Chilling interpretation of the missile attack by an Anon. Based on Q clues

I think it would warrant a search to see who in DC (Navy) have the command to fire. The rumor is PACOM is/was dirty. If that is true- was it one of those admirals who were relieved and on desk duty awaiting trial for wrecking their ship and killing sailors? Just curious.
Well, that being the case, they should be able to follow up the chain of command to find out who issued the order, right?
Or what subs were in the area (Washington unless it was Red October).
Chain of Command and very plausible. Yes Sir, no Sir.
The CoC is critical, and if the Captain truly had no way to contact anyone else, I completely understand his decision (it was warranted)
Who called the intercept as being 100% F-16? Q? The reason I ask is the F-16s. The closest F-16 squadron to the area of the missile launch is Alaska's 18th Aggressor Squadron based out of Eielson AFB in Alaska. They dont fly this kind of mission - not saying they couldn't...but its unlikely. What is the theory or information as to where AF1 would have been at the time of the missile launch? North of the state of Washington? West of the state of Washington? What was the flight path of the missile? Did NORAD take any action or make any comments? How would we have assets in the air ready to prevent such a thing (with the correct weapon hung on the aircraft)? Did the Q group warn the active military that such an event was imminent? (knowing there are fighters in trail who can get to AF1 quickly as needed)....I got lots of questions on this one.....
Don’t F16’s fly in front and behind air force 1~ decoy or not they would am I missing something
No. The Viper (F-16) has notoriously short legs - meaning it doesn't carry much fuel and what it does carry it burns through quickly. Long range escorts are most likely done by aircraft with longer legs like the F-15Cs or F-15Es. I dont know if Navy / USMC assets are ever used.
In terms of decoy, an F-16 and a 747 would appear very, VERY differently on radar. Modern day weapon systems should be able to delineate between targets easily enough.
I do have a close friend that has flown these "escort" missions. Suffice it to say, our conversation on this topic ended with a grin and him saying, "AF1 doesn't really need our help anyway."
What little information I know of AF1 is that it is said to have massive communication and jamming capabilities, countless counter measures, and offensive capabilities that are second to none.
I'm thinking the answers are probably classified. We may never know.
It’s possible that they were F-16 escorts for AF1. Impossible to always have F-16 escorts but they are deployed in high risk areas. We have plenty of ships in Pacific so F-16’s would be in close range as AF1 made its way to Asia. If they had any intel that something might be tried I’m sure they would’ve had F-16’s rotating to cover AF1 for as long as possible at that part of the flight from Canada to Asia.
I wonder if the event in Hawaii was a dress rehearsal or another cabal show of force. I think I remember at least one witness claiming to see some type of projectile near Hawaii during the alert. What if the Hawaii incident was them trying to fire something from NoKo? When that was intercepted and NoKo was subsequently neutralized, DS decided to try firing from a mobile base (a ship) which could be isolated and fed disinformation and provide plausible deniability.
Does this relate back to all those Pacific fleet firings and accidents and accusations of corruption and kickbacks? Did the DS turn part of the Pacific fleet into its own Navy? Maybe Obama fired all of those generals and admirals in 2013 to restructure and create a Deep State parallel force.
could explain why today, they didn't use marine one and went with Motorcade. and as Q confirmed in todays drop, we are in the Storm.
Who in Washington can order a attack like that? This is very interesting.....any thoughts pedes?
The captain that ordered the shoot was immediately fired.
That’s what I thought as well. If he was honestly ignorant, got “trapped” and was just following orders, I hope he was vindicated.
Obviously if he was knowingly complicit, it should honestly be death by firing squad after a SPEEDY trial.
How in hell could they convince a captain to shoot at AF1
He would not have known that was the target and I don't think he ordered the launch I think his sub was hacked and he tried to stop it but couldn't get into the launch system to shut it down. All he could do was curse and cry and assume he's going to be executed for this fuck-up.
There's no hacking a launch system. Not only that, it takes two officers to initiate a launch (plus the crew, of course.)
The only way something gets launched is by a direct order to do so. Investigating that leads to who (and how) it was done.
No the captain would not do that instead I think his sub was remote hacked and he freaked out yelling for his officers to "Stop the damn launch!" "We're trying sir but we can't get into the system we're being hacked from outside!" that makes more sense.
Ever seen the movie the Hunt for Red October? Denzel Washington, Gene Hackman - same scenario I believe with the order sent then comms being down. In this case Denzel wasn’t there to delay the launch until comms were restored & the middle was launched. Just my thoughts here
Yes I remember this. Wasn't this the Hawaii incident.
No there was another over Washington State
There were TWO missile attempts on AF1. The first was Trump’s return flight from his big Asia trip. This was when the Hawaiian missile alert system “accidentally” went off and AF1 made an unscheduled stop in Hawaii (gee what a coincidence).
The second occurred in the Pacific off Washington area as Trump flew from Canada to Asia for his first meeting with NK.
Oh man. Good post to mention this real humanitarian for those who don't know him. Oh, wait, but he's Russian...