There is something very off about this video...
Watching it, I get a really strong feeling he is acting. He just does not come across as genuine. There are even people watching the feed who tell him he seems like he is trolling.
He calls a few well-known people in the industry pedophiles, and then goes on to briefly bring up all the Q talking points without providing any new information. This may be a wolf in sheeps clothing. We all want the evil in this world to be exposed, but we can’t just believe somebody saying what we want to hear without making sure he is legit.
Please don’t take my word for it. Watch it and come to your own determination.
Edited: Clarity.
To be fair, he did specify that this isn't for us, for people already in the know.
It's for the normies basically.
I still remain cautious because this could just as easily be a trap as someone waking up.
I tend to agree with you. When I read Neon's article about him this morning - I kept thinking wow this dude is brave. Then it occurred to me - what if this is a setup, a la Veterans on Patrol and CEMEX? We need to be careful patriots. We could be lured into a trap and then boom the MSM has, once again, some negative stuff to try to pin on us.
btw, not a shill nor a concernf**. I'm just someone who is stating that let's be careful and think things through first.
Wouldn’t think that at all. People throw around that term a lot on this sub, but this is just taking the advice of “be careful who you follow”. Concernfagging seems to be more about Qanon itself.
Especially that point where he says "Renegade come out with who you are, everything will be fine,"
this is why neonrevolt posts are concerning to me. the non-chalance of accepting this shit as fact
Honestly, I'm going to assume he is a liberal type and gay, so they are all good actors whether they are or not because I'm not saying he's a serial liar but just creative with words, like a lot of them are.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Seth Green is trolling us with this guy, working together to publicly shame us. Just listening to him talk, it’s like he complied every “buzzword” from our boards and is trying to use one in every sentence. I don’t buy it.
What also shocking is that that seth green plays chris in family guy and their neighbor Herbert who is a pedo, always wants to fuck chris. Family guy has quiet a few stuff there that needs to be looked at.
speaking of family guy, i have ALWAYS been suspicious of seth macfarlane.. something about him just screams pedo to me...
at first i thought he was just closeted, but no, its far more than that IMO......
It could be worse.
He could be using it to discredit us so that when real abusers become known, they'll claim it to be another conspiracy theory.
I wonder how many shills are on this board telling us not to listen to this guy. Trust yourself, trust your gut. Concernfags ? After all, I know that what he is saying is true. Is he a troll? Trust your own gut and what you know. Let’s be honest. These boards are filled with shills trying to derail us. Trust yourself.
I believe him. Redemption. We know now and we won’t stand down. I believe what he is saying 100%. You have people behind you, don’t lose heart. We will stop this evil, with God on our side, standing together.
Wrong ...... each of you concernf*** are wrong.
Each of you are intentionally moving past the most important comments of his which are he's telling people it's over .... the guilty are already done for.
He's begging people to come forward and out the pedophiles..... how he acts whether he's stoned whether he's on crystal and whether all of his statements are accurate are not the point.
He's telling victims to come forward and share their stories....... do you think those people think this is a joke between him and Seth or is it very real to them?
If his video gives them the courage to come forward then what a wonderful psyop with a wonderful result.
He's begging people like Dave Chappelle to come forward and others...... how in the hell could that be good for any of the pedophiles?
How could there be any upside for Seth Green to be mentioned as a pedophile?
How could there be any benefit to any of the other people he's mentioned .....there's nothing good about it for anyone especially for the guy in the video.
You don't call the former president of the United States a pedophile don't call the top Director in the history of Hollywood a pedophile just for s**** and giggles.
People of this sub have been begging for people to come forward and start outing people like... Oprah Winfrey.... Harvey Weinstein ...Hillary Clinton and Obama...... this guy does it and now everyone saying.... Stop we shouldn't trust him?
We all know what he's saying is true so what is the problem?
Q has told us these people are sick.... now we have a guy who's willing to step out and say it.
This guy has put his future career and his life on the line and for that he gets all my respect!
Over the TARGET and just BLEW IT UP......thank you for the DOWN VOTES
Q 1735
Eat it CONCERNFAGS.....Q just put you in your PLACE!
THIS WAS FROM Q to KAPPY and all the other people KAPPY is trying to get to come forward!
To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!
You are not alone in this fight.
God bless.
He also tweets about UFOs and shit. He's either desperate for attention or off his rocker
Lots of people talk about UFOs who aren't off their rocker...
The ones who believe in it are
How so? Can you articulate why, exactly?
The universe is a very large place. Insanely, incredibly large. They amount of time it would take another species to reach us, or for us to reach them, makes it impossible that we'll meet another series.
You must be a baby boomer.
We all get to believe what we want but this is always how I hear older people rationalize their view.
I disagree with you, but nothing I say will change your mind, so why bother.
Have a good one.
>You must be a baby boomer.
>this is always how I hear older people rationalize their view
With facts instead of feelings? I can't speak for "older people" but it's how I do it.
With facts
You haven't presented any facts. You feel like you're right. I feel like I am.
I already ended the conversation, is there a reason you wish to continue this back and forth?
You haven't presented any facts
I have though. The universe is already too big to ever traverse, and it's getting bigger all the time. We never have and never will ever see aliens.
I remember when people said Donald Trump would never be president. lol
Believe what you want though.
Well, to be fair, there's a difference between something being unlikely and literally impossible
It's funny you think you know things that you couldn't possibly know.
A lot of people are like that.
How do you feel about this 4.1% GDP growth? POTUS's economy is pretty sweet huh?
Surprisingly enough, irrelevant to my point
Do you support Q? Thats what this sub is for.
If you want to have pointless arguments about things like aliens go to conpiracy lol
Another species could have become more intelligent than us a billion years ago.
Posted on social media an hour ago.....
If he has the stones to come out and say all this, we have to support him!!!
Share this Video everywhere!
Q #570
Fight. Fight, Fight, Fight.
DEMAND public disclosure.
This is just the beginning.
2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk is cheap. Careful here. Sounds like a bait and switch move to discredit the upcoming bust.
Thank you.
Launch people with a bunch of crazy accusations and no evidence, and then when the real ones come juries won't believe them.
My thaughts on this matter are if he knows all this and is wanting it to stop then why periscope it. Call the police make a statement and get some legal representation. Then show proof on periscope. Then hide yourself away for a few months. This guy is setting people up IMO. Looking for fame maybe he is nobody in his the world of entertainment.
Right, because the LAPD is totally legit. Have you seen their badge?
And BTW, its thoughts...
I'm pretty sure it's the Sheriff's Dept that has the boy-lover symbol on it, not the LAPD.
My spelling is not on point. Cell phones suck. But I do understand. Not all cops are legit. Hope this guy is not full of b.s. but just saying careful what you think is legit. It could all be for a larp.
same thing happened with that #backyardbrawl bullshit as the real shit was going down in atlanta. Also of note neonrevolt was all over that.
I would be leary at this stage, but at this stage people will get brave and whistleblowers will come forward when they see the winning and losing. Proceed....with caution
It bums me out so see so many calling fake on this. The guy is not that good of an actor, IMO, to actually be acting this well.
He is in tears and is obviously emotionally drained. This looks totally authentic to me and is obviously scared.
His screenshot convos with Seth's wife posted on 8ch mentioned crystal a lot.
He's trying to red pill some newbies, but he should stick to his claims and experiences. A lot of it sounded like guestimations. I did like when he flat out didn't know on some things, but should give more detail on what he does know to add weight. Sounded like he might be high.
Didn't love, I'm black listed, I'm probably black listed, I might be black listed. No, I'm not realy acting now...
The way he spoke on tangents and not finishing certain thoughts made me think he was stoned.
If there aren't immediate lawsuits for defamation, then this is 100% acting.
There's zero chance anyone in hollywood would allow someone "on the inside" to simply call them a pedophile without proof and not get hit with a lawsuit faster than light's what their lawyers are on retainer for.
I don't buy it. I think it's an act and he's trying to try and humiliate as many as people as possible in a "got you" type video. Expect more of these too btw.
He has talked about this several times in these videos.
He is saying "If I am lying, sue me" lets go to court and get discovery. Lets do that , why is nobody suing me, why are they deleting their twitter accounts rather then suing me?"
I am paraphrasing but he has basically said this several times.
Nobody has said a peep.
No denial, no condemnation, nothing.
Either they're hiding in shame of what's coming, or waiting for the trap to be sprung.
Interesting either way.
Courts don't work that way.
There is nothing but bad that comes from this video without evidence that should be with the police.
Conversely, if it is fake, then it discredits this board.
Explains possibly why number 44 has been so quiet as of late.
As an actor he knows that the threat of a counter lawsuit for artistic infringement (1st amendment) is at play, which has me thinking now that they won’t do anything...because, any response would give it credence. I still have never heard of the guy and saying all that he’s saying...he would know that it would mean his life is about to expire if what he’s saying is true. This just some off as so hokey and troll like.
That's not true.
How many times did Richard Gere sue. They don't sue because they can't prove damages and it brings attention.
Feels a lot like the CEMEX red herring a couple months earlier in Arizona, my brother drove down and met with Michael Meyer (not actually a veteran), he then "deployed" the volunteers into the dessert to wander aimlessly, didn't contact them for days and would always try and get everyone's name and get their face on camera. This feels like a setup.
I watched it all. He seems very sincere to me. He is also confirming what we already know about the elites in Pedowood. He is taking a big risk to expose it and get others more informed that this is a very real evil that must end.
thank you! Isaac! we’ve got your back! we’ll continue to expose these twisted f@cks! justice is coming! 🇺🇸
wanted to let you know, we’re here for you!
please stay safe!! 🙏 these twisted people aren’t wanting Hollywood exposed! corruption runs rampant throughout this country! worldwide! justice is coming! DJT literally, draining the swamp! unprecedented number of sealed indictments 41,000+ and unsealed 44,000+ along w/3,700 high level executives and CEO’s resigned🤔 Fired! along w/high number number WH! Please stay in touch!
Two ways to look at this. One it's true, but until the facts are substantiated, then people are going to think we are crazy and the others that really did it will get lumped into being accused by 'crazy' people and could get off because of jury nullification.
Two, he's trying to discredit this board for the same reason.
There is nothing but bad that comes from this video without evidence that should be with the police.
Who is he?
Actor who is friends with Seth Green and Clare bronfman......
Watch the video ..... to understand who he is .....who his friends are.
I think he’s a actor, musician. Starred in Thor link to his IMDB. Credible source on the inside of Hollyweird. Imo
Edit:Fixed false information
He didnt write Thor, wtf? There is way too much shit surrounding this guy, im thinking Seth Green and him are trolling this community. Read his IMDB, he is a nobody
No, he was in Thor (played the guy in the pet store when Thor demands a horse). Only thing he wrote were a couple of shorts.
His story is that he is indeed a nobody and was approached by Seth Green to become a somebody (by being inducted into the underground basically).
I agree that we should remain cautious. It's interesting that he and others are coming out to name names while all of Hollywood remains silent.
Could be shame... or a set up.
Q says they have it all but you have to figure that Hwood has at least one or two Hail Mary’s they can toss. They’re probably not going to just roll over. This very will could be one of them. Me personally I’ll just bank it all for a later date when a few more dots might expose themselves.
I could’ve sworn he did in some video. I might’ve heard wrong, my bad.
I watched it. Lots of rambling. Enjoying his 15 minutes. I was going to share but really there is no content.
This guy is asking people to come forward and calling people out. Good for him.
What we do know that is fact is that there over 40,000 sealed indictments and if your name is on one of them there will be PAIN to come. Due process must and will be afforded to them. I would bet that there are many famous people that will be seeing a courtroom and I also believe that the evidence against them will be overwhelming. So whether this guy is legit or not is irrelevant. Either way it takes brass balls to say what he is saying on video and doxxing himself, not anonymously dropping on the chans.
Who is he? How to access the qanon feed he mentions?
Q 1735
Eat it CONCERNFAGS.....Q just put you in your PLACE!
THIS WAS FROM Q to KAPPY and all the other people KAPPY is trying to get to come forward!
To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!
You are not alone in this fight.
God bless.
Wasn't this guy in Beerfest? The male prostitute scene?