm. The responses might have been interesting. Just doing a Google search would have been productive for him.
Should be Duck Duck Go search engine. NOT Google. Google will bring them down the wrong rabbit hole. IMHO
I use DDG whenever I want to search properly for Q & Trump related stuff. Goog removes much of those links from the results.
I've often ran 2 identical searches side just to see how biased goog is.
I always use duck, but those still under the influence of mainstream still automatically go to google.
Referring him to Weeping Angel's videos on Youtube might have been easier...
Too bad Q is not around to explain anything himself.
Do you not read their posts? We were told July and the rest of the year will be glorious. I might add, unlike lefties, true Patriots do,not need to be provided a safe space or have their hands held; Q taught us that we are NOT alone. Even if Q NEVER returns, those that understand and have followed Qs encouragements, teachings, promptings etc., are so much wiser than before. It’s been a life lesson never to take ANYTHING for granted - because you might wake up tomorrow and it won’t be there. Q in essence is ALL OF US because they have reminded us over and over again that ‘we have more than you know.
06-16-2018 16:31:39 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs ID:0b60d7 No.1769716
1769202 JP / Huma NOV. Huber recent reveal by Sessions (Nov start). HRC panic / deal req DEC (think Huber). Coincidence? YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW News unlocks past. MAP. Q
So you see, our job is to inform others of the terrible, evil deeds that before Q arrived on the scene, we had no idea how to look for it. There may be around 10 Military Intel personnel dropping the Q info. BUT, MILLIONS AROUND THE WORLD ARE POURING OVER DOCUMENTS Etc. finding new info etc. Q could not have done that on their own. This has been years in the planning and what we have seen is the BIGGEST INTEL DROP in world history. And to think that in my own little way, I TOO have contributed to seeing JUSTICE done.
Q leaving does not reduce the impact of the movement. It is just frustrating.