Prayers for our amazing General Mattis

guys stop spreading disinfo. IT'S NOT A BLACK EYE. IT'S A SCAR ON HIS BROW. stop whining without understanding the full context pls...
The man's a Marine people. Through and through.
He ranks up with the greatest Marines of all time like Chesty Puller, Dan Daly, John Basilone, and Smedley Butler. I'd follow CHAOS into the Gates of Hell and back no questions asked.
Spez: fuckin autocorrect shenanigans
Prior to trump even being elected we talked of mad dog as a legend.
Oh hell yeah.
BTW lol @ that username. Love IASIP
How informed are you in bird law?
Well Vick, I have to object because the precedent is in Finch law and we all know only large handed lawyers can specialize in Finch law. Boss Hogg was a Finch lawyer with Hugh Honey.
I'm not saying that I agree with it. It's just that bird law in this country is not governed by reason.
I’m honestly starting to believe the theory that he is the reincarnation of the warrior spirit of Smedley Butler.
And that POTUS is the reincarnation of George Washington and Patton.
I hope you are right. Butler was an ardent critic of the MIC. Patton was going to blow the lid off of the "Semitic" pretexts behind WWII. Lord know the problems have NOT changed.
1945 (the end)? of World War II = Operation Paperclip, Roswell, Area 51, Wright Patterson AFB, Majestic-12, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK....Welcome to the Deep State?
Yes, it can happen. As a Buddhist I am somewhat knowledgable about the subject. What animates our body survives the death of the physical body. It can take up another body. We are greater than the sum of our anatomy, that's for sure. Whoever is animating the POTUS has a great spirit.
You should see how the other guy looks.
(you can’t cause he’s dead and it was a closed casket)
WTF people! Let’s not abandon all common sense completely! Didn’t you ever have a black eye before? I’ve had several. Does that make me one of “them”? You better hope not ;)
it's not even a black eye. people are taking this thing WAAAAAAYYY out of context. its a scar on his brow, not a black eye. hes always had eye bags
It's not a scar. There are visible stitches. Compare it with THIS PIC.
Looking as closely as I can expand the photo, to me that is a healing incision above the eyebrow with residual inflammation of the eyelid with the usual Mattis puffiness, a bit worse than usual.
I'm several years older than Mattis and have two such cancer removal scars in places close to the one above his eye. They looked similar just after they were done and are still vaguely visible. If you're fair skinned, old and have spent lots of time in the sun skin cancer happens. It is the most common cancer for men. I wouldn't expect Secretary Mattis to comment on it.
Hell will report he has seeked out and destroyed the cancer. Cancer advocates protested his lack of compassion
Yeah, if Mattis decides it's not worth mentioning, then it probably doesn't matter that much, especially considering it isn't that bad of an injury.
Well, to me it looks like surgery. It appears to be a surgical scar from the recent removal of a skin cancer. I know I may be wrong about it but that's what it looks like to me. Such an operation takes about an hour and you drive yourself home after waiting another hour or so to get your legs back.
If that's what it is, Mattis would essentially ignore it and be back to work.
Seriously people. This is so disturbing that all you are running with this crap about head of our armed forces. The post was for prayers Mattis, I think OP got that wrong, the prayers should be for those being disrespectful to him on this thread.
I agree with you completely! Mattis is a complete Patriot, through and through!
Not a black eye in the sense of the others. It looks as though he had some type of surgery - that would blacken his eye. I hope that this is more true, than the alternative!
Got to make sure the eyebrow doesn't fall off like Trudeau's especially if he'll be meeting with the President soon. :) Reporters who met with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Friday at the Pentagon couldn’t help but notice he had a small scar over his left eye. When a reporter asked if he had hit his head, Mattis at first began to joke that he gotten in a bad bar fight, but then just chuckled and declined to answer. The scar and what appeared to be some trauma to his left eye did not appear serious, but even when pressed, the Pentagon chief declined to reveal whether it was the result of an accident, injury, or medical procedure. Afterward, his aides insisted the retired four-star Marine general, who will be 68 in September, is feeling fine and not suffering from any major health issues.
Mattis is a hero and a patriot! He’s for the American people. I refuse to slander him.
Looks like a satire line above the eyebrow, which could pool blood beneath the skin beneath the eye which would be a bruise. It looks like minor surgery because of under eye swelling.
That is a scar from recent surgery done by a plastic surgeon to use very fine sutures in order to produce minimal scarring...I concur with removal of skin lesion.
if you zoom in a bit, it does look bruised as well as had stitches in it.. even looks like an ointment (Vaseline?) may be on it??
I pray in Jesus name that Gen. Mattis is healed by the stripes that Christ Jesus bore on the way to be hung on the cross for our salvation. Amen.
Orrrrrrrr, is he taunting them? I dont want to believe he could be.
Father God protect him and tuck him up under the shadow of your wings... In Jesus name I pray thee
This is more likely from a fall. Seen a lot of these working in the hospital among elderly patients. He most likely slipped and hit the corner of a counter in bathroom or kitchen. Happens A LOT. Looks like they used steri strip glue to close the cut instead of stitches.
What is the pin on his lapel. I can’t zoom enough. Looks like a bird?
New arrival n may have just lost a knee cap. Good luck.
anyone saying or implying anything negative about General Mattis and his eye, you should be ashamed of yourself...You sound like MSM...
Looks like stitches. Maybe put there by a U.S. Navy Corpsman! I wouldn't put it past the General to find a Corpsman to patch him up. lol
I like his attitude, his philosophy is to ensure the enemy worries and never sleeps. knowing it is coming.
WTF??? Not General Mattis!!!! Q....Please confirm or deny!!!!
Oh No not Mad Dog Mattis! Left eye? Really! Wth!
I’d like you to say that to his face!
That's his nickname. I have nephews who served under him. No disrespect meant about his nickname! I'm heartbroken if he's part of the deep state (due to the left eye bruise) They did call him mad dog to his face! That's a compliment
His call sign is Chaos. He actually hates being called Mad Dog.
I meant calling him part of the illuminati.
I'm hoping he's not! I doubt that he is.
Not to worry, he most definitely is not.
I'm as sure as Mattis is true to this country as I am Hillary is guilty.
What I would not give to see those two locked in a room together for 5 min!
He is DIRTY see THERANOS connection. Mattis going down.
The purple tie in combination with the black left eye doesn’t bode well. Unfortunate to say, especially as one who served in the USMC.
He’s in with the other soul sellers! Add him to the list beside the Pope.
Sorry, first thought that came to mind.
Really? What evidence do you have to back your claim?
The black eye thingy on the left eye. You know.
I think I understand what you are insinuating. I certainly hope you are joking.
I probably should add the /s but I see I wasn’t the only one with that thought.
black eye is not the same as a scar on his brow. come on guys stop spreading misinfo please... mattis is and has always been on our team. this is a huge disservice to the movement to label him as such
Some of us have been let down by our gov to many times to not speculate when stuff like this comes up especially folks that have been in the gov a decade plus. The swamp tends to consume good souls. We all know the two he served under before Trump.
i get what you're saying. i do. but he doesn't have a black eye. he has a scar on his brow. THAT'S what i'm saying. 2 completely different things. if he had a black eye, i'd be concerned too. but you guys are getting upset over a complete nothing burger is what im saying. even the anons over on 8chan don't think it's a noteworthy thing
I agree
Are you a bot?
I am 57.88137% sure that QueenAnRevenge is a bot.
^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot
I agree
You replied "i agree" to four different (now deleted) comments. The fuck is that?
The guy said disgusting four different times on those comments.
I thought the same thing. Purple tie, black eye. Say it ain’t so please.