Anonymous ID: dbcd35 QRB General #537: Dave x22 'n Dave Hayes Tellin' It Like It Is Edition Aug. 22, 2021, 1:11 a.m. No.85294   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 1:14 a.m. No.85297   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



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>>85247 , >>85272 Scavino - Alabama crowd scan

>>85248 Biden breaks another promise, not to raise taxes on small businesses

>>85249 Voice message from American in Kabul

>>85250, >>85251, >>85256 Dave Hayes on X22

>>85258, >>85293 MP4 converter info

>>85264 Dr. David Martin Drops Shocking COVID-19 NEWS ON CANADIANS

>>85268 Biden's private Idaho for dank keks

>>85273 Delta Variant: The Vaccinated Are Worried and Scientists Don’t Have Answers

>>85275 DJT Deh Rawoud - Sandstorm trolling

>>85280 Good Ghani and Bad Ghani

>>85281, >>85290 Defense Sec'y General Lloyd Austin

>>85282 Good vibes from Brisbane CBD (crowd yelling "FREEDOM!")

>>85285 J&J using new company to take the hit from asbestos claims - do u trust them?

>>85288 Soldiers Fight Back Against Military’s Upcoming Vaccine Mandate by Filing Lawsuit Against Pentagon

>>85295 #536



>>85231 Doug Mastriano

>>85228 Everything woke turns to shit 17

>>85208 u tube removes rally in 2 minutes

>>85165 vaxed are worried and scientists have no answers

>>85160, >>85163, >>85222 Red Line

>>85149, >>85164 Looks like everyone got distracted by the unconditional surrendering!/puzzle anon

>>85147, >>85153, >>85155, >>85156, >>85158, >>85159, >>85162, >>85167, >>85170, >>85173, >>85179, >>85180, >>85181, >>85182, >>85184,

>>85186, >>85187, >>85188, >>85190, >>85192, >>85193, >>85194, >>85202, >>85209, >>85211, >>85216, >>85219 Rally highlights, all of em

>>85129 Mike Lindell has setup a whistleblower website for election fraud.

>>85116, >>85118, >>85119 Cyber ATTACK on State Department/QClock August 21, 2021

>>85114 Biden admin has issued a "warning order" to U.S. carriers. White House prepares to activate Civil Reserve Air Fleet for #Kabul airlift out of Afghanistan.

>>85112 @Stratcom Just another example of #integrateddeterrence & #strategicdeterrence linking capabilities together for #nationaldefense

>>85237 #535



>>85031, >>85039, >>85043, >>85052, >>85061, >>85071, >>85086, >>85090, >>85091, >>85098 PF updates


>>85076, >>85078, >>85079, >>85082 Covid-19: FDA set to grant full approval to Pfizer vaccine without public discussion of data

>>85066, >>85069 Would that be an owl's nest?

>>85060, >>85062, >>85064, >>85070 Pulitzer: phases of audit

>>85057, >>85058, >>85063 State Dept Sends Security Alert, Due to Threats Do Not Come to Kabul Airport

>>85056 research of Robert Fleming, who is testing treatments for the vaxxed

>>85053 Dr. Charles Hoffe's study

>>85044 Japan to extend $300 mil. in loans for upgrading Iraq refinery

>>85038, >>85041 Rally live

>>85035 Griffin's Citadel plans to redeem $500 million from Melvin Capital

>>85032 US Supreme Court Intervenes in β€˜Remain in Mexico’ Case, Blocking Program’s Revival

>>85026, >>85027 1 Owl 1

>>85025, >>85028 Grassley on harves

>>85023, >>85029 @NSA_Cyber Our guidance is still applicable for network defenders hunting webshells this weekend.

>>85017, >>85018 Pompeo: on Hannity

>>85016, >>85019 Dr. warns of long term SE of jabs

>>85015 The optics are designed to piss you off.

>>85101 #534



>>84983 Zbigniew Brzezinski 1979 enemy of muh enemy is muh friend

>>84971 San Francisco Prepares To Suspend Cops And Firefighters Who Refuse To Disclose Vaccination Status

>>84970, >>84973, >>84974, >>84975 moar Scavino/Q

>>84969, >>84980 Kash Patel: I ran Team Trump’s Afghan withdrawal β€” Biden’s attempt to blame us is just sad

>>84968 Scavino/Q

>>84964 45 pours it on: Afghanistan

>>84963 NO comment from HUSSEIN on Afghanistan?

>>84962 Florida Board of Education orders Broward, Alachua counties to allow mask opt-out in 48 hours or start losing funding

>>84987 Andy Ngo vid: fiery mom with 3 small kids telling off antifa

>>84991 Scant evidence that Jan 6 was an insurrection (surprise, surprise)

>>84992 Tucker: Lotsa FBI agents involved in Jan 6 but none charged

>>84993 DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB over the jab - make them FIRE you

>>84995 Gates Foundation shifts focus - investing $205mil in 9 Big Pharma companies

>>84996 Seth Keshel meets up with another former intel officer in MI - guess who?

>>84998 #533


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Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 1:15 a.m. No.85298   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 1:15 a.m. No.85299   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 1:18 a.m. No.85301   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5306 >>5371



baker OUT

ghosted bread


Thanks anons, u ROCK!

see ya'll tomorrow morning


Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 8:39 a.m. No.85343   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Posted last bread too but it was late - glad you embedded and added links. Critical information here. especially on Trudeau and UBC's role in developing lipid container for spikes

see >>85264 for a few notes.

Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 11:32 a.m. No.85365   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5367 >>5370 >>5373 >>5375 >>5395 >>5406 >>5427 >>5430 >>5437



Here's the YT Video on the 2012 Opening Ceremony at the London Olympics.


Satanic Ritual Enacted at 2012 Olympics; Foreshadowing of Attempt at 2021 Child Genocide?




~ 39 Queen and Duke of Edinburgh enter; Union Flag raised. All very la-di-da. But music becomes more calypso-ish

~42 Children of CHAOS Signing Choir for Deaf and Hearing Children sing National Anthem; french announcer simply says they are "de Chaos".

~ 44 Celebration of Natl Health Service and Great Ormand Street Hospital (GOSH) - "a very special hospital" TUBULAR BELLS from THE EXORCIST is played by Mike Oldfield, who wrote it

~ 45 Nurse begins reading a story to a little girl patient from an old-fashioned storybook

~ 46 Nurses and docs in old timey nurse dresses break into swing dance, children are jumping on hospital beds - bizarre

~ 47 Camera gradually pans back to show shot of bell - like liberty bell but remember, we just heard Tubular Bells

~ 48 staff putting children to bed - they look innocent, soft music plays while nurses shush the audience

~ 48 Tubular Bells starts up again - a child is seen w/flashlight under the covers looking at the same storybook as above

~ 48 JK Rowling begins reading about NeverLand - the 'snuggest' island

~ 49Creepy crawlies start emerging around the children's beds to Tubular Bells

~ 49 Announcer: we're going to see some of the great villains out of the literature for chlidren - and we do

~ 49 Dark figures start moving the children's beds around while the staff retreat in terror

~ 50 shot of GIANT tubular bells w/large bell overhead

~ 50 GIANT CHILD SNATCHER hovers over the child with a sharp knife - chilling - all the while the musicians continue playing and staff is doing strange npc-like movements (signing?), they are blase; the children are TERRIFIED

~ 51 Many Mary Poppins dressed in black descend and do dance routine; monster sort of deflates - but it is not defeated, just folds up; music begins to "Good Christian Men Rejoice" danced as a jig; jig trivializes the content, like it's mockery imo. At the end, there's another shot of the BELL.

~54 The children are put back and bed to return to sleep - there's a giant BABY under a blowing sheet that looks totally CREEPY. Crowd cheers.



-This is clearly an enactment of a Satanic ritual of child sacrifice.

  • Starts with a salute to the Matriarch (the Queen) and the system (the flag).

  • Tribute to NHS - a terrible socialist health care system

  • Tribute to Great Ormand Street Hospital (GOSH) - a scene of many sex scandals and coverups

  • When children are put to bed, some read stories instead - scary ones, about Neverland and monsters - the giant ChildSnatcher comes over a child with a knife while staff retreats = OBVIOUS SATANIC RITUAL

  • Mary Poppins descent - like the Virgin Mary in the Bible but fake and ultimately POWERLESS - she can dispell the fear with a spoonful of sugar but has no power to defeat the devil.


You could write a book on this thing....ugh.

Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 12:36 p.m. No.85378   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun





Thoughts on tarot symbolism from the perspective of the hero's journey

From a jungian/spiritual evolutionary, where the two cards are INVERSE (Hanged Man = 12 and World = 21) and thus related. Also, the Hanged Man is said to be hanging from the World Tree.


The Hanged Man (12) is not a negative card but represents the phrase in the journey where the hero must pause and reflect upon what has been and what is to come - in other words, delve deeper, not stay on the surface of things. It's a pause between the world of the ordinary and the underworld, where the hero must challenge himself to develop his potentialities and face his greatest fears. The light around his head reveals the truth that calm contemplation helps us see things from a different pov (upside down to our conditioning and thus creatively).


The World (21) represents the ultimately fulfillment of the hero's journey: a dancing figure who is unencumbered by the limitations of the world and his own conditioning by those "in charge." He can be both in the world and beyond it.


In relation to Olympics Satanic Ceremony and 2021 world situation:


2012 Ceremony shows us what the DS has planned for the future (our descent as a civilization "into the Deep"): a dark ending in which humanity is sacrificed and enslaved, especially for the children ( = the end of our future as a species).


2021 is the year in which that is projected to be fulfilled: the jabbing of the children in Australia is a parallel event in which that which was playacting in 2012 comes to pass in 2021.



(despite everything)


the DS can NEVER take over the World, because those who want this lack the balance, creativity and judgment to sustain it. They may steal an election but they can't hold it - bc the people they put in charge are all out of balance and thus incompetent. Witness Afg situ. They are grossly overplaying their hand and we are starting to see the results.


The Great Awakening is much more powerful than the Great Reset - even in its wording. They can't use language to flow ideas and always reveal themselves as a result.


It takes only a small number of patriots to overcome the would-be world dictators, because they have nothing to work with but fear, and that can only tear down, not build up. The danger is that they tear down so much that it's hard to rebuild. Creative, unconditioned thinking can overcome static power structures every time - and allow us to dance our way to victory.



Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 1 p.m. No.85379   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5380 >>5395 >>5427 >>5430 >>5437



This is a great example of horrible US government public health messaging. So condescending. So childish.

"y'all"?? Why not just address it "Dear deplorables".


Remember, the US Government (NIH) sponsors an outpatient ivermectin clinical trial which is currently enrolling.


FDA says using ivermectin can be dangerous and even fatal.

I guess it's a good thing I'm using HCQ.


But the word is out. Look at Amazon ...getting hard to find horse ivermectin on the cheap anymore.


Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 4:09 p.m. No.85411   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5412


they blend the positive with the negative in a way that is distorted - which causes us to lose both language and symbols = destruction of culture


This is what qr crew did with the general image last fall - not just replacing it with "q research" instead of "qanon research" (that was just the first step, warning shot over the bow).


They went on to distort it in ways that mocks the very thing it was intended to convey - a sense of solidarity around the idea of patriotism, teamwork, bravery under fire.


When this is was done, anons didn't like it - they objected. bc people always know on some level the dif between innovation/variation and mockery.


but it's always done step by step, making it harder to see. subtle degradation over time.


this is different than

Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 4:42 p.m. No.85419   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5422 >>5427 >>5430 >>5432 >>5437



except this hospital was for street children - the poor

what happens to street children?


it was easy to find stories about GOSH

had pedos working there and there was a coverup

see >>85370

and that's only what we know, what came out


something about GOSH acronym is bothersome - an expression of surprise used by children in mid-1900s

what surprises were in store?

Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.85421   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5427 >>5430 >>5437


hard to know what is real and what is not


i posted that vid last night

better to let anons take a look

if these things are real, we must act

better to motivate action and then find out it wasn't necessary than the other way around


Here's something from cm -

was gonna post nb but it's relevant


Video 1 ( - US citizen trying to get out of Kabul records a video while reporting, "There's no help here, it's all a lie."


Video 2 ( - Meanwhile Harris cackles as she talks about how Afghanistan is their highest priority.

Remember how quickly the Resident’s β€œtransition team” was able to mobilize the National Guard and reserves to go defend his installation in January?

Where is the Army when actual citizens are in actual danger in Afghanistan?

Anonymous ID: dbcd35 Aug. 22, 2021, 4:57 p.m. No.85426   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


why would you have studied that nine years ago?

no one knew - or at least, it was still mostly hidden

i knew for years that there was a DS plot to take over everything - Roundtables, CFR, Trilaterial Comm - but nothing on the children.


Began seeing that when doing research on education in 2014 - strange things with class syllabi, never b4 seen (hostile language, adversarial, forced contracts for students to get work in on time, etc.) - also behaviorism (not about learning but achieving "behavioral objectives", such language mandated for teachers describing courses).


In that way, became aware of how ed system was trying to get rid of good teachers and force new ones to toe the line. beginning of rabbit hole....