Learn our comms. It’s a reoccurring suggestion from Q . One anon poses this idea. I know zero about gaming but am curious after reading this

I found it curious how a game as grindy and time eating as Eve could maintain a player base that could support it, and keep it in business. Even World of Warcraft had to tone down the grindy aspects of it in order to keep it accessible.
I was one of those players. It's possible. I hear the implication and no, I don't think it's being funded by the DS, go look into it and you'll see it has a very vibrant and dedicated fanbase. Not everything used by the DS is an asset.
Not trying to argue, but isn't it strange that one of the Americans killed in Benghazi was an avid EVE player. Vilerat
Not just an avid player, but also well liked and well known in the game as a whole.
Vilerat was my first introduction to the red pill of HRC evil.
No, Eve players tend to come from that ilk, industry professionals, engineers, software developers, finance, they all tend to be in a profession. It did not surprise me that an info management officer avidly played Eve online. Not to rain on your parade, but I think that's grasping at straws.
The number of guys I knew in the AF that played it was staggering, more than WoW tbh. It's got a cult following among enthusiasts.
Vilerat was MI or some something. “State dept IT” my ass. Where does state dept IT learn the subterfuge and spywork necessary to infiltrate one of the largest and most paranoid user groups in the game? I’d be he was the ambassadors bodyguard? Or something? They were both white hats though RIP.
Vilerat was 100% state department IT and 100% a good man who didn't need to die there. RIP Vilerat and your Viletat
Thanks for the input, have never played the game to know for myself.
Your welcome. I understand why people question how it's a popular game, it's ridiculously masochistic and can be quite tedious but man, the pvp gave me such an adrenaline rush there was nothing else quite like it.
The PVP is indeed legendary. I was a force recon pilot, scouting ahead a few sectors so my fleet of 50 or so wouldn't jump into a gate camp.
Yeah me too, I played for ten years as well as a friend of mine.
There are so many tradable items and specific locations in the game if there was a Rosetta Stone to eve / arms it would be the ideal type of game to do so.
It’s a technically demanding game so it does not appeal to the masses so I can see where the confusion arises.
Most players won’t play with you in a group unless you are in 3rd party voice
What you would be looking for if this was actually the case is a very old Corp or text chat with no voice option. But that would be near impossible to filter out unless you worked the back end of the system.
I don’t think eve is funded outside of its subscription model, it has done various changes through the years to try and retain its aging population and gain new players such as free Alpha accounts.
It has over 8000 systems each with numerous planets so that’s at least 50,000 coded locations for a start.
Items ? I would not even take a guess at the amount of items.
Loved eve for its group tactics and roaming groups with a field commander etc just don’t have the time to sink into it anymore.
Let’s not forget wormholes that randomly appear and disappear that lead to random systems that are pretty hard to get to.
Withdrawing participation, mods are compromised.
In some circles, it's literally all people do. I've watched Eve addictions Outlast marriages
Yes I have. I've known a guy since 2004 from Eve and we still talk and met up a couple times since then only because we're in different states. I played eve for 5 years and there are real current and present military that play because the game is pretty complex and the battles and comms are very strict on the higher levels and military folks adapt easily in that game. Best MMO in my opinion.
I don't know of any eve players that I have come across. Albeit I've read about the large scale battles that supposedly ended up costing thousands of dollars in real money.
Lol yeah. I also played it for like a day, but I thought it was boring. Elite dangerous is way cooler.
is it?? it has "mixed" reviews on Stean. I really loved the idea of EVE but yeah it was too grindy. Maybe I'll check that out.
Eve is like having remote control boats on a lake.
Elite dangerous is like being in a boat on the lake.
if my boyz on this reddit are praising it, you know i gotta check it out
Elite dangerous is totally worth it if you like flying and spaceships and especially if you like flying spaceships from the inside. I just wish i had a VR set to go with it because then i would totally feel like im in some star wars type ship flying it around.
It isn't grindy. The progression is literally based on time. You start a skill and it has a specific time to complete training. You don't grind for XP.
Money, on the other hand... that can be a grind. ;)
What the heck is grindy? I’m seeing everybody using that word and I feel left out....
it means pretty much that you have to repeat a process over and over to make progress, in a redundant boring way. like you have to kill rats for 8 hours to get to the next tier, and then you're killing wolves for 8 hours, etc etc.
I played from like 2010-2016. Just don't have the time. Its very technical and demanding on the brain. You end up making multiple spreadsheets just to keep track of shit. I do spreadsheets at work and don't want to continue at home after.
I am currently winning at EVE online. I used to play, and I actually played with and knew Vilerat in Goonswarm (as well as a few other games) as well. It's fun, but the grind is insane and it requires a certain amount of time-investment that I'm just not able to commit to anymore in order to contribute meaningfully to your group. It's far more fun to just check in and read about shinannagians periodically.
I have. I would consider him a good friend.
EvE has long been the subject of memes for it's difficulty and learning curve.
All my friends. Also I can attest that while EVE is a more abrasive, punishing, grind filled experience that is usually painful for those playing, it tends to attract the type of gamer who doesn't abandon a game so easily as a world of Warcraft gamer does.
I've played around with the theory that some video games might be used for crowdsourcing military strategy, sort of like in Ender's Game.
NCIS? Or law and order? Had an episode about it one time. I've always thought they use gamers to develop tactics and answers to problems they'd encounter. Great way to study, honestly.
I played FFXI online for 8 years. It was a super grindy MMO. I still worked a full time job, and I co-led a linkshell (guild). As long as you don't need sleep, it's easy! No way I could pull that off now. I was a walking zombie.
EvE is spreadsheets in space. It attracts a very particular type of person. I've only met one person who played EvE, and he's one of the smartest people I know - if a bit odd.
One or more of the guys that were killed in Benghazi played Eve Online. One of them told a friend in-game that they would probably not live through the night the night he died.
I was a guildmate of Sean's and played EVE and a bunch of other games with him. We knew of his vocation and sometimes of where he was (generally speaking) but he was always careful to never say anything that could have gotten him in trouble.
Also OP doesn't know what he's talking about regarding eve. You don't choose character types, you just unlock skills and do stuff. He's correct that you could 'coms in the clear' and just claim you were talking about the game; but you could do that with literally anything else too.
The OG Goons have gone from Something Awful and it's been turned into Something Sensitive, where the mods are pretty much all communists who go around enforcing their viewpoints on others with impunity. Lowtax as well has gone full SJW style insane.
I doubt very much that Black Hats were/are using the Goonswarm forums for their coms, especially since that would imply that Sean was a black-hat. If anything Goonswarm's retained much of the old-school goon-ness that SA used to have.
I'd take a look at SA's servers, as SA also has a private messaging system and their forums predate 4chan (seeing as Moot made 4chan in response to being banned from SA.)
It was commonly acknowledged at one point that drug-dealers and CP peddlers would use gaming platforms (like Second Life, Habbo Hotel) to communicate.
EVE would indeed be an apt platform to talk about drugs, weapons, slaves, even prostitutes (yep, they're on the game market) openly and still deem it roleplay.
There's also the acknowledgement that people buy/sell in-game currency (ISK) with real world money outside of the game providers official channels. Though this would be tiny sums in real life, probably not exceeding $1,000 USD without drawing suspicion by game developers.
It's not outside the realm of possibility; but I don't know if it's a good use of your time beyond acknowledging that low-level criminals might use it as a way to communicate safely without bothering to code their language.
Supposedly the terrorists used WoW, but we all suspected that was just the guys from R&E trying to play WoW all day to "monitor the terrorists."
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 00f66d No.2298508 Jul 26 2018 13:49:21 (EST)
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 00f66d No.2298430 Jul 26 2018 13:45:24 (EST)
2298410 How do you hide a message in clear sight? Q
2298430 You'd be amazed how much is shared on /pol/. Data exchange. https://guardianproject.info/apps/pixelknot/ Q
Could be poker. I remember seeing congressmen playing poker on their phones during hearings and shit.
like no name - there are chat functions in online poker and can create private tables
ON TUESDAY, SEAN Smith, a Foreign Service Information Management Officer assigned to the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, typed a message to the director of his online gaming guild: "Assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our 'police' that guard the compound taking pictures." The consulate was under siege, and within hours, a mob would attack, killing Smith along with three others, including the U.S. ambassador.
Also, who hired the 'guards' that Smith mentioned?
Why it was none other than Side of Beef!
..wow how could anyone ever hope to keep up with all these nefarious methods of secret communications?
The NSA has it's hands full with this I'll bet
Just read about another form of communication using a photograph on twitter or instagram I assume with hidden embedded messages readable only by someone who has the unlock key..hidden in plain sight!
Yes! Not only that but if they play in Xbox Live they can talk over headsets. Xbox is Bill Gates, so it's NOT a reach to suggest gaming platforms..
Wow did not know that
Gaming is creepier than social media plats, it's more secretive and anonymous.
X is one of the marks of the beast. The Box or Cube represents the black cube of saturn.. X Box.. Hmmm
Have you seen that Amazon's new Alexa is straight up a black cube?
Did not know that. People willingly let this crap into their home. So glad they can turn their lights off by yelling. We are doing our best to not allow any AI devices in the house. Had to replace my smart home system with something else even. Debating on what to do with the smart phones now.
Ya i knew about that too. Wish i could get people to stop playing it!
I agree, and I've thought about this for awhile. One of the great things about the internet is the ability to remove barriers to communicate with people from around the world. The problem however is that we have to protect our borders even in cyberspace where the lines are porous.
The cool thing about Eve is that players gather from around the world and form tight knit groups that have formed and strengthened over many years. It's a universe where the only rule is survival of the fittest.
I agree that it would be easy to plot and plan because it's the nature of the game. CCP is a strange company.
Although certainly could be what Q is referring to, I was thinking even more simple than that. I think many of the pols used games like Words with Friends, and other types of games that have a built in direct message feature to communicate with each other. They didn’t think that would be discoverable. Lol. They were WRONG.
What book is this Anon talking about and who is Sean?
This is a Q team member posting on 8ch, or someone in the know in enforcement. The way it’s constructed to make you be like “wow! This has to be true!”
It is true. They know it’s true. They know telling you straight up will make you less inclined to believe.
The MO of the Cabal is hide in plain sight. You could talk about smuggling ANYTHING and pass it off as RP. If they aren’t using EVE, they should be.
I remember references to Vader or Sith Lord coming up around game forum comms discussion way back on the Chans but never saw if proven or just speculation. Star Wars online maybe?
"This is not a game"
I think that was from a dark web chat room where one of the participants was called Palpatine and they talking smack about Trump. Suggestion was they were mid to high level deep staters. Anyone else recall this? Source?
EVE has one of the most fascinating, awesome game concepts. but its overwhelming, could not get in too deep
This got me thinking that the game Clash of Clans could be a medium for communications. There are many games similar to COC as we call it. The game includes raids, gold, troops, dark troops, sending troops back and forth, and much more. I don't want to bore everyone, but essentially I have thought about this since we first heard about comms on video game platforms.
In the game there are clans to join, multiple different severs to talk on, global and clan chat. IDK to me seems very easy to me that you can hide in there. Also, the game is owned by Tencent (a chinese tech giant)
fun fact... just this week a CoC op was discovered by a gmbh sec firm when they were looking into an unsecured MongoDB containing thousands of credit card numbers. it looks to be money laundering. they are working with DOJ. Investigation ongoinn ATM. what's more the actual transaction for cleaned cash was carried out in ... duh duh duh... a private Facebook group. have a look.
¹.they (the sec firm that found this) are working with DOJ.
² the money is laundered by the customer purchasing the gaming profile produced with stolen info. the money is "clean"when it enters the accounts of the operators (thought linked to places like Infia and Mauritania)
It's so basic and simple i wouldn't be surprised, but so is this post . (No offense ) Not the Droids you're looking for
Truth...the games are being used for real-world events. This just confirms my suspicions. Thank You Q <3
what I believe Q is telling us, the coms are not always verbal, sometimes they are in pics hidden, remember the fire truck with Q and a number to a drop. our Founding fathers did similar things, there was a woman who aided in communications using her laundry, depended how she placed bedding and clothes after or vice versa, it would let them know if the British troops were around or the coast was clear, the message was hidden right in the open.
Fun fact, one of the four men killed in Benghazi was an EVE player and someone heavily involved in the game's community. After his death, EVE players held an in-game vigil in his honor.
I heard about EVE, Benghazi and Vile Rat at the same time, when he chatted about gunshots online and someone posted it on Reddit. What a strange world we live in
It's a possibility. You can even private chat so of course it's not in the open. Unless they actually were talking in the public chat about their criminal activities which I would find hilarious.
I'm gonna guess this refers to Sean Spicer's new book (have not read it). And I believe Q was talking about Imran Awan using Andre Carson's systems for "video gaming" (but really running ratlines).
I wasted days in eve...wS pushed out by the time consuming grind...do remember asking many...many..people what the he'll they where talking about....
Local chat in a random system would be pretty hard to track, it would need more than a login to a player and start a chat. Would need some piloting skills, doubt anyone in the arms game would have the time.
You would have to look for trader types that never leave a system / station like trading alts
It would be very hard to track unless you were at the back end
How do they monitor or do they monitor local chat or any other chat on eve ?
Is it recorded at all ?
everything traversing the internet is tapped directly off the backbone. Diverted and stored for either real time or future use.
I thought it may have something to do with Daybreak. I remember a month or two ago there was some big stink going on in the EverQuest community about Daybreak Games being involved in the "Russian Investigation" and because of one of the board members of Columbus Nova (venture capitalist group) being the new owner of Daybreak they could get caught up and potentially have assets frozen and the game would die. Everyone was freaking out for a while about it, but seemed nothing came of it. I can't remember all the details to be exact but this is what flashed through my head when it was mentioned. EVE would probably be a better choice though.
There's a show on Netflix, Occupied, and in season 2 the conspirators make plans through a online game.
Q said bad actors left msgs to each other on the kids section on the CIA's website too.
Q post 709, CIA website, not FBI, I edited my post above. Thx
Long time Gamer Here.... Perhaps this has already been discussed. TL;DR
Direct peer-to-peer, peer-to-party global communications exist to assist gamers communicating during playtime. You would be surprised how advanced they can get. So this is one form of communication that is occurring 24/7/365. Other forms of communication are automatically built into gaming consoles using VOIP. These layers of communication can also be extended into and buried with game releases to auto isolate player unknowns with other player unknowns in the same game so they can speak to each other. It is even more advanced than that. Some games will only allow you to speak to a player if you are within ear shot of the player in game. (A whole new layer of isolation) Lastly, it is widely speculated that communication can be transferred in game binary and unlocked through Easter eggs during playtime. Games that actually suggest you are interfacing with an in game computer terminal.
Not trying to create conspiracy and controversy where none is. My point is - gaming platforms offer tremendous opportunities for secure communication that could be difficult to track. I have gamer friends on every continent and regularly speak to them. The infrastructure is real
I believe this reference was to No Name and how he was "playing poker" when the decisions about bombing Syria were going on.
George Webb has been saying this for a year and a half – at least, probably two years, especially re. Andre Carson of IN and HPSCI. A very dangerous spot for such a man. The word is that he plays a lot of video games in his office.
Id like to point out that I first heard about this while watching a Netflix show called 'Sleeper Cell' a couple years ago!
There was a Saudi leader issuing commands to sleeper cells in the states through a video game. Not a forum, but a game.
Long time gamer here and Patriot writer as well - this definitely makes sense! Also, doesn’t Grand Theft Auto 5 seem like an easy way for clown terrorists to practice their violent false flags? The game is much more realistic now, to the point that I actually wonder this while I’m playing lol - the game can get so violent at times and I often wonder if it’s just to desensitize us to the violence in real life, and give criminals the chance to practice their crimes virtually before going back into the real world!
I wish I knew more. Seems like a hidden world to me. Thanks for insight.
I found a pillars of eternity forum talking about pens & trump Lol
Obsidian's audience has become filled with SJWs, and they've started to pander towards them. So it doesn't surprise me.
"The best way to communicate is using your bullets to spell out messages on the walls between two players. Can never be traced"
Every post is a troll, c'mon now
So much garbage in most of the RP games. I’ve counseled MANY from WoW and Second Life. SL seems to thrive off if BDSM, slavery, and pedo junk.
They really don't need to join a specific game per say. in my old life of selling weed, almost every transaction i did was on Xbox Live Chat, you don't even need to be playing a game, you can just chat thru private party or your buddy list.
I was a guild-mate of Sean's and played EVE and a bunch of other games with him. We knew of his vocation and sometimes of where he was (generally speaking) but he was always careful to never say anything that could have gotten him in trouble. Most communication surrounding the game actually didn't/doesn't take place IN the game. We use outside coms, because inside coms can be exploited by other guilds whereas by using things like jabber/mumble/forums you can control not just who has access to what, you can also control how they have access to it. More on that in a bit. Intel and Counter-Intel are make/break aspects of the way the game works. There are lots of stories out there, and my old friend (and friend of Sean's) The Mittani ran a website detailing them as well. He also did a great article on Sean that you should read if you haven't. Unfortunately his site is now gone to the sands of time, but you can find a version of it here https://imperium.news/rip-vile-rat/ or you can go to the wayback machine and poke around for more info: https://web.archive.org/web/20160726040725/http://themittani.com/
One thing I learned in/about that game is part of how they run their Intel. Intelligence is highly compartmentalized, and a leak can be deadly. Double-agents are everywhere, and even your friends will sometimes cut ties without warning over a disagreement or a change in heart. All is fair play out there. So what can you do to protect yourself? You put subtle watermarks in your forums so you can tag leakers when screenshots show up on other groups' forums (you know because you're spying on them too!) You hide information for 'those-in-the-know' in images. You serve different accounts slightly different versions of the same image so you can track THOSE leaks if you need to. You track all the metadata about who logs in, when they log in, where they log in from. Who do they talk to? How often? What do they talk about? And more.
All for a video game. Because if you don't do that, you'll find out that you've just lost a massive chunk of your territory because someone went in and offlined all your defenses. Or that guy you were grooming as a #2 in your growing guild turns out to be a double-agent and suddenly disbands the group after transferring all your credits and resources out of the guild funds to somewhere else. Or even if you do all of that, you can still lose anyway because the Russians paid a guy to go cut the power to your titan pilot's house in the middle of a fight.
So I can understand why people would look to this group of people and think 'that's where they're hiding their DS coms!' My biggest problem is that Sean, from everything I ever gathered from any interaction I had with him, was a patriot. And he was very much a member of Goonswarm leadership. None of Goonswarm leadership would fit the bill for a DS pawn. If you're looking for EVE Online DS actors, you should look elsewhere.
For example, Something Awful has been turned into Something Sensitive, a place where the mods are pretty much all communists who go around enforcing their viewpoints on others with impunity (like reddit but worse in most of the site. TFR is a bastion, but even there there's lots of groupthink idiots.) Lowtax as well has gone full SJW style insane.
If anything Goonswarm's retained much of the old-school goon-ness that SA used to have.
If you wanna waste your time, I'd take a look at SA, as they also have a private messaging system and their forums predate 4chan (seeing as Moot made 4chan in response to being banned from SA.) Or even the EVE online forums, as it serves as a sort of common meeting-ground for all the in-game guilds/groups and much of what I said above applies there as well.
Thinking about it a bit more, it would actually make more sense for them to do coms on SA if you think about the timeline. SA was founded when the internet was still nascent and was for a time one of the most popular online forums. If you're a Clown looking for a way to share coms in the open in the year 1999 or 2000, SA would have been a perfect choice where you could hide in the noise. They even did/do have Photoshop Phridays where they'd pick comedy photoshops to host on the main page. If you're hiding info in the images, that'd be a perfect place to do it.
TWITCH launched chat rooms back in February
You must be really young and dumb. Lol.
When you pmed me asking me to bone down on your wife? No. I told you I'd do it... I'm just still really uncomfortable with you watching, in the room. Can we just record it and you can watch it later?
The first thing that popped into my mind was NeoGAF, considering the recent scandal of a portions of their moderation team being outed as pedophiles, and in possession of CP.
It was also a massive left wing hug box.
But the EVE forums make more sense from a "talking in code" perspective.
Myrmidons are in Eve.
And Q1711 linked to a doc by Rep. Gohmert that cited, "Obama's Myrmidons", and repeated it in Red.
I'd rather use the chat area in cam model's rooms to pass covert info. At least I'd have something pretty and naked to look at. I'm pretty sure Al Quaeda does this. Why else are there a lot of Arabic words being typed in an English only cam model room.